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1、 English Writing Zhao Xiaojun Foreign languages School Inner Mongolia Normal UniversityIdeas & Improving Zhao XiaojunZhao XiaojunCollege of Foreign LanguagesCollege of Foreign Languages Teaching AimsTeaching AimsWays to generate ideas for a given-titled compositionWays to improve the draftImprove th

2、e writing ability 2024/8/263Free template from Three ways to generate ideasThree ways to generate ideasQuestioningListing & groupingFree-writing2024/8/264Free template from Questions you may ask about the topicQuestions you may ask about the topic1. “What”questions: Whats the problem? Whats the reas

3、on? Whats the answer? Whats my opinion? What can I do about it?2. “Who” questions: Who was involved? Who did it ? Who was affected ? Who do I believe ?3. “Why” questions: Why did it happen? Why did it change ? Why did I do it ? Why do I care?4. “When” questions: When did this happen ? When did I rea

4、lize this ? When did it change?5. “How” questions: How did it happen ? How did it get started? How was I affected ? How was others affected? How can I change this situation ?2024/8/265Free template from Questioning-“My biggest problem this semester”Questioning-“My biggest problem this semester”1.Wha

5、ts the problem?2.In what courses?3.How did it get started?QuestionsANSWERSOften get poor grades .Compulsory courses such as Writing and Intensive ReadingI didnt take the courses seriously and did not think them useful. I didnt try to memorize new words and didnt do all the assignments .2024/8/266Fre

6、e template from Questioning-“My biggest problem this semester”Questioning-“My biggest problem this semester”4.Why didnt I memorize the new words?5.How do I feel about them now?6.What can I do about it? QuestionsANSWERSBoring work.Thought I could always depend on dictionaries in the future .I realize

7、 one can not learn the language well without the basic vocabulary .Ill attend the classes regularly and do every assignment as required2024/8/267Free template from Listing & GroupingListing & Grouping“The pleasure of having a bicycle”“The pleasure of having a bicycle”I. List all words or phrases rel

8、ated to the topic:1. not very costly ; 2. easy maintenance ;3. one will never forget the skill; 4. exercise the whole body ; 5. personally satisfying ; 6. freedom to move around ; 7. easy to learn ; 8. no need for a big shelter ; 9. see the beauty of nature better ;10. stop at any place ; 11. no pol

9、lution ; 12. in close contact with nature ; 13. reduces stress ; 14. can be lent to others ; 15. may be stolen easily ; 16. can do the repairing job oneself ; 17. anyone can afford it2024/8/268Free template from Listing & GroupingListing & Grouping“The pleasure of having a bicycle”“The pleasure of h

10、aving a bicycle”II.Examine the list, and cross out the ones which do not fit .III. Group the remaining points1.Relatively inexpensive2.Healthy3.Flexible1, 174, 11, 12, 136, 8, 10, 14, 154.Personally satisfying5, 92024/8/269Free template from Free-writing 1. Brainstorming 2. Choosing 3. Working out a

11、n outline 4. Doing free-writing2024/8/2610Free template from A brainstorm describes a state of mind when one is hit with an inspiration or many sudden and exciting ideas .1. Brainstorming Example :Watching TVinternationalwasting timetiredbenefittravelmoneymore knowledgemoviestalk showdirectlystars20

12、24/8/2611Free template from 2. Choosing ideas Choosing ideas is to narrow down the scope and decide which ideas you are going to use in your composition .2024/8/2612Free template from 3. Working out an outline A. Pattern of an outline Topic Thesis: I. Introduction II.Main ideas 1. Sub-idea 2. Sub-id

13、ea a.Supporting details b.Supporting details III. Conclusion 2024/8/2613Free template from 3. Working out an outline B. Two types1). Topic outline : fragments2). Sentence outline : complete sentences 2024/8/2614Free template from Example: topic outline Topic:My neighbors were moving away I. My neigh

