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1、语法法难点突破之点突破之 三三 非非谓语动词一一高效高效记单词记单词1.todo2.-ing3.done1.Thenewsmeeting,tobeheldinthathall,hasalreadybeencrowdedwithreporters.2.Iheardthegirlsingingintheclassroom.3.ThemantalkingwithmyfatherisMr.Wang.4.Toliveistostruggle.(生活就是斗争。生活就是斗争。)找出以下句子中的非谓语动词含短语找出以下句子中的非谓语动词含短语下面从两个方面来复下面从两个方面来复习非非谓语动词1.非非谓语动词解

2、解题四大步四大步骤2.非非谓语动词的七大的七大经典原那么典原那么非谓语动词解题非谓语动词解题四大步骤四大步骤一分析句子构造一分析句子构造, ,区分区分“谓语与非与非谓语1._many times , but he still couldnt understand it .2. _many times , he still couldnt understand it .A. Having been told B. Being told C. He had been told D. Though he was toldC_A留意留意连词3.It _ a hot day, wed better go

3、 swimming. 4._arainyday;wedecidednottogothere.A.isB.tobeC.beingB.D.ItbeingE.ItwasF.beenCE留意留意标点符号点符号 非非谓语动词虽不能作不能作谓语,但仍具有,但仍具有动词特点,特点,其其逻辑上的上的动作作执行者就叫做行者就叫做逻辑主主语。二找逻辑主语二找逻辑主语1.Walking along the street one day, she saw a little girl running up to her.2.She is reading a book found on the way.3. Convin

4、ced of the truth of the reports, he told his colleagues about it. 普通来普通来说,作状,作状语的非的非谓语动词的的逻辑主主语是句子的主是句子的主语;作作宾补的非的非谓语动词的的逻辑主主语是是宾语;作定作定语的非的非谓语动词的的逻辑主主语是被修是被修饰词。A.totakeB.takingC.tobetakenD.takenDBEverythingthey1._everythingintoconsideration,theyoughttohaveanotherchance.2.Everything_intoconsideration


6、ntainisaseaoftrees.A.SeenB.SeeingC.HaveseenD.Toseewethesouthfootofthemountain四分析四分析时态1. The building _now will be a restaurant .2. The building _ next year will be a restaurant .3. The building _last year is a restaurant.A.having been built B.to be built B.C.being built D. built _C_B_D二二.找逻辑主语找逻辑主语三


8、为了赶上第一趟公交车,他很早就起床了.tocatchupthefirstbus. 2.He had wonderful childhood, _with his mother to all 2.He had wonderful childhood, _with his mother to all corners of the world (corners of the world (安徽卷安徽卷) )A. travel B. to travel C. traveled D. traveling A. travel B. to travel C. traveled D. traveling 3.

9、Inthe1970s,peoplefromaroundtheworldsettledintheUKtoliveandwork,_foodfromhomewhichattractedtheBritish.(11省省统统考二考二12 A.tobringB.bringingC.broughtD.bring【解析】由于与句子主【解析】由于与句子主语语之之间为间为自自动动关系,且表示关系,且表示动动作作继续继续了一段了一段时间时间,故用,故用-ing。句意。句意为为:和:和妈妈妈妈游遍世界各地,他度游遍世界各地,他度过过了本人愉快了本人愉快的童年。的童年。原那么二:原那么二: 用作伴随状用作伴随状语,原

10、那么上要用,原那么上要用-ing.-ing.inging方式作伴随状方式作伴随状语与与 to do to do作目的状作目的状语的区的区别:作伴随状作伴随状语的的inging方式与方式与谓语动词的的动作同作同时发生且生且前面前面经常常带一逗号一逗号; ;而作目的状而作目的状语的不定式的的不定式的动作要比作要比谓语动词的的动作后作后发生前面不能用逗号。生前面不能用逗号。用括号里的用括号里的词的适当方式填空的适当方式填空1 1. Write to the editor, _ that the . Write to the editor, _ that the editor editor would

11、 be able to help her would be able to help her hope hope 2 2.She reached the top of the hill and stopped .She reached the top of the hill and stopped therethere _ on a big rock _ on a big rock( rest )( rest )3 3.The secretary worked late into night , .The secretary worked late into night , _ _ a lon

12、g speech. ( prepare ) a long speech. ( prepare )4 4. _ warm, we shut all the . _ warm, we shut all the windows. windows. ( keep ) ( keep )preparingtoresthopingTokeep,原那么三:用作原那么三:用作结果状果状语时,可用,可用-ing-ing或不定式,其原那么区或不定式,其原那么区别是,是,用用-ing-ing,表示一定,表示一定逻辑的的结果,即果,即结果在果在预料之中。料之中。不定式用作不定式用作结果状果状语表示非表示非逻辑的的结果,

