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1、 An unknown goddess Background knowledge: God 神: 如Roman god of war 罗马战神God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost 圣父、圣子、圣灵(三位一体) Goddess: 女神 希腊神话中的六位女神:Herahr 赫拉:奥林匹斯山十二主神之一, 主管婚姻和生育Athena i:n 雅典娜:奥林匹斯山十二主神之一,智慧与工艺女神;Diana dain 戴安娜:狩猎与月亮之神Aphroditefrdati: 阿芙洛狄忒(即罗马神话中的维纳斯),),爱与美的女神;Medusamidju:

2、z 美杜莎,蛇发女怪Hebe hi:bi 赫柏:青春女神unknownnot be known by name 无名的not well-known 不出名的Im nobody.我是个无名小卒。Iam a small potato.我是个小人物。a household name 一个家喻户晓的名字goddess: n. 女神-ess结尾,表女性或母性waitress, hostess, mistress(情妇), actressstewardess stju:des tigress:雌老虎(mother tiger)性别:gender(文)/sex -female/malearch(a)eolo

3、gist n. 考古学家arch :t 拱门拱门 ology- 某种科学某种科学 archaeology n. 考古学, 古迹; psychology 心理学(psy-与心理与精神相关)与心理与精神相关)physiologyfzildi 生理学 philosophy 哲学, 人生观(philo-喜爱,喜爱,-sophy智慧)智慧)anthropology 人类学-ist: 人;家terrorist 恐怖份子 racistresst 种族主义者者specialist 专家 pacifistpsfst 反战主义者,和平主义者explore v. 考察,堪探,仔细检查explore the Arct

4、ic regions 考察北极地区 Internet Explorer 网络浏览器 We have explored several solutions to the problem.exploration n. 探测,堪探,搜索explode kspld v. (blow up)爆炸 The firework exploded in his hand.exploit v. 开发,利用,剥削 exploit solar energy/water power exploit child labor 剥削童工promontory n. 海角(凸起的) a high long narrow piec

5、e of land which goes out into the seacape n. 海角 a large piece of land with 3-side water the Cape of Good Hope 好望角 channel n. 海峡:比strait长而宽的海峡the English Channelstrait n.海峡 指短而窄的海峡the Taiwan Straitprosperous adj. (经济上)繁荣的,昌盛的 a prosperous country / industry prosperity n. 繁荣、兴旺繁荣、兴旺prosper v. 使繁荣, 使昌盛

6、 The country is prospering under a strong government.Background Notes: America experienced the Great Depression in 1930s. (大萧条)After the bloom, everything is gloom. 繁荣过后尽是萧条。The business is in low time. 生意萧条。civilization n. 文明 A civilization is a human society with its own social organization and cu

7、lture. The city enjoys a high level of civilization. 这个城市是一个高度文明的城市。 civilized adj. 文明的,文雅的a civilized society 一个文明的社会;civilized behavior 文明行为 civil adj. 公民的,市民的, 民用的,国内的 civil rights 民权;civil defense 民防 civil law 民法-criminal law 刑法 civil servant 公仆;civil war 内战domestic adj. dmestk 家庭的,国内的,驯养的 domes

8、tic market 国内市场 domestic violence 家庭暴力domestic flights 国内航班Storey n. 楼层(Am.E.: story)Theres a nine-storey building next to the bank. drainage n. 排水,排水系统drainage system=draining system 排水系统-age 名词后缀postage 邮资hostage 人质orphanage 孤儿院drain v. 排水,流干;n. 排水;下水道,排水系统brain drain 人才流失go down the drain 白白浪费掉,付

9、之东流1. First you must drain the dirty water out and then clean the pipe.2. The country suffered from a continual brain drain because of bad economy. worship n. 崇拜,钟爱,祭祀Blind worship must be ended. 盲目崇拜必须停止。She absolutely worship her children.People go to church to worship God.the worship of money 拜金主

