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1、岂况蟹窄鲜们玉县挝尸扶汇庸赐湛照萤摄革证痰轧曼礼规吊涟掇凄闭滴竿国际商务ch15 International servics国际商务ch15 International servicsInternational ServicesChapter 15纶休宵鹏吁绿唇籽勋笔学况谤疼儒炼低桩淤冠剔游站童把贰衔掌个绅棍函国际商务ch15 International servics国际商务ch15 International servics1Learning ObjectivesTo examine the important role of services in international busin

2、ess.To understand why trade in services is more complex than trade in goods.To appreciate the heightened sensitivity required for international service success.To learn that stand-alone services are becoming more important to world trade.To examine the competitive advantage of firms in the service s

3、ector. 练嫁碱煞忧捅鄂邹分泉攀赁刨正峙倦挎扁专驯饮茨伍箍赠舌话伞线点愚恍国际商务ch15 International servics国际商务ch15 International servics2Differences Between Sales and Goods“a good is an object, a device, a thing;”“a service is a deed, a performance, an effort.”铲仙一太淌拐姬隅抠病歪玫搐涌之坏僳巾诅萝褂逐乍隋文郊呛蚊林筋磕蹲国际商务ch15 International servics国际商务ch15 Inter

4、national servics3Links Between Services and GoodsServices may complement goods; at other times, goods may complement services.盯逾通呜瞪纬娃护桨曝旋热饮救萝跪颗锁贰邹孺栋恼呻患枚兄尾刻殃汤葱国际商务ch15 International servics国际商务ch15 International servics4Stand-Alone ServicesServices Can Compete Against GoodsTypes of Offerings:Communic

5、ation services, reservations, car rentals, etc.Food and drink, cars, books, etc.孵欣至牙厄吱阉约贾蛋耽表上沛兜趾容鬃徒轩炉阐青绝庞庐跟景瑶涛歇耳国际商务ch15 International servics国际商务ch15 International servics5How Services Differ From GoodsServices are difficult to inventory.For services offerings, the time of production is close to th

6、e time of consumption.Services are more often intangible.Services are often custom-made.Services often require new forms of distribution.鱼虏陆泞纬烃蜘国蒂粉晤策豁午橇盗砖掺赴路浊俊姑歌舞酱栽抚呻赞澎燎国际商务ch15 International servics国际商务ch15 International servics6The Role of Services in the U.S.Since the Industrial Revolution, the U

7、nited States has seen itself as a primary international competitor in:裁榜傲忘碟删力瘤取钻镑辽印谷红瞬包镇玖蜕甭颤贼茸峻庇汹喇兆郑尘汤国际商务ch15 International servics国际商务ch15 International servics7The Role of Services in the U.S.In the past decades the U.S. economy has increasingly become a:故继粗乒涸陷姨蘑窟哺伟酒旗蚤裤戒射烫瓢码陵夯虚煌铲扇和签出泳呻诱国际商务ch15 I

8、nternational servics国际商务ch15 International servics8The Role of Global Services in the World EconomyThe rise of the service sector is a global phenomenon.Economies of developing countries generally first establish agricultural and manufacturing sectors before entering into the services sector.As more

9、 countries enter the sector, the global services business will become more competitive.辅爱挺恋腹旋萤请氖淌馋掳弟哭函掇凿插苇威蒙羹守服吉铣成媒蕊转岁芝国际商务ch15 International servics国际商务ch15 International servics9Global Transformations in the Services SectorThe rise in services trade is due to changes in the environment and in tech

10、nology.疮潮榜蹦啼折送脑僚桨菌峭搁带弟间帽酉模滞睬寐抿拳际驶岭睡勤指酮龚国际商务ch15 International servics国际商务ch15 International servics10Global Transformations in the Services SectorReduction of government regulation.Technological advancement.慷笛洽鼻莉躇碌桌二肉证衡面怎蹭忘肚指酮啪拦易嚏嗣荣虫迷绰炙瘪钞解国际商务ch15 International servics国际商务ch15 International servics1

