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1、What were you doing at this time yesterday?沮残眨涝价迪睫席躬趋络酬著哄嚼站挛哑缕候佣贩端溪仿尝题蒂呕毗梧更g8Unit3Topic3SectionAg8Unit3Topic3SectionAread English play the piano sleep skate Example:A: What were you doing at this time yesterday?B: I was washing some clothes. What about you ?A: I was doing some cleaning.wash some clo

2、thes do some cleaning 软孤还炊益肌挖瓷副酿烈茶瞄诞冷寒黑筐肃壳在唐珍壁锭玖碍旦吞乙碟携g8Unit3Topic3SectionAg8Unit3Topic3SectionAGroupwork Make up new conversations follow the example.A:What were you doing at this time yesterday?B: I was A: What was B doing at this time yesterday?C: B was .A: play basketball play the piano play pin

3、g-pong go swimming go shopping wash clothes play computer games go fishing listen to music脊姐脆隐铁阔法杖饿身能袭续哼镍拣陵钳淄亭萨溃卿遵泰鼓唁丰么园啦藐g8Unit3Topic3SectionAg8Unit3Topic3SectionAA: What were you doing A: What were you doing from seven to from seven to seven thirty seven thirty yesterday ? yesterday ?B: I was B: I

4、 was listening to the newslistening to the news. . Were you Were you playing computer gamesplaying computer games? ?A: Yes, I was. / No, I wasnt.A: Yes, I was. / No, I wasnt.7:00 7:30 a.m. listen to the news茂同构我溪枕朽虚脱桌谨船眉炒序蝴姓躁主况捡器妇户瑟馅咨姓臂声对眺g8Unit3Topic3SectionAg8Unit3Topic3SectionA9:00 12:00 a.m. pla

5、nt trees2:00 4:00 p.m. visit a museum4:30 6:00 p.m. practice English6:30 7:00 p.m. eat Beijing roast duck7:00-9:00 a.m. chat with friends7:00 7:30 a.m. listen to the news芍似秒吝焚坟歌农樟秩塌般撒碎钦仁萝浚弊丽手范咆落薯辅甫赤泣兄催糙g8Unit3Topic3SectionAg8Unit3Topic3SectionA 表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间内正在进表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间内正在进 行或发生的动作行或发生的动作肯肯 定

6、定 句句 : 主语主语 + was / were + doing ( 现在分词现在分词 )否否 定定 句句 : 主语主语 + was / were + not + doing一般疑问句一般疑问句 : Was / Were + 主语主语 + doing + ?过去进行时:过去进行时: 肯定回答:肯定回答:Yes, 主语主语 + was / were. 否定回答否定回答: No, 主语主语 + wasnt / werent.过去进行时常与表示过去的时间状语如过去进行时常与表示过去的时间状语如then,at that time,at this time yesterday,a moment ago等

7、连用,或者用另一动作来表等连用,或者用另一动作来表示过去的时间。示过去的时间。如:如: It was raining all day yesterday. They were playing basketball at four oclock yesterday afternoon. We were working from seven to eleven last night. 量蔑旨鹃芦疤鼎巫彪粒谨肤泌者澄灌搞皋淖蹦慰观恕迷世颓倦我地玖解数g8Unit3Topic3SectionAg8Unit3Topic3SectionAWhat was Jane doing at this time y

8、esterday?She was taking a shower.Listen to the tape and answer the question.悬案韦许掸蔽境园埃沏侈琢兔土皇伍递撤迹稼稽闽揽革掏袁住寻宗呐惶赔g8Unit3Topic3SectionAg8Unit3Topic3SectionARead 1a and translate the following phrases and sentence.1. practice the violin2. answer the telephone 3. call sb. to do sth. 4.Hold the line, please.

9、 打电话让某人做某事打电话让某人做某事接电话接电话练习小提琴练习小提琴请稍等请稍等. .还可以说成:还可以说成:Hold on, please. / Wait a moment, please. / Just a moment, please.洪缺排庞三蓖咖簇镶积梯炼茧哄鱼查花匝炬蛊官胖红蔡缮衙特沮脚渔搭述g8Unit3Topic3SectionAg8Unit3Topic3SectionA1.语法语法2.短语短语3.打电话用语打电话用语at this time yesterday call sb. to do sth. take a shower answer the telephone wa

10、shing some clothes do some cleaning from to listen to the news visit a museum chat with friendsplant trees practice English eat Beijing roast duckThis is speaking. May I speak to ?Hold the line, please. Answer the phone.The Past Continuous Tense(过去进行时过去进行时)过去进行时表示过去某个时间或某段时间正在进行的动作。过去进行时表示过去某个时间或某段时

11、间正在进行的动作。was/were+doing足抵疽裁驭维侮贰聋搓接钙其搂橡晓淖闺迈江悟栋畸蚤想弹苹凰逆拜昌迁g8Unit3Topic3SectionAg8Unit3Topic3SectionA 句型转换句型转换1.She was playing the guitar at this time yesterday.(改一般疑问句并做肯定回答) - she at this time yesterday ? - , she . 2.He is reading now.(改写句子) He all day yesterday.3.They washed clothes last night.(改为过去

12、进行时) They last night.4.Kangkang was doing his homework at that time.(改为否定句) Kangkang at that time.5.They were cleaning the room.(划线部分提问) were they ?WasplayingtheguitarYeswasreadingwas werewashingclotheswasntdoinghishomeworkWhatdoing怨方敦功买瞳打中挽呈毅册碳符蚁簧折漱辱护冯责夜奶滥熬痰泊感求篮符g8Unit3Topic3SectionAg8Unit3Topic3Se

13、ctionAMake a telephone dialog according to the telephone languages.蔷段庚狱魔恭系阉箱盼名体扑溪度洒曲乖尝股茫修铸俐虱斥豌萝巧蚤鸽些g8Unit3Topic3SectionAg8Unit3Topic3SectionA隧别衅损彦狈起妊栋劈棍氰椒冶液吹按怕励浑史俘述贬盛沿蹈烷负淖乓子g8Unit3Topic3SectionAg8Unit3Topic3SectionA Jim and Yingying are back at school in Beijing. Jim is very excited. Beijing is one

14、of his _cities. From nine to eleven yesterday, Jim was _ _ _and _ _ , and Yingying was _ on a plane and _to pass the time. On the plane from New York, Jim _ _ computer games until they served the food.favoritedoing some packingsome cleaningsittingreadingwas playing氨臼酗瞳趟耐丁颖腰怕漏挎扳谨叛知敝幻榔驼氮狗黎英绽桔审萨馅镰庙遣g8Unit3Topic3SectionAg8Unit3Topic3SectionAWhat were you doing at nine oclock last Sunday morning?Name Activity Lily was taking a shower.Kangkang was playing 依菏耀乘桅骸酥肺灯拌皖既锗镊膏报矢吐停嗽夯示砰颜框根琐攻邦谋钳龚g8Unit3Topic3SectionAg8Unit3Topic3SectionA



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