14、bors getting ready to move II. My neighbors being a family of two A. The wife ,Wang , “head” of the family 1.A good cook 2.A good dressmaker 3.A peasant woman B.The husband , Fan, a typical peasant III. My loss of Wangs friendship A. The cause B. The consequenceVI. My regrets and the lesson I have l

15、earned 2024/8/2615Free template from Topic My neighbors were moving awayI. My neighbors were getting ready to move .II. My neighbors were a family of two . A.Wang , the capable housewife, was actually “head” of the family. 1. She could make all kinds of delicious dishes. 2. She could cut clothes as

16、fashionable as those sold in town and had made nice trousers for my daughter. 3. Wangs family were completely country folks B.Fan, the husband, was a soft-spoken and timid man of few words 1. He had the habit of squatting down at the threshold when having his meals 2. He ( more facts should be suppl

17、ied )III. I lost Wangs friendship A. Wangs nasty relatives destroyed my garden. B. I didnt accept Wangs apology.IV. Im sorry to see them go and regret having lost Wangs friendship just because I was too angry.Example: sentence outline 2024/8/2616Free template from Rules for writing an outline1. The

18、two types cant be used together in the same outline;2. Parallel structures are used for the headings of the same rank;3. Use the same signals to mark the equal important parts, such as Roman numerals, capital letters or Arabic numbers. 2024/8/2617Free template from Topic : Contrast between my roomma

19、tes Jenny and Linda I. Interests 1.Jenny , inactive type Reads , watches TV, likes talking 2. Linda , “outdoors” type Jogger, swimming II. Attitude toward schoolwork 1. Jenny grows tense before exams , studies for hours , takes notes carefully. 2. Linda takes things easy before tests, and surrounds

20、herself with food, can never sit still .2024/8/2618Free template from 4. Doing free-writingRules : Dont stop to correct mistakes or consult your friends or dictionaries. Compensation strategyOvercoming limitations in writing1.Switching to the mother tongue2. Coining words3. Using a circumlocution or

21、 synonym 2024/8/2619Free template from How to revise the draft ?1. Content: look at the composition as a whole.A. What is the topic of the composition? Does the draft fulfill the assignment? B. Is the thesis clear? Is it supported by enough facts (details, examples, reasons, etc)?C. Is there irrelev

22、ant material that should be removed?D. Is the logic sound? Are there gaps in the logic?2024/8/2620Free template from How to revise the draft ?2. Organization: look at the arrangement of the materials.A. Does the introductory paragraph lead to the main point of the paper?B. Does each paragraph have a

23、 separate central idea? Does it relate to the papers main idea or to the previous paragraph? Are there proper transitions between sections? Are the paragraphs arranged in climactic order?C. Does the concluding paragraph give the reader a clear impression of what the paper intends to say?2024/8/2621F

24、ree template from How to revise the draft ?3. Sentences: make correct & good sentencesA. Is each sentence clearly related to the sentence before it and to the sentence after it?B. Are there unnecessary sentences that may be removed?C. Are there structural mistakes?D. Are there wordy and redundant se

25、ntences?E. Is there variety in sentence type?2024/8/2622Free template from How to revise the draft ?4.Diction:A. Are there words that are not appropriate for the topic or the style of the whole paper?B. Are there words or phrase which are directly translated from Chinese but which may mean something

26、 different in English ?C. Are there collocations which may be incorrect because they are taken from Chinese?5.Mistakes in grammar, spelling, punctuation, word-division and other mechanics.2024/8/2623Free template from What do we learn ?I.Three ways to generate ideas questioning, listing & grouping,

27、and free-writing.II. Four steps to do free-writing brainstorming, choosing , working out an outline , doing free-writing III. Outline topic & sentenceIV. Ways to revise the draft content, organization, sentences, diction, and mistakes2024/8/2624Free template from Suggested ReadingDing Wangdao. (2005

