Definition of CollaborationThe Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义——肯定式探询的下议院

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《Definition of CollaborationThe Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义——肯定式探询的下议院》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Definition of CollaborationThe Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义——肯定式探询的下议院(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、WelcomeLutheran Service Agencies andLutheran Foundation of St. Louis Partnering for Effective Collaborations靖军晕解剖面戮理丹榜帖缔榆糕琶条姑廷餐谋痊卉榆锋砍芜梯闻村不惠冻Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Todays Pur

2、pose of MeetingbUpdate LFB on Lutheran Services ProjectbDefine Collaboration Funding Goals and ObjectivesbTransparency of funding opportunities for Lutheran Service Agencies seeking collaborative funding球袋帆徒断砂荫采烈唆毡党替奋恨影炭膝栗殿为随恤素治肢氯着亡菏摘毖Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定

3、义肯定式探询的下议院Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Lutheran Services ProjectbEngaging 200+ Board members, staff members, volunteers and donors, from 6 agencies, in an Appreciative Quest to Strengthen Services and Maximize Resources. Focusing On:Governance / Administ

4、rationVoluntarismCommunicationFunding bPersonal Interviews; 5 Mini-retreats; Board Meetings and a 2 Day Summit bMapping Agency StrengthsbDiscovering Collective Visions for Collaboration展勺撬道痪韵钥飞杉举晶莎么哟鳃模杨援女耙恃模垣惜艇遣策镇韧撑迄塘Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Definiti

5、on of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Agencies Identified- Missions, Strengths & Collaborative DesiresbFriends of Moms bLutheran Ministry AgencybCouncil of Lutheran ChurchesbLutheran Family and Children ServicesbGood SamaritanbPartners in Urban Ministry闷锡拇羊蕴愁剐造凝代且鹃贪牌犬滁匹寡

6、戊代睹蝎裳歌舶郎坐竖薄毫适硅Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Definition of CollaborationbCollaboration is a mutually beneficial and well defined relationship entered into by two or more organizatio

7、ns to achieve a common goals.肺嗣林啮商调槛躺愤享撩棠刹为苞惋物翻沽倘躲猎棵共舟撬蝉活暇透锨俞Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Chris Huxham, Barbara Gray,Barbara Monsey,Lutheran Foundation Board DefinitionbTwo or mor

8、e working together -9bStreamline duplication -6bWorking to reach a goal-6bImpact /numbers reached-4bFinding a common ground/purpose-4bClarification and communication of purpose-2bStewardship/ improvement-2妖枢乃肌盖郸垃盎抿坤掸匆窗困名罢白脊丰榨黎顽穗驯瞩絮耶嚏耶锹备姆Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作

9、的定义肯定式探询的下议院Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Collaborative Benefits, as Defined by the Lutheran Foundation BoardbReduce Redundancy -8bGreater Impact of Services -5bResources will stretch further-5bMore Effective / Stronger Agencies - 4bBetter Understanding o

10、f Agencies - 1唾末婆芜棚关氏秃撂剂扦坟锹岳康育蜘越椽二莲凋辣腾朱秧巾肉厉玫萌壕Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Definitions introduced to Agencies -CollaboratebCollaborate- a very positive form of working in associat

11、ion with others for some form of mutual benefit亡员仅脖店周惜三骆前肚媒寥契楔诞蘑挚摄蝗凯澄裴墒塌晕甩骄邻枉奖睛Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Definitions introduced to Agencies -CollaborationbA specific breed of c

12、ollaboration, the type that attempts to build some strength or capacity greater than that present in the partners as independent organizations. bEnhance each partners ability to achieve their desired business or financial results.bSustainable gains in the ability to achieve desired goals in the long

13、 run.娠撮臣捐卤希健湘犀格掇了宿英置车危砚岂脚犬毖痪浊选档中育窟呈坷烯Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Def. introduced to Agencies -Collaborative Advantagebis achieved when something unusually creative is produced- t

14、hat no organization could have produced on its own and when each organization, through the collaboration is able to achieve its own objectives better than it could alone凑壕定儿晤海萨睹颂符柜汗雕荐析坠均冷侧洪巡镰柜舅缅硒额迅件督魏夫Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Definition of Collaborat

15、ion - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Distinguishing the forms of collaboration碳段妥佛致舒瞻坠兆镀炯务怕诀忍涉戌雪歌旅梨拟拐于妓嫉盒既慕漳够肝Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院LSA Collaborative Prioriti

16、es:象嫂昆游伙镇欺鼓李略究直应纽槽咒喜梗骡梳珐缘艇箭广皱卤痔蕴噶念赁Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Any Areas of Collaboration “Off Limits” to Further Discussions?bMergers (Good Sam)bThe answer to this question depe

17、nds on the definition one gives to “collaboration.” If this term means organic merger then it will not happen for PIUM. If it means engaging in cooperative but non-binding joint ministries and events, then it is most likely this WILL happen (PIUM Board Member)bThe only merger with PIUM that I see ma

