沪教版九年级上册英语课件 Unit3易错考点专练

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1、易错考点专练易错考点专练安徽译林版九年级上安徽译林版九年级上 Unit 3 Family life习题链接习题链接1212考点1提示:点击 进入习题答案呈现考点2interestinginterestBD3alone; lonely3interested12考点3CA3B4interest4lonely5alone4also5too/as well6either7too习题链接习题链接答案呈现考点412BA3C4C5B考点512patient withpatients patientlyall her patience3考点考点1 1考点考点1 interest, interesting 和和

2、interested 的辨析。的辨析。【易错点津易错点津】interest名词,意为“兴趣,关注”; interesting形容词,意为“有趣的”,主语通常是物,可以作表语,也可以作定语; interested形容词,意为“感兴趣的,对感兴趣”,主语通常是人,且多用于be/get/feel/become interested in 结构中。考点考点1 1选词填空。选词填空。1.【新题】The movie My People, My Homeland is so _ that all of my classmates love it.2. My parents encouraged my _ i

3、n science.3. My hobby is chess. Are you _ in learning it?4. Although this subject is very popular, I have no _ in it.interest, interesting, interestedinterestinginterestinterestedinterest考点考点2 2考点考点2 lonely 和和alone 的辨析。的辨析。【易错点津易错点津】lonely形容词,意为“孤独的,寂寞的”,用于描述感情上的“孤单”,常用作表语,有时也可用作定语,意为“偏僻的”; alone作形容

4、词时意为“独自的,单独的”,常用作表语,不带有感情色彩,也可作副词,作状语,相当于by oneself或on ones own。考点考点2 2一、单项选择。一、单项选择。1. Imagine that you are _ on an island. Are you afraid or excited?A. lone B. aloneC. lonely D. personalB考点考点2 22. My parents usually work at the weekend, so I often stay at home _. But I dont feel _ because I have m

5、any books to read.A. lonely; lonely B. alone; aloneC. lonely; alone D. alone; lonelyD考点考点2 2二、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。二、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。3. 尽管她总是一个人去旅行,她却从不觉得孤单。Though she always went on trips _, she never felt _.alonelonely考点考点2 24. 在影片荒岛余生中,查克最终在荒岛上幸存了下来。In the movie Cast Away, Chuck finally survived on th

6、e _ island.5. 这个老人独自生活在一所老房子里。The old man lives in an old house _ .lonelyalone考点考点3 3考点考点3 too, as well, also 和和either 的辨析。的辨析。【易错点津易错点津】also 作“也”讲时,较为正式,常用在be动词、情态动词或助动词之后,行为动词之前; too 和as well作“也”讲时,用法基本相同,常置于句末,可以互换,在简略答语里too常用于宾格代词之后; either作“也”讲时,用于否定句,常置于句末。考点考点3 3一、单项选择一、单项选择。1. After learning

7、 the lessons above, you shouldnt make such a mistake and she shouldnt _.A. too B. as wellC. either D. alsoC考点考点3 32. My friend Mary is a very good teacher and she is a very good cook _.A. too B. alsoC. either D. neitherA考点考点3 33. Airplanes are fast and _comfortable, though they are expensive.A. as w

8、ell B. also C. neither D. eitherB考点考点3 3二、选词填空。二、选词填空。4. My sister has been to Hangzhou, and I have _ been there.5. Jack enjoys playing basketball. His brothers enjoy playing basketball _.too, as well, also, eitheralsotoo/as well考点考点3 36. Mary didnt go to the park yesterday morning. I didnt go there

9、 _.7. I really enjoy the school trip.Me _. Well take another trip next term.too, as well, also, eithereithertoo考点考点4 4考点考点4 feel, look, smell, sound 和和taste 的用法。的用法。【易错点津易错点津】feel, look, smell, sound, taste为感官系动词。feel, 摸起来; look,看起来; smell,闻起来; sound,听起来; taste尝起来,系动词有一定的词义,但并不完整,必须和后面的表语一起构成系表结构。考点

10、考点4 4单项选择。单项选择。1.【 2020 新疆建设兵团】Look, Cindy. The flowers in our classroom come out in one night. Thats fantastic! They are beautiful and colorful. They _ nice.A. smells B. smell C. sounds D. soundB考点考点4 42.【2020乐山】Your idea _ good. Lets give it a try and see if it will work.A. sounds B. smells C. loo

11、ksA考点考点4 43. How does the banana milk shake _ ?Delicious. Id like to have another glass.A. look B. smell C. taste D. soundC考点考点4 44.【 2020无锡】Hmm, something _ so good. Is it a cake? Can I try some?Hand-made cookies. Still warm. Here you go!A. feels B. looks C. smells D. tastesC考点考点4 45. 【2021黄冈六校联考模拟

12、】 _ beautiful the coat is! And it _ so soft.A. What; feels B. How; feelsC. What; is felt D. How; is feltB考点考点5 5考点考点5 patient, patiently 和和patience 的辨析。的辨析。【易错点津易错点津】patient可作名词和形容词。作名词时是“病人”之意(可数); 作形容词时是“有耐心的”意思; patience只作名词,意为“耐性,耐心”; patiently为副词,意为“耐心地”。考点考点5 5根据汉语意思完成句子。根据汉语意思完成句子。1. 格林女士是一个非常慈爱的老师,她对学生很有耐心。Miss Green is a very kind teacher who is _ _ her students.2. 杨医生非常耐心地对待他的病人们。Doctor Yang treats his _ _ .patientpatients patiently with考点考点5 53. 面对这些吵闹的孩子们,那个妈妈失去了她所有的耐心。Facing these noisy children, the mother lost _ _ _.allher patience



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