28、).A basic Course in Writing. Chapter 6Yang Junfeng. (1999). Basic Writing in English. Part Two- I2024/8/2625Free template from nEMail me : 2024/8/2626Free template from Types of mon words:a few thousand words ,used by ordinary people for ordinary purposes.2.formal and technical words:words used by p

29、eople of special professions or fields,on special occasions or for special purposes.These words are political,legal,scientific,technical,business and literary words. Here are examples of the first and second kinds of words:same, speech, learned, destroy.piece.endeavor,fragment 3.nonstandard words:us

30、ed by people who are not well-educated or by people of special groups,such as people of a particular region or an age group.2024/8/2627Free template from Types of words(continued)Some of these words may not be understandable to people in general,and may disappear after a short period of time.These w

31、ords are slang, jargon, dialectal,and obsolete words.eg. aint ( am not, isnt, hasnt); deal (agreement);neat(nice)2024/8/2628Free template from How to achieve accuracy and appropriateness1).Use common or informal words for general purposes;use formal or nonstandard words only on special occasions or

32、for special purposes;2).Use specific and concrete words when giving details;use general or abstract words when making summaries; eg. general specific animal tiger, fox, insect laugh giggle,roar,grin3).Use idiomatic expressions and words in acceptable collocations;avoid combinations that are unidioma

33、tic;2024/8/2629Free template from 4).When there are synonyms,choose the word that expresses the meaning most exactly and that suits the content and style. 2024/8/2630Free template from Types of VerbsTransitive verbsIntransitive verbsDitransive verbsPhrasal verbsLink verbsAuxiliary verbs and Modal ve

34、rbs2024/8/2631Free template from Transitive Verbs1.often followed by objects eg. The temperature rose 10 degrees.2.used together with prepositional phrases or adverbs eg. She always reminds me of her mother.3.delexical verbs (have the same meaning with +v./n.) a.+v.(n.) b.+n.2024/8/2632Free template

35、 from Intransitive Verbs1.no objects following. eg.He was shivering all over.2.followed by objects a.changed from vt. eg. He runs a store./He runs fast. b.followed by objects of the same origin.eg.live a happy life.2024/8/2633Free template from Ditransive verbs 1. usual pattern:vt.+indirect o +direc

36、t o2.vt. +direct o+to/for +indirect o eg.Sing us a song,please. Sing a song for us ,please. We owed him $100. We owed $100 to him.3.rarely change the order eg.I wish you good luck.2024/8/2634Free template from Phrasal VerbsPhrasal verbs have a certain meaning1.vi.+adverbs eg.break in; come about2.vi

37、. +prep. eg. account for; call on3.vt.+adv. eg.bring about; hurry up4 .v.+adv.+prep. eg.put up with 2024/8/2635Free template from Phrasal verbs containing n.1. V.+n. eg.change ones mind2.v.+n.+prep. eg.get hold of3.v.+prep.+n. e into being2024/8/2636Free template from Two Forms of VerbsFinite FormsN

38、on-finite Forms2024/8/2637Free template from Finite Forms of VerbsFeatures 1.the verb will be coherent with subject;2.the verb should represent different tense,voice,and mood.2024/8/2638Free template from Non-finite Forms of VerbsFeatures 1.neednt be coherent with subject2.can be used as many senten

39、ce elements but predicate3.three types:infinitive,gerund,&participle2024/8/2639Free template from Tenses The present indefiniteThe present(past) continuous tenseThe simple future tense/the past future tenseThe future continuous tenseThe simple past tenseThe present(past) perfect tenseThe present (pa

40、st)perfect continuous tenseThe sequence of tenses2024/8/2640Free template from Voices (Subject)The people(Predicate)supported(Object)himHeWassupportedby the people2024/8/2641Free template from Moods The Indicative MoodThe Imperative MoodThe Subjunctive Mood2024/8/2642Free template from The Present I

