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1、人教版六年级英语上册(pep)8/28/2024精品教学课件2024/8/28dictionaryWarm upcomic bookword bookpostcardPresentation 谁是小小翻译家?谁是小小翻译家?1.space太空 2.travel 旅行 3.half 一半 4.price 价格 5.lots of 大量的,许多的 6.half price 半价 7.about 关于8. When are you going?你们打算什么时候去?9. Why not go on Tuesday? 为什么不星期二去呢?spacespace shipspace travellots o

2、fhalf price1.What is Amy going to do?2.Is the ice cream for John3.Who is Jack?Listen and answerRead and answer1. Who is Jack?2. Where are Jack and John going ?3. What are they going to do?4. When are they going?重点知识讲解: 1.周二电影半价日 在我国,许多电影院周二部分时段或全天电影票半价。周二电影半价的活动始于2005年,为了吸引更多的观众进电影院看电影,广州部分影院开始试行半价制

3、度。半价活动一试行就吸引了大量的观众。后来,中国电影放映协会向全国影院发起每周二定为电影院票价半价日的倡议。据统计,当年全国就有44个城市的168家影院加入了该活动,实行周二半日价。不过,周二半价日并不强制执行,影院可以自愿响应。 2. Why not go on Tuesday? why not在这里意为“为什么不呢?”表示提出建议,后面跟动词的原形。3. 用来询问某人打算什么时候做某事,句型: When +be动词+主语+going(+to+其他)? 回答:主语+be动词+going+(to+其他)+表示将来的时间词./用表示将来的时间词直接回答。 例:When is Mike going

4、 to play ping-pong? He is going this afternoon. This afternoon. 4. about的用法 about是英语中常见的单词,它的作用很多。 (1)关于、有关 例:This is a book about animals.这是一本关于动物的书。 (2)大约、大概 例:Its about 3 oclock.大约3点了。 (3)常与what, how组合,译为“.怎么样” 例:What about Mike?迈克怎么样?Practicebookstore buy a word bookSunday morningpark fly kites

5、tomorrow两人一组,从下面的信息中任选一组,创编对话。A: Hi, xxx. Where are you going this weekend?B: Im going to_.A: What are you going to do?B: Im going to_.A: When are you going?B: _.A: Can I go with you?B: _.参考对话: 请根据书上第26页的表格内容,调查自己的同桌的计划或打算,并以书面形式做汇报。 句型: xxx is going to . Hes/Shes going to . there. Hes/Shes going th

6、ere. 小小调查员。1.lots of _ 3. space travel _2. half price _ 4. next week _Test一、翻译下列短语。许多的宇宙旅行半价下周1._ is he going to do Hes going to play football. 2. _are you going? Tomorrow.3. _is Mike going? The U.K. 4. _is that boy? Hes my cousin.二、给下列句子选择合适的疑问词。what whowhenwhereWhatWhenWhereWho 1. Im going to the

7、hospital. (就画线部分提问) _ _ _ going? 2. cousin, is, visit, going, to, me, my, afternoon, this. (连词成句) _3. Amy is going there tomorrow.(就画线部分提问) _ is Amy going there? Where三、按要求完成句子。areyouMy cousin is going to visit me this afternoon.When Im Lisa. Im going to have a busy weekend. Saturday morning, Im goi

8、ng to buy a new comic book by subway. Then Im going to go home and read the new books. Sunday morning, Im going to the supermarket with my mother. Then, in the afternoon, Im going to visit my grandma. That will be fun. ( )1. Lisa is going to buy a comic book_. A. by bus B. by subway C. by train ( )2

9、. Lisa is going to the supermarket with_. A. her mom B. her dad C. her sister ( )3. Lisa is going to visit her grandma_. A. Saturday morning B. Sunday morning C. Sunday afternoon ( )4. Lisa is going to have a _weekend. A. busy B. free(空闲的) C. sad BACA四、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。1.抄写课文。抄写课文。2.与你的伙伴仿编课文,表演对话。与你的伙伴仿编课文,表演对话。Homework



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