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1、过去完成时过去完成时过去完成时的构成和用法过去完成时由过去完成时由“助动词助动词had(通用于各种通用于各种人称和数)人称和数)+过去分词过去分词” 构成构成.用法:过去完成时表示用法:过去完成时表示在过去某一时间在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了的动作或动作之前已经发生或完成了的动作。 过去过去完成时的用法完成时的用法u由时间状语来判定由时间状语来判定 uby + 过去的时间点过去的时间点。如:如: I had finished reading the novel by nine oclock last night. uby the end of + 过去的时间点过去的时间点。如:如:

2、 We had learned over two thousand English words by the end of last term. ubefore + 过去的时间点过去的时间点。如:如: They had planted six hundred trees before last Wednesday. 宾语从句中宾语从句中 当宾语从句的主句为一般过去时,当宾语从句的主句为一般过去时,且从句的动且从句的动作先于主句的动作时作先于主句的动作时,从句要用过去完成时。,从句要用过去完成时。lShe said that she had seen the film before. lHe t

3、old me that he had been to Hongkong twice.状语从句中状语从句中 在时间、原因等状语从句中,在时间、原因等状语从句中,主、从句的动作主、从句的动作发生有先后关系,动作在前的,要用过去完成发生有先后关系,动作在前的,要用过去完成时,动作在后的要用一般过去时。时,动作在后的要用一般过去时。如:如: lWhen I got to the cinema, the film had already begun. lI didnt go to see the film because I had seen it.lAfter I had done my homewo

4、rk , I went to bed.注意:注意: before, after 引导的时间状语从句中,引导的时间状语从句中,由于由于 before 和和 after 本身已表达了动作的本身已表达了动作的先后关系,先后关系,若主、从句表示的动作紧密相若主、从句表示的动作紧密相连连,则主、从句都用一般过去时。如:,则主、从句都用一般过去时。如: Where did you study before you came here? After he closed the door, he left the classroom. 过去过去完成时的否定句形式完成时的否定句形式hadnt+动词过去分词动词过

5、去分词如如: He said that he hadnt seen any English films before. 他说他以前没有看过任何英语电影。他说他以前没有看过任何英语电影。 He remembered he hadnt paid for it yet. 他记得他还没有付款。他记得他还没有付款。过去过去完成时的疑问句形式完成时的疑问句形式将将had提前提前,与主语颠倒与主语颠倒.如如: How many English films had you seen by the end of last term? 到上学期期末为止,你们看了多少部英到上学期期末为止,你们看了多少部英文片?文片

6、? Had you reached the station before ten oclock? 到十点以前,你们已经到达火车站了吗到十点以前,你们已经到达火车站了吗? 回答回答: Yes, I had./ No, I hadnt.过去完成时专练过去完成时专练1.How many English words _ you _ (learn) by the end of last term?2.I _ (read) the book twice till yesterday.3.They _ (read) three books by then.4.He _ (learn) English bef

7、ore he came here.5.When I got to the station, the train _ (leave).6.By the time he was fourteen he _ (set) up a small chemistry lab for his son.7.After I _(finish) doing my homework, I went to sleep. had learnt had readhad readhad learnt(had) lefthad setfinished88. Why didnt you see the film yesterd

8、ay? Because I _ (see) it.9. She told me she _ (be) ill recently.10. It seemed that he _ (live) here for ten years.had seenhad beenhad lived9By _ _ , he _ _ the text three times. 同步训练同步训练1.到上学期你们学会了多少首歌?到上学期你们学会了多少首歌?2.到昨天晚上,他把这篇课文读了三遍。到昨天晚上,他把这篇课文读了三遍。3.十点钟以前,我们到达了车站。十点钟以前,我们到达了车站。_ _ songs _ you _

9、by the end of last term? We _ _ to the station _ _. How manyhadlearnthad gotbefore 10:00had readyesterday evening同步训练同步训练用括号里的词或要求改写句子:用括号里的词或要求改写句子:1.The bus came twenty minutes ago. I was at the bus stop. (before) 2.Last term, we learned thirty-five texts. (by the end of)3. She told her classmates:“ I havent been abroad before.” ( 改为复合句)改为复合句) I had been at the bus stop for twenty minutes before the bus came.By the end of last term, we had learned thirty-five texts.She told her classmates that she hadnt been abroad before.



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