10、义rite: for religious purposes(宗教仪式)rites of baptism bptzm 洗礼pray:ask God for help 祈祷Mass ms 弥撒(是天主教最崇高之祭礼,耶稣基督的圣体圣血在祭坛上经由祝圣而成为真正的祭祀,乃十字架祭祀的重演,是天主教纪念耶稣牺牲的宗教仪式。) sacrifices:offer to god 祭品Sacred adj. 神圣的,宗教的a sacred place 圣地 a sacred oath 神圣的誓言sacred music 宗教音乐;sacred history 宗教史Holy adj. 神圣的the holy

11、city: Jerusalem dru:slm 耶路撒冷holy shit 天啊!见鬼!Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright.平安夜,圣善夜,万暗中,光华射Blessed adj. 神圣的,快乐的the Blessed Virgin (the Virgin Mary)圣母玛利亚Fragment n. 碎片fall/break into fragments/pieces摔成碎片fraction n. 一小部分a fraction of a second 片刻,眨眼间a fraction of her earnings 她收入的一

12、小部分 piece n. 块,片Im about to go to pieces. 我快要崩溃了。remains n. 遗物,废墟,遗迹,遗体the remains of ancient Rome 古罗马遗迹His remains were buried in the churchyard. 他的遗体安葬在教堂墓地。ruin v. 破坏,毁灭,变成废墟ruins n. 废墟be in ruins 破败不堪,一片废墟;落空1. The city was in ruins after the earthquake2. Our plans are in ruins. Classical adj. 古

13、(希腊、罗马)文化的;古典的1. Latin is a classical language. 拉丁语是古典语言。2. I like classical literature and music. classical adj. 古典的;classic adj. 经典的historical adj. 历史上的;historic adj. 有历史意义的economical adj. 节约的 economic adj. 经济的electrical adj. 电学的,用电的,与电有关的electric adj. 发电的,带电的,导电的reconstruct v. 修复,重建,复兴 If you rec

14、onstruct something that has been destroyed or badly damaged, you build it and make it work again. The government must reconstruct the shattered(破碎的) economy. 政府必须重建支离破碎的经济。rebuild v. 重建restore v. 修复,恢复rest v. 倚放,放置She rested her elbowselb on the table. rest sth. on/against sth. 依赖于,依靠于He rested his

15、bicycle against the wall. rest on/upon 依靠;寄托在We rest our hopes on you.The plan rests on your cooperation.hip n. 屁股,臀部;adj. 新潮的,时髦的If you say that someone is hip, you mean that they are very modern and follow all the latest fashions, for example in clothes and ideas. be really hip 非常时尚 ass 屁股 buttock

16、 btk 臀部full-length adj. (裙衣)拖地长的,全长的A full-length skirtThe boy lay at full length on the grass. 男孩伸直身体躺在草地上. He fell full length. 他直挺挺地跌倒在地上.graceful adj. 优雅的,优美的,雅致的 Their dancing was graceful.grace n. 优雅,魅力;恩宠,恩典;v. 使优雅Eg.The young woman had grace beyond her years. It was only by the grace of God

17、that no one died. gracious adj. 和蔼可亲的;彬彬有礼的;不端架子的Eg. She was gracious enough to show us round her home. She was the most gracious hostess Ive ever known.elegant.adj. 文雅的, 雅致的;有风度的;娟秀的 an elegant lady / coat; elegant style of writing 优美的写作风格charming adj. 迷人的,可爱的,英俊的a charming little fishing village 一

18、个迷人的小渔村identity n. 身份;本质;个性,特征;相同,一致an identity card 身份证reach (an) identity of views取得一致看法The identity of the crimes led the police to think that the same person committed them. 相同的犯罪事实使得警察认为是同一人作案。identify v. 认出(身份、物件等);辨认出The criminal was identified. How many species of birds can you identify?iden

19、tification n. 辨认The identification of criminals by their fingerprints通过指纹辨认罪犯Some time ago, an interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean i:di:n island of Kea. Make a discovery of 作出发现Geologists have made an important discovery of oil and natural gases in that area. 其他关于make的短语:l

20、make a close study of 对作深入研究lmake a name for oneself 出名lmake history 创造历史lmake a noise 名声大噪,轰动一时lmake an investigation of 对作调查Ben laden really made a noise by 9.11. Aegean: the Aegean Sea lies between Greece and Turkey, part of Mediterranean Sea.主题句(本文的第一句):也为典型的记叙文的开头句。记叙文的文本特点:Time, Place, Person,