13、即果,即结果在果在预料之外。料之外。4. The retired man donated most of his savings to the school 4. The retired man donated most of his savings to the school damaged by the earthquake in Yushu,_ the students damaged by the earthquake in Yushu,_ the students to return to their classrooms. (to return to their classroom

14、s. (江江苏卷卷 A. enablingB. having enabled A. enablingB. having enabled C. to enableD. to have enabled C. to enableD. to have enabled 【解析【解析 此此处用用-ing -ing 表示自然而然的表示自然而然的结果。果。 如:如:It rained heavilyIt rained heavily, causing severe flooding in that causing severe flooding in that place. place. 大雨滂沱,呵斥了那个

15、地方洪水泛大雨滂沱,呵斥了那个地方洪水泛滥。 6.Hehurriedtothebookingofficeonly_thatalltheticketshadbeensoldout.陕西卷西卷A.totellB.tobetoldC.tellingD.told5.Itrainedheavilyinthesouth,_seriousfloodinginseveralprovinces. 天津卷天津卷 causedB.havingcausedC.causingD.tocause原那么四:凡是含有被原那么四:凡是含有被动意意义时,原那么上要用,原那么上要用过去分去分词。但是,假但是,假设所涉及的所涉及的动

16、作尚未作尚未发生,那么用不定式的被生,那么用不定式的被动式;假式;假设所涉及的所涉及的动作正在作正在进展,那么用展,那么用-ing-ing的被的被动式式. . 7.His first book next month is based on a true story. 7.His first book next month is based on a true story. 陕西卷西卷 A. published B. to be published A. published B. to be published C. to publish D. being published C. to pub

17、lish D. being published 8.Atthebeginningofclass,thenoiseofdesks_couldbeheardoutsidetheclassroom.A.openedandclosedB.tobeopenedandclosedC.beingopenedandclosedD.toopenandclose【解析】【解析】of后后应应接接-ing,desks与与openandclose之之间间存在存在逻辑逻辑上的被上的被动动关系,又因关系,又因couldbeheard,所以,所以选选-ing的被的被动动式表正式表正在被在被进进展的展的动动作。作。of原那么五


19、ing的完成式的完成式10.Dina,_formonthstofindajobasawaitress,finallytookapositionatalocaladvertisingagency.湖南卷湖南卷strugglingB.struggledC.havingstruggledD.tostruggle【解析】由于Dina与struggle是自动关系,且struggle发生在谓语动词took之前,所以用-ing的完成被动式作缘由状语。原那么七:用于名原那么七:用于名词后作定后作定语时,原那么是:,原那么是: 用不定式,表示用不定式,表示动作尚未作尚未发生生; ; 用用-ing-ing,表示,

20、表示动作正在作正在进展展; ; 用用过去分去分词,表示,表示动作被作被动、完成。、完成。11.(11.(重重庆卷卷) Many buildings in the city need ) Many buildings in the city need repairing, but the one first is the repairing, but the one first is the library.library.repaired B. being repaired repaired B. being repaired C. repairing D. to be repaired C.

21、 repairing D. to be repaired 12. 12. 全国全国I I Mrs. White showed her student some Mrs. White showed her student some old mapsold maps_from the library. _from the library. A. to borrow B. to be borrowed A. to borrow B. to be borrowed C. borrowed D. borrowing.C. borrowed D. borrowing.原那么三:用作原那么三:用作结果状果状


23、那么五:非谓语动词作状作状语时,原那么上其,原那么上其逻辑主主语应与主句主与主句主语坚持一致。持一致。原那么六:原那么六:强调动作作发生在主句生在主句谓语动作之前,原那么上作之前,原那么上要用完成式要用完成式-ing的完成式或不定式的完成式的完成式或不定式的完成式原那么七:用于名原那么七:用于名词后作定后作定语,原那么是:不定式表示,原那么是:不定式表示动作尚未作尚未发生;生;-ing表示表示动作正在作正在进展:展:过去分去分词表示表示动作完成,被作完成,被动。Practice Summary1.非谓语动词解题四大步骤非谓语动词解题四大步骤方法总结:谓非谓,找主语,析语态,方法总结:谓非谓,找主语,析语态,定时态定时态2.非谓语动词的七大经典原那么非谓语动词的七大经典原那么



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