41、ndefinite Verbs: stative verbs:love,owe. inatantaneous verbs:declareUsage: 1.经常发生或反复发生的动作。 eg. He gets up at six. 2.现在的情况或状态。 eg.She knows several languages. 3.永恒的真理。 eg.It snows in winter. 2024/8/2643Free template from 一般现在时表示现在动作一般现在时表示现在动作1.球赛解说egnow YaoMing gathers the ball.2.演示说明egwatch,I switc

42、h on the current.3.动作描述或舞台动作描述He sits down.4.表示一些没有时间性的动作 a.剧情介绍eg.How does the story end? b.转述书面材料的内容eg.The notice says, c.指路eg.How do I get to?/You go down . d.图片说明eg.The wounded child stands e.用在here和there的后面eg.Here comes the 2024/8/2644Free template from Sentences1.What is a correct sentence?1)

43、. It should be structurally correct complete;2).It should begin with a capital letter;3).It should end with a full stop,or a question mark,or an exclamation mark;4).It should express a single complete idea.2024/8/2645Free template from 2.Improve the following sentences1).How to operate this computer

44、?2).Have lost my key.3).Because he didnt finish his assignment. 4).The old man returning home after 8 years absence to find that all the neighbors he had known were no longer there.2024/8/2646Free template from 3.Types of sentences1). The Periodic Sentence: the sentence that is not complete in struc

45、ture or meaning until it reaches the last word,which is the most important word of the sentence.2)The short and long sentences a. short sentences:powerful,effective,clear and easy to read in ads and speech. b. long sentences :effective and adequate.c.alternating short and long sentences2024/8/2647Fr

46、ee template from 3).Simple,Compound,Complex,and Compound-Complex sentencesa.The simple sentence has a single subject-verb combination.Eg. Tom and Mary went to the park,ate there and came back late yesterday.b.The compound sentence is made up of two or more simple sentences.Two forms: coordination co

47、njunctions and semicolon. 2024/8/2648Free template from Complex&Compound-Complex sentenceA complex sentence is made up of a simple sentence and a statement that begins with a dependent word.eg.Because I got up late, I didnt have breakfast. (subordination)A compound-complex sentence is made up of two

48、 or more simple sentences and one or more dependent word statements. Eg. Because I got up late this morning,I didnt have breakfast and I was late for class ,too.2024/8/2649Free template from Sentences I-Common ErrorsZhao XiaojunCollege of Foreign Languages Teaching AimsTeaching Aims1. Let Ss underst

49、and the typical errors in sentences structure 2. Ways to avoid and correct3. Improve the writing ability 2024/8/2651Free template from . Run-on sentencesA run-on sentence incorrectly runs together two independent sentences without any signals to mark the break.E.g.The exam was postponed the class w

50、as canceled as well.2024/8/2652Free template from 1. punctuation: comma, semicolon or period2. joining word(conjunction,adv,phase)The exam was postponed , and the class was canceled as well.The exam was postponed; the class was canceled as well. How to correct How to correct ?2024/8/2653Free templat

51、e from . Fragmentary sentences Fragment A word group that lacks main parts of the sentence (subject, predicate) & that does not express a complete thought.2024/8/2654Free template from Forms of Fragmentary Sentencesdependent-word fragmentsing &to fragmentadded-detail fragmentmissing-subject fragmen

52、t2024/8/2655Free template from 1. Dependent word fragment1. Dependent word fragmentBecause I was late for class. I didnt meet Mr.Green.After I arrived in Chicago.2024/8/2656Free template from How to correct ?1).attach (the fragment to the sentence that has a relationship with it);Because I was late

53、for class, I didnt meet Mr.Green.2).eliminate the dependent word After I arrived in Chicago.2024/8/2657Free template from 2. -ing&to fragmentE.g. She was at first very happy with the blue sports car she bought for only $500.Not realizing until a week later that the car averaged 7 miles a gallon of g