21、 Event.An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini.Stand in/on: 表示“位于/处于地方”(强调高高耸立) China stands in the east of the world.There is a temple standing on the top of the mountain. Stand 还可表示人或物体的高度。EThe girl stands 1.7m.其他表示“位于”的相关短语:llie in / on:

22、“位于(低处)”lbe located in / on / at: “坐落于(方向)”lbe situated in / on / at: “坐落于(方向)”The small village lies in a lonely valley.A lake lies in the middle of the forest.The new hospital will be sited at the city centre.新的医院将会建在城市的中心地带。The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high lev

23、el of civilization.at one time: “一度,曾经” Nigeria at one time was a British colony.at a time: “一次”Dont ask so many questions at a time.enjoy a high level of civilization: “享有高度文明”sb. enjoy 某人喜欢、享受sth. enjoy 某物享有、拥有(这里相当于have)Hong Kong and Macao enjoy a high level of authority. China enjoys a long and

24、glorious history of over 5,000 years.enjoy a long history 历史悠久enjoy supports 得到支持enjoy good health 身体健康enjoy large sales 畅销enjoy a handsome income 收入颇丰 Roman Times: 罗马时代(200 B.C.400 A.D.-600年)B.C.:before Christ 公元前A.D.:Anno Domini-Since the birth of ChristDo as the Romans do when in Rome.入国问禁,入乡随俗。E

25、very road leads to Rome.条条大道通罗马。Rome wasnt built in a day. 罗马非一日建成 / 伟业非一日之功。(冰冻三尺,非一日之寒)Each of these represented a goddess and had, at one time, been painted.represent v. 代表The statue of Liberty represents the friendship of France and America.The Foreign Minister(外交部长) represented the country at t

26、he conference.stand for: 代表;为而奋斗1). UN stands for the United Nations.2). He stood for the cause of liberty and justice.3). Pigeon and green stand for peace.on behalf of : 代表(的身份)At the airport, the manager read an address of welcome on behalf of the company.date from: “追溯到,起始于(=date back to)”(无被动)da

27、te back to= trace back toThe castle, the very best in Europe, has a long history dating from ancient Rome Times.古堡为欧洲之最,其历史悠久,可追溯到古罗马时代。date back : 表示“已存在”That is a old tradition. It dates back several centuries. 那是旧传统,在几个世纪前就已经存在了。look back on sth. 回顾,回想I like to look back on my university days, wh

28、ich were among the happiest in my life.8. Its missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth century B.C.happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事(do sth. By chance) (=It happened that)eg. Bill happened to meet a classmate on the school way.It happened that its missing head was among remains of sth. happen to

29、 sb.某人发生某事sth. occur to sb. 某人想起某事;某人发生某事eg. No better plan occurred to them.1).Reconstruction (1865-1877)重建时期(美)The period of American History after the Civil War when the southern states, under government and military control, rejoined the US. Slavery was abolished. Black people were given the rig

30、hts to vote, and a few universities were established for black people.2) turn out (to be) + adj. / adv. :证明是,结果是,原来是His statement turned out to be false.The party turned out to be a success.It turned out that 结果证明It turned out that the method didnt work.As it turns out 人们后来发现,原来As it turned out, the

31、 speaker was shouted down by the angry crowd.结果,那个演讲的人被 愤怒的人群哄了下去。Despite her great age, she was very graceful indeed, but, so far, the archaeologists have been unable to discover her identity. 1). despite sth. = in spite of sth. 尽管(后面接短语)Despite his lack of education, Jack became a very successful

32、businessman.despite the fact that + 同位语从句regardless of 不管如何Everyone has the right to live where he wants to go, regardless of the colour of his skin.2). be unable to do “ 不能做,没有能力做,无法做”He lay awake all night, unable to sleep.be incapable of doing 没有能力做disable v. (因疾病、事故等)使失去能力,使残废(disable sb.)enable v. 使能够 (enable sb. to do. )



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