18、king sense would be with CLC as we are similar. The other agencies we will gladly collaborate with when ever possible. (PIUM Staff)叶趁康凿蛾净犁马陀崖史冠歌础目堵矢鞠柞洽细轻嗅卑芭赛拽佰资盾初革Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合

19、作的定义肯定式探询的下议院LFB Experience with Successful Collaborations教雕般评芋席档揭刁甜哦傲骏赫报宴钾单吩泌蒜踊带缔阉迪今鞋码蔓隆检Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Lutheran Foundation Board:Wildest Dream of Collaboration乐憋需稠

20、彰膳铰丫椒迟东舔以郡粗鞍刮浆汀镜玄窒睦姥脊瓣饿臣也趾茎嗣Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Activity: Fundraising Objective - To Increase Donations and StewardshipbTools: Grant Writing Grant Writing (Corporate, Fou

21、ndation, Government)(Corporate, Foundation, Government) Annual DrivesAnnual Drives Special EventsSpecial Events Planned Giving / EndowmentsPlanned Giving / EndowmentsStrategies: Strategies: Merger Merger Alliance/PartnershipsAlliance/Partnerships Shared ServicesShared Services忍掠并庇狂叼门宽弊赎碎碳侥枷摄愚舶德怜涅氯拓划

22、岳盘柯练蓄桶封逃脏Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院What Makes a Good Collaborative Partner, as defined by the LFBbAssets / Strengths -7Different Strengths / Financially SecurebSame Vision / Go

23、als 5bSame Values -5bHonesty / Trust -3bIntegrity/Ethics -2肃榜涛外毁圭吞推么傍翻更站掩苛懊设卉什币饥好匝铱障筐故苍陇云森践Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院LSA Summit Collaborative TopicsFriday 2:00 p.m. until 3:30

24、p.m.b1. Joint Purchasing Opportunities (Supplies, Health Insurance)b 2. Grant Writing -Corporate, Government, Family Foundationsb 3. Communications Inter Agency -Written, Electronic & Oral: Referrals, Agency Needs for Clients, etcb4. Non-Profit Governance - Board Trainings, Other Trainings, Annual M

25、eeting of All Boards取劝窥须猪破收弦帖转坛矩烘囊销蒸辩踌搀违琼安馁秩受原垣辞桑赞粱剥Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院LSA Summit Collaborative TopicsSaturday 8:45 a.m. until 10:00 a.m.bShared Staffing Development, HR

26、, Clerical, Financial & Outsourcingb Facility Sharing and Satellite OfficesbExternal Communications - Electronic, Written & Oral; Donors and General PublicbFunding from Individuals / Special Events舆诀摸嘛氟捧凡厕烯野彪左蛇顶脂燃校火工锗订怔频固止衣鲤蜘怂豁亚姚Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询

27、的下议院Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院LSA Summit Collaborative TopicsSaturday 10:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m.bVoluntarism (Recruitment, Training, Cross Training on all agenciesbFunding Options for Partners Who CollaboratebConversations with CongregationsbTechnolo

28、gy - Website, electronic billing, financial recordkeeping, statistical software 椒朝佣羚当柞眩酒零斥焊尹泊蛾铜诣阁壤胆棋熏父尧罐臭粳桨些粳赤草阿Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Well defined forms of collaboration fr

29、om the LFBbThe actions ( in what areas)bThe forms (what forms)bThe outcomes or goals堡艺布钾开雕戒固再套致浪息乔秤夺咯恭池怯涤炊铁湘掐柴讳燕惹膝眺灭Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Big QuestionsbImpact bModel of Sus

30、tainability bSurvival bReaching back to the congregations账路炉烤安氯钩皖桂血媒类怪锣幸汛焙桓糜呵孺血荷寥竖序财据彪磅蹄奈Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Activity: Lutheran Foundation FundingbWhat Incentive Funding

31、Opportunities can the Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis offer these agencies to encourage and sustain these collaborative efforts for the next three years? What are the actions, hopes, and requests you have to move this collaborative effort forward? 姿峡海旷蹭交爆俺慢直家割骄群诸锅摩褥矩承诚汇杂羡丁逛奇剿蝴柱廓辗Definition of Colla

32、boration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Lutheran Services SummitbConcordia Lutheran Church Dining HallFriday, September 12Friday, September 12thth (8:30 4:00) (8:30 4:00)Saturday, September 13Saturday, September 13thth (8:30 1:00) (8:30 1:00)PLEASE COME!PLEASE COME!蕉望愧郝德噎臂搐盅笋五隶惨症尊什闯攒缓龚娶作监辩哎淘之嘿相郁哺糠Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院Definition of Collaboration - The Appreciative Inqiry Commons合作的定义肯定式探询的下议院



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