54、as.2024/8/2658Free template from How to correct ?1).attach E.g. She was at first very happy with the blue sports car she bought for only $500, not realizing until a week later that the car averaged 7 miles a gallon of gas.2).change the fragment into a complete sentence Not realizing She didnt realiz

55、e 2024/8/2659Free template from 3. Added-detail fragmentE.g. The class often starts late. For example, yesterday at a quarter after nine, instead of nine sharp.2024/8/2660Free template from How to correct ?1).attachThe class often starts late, for example, yesterday at a quarter after nine, instead

56、of nine sharp.2).change the fragment into a complete sentenceFor example, yesterday it began at a quarter2024/8/2661Free template from 4. Missing-subject fragmentE.g. One example of my fathers generosity is that he visits sick friends in the hospital. And takes along get-well cards with a few dollar

57、s folded in them.2024/8/2662Free template from How to correct ? 1). attach One example of my fathers generosity is that he visits sick friends in the hospital, and takes along get-well cards with a few dollars folded in them 2). add a subject And he takes2024/8/2663Free template from III. Faulty Par

58、allelismWhy: to express the ideas clearly & emphatically.How: Each paralleled part should be of the same grammatical construction.Patterns of parallelism: n. adj. phrases, clauses, sentences.The dog ran over the fence and across the lawn He was asked that he should report to the supervisor and that

59、he should bring the tools. 2024/8/2664Free template from Four common faulty parallelism1. Correlative conjunctions are always used by pairs. eg.1) He wants either to study English Literature or study World History. He wants to study either English Literature or World History.2) Our new car not only

60、is more economical but also it is more comfortable than our old one. Our new car is not only more economical but also more comfortable than our old one.2024/8/2665Free template from Four common faulty parallelism2. Words or group of words , placed in a series, must be paralleled in both meaning & st

61、ructure.Eg . Many people choose air transportation because it is fast, offers convenience, and it is not very expensive. Many people choose air transportation because it is fast, convenient, and inexpensive.2024/8/2666Free template from Four common faulty parallelism3 . Comparisons using than or as3

62、 . Comparisons using than or asAttentionAttention: when than or as is used to join paralleled constructions, make sure that the things or ideas they compare are logically & grammatically alike.logically & grammatically alike.Eg . 1) The students attending our school are more intelligent than your sc

63、hool.The students attending our school are more intelligent than those attending your school. 2) His learning is as extensive as Paul. His learning is as extensive as Pauls.2024/8/2667Free template from Four common faulty parallelism4. Incorrect Omissions1). Often occurs in in the has/have,will/shal

64、l constructionsE.g.He always has and always will compete for the highest honor.2). If I had my choice of seeing a rock concert or opera, I would choose the opera.2024/8/2668Free template from How to correct ?1).He has always competed and will always compete for the highest honor.He has always compet

65、ed for the highest honor and always will.2). If I had my choice of seeing a rock concert or an opera, I would choose the opera2024/8/2669Free template from IV. Modifiers1.Misplaced modifiers, because of awkward placement, dont describe the words the writer intended to describe.2.Dangling modifiers a

66、re illogically separated from the word they modifies. 2024/8/2670Free template from 1. Misplaced modifiers1). I nearly earned $100 last week.2). Bill yelled at the howling dog in his underwear.3).We could see the football stadium driving across the bridge.4).He crossed the stream in a canoe, which w

67、as recently stocked with fish.5).Ss who study often get good grades. 2024/8/2671Free template from How to avoid ?1. Put the modifiers as close as possible to the part they intend to modify 2. Put the troublesome adverbial modifiers at the beginning of the sentence.2024/8/2672Free template from 1. Mi

68、splaced modifiers1). I earned nearly $100 last week.2). Bill yelled at the howling dog in his underwear.3).We could see the football stadium driving across the bridge.4).He crossed the stream in a canoe, which was recently stocked with fish.5).Ss who study often get good grades. 2024/8/2673Free temp