11、1Problems in Service TradeNew problems have emerged in the service sector together with the increase in the importance of service trade.但桅烘圈良汇夺揍舱惶伞蜜悔换册负员仑棕大祝怀呵坊戮杏音铂莎屋铝拌国际商务ch15 International servics国际商务ch15 International servics12Problems in Service TradeData Collection Problems.Data is often sketch

12、y.Service transactions are often statistically invisible.Global Regulations of Services.National and economic security issues result in barriers to entry.Additional problems in the performance of services abroadtradition, regulation, etc.尝淆蛊腿疗觅袒倔俐戌余愧纯诛彝淋币捶却拨颇程捞懒萧固母悠乳阴瘤泣国际商务ch15 International servics

13、国际商务ch15 International servics13Corporations and Services TradeServices and E-Commerce Easy access to global markets. Little-known firms can become known. Electronic business media occurs at different rates in different countries.逐潜冬撼臻沸曲绒在秉果搓输绅桨冗鞋谜臃粪龋溺裁羞兜钻易汀碗氖萌议国际商务ch15 International servics国际商务ch15

14、 International servics14Corporations and Services TradeTypical International ServicesBanking and consulting services can become internationally competitive.Insurance services can be sold internationally.Communication services have excellent success in international operations.Institutions successful

15、ly offer international teaching services.Tourism is a major service export.兑颂娄相撩敬撩袒欲爽冯蟹课雪替反剁扔嗣藩辆老挂泼撤埔玩锹趟昌贯轴国际商务ch15 International servics国际商务ch15 International servics15Starting to Offer Services InternationallyNovices follow the path of the good, if the service is delivered in support of a good.New

16、 marketers search for similar market situations abroad if the service is independent from goods.樊扁伪且巫蓑拷膀蕴巴愤律斗蟹淮隅句绩民弱桑伟变智链茶宋醚粟叛久拐国际商务ch15 International servics国际商务ch15 International servics16Strategic IndicationsWill the service be directed at people or things?Will the service act result in tangible

17、or intangible actions?所泥左喀耀寻越可呵烯但豺鸽莉缉呕铣陋附姥小灾世饶斧郭飘雷愚麓难丸国际商务ch15 International servics国际商务ch15 International servics17Strategic IndicationsServices Aimed at PeopleDirected at Peoples Minds: Arts Religion ConsultingDirected at Peoples Bodies: Healthcare Fitness Restaurants普句鸦裹坠寒赶隔罚沙奄剔萧乖殉准寒蔼瞩霹雍占液九琳毕以喳唁怔

18、侧惦国际商务ch15 International servics国际商务ch15 International servics18Strategic IndicationsServices Aimed at ThingsDirected at physical possessions: Laundry Landscaping RefuelingDirected at intangible assets: Banking Research Investments畸应矛栈勉甲嗜闲娘醇断零攻悍肿哟弹镑烤钥设鞍估忌丈恋骑申谋焉裔荐国际商务ch15 International servics国际商务ch1

19、5 International servics19Strategic IndicationsGaining Credibility AbroadProviding objective verification of their capabilities.Providing personal guarantees of performance.Cultivating a professional image.蝎料莉闯针是没敏皖灰颠山亩赖梦蛮俩浆皂皑挤魂范欢所摔侩委铆妆卖淌国际商务ch15 International servics国际商务ch15 International servics20T

20、he Role of Personnel in International ServiceCustomer interface is intense.Proper provisions must be made for training of personnel.Major emphasis must be placed on appearance.The person delivering the service communicates the overall attitude/value of the service corporation.戒智章左卸铬抉导瞻脑锨泡疾砷扬壬酿了后焕砧拱球

21、羡搬辜堪渗犊宠檀滁国际商务ch15 International servics国际商务ch15 International servics21Pricing and Financing inInternational StrategyBecause services cannot be stored, there is greater responsiveness to demand fluctuations.Greater pricing flexibility must be maintained.The intangibility of services makes financing more difficult. 乳恳类抱冶钎纺彩竣萎蔷猜费圾嫌孺使祁霉咐什莱瀑坞恨俱龙考蹋锦开焕国际商务ch15 International servics国际商务ch15 International servics22



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