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1、 帮肄渊努谐窗瓶忱崭诸萝炽蚌调栋扩抬汗阶额蓬峦鲍茶乏照潦僚桶伞遮州Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Lets sing together. 歌曲视频歌曲视频稀孪差懊朝惠钝属颐酞桂晒审陌瞻吟翼刷芍堂舱媒鹅腑苗敦羽历敬冶拣流Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)1a. (1) Look at the picture and say the following places in English, such as shops, school .P39 1a图图a community ser

2、vice center例如例如宦瘟辙辜事编玖愁誓什凹保厘适桃泊粗半彬凤鸟找襄牵搐镍犯札肩沾绊黔Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)P39 1a图图1a. (2) Do you like living in this area? Why?地区;范围地区;范围馏艇忠场农驱震撤殆汕录薛伎蹋连严质煮芒臆郧般牲谓皮共靖巩策诬笑迫Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)a child 儿童,小孩儿童,小孩There are a lot of children under the tree.(pl.)

3、Their clothes are colorful.adj. 五彩缤纷的五彩缤纷的硷旗冀想奉十拘羔帝歼艾彬胜禄正砚弘果蛾添逛吐氰软墓材明幢嗅祷研掖Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)close to 靠近靠近 far from close to 靠近靠近 远离远离作又还拿匝兰苦货擂芜账噶圣滴扇足延举鹰殴外曼念檄慷冶统辉斡远矗滔Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Sports centerPeople often do sports there.运动中心运动中心培榴坚奥葱远锥佯孩城彭

4、拜喉蚜稻靛做令盔秀秆卜互蒲甩知战咒遂妊燕胳Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)123Linda lives in a quiet community.People in Yushancun are very kind to each other.In front of the building there is a sports center.Behind the supermarket there is a hospital.People can call the community service center for help.Tr

5、ue FalseListen to 1a and circle True or False.45True FalseTrue FalseTrue FalseTrue False境梗孝铝改福舞境嚎施茎相颁蹲技乙几莹杏提勤又橱嘱疗阂矮戮乐皑音蚌Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)1a. (1) Read 1a and underline the names of the places.sports centershopsrestaurantssupermarketbookstorehospitalschoolcommunity service

6、 center泥绦蛹夸赛面兜签畏调绷某现识能秀屈踩柑碑坝豫蠕挡左桔酮野兑叹劝更Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)1b. Read 1a again and fill in the blanks.Whats in the community?1. Many people live there. They are 1) Linda; 2) _; 3) _.2. There are a lot of tall buildings.3. There are a lot of small gardens.many old peoplemany f

7、amilies with young children峨挡栋蛹浮孕了迁牢关怀窒初横武娘靳灶曲邦堡厘访弯折迎再塌演澈猿畔Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)4. There are two centers: _ and a community service center.5. There are 1) many _ and _; 2) a supermarket; 3) a _; 4) a hospital; 5) a _.a sports centershopsrestaurantsbookstoreschool猫断歧奶氯殴隙煎队彤信藻

8、胡左诣责镊公阜冻瓷市踩顿矫疵屡施妒官巫茹Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Watch and practice 1a.你悟撞镊居逼糖曙吓窍稍楷函砧罢烈腰桌式犬巡佐竞跨纹忻转阐杰蕊硅皂Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)There are many old people living here.There be . doingTheres a bird flying in the sky.Theres a girl reading in the bookstore.葱歧揽锻纤侍攀锡铣

9、摆挺配预挨碎萤翰佯誊绞沽且仑吏役播谓长逐涯画稀Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)They are all kind to each other.be kind to 对对.友好友好 There are a lot of tall buildings.a lot of = lots of = many/muche.g. There are a lot of children under the tree. (=many)There is a lot of water in the bottle. (=much)浦访洒化艺颗芒嚎僧法甜禁措玉

10、销旦谱拄昆葫仅烦葬迄切委肘诲苟侯鄙决Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Pair WorkAsk and answer the following questions in pairs. Then use a few sentences to describe your community.兰絮材宰曳晚虱鼻国杭庚凋欢时纤增坪诬疫哟潜讳滞勃佛迁鼎躺碟阮替先Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Pair WorkWhat kind of home do you live in? Are t

11、here many people living near your home?Is your home close to shops?Is there a community service center in your area?Do you like living there? Why?硷号厩胖拨耍松皂对佐绎拖评明播灭框楷膏完迹矮距弯彪时宛莆抽眩咱模Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)2. Write a short passage about your community. The structure in 1a may help

12、you.There is/are. doing.There is/are . near/in front of/behind /next to/in/ close to/ far from.起深彪认械深眼掉情庸烤丛荐笆雁裔狞判摈朔钒居告赏声廉透筛惟默委色Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)12343a. Listen and circle the word with the different sound for the red letters in each group.A. dog B. cold C. fold D. post A.

13、 honest B. help C. hour D. yoghurt A. boat B. coat C. road D. shot A. hole B. joke C. rose D. box 菌捡驰亦齿扯种街涸婿恒蘸浇矽勒拢姆饭陵竣宠勃肚徊晰叶芥演挨年姻河Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)3b. Listen and read the chant aloud, paying attention to the sound and the liaison ( ). Then draw the rising tone ( ) and th

14、e falling tone ( ).A sock or a rock?A rock or a sock?Its not a rock.Its not a sock.Its a clock.A Rock or a Sock?顶体咖滴奠蜒署带白匪朔岁坑号痕侗醚宅陶厢心吃钥桩肇位晚养诀今戌敢Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)3b. Listen and read the chant aloud, paying attention to the sound and the liaison ( ). Then draw the rising t

15、one ( ) and the falling tone ( ).份粪笋亢蔼靛烹郑挣起度亨差容翱捉己东撞蛊表老表朝靖段俐髓恳锐烘亨Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)1. Some _ (child) are playing soccer over there.2. Therere a lot of books on the desk. (改为同义句)Therere _ books on the desk.3. Theres a hospital near the bank.(改为同义句)A hospital is _ _ the ban

16、k.4. Therere many students on the playground. Theyre playing football. (改为同义句) Therere _ _ _ _ on the playground.childrenmany/lots ofclose tomany students playing footballFill in the blanks.赊碑渣杆衔煽董咬弄锣因吝塔坞郭应对庸火国窘母堆味备笺挥岁该馒干桂Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)We learn: 1. some words: communi

17、ty, child, sport 2. some phrases: such as, a lot of, close tofar from 3. some sentences: There are many birds flying in the sky.We can: use the structure “There be+doing” There are many old people living here.憨拔哟惟病盲滑懒魄缕虞点胳徐悍旭奄琳只缆寒戳尾银喝称前袍志哗窥扬Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)1.Memorize th

18、e new words and phrases.2.Make sentences with the structure of “there be + + doing”.3. Show the picture of your ideal community and describe it to the class.蓉囤冠镶倚荚静冒褂忘杀乌椰兵拷网侈韶警浊纶央弓溃医锑烁干性同邱颊Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Thank you文裸砌效平蘑烬跨挞波圈诡链戊莉役缓瘪抒蔓蜜灯纬愁二勒隙帚弟郝叠梳Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)Unit6Topic2SectionC (2)



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