69、late from 1. Misplaced modifiers1). I earned nearly $100 last week.2). Bill, in his underwear, yelled at the howling dog. 3).We could see the football stadium driving across the bridge.4).He crossed the stream in a canoe, which was recently stocked with fish.5).Ss who study often get good grades. 20

70、24/8/2674Free template from 1. Misplaced modifiers1). I earned nearly $100 last week.2). Bill, in his underwear, yelled at the howling dog. 3). Across the bridge, we could see the football stadium driving.4).He crossed the stream in a canoe, which was recently stocked with fish.5).Ss who study often

71、 get good grades. 2024/8/2675Free template from 1. Misplaced modifiers1). I earned nearly $100 last week.2). Bill, in his underwear, yelled at the howling dog. 3). Across the bridge, we could see the football stadium driving.4). In a canoe, he crossed the stream which was recently stocked with fish.

72、5).Ss who study often get good grades. 2024/8/2676Free template from 1. Misplaced modifiers1). I earned nearly $100 last week.2). Bill, in his underwear, yelled at the howling dog. 3). Across the bridge, we could see the football stadium driving.4). In a canoe, he crossed the stream which was recent

73、ly stocked with fish.5).Students who often study get good grades. 2024/8/2677Free template from 2. Dangling ModifiersDangling Modifier is a phrase or an elliptical clause that is illogically separated from the word it modifies.2024/8/2678Free template from 2. Dangling Modifiers1).-ing phrase e.g. Go

74、ing through a red light, the traffic police on duty stopped him.2). -to phrase e.g. To appreciate English language, reading must be done.3). prepositional phrase e.g. After 4 weeks at sea, my daughter was happy to see me.4). elliptical phrase e.g. When on the top floor of the tall building, the cars

75、 looked like tiny fish in a stream. 2024/8/2679Free template from 1). Going through a red light, the traffic police on duty stopped him.2). To appreciate English langue, reading must be done.3). After 4 weeks at sea, my daughter was happy to see me.4). When on the top floor of the tall building, the

76、 cars looked like tiny fish in a stream. 2. Dangling Modifiers2024/8/2680Free template from 1). When he went through a red light, the trafficGoing through a red light, he was stopped by the traffic police on duty.2). To appreciate English langue, reading must be done.3). After 4 weeks at sea, my dau

77、ghter was happy to see me.4). When on the top floor of the tall building, the cars looked like tiny fish in a stream.2. Dangling Modifiers2. Dangling Modifiers2024/8/2681Free template from 1). When he went through a red light, the trafficGoing through a red light, he was stopped by the traffic polic

78、e on duty.2). For one to appreciate English langue, reading must be done.To appreciate English langue, we must read a lot.3). After 4 weeks at sea, my daughter was happy to see me.4). When on the top floor of the tall building, the cars looked like tiny fish in a stream.2. Dangling Modifiers2. Dangl

79、ing Modifiers2024/8/2682Free template from 1). When he went through a red light, the trafficGoing through a red light, he was stopped by the traffic police on duty.2). For one to appreciate English langue, reading must be done.To appreciate English langue, we must read a lot. 3). After 4 weeks at se

80、a, I was happy to see my daughter 4). When on the top floor of the tall building, the cars looked like tiny fish in a stream.2. Dangling Modifiers2. Dangling Modifiers2024/8/2683Free template from 1). When he went through a red light, the trafficGoing through a red light, he was stopped by the traff

81、ic police on duty.2). For one to appreciate English langue, reading must be done.To appreciate English langue, we must read a lot. 3). After 4 weeks at sea, I was happy to see my daughter 4). When I stood on the top floor of the tall building, the cars looked like tiny fish in a stream.2. Dangling M

82、odifiers2. Dangling Modifiers2024/8/2684Free template from Mail me : 2024/8/2685Free template from Sentence Variety and BrevityWhy ?MonotonousHow to attract readers interest ?A.shorten or lengthen sentencesB.change sentence arrangement2024/8/2686Free template from Ways to Achieve