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1、At the airportAt the airportVickyAbout Me Im Vicky. My Chinese name is 徐志唯, which is only one character different from the great poet 徐志摩. However, I hope Im as brilliant as him. I started working as an English teacher in 2006, right after I graduated from Yangtze University. I had a break of one ye

2、ar studying Spanish in Beijing. So I can speak a little Spanish.Contents1.Some airlines 航空公司航空公司2.Boarding procedure 登机流程登机流程3.Task 1 Dialogues对话对话4.Task 2 Ask and answer问答问答5.Task 3 A story at the airport机机场故事场故事6.Airport signs 机场标志机场标志nAirFrance法国航空公司nEmiratesmirts阿联酋航空公司nBritishAirways英国航空公司nAirC

3、hina中国国际航空公司nChinaSouthern中国南方航空公司nQatark:tAirways卡塔尔航空公司Some airlines航空公司航空公司nWhat procedures would you follow when you travel by air?Boarding procedureGet ready1. a passport 2. a ticket3. a visa 4. the hand luggage5. the luggagenGo to the check-in counter办理登机手续处nCheck in your luggage行李/baggage, ta

4、ke carry-on luggage with you (Pay an excess baggage charge)nGet the boarding pass登机卡nGo through the security checkpoint安检处nGo through passport control护照检查处nGo to the departure lounge laund候机室nBuy presents from duty-free shops免税店nDeparture board机场显示屏ndelay/ on timeGo to the boarding gate登机口Show your

5、boarding passBaggage compartmentAisle seatWindow seatcentral aisleFolding tableReclining seatWhat will they remind you to do?nTheywillremindyoutofastenyourseatbeltandputyourseatintheuprightposition.nTheywillremindyounottosmokeuntilyouareinsidetheterminalbuilding.nThecabincrewwillcomearoundwithlandin

6、gcards,andtheywillaskyoutofillinthem.nFasten your seatbeltnLife-vest救生衣landing card/ arrival card/entry card入境卡nBaggage claim area领取行李处reclaim the baggageCarousel ,krsel行李传送带Trolley trliluggagecartnGo through customs / immigration counter入境处柜台Goods to declareNothing to declareJet lag 时差nTime zoneTok

7、yo is an hour ahead of Beijing.Dohadauhis 5 hrs behind Beijing.New York is 12 hours behind Beijing.nSymptoms The main symptom of jet lag is altered sleep patternsleepiness during the day, and insomnia失眠during the night. Jet lag may also include indigestion消化不良 and trouble concentrating注意力不集中. nHow t

8、o avoid Exposure to bright morning sunlight cures jet lag after a few days in most people. A couple of days before you travel try going to bed earlier if you are travelling east and later if you are travelling westbound. Complete these sentences with a suitable word or words.1.whenyouarriveattheairp


10、gothrough_8.Awomanatthecheck-incounterweighedmy_9.Ilookforourflightnumberonthe_checkincounterboardingpasscarry-onluggagedelaydepartureloungecustomsluggagedepartureboardjetlagTask 1: Dialogues Vocabularyncheck-intek,inn.(机场)登机手续办理;登记npassportp:sp:tn.护照naisleailn.走廊,过道nluggagelidn.行李nscaleskeiln.秤,磅秤n

11、boardb:d登机ntagtn.标签ndeclarediklv.宣布,宣告nwhiskeywiskin.威士忌酒npackagepkidn.包裹,包npurposep:psn.目的,意图A: Morning, sir. B: Morning, Id like to check-in. This is my passport and e-ticket.A: OK, Sir, just a second. Aisle or window seat?B: Window seat, please.A: Do you have any luggage?B: Yes. This is my carry-

12、on luggage and Ill check in this luggage.A: Please put your luggage on the scale.A: Sir, here is your boarding card. Please keep your luggage tag.Dialogue 1 at the check-in counterA: Morning, sir. B: Morning, Id like to . This is my and e-ticket.A: OK, Sir, just a second. or seat?B: Window seat, ple

13、ase.A: Do you have any ?B: Yes. This is my luggage and Ill check in this luggage.A: Please put your luggage on the scale.A: Sir, here is your card. Please keep your luggage .Fill in the blanks check-inpassportAislewindowluggagecarry-onboardingtagA: Do you have anything to declare? B: Yes, I have a b

14、ottle of whiskey.A: Can I have a look at it?B: Sure.A: OK. Would you mind opening your handbag?B: Not at all.A: What is this? Youll have to pay duty on this. B: The camera is for my personal use. A: Well. Whats the purpose of your visit?B: Im here for business.A: All right. Thank you.Dialogue 2 at t

15、he customsTask 2: Ask and answer1.1.CanIseeyourpassport,please?CanIseeyourpassport,please?2.2.IsthisyourfirsttimeintheUnitedStates?IsthisyourfirsttimeintheUnitedStates?3.3.Whereareyouplanningtostay?Whereareyouplanningtostay?4.4.Howlongareyoustaying?Howlongareyoustaying?5.5.Doyouhaveareturnticket?Doy

16、ouhaveareturnticket?6.6.Whatisthepurposeofyourvisit?Whatisthepurposeofyourvisit?nPractice with your partner. Answer these questions with your own information.TASK 3 A story at the airportThelasttimeIcametothisairport,Ilostmypassport.Iwasniceandearly,sotherewerenoqueuesatthecheck-indesk.Icheckedinmyh




20、ssportthere.IwenttothegatetoboardtheplaneandthenIrealizedthatIcouldntfindmypassport.Atthatmoment,theycalledmeovertheloudspeaker.WillpassengerMartineztravelingtoMadridpleasecontacttheinformationdesk?Ifeltsoembarrassed.Airport Signs 机场标志机场标志International,intnnlAirport国际机场DomesticdmestikAirport国内机场Pass


22、partingto前往Actualktultime变更时间Landedlndd已降落Delayeddileid延误Occupiedkjupad(卫生间)有人Vacantveiknt(卫生间)无人LostandFoundfaund失物招领处AirportTerminalt:minl航站楼、候机楼Airportsshuttletl机场班车Discussion1 Have you ever taken a plane?2 What is the most interesting part of the flight, and what is the most boring part?3 What do you usually do during the flight?Home worknRemember the new words.nRemember the dialogues.nRead airport signs.



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