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1、UNIT 1Festivals around the worldUsing language警普荣稚敝聂间加日到伏淋堡糖蚤负绰媒头搪檬沧端任御莆昼僚贴闹釉墓高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language 阿根廷的狂欢节上的花车游行阿根廷的狂欢节上的花车游行 Carnivals in different countries免色缸郑来甚芥烷徘腔湾媳匆摹垄煮眨峨奇童膨系收桃纷诌疾风蕴纵雏破高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language高中英语module3教学资料unit 1

2、using language 比利时班什狂欢节比利时班什狂欢节 屠遮痞朱幸掂毁宅唐殖嫌氏舀冲愧滩煤段嚼晤瞻糜缨糖消咱超殉适挝侄侩高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language德国科特布斯狂欢节德国科特布斯狂欢节 喧罚了吓森很杯汝踞炙敞疵聋恤坪毅吴铁俞志队佐页队腰醇壶替秧峭甚心高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language巴西里约热内卢市政宫狂欢节巴西里约热内卢市政宫狂欢节 硅挚区鸽耸腕兆恼悬恤步畦亚营

3、庭匙寂嘱扰崭勘醉陆峡质要掂靳烦帽豹避高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language中国西湖狂欢节中国西湖狂欢节 俭血纫澡棕选抄链蠕柬钻悦乌盎乾锚迄应夷胡啄势胎年逐拟填涛痔浸能厄高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using languageThe Trinidad Carnival径嘻哈忻殃戌责沦蓝柠稿寄冤顷彤蛮皂郭宿呼党刹这皿闽掇霸槽云箔溃赦高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language高中

4、英语module3教学资料unit 1 using languageListeningPart 11. What is wrong with Li Meis clothing and shoes? Li Meis clothing is too thick and her shoes are not comfortable enough to walk in for a long time.徽依擂俞梯徽窗姆匣操吨溜坐揣诚撕藤式斤挡踩芹石舍剂嗣训搞矗缴祁堑高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using languag

5、e2. What advice does Carla give Li Mei? Carla suggests that Li Mei change her shoes to something more comfortable, wear some lighter and cooler clothing and also take a hat.帧研某喳厄沛组佛救午芯列窥肪免煞崖瘦辑帆零更送碳盐抄诧垒强丛柏滤高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using languagePart 21. Why is it impo

6、rtant for them to have water? It is important for them to have water because it is very hot and they will be doing a lot of walking.够攒对诺馆吉刺婿辊隆上二症猖佰答硅推签导竹尤偶奴么姜刺墟傣十糜岗高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language4. Why is it difficult for them to hear each other? It is diffic

7、ult for them to hear each other because the music is very loud.盘伊腿江伪查如逻满渺饥烷正秽俐腥苫缨链卡硬靳昆得痢艘比佳桐梨颠涕高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language5. Why do they plan to meet at the parking lot at 8 oclock? They plan to meet at the parking lot at 8 oclock because they might get s

8、eparated in the crowd.parking lot 停车场停车场拒悼仪构迫垣穗爵养骨冀镜置嚼陷盏弥顷灶模锨周贸养脱哟澜娄忽疚蝉馒高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using languageLi Mei , Wu Ping, Carla and Hari are taking partin a carnival parade in Trinidad. _is wearing wrong shoes and Carlo has to get her_shoes, otherwise Li Meis

9、feet will _so much by the _of the parade that she wont be able to _. They also need a lot of _because they are going to be walking and dancing until_in the heat. They agree they will _at the end of the parking lot by _oclock if they get_in the crowd.Li Meicomfortablehurtendstandwatermidnightmeet 8se

10、parated垫怜耗蕉侣胸笛输撤界入垮古辞惫撩鬼狐敲胖募姑矮绞雄院蝗郝句则圾烦高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using languageReading A Sad Love Story运纠亨翠惕咕泞汰策热颈岔捧润逻蛔触抡威冬牟朴耳欣祖汹奸彦吭厦卜亥高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language The Chinese people believe that the star Vega(织女星)(织女星), eas

11、t of the Milky Way, is Zhi Nu and, at the constellation of Aquila(天鹰座)(天鹰座), on the western side of the Milky Way, Niu Lang waits for his wife. 锣感瓢喀孟园扔少臣俞裔豪稿烦胳补招蚕徒项跨搭亦答猿婚局逢荔活撞裔高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using languageIntroduce a crosscultural view of lovers festivals-Q

12、iqiao Festival and Valentines Day. The 7th evening of the 7th lunar month is popularly known as “Qixi” and “Qiqiao Festival”, recently called “Chinese Valentine”. Qi Qiao Festival 擂公庐谊摩华剖糜攘虎慕月技瞅苞殉由砍窿胯较杭邯更胯份责冬腕媳猖显高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using languageLi Fang was hear

13、t-broken and drowned his sadness in coffee because his girl friend, Hu Jin didnt turn up at the coffee shop to meet him on Valentines Day, though she had promised to. He thought she turned against him and was with her friends right then laughing at him.But in fact ,Hu Jin was waiting for him at the

14、tea shop on the corner.釜腑奔耻忠耍臂车超路未互汉琳烦汤蹄脖莹摘手伺董超献厨庞息携予延凌高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using languageLanguage points 1. turn up: appear 2. keep her word: keep her promise 3. hold his breath: wait without much hope 4. drown ones sadness/sorrow in coffee: drink coffee in orde

15、r to forget the sadness/sorrow辛伎砌肌访撇碰迎房乌撮邪豫炬赴含钓祁戌启憨童仲悯虹蒲享胜暖佬抛孝高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language 5. couple: two people who are seen together, especially if they are married. 6. weep: to cry, usually because you are sad. 7. make a bridge of their wings- A bridge is made of their wings. 此壁涧际误尽鞭妇莆盟擎娇阂贿涧距诲惭企瞥镰熙罗绑蜘咋戳缆翠卷限翅高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language8. set off set out , start out9. remind sb. of sth 裴探柔吾栈疤兹屹那谈醇迄坚里逆狸报鹃珍还焦殿禁窟诣济震贫撮遵击恫高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language高中英语module3教学资料unit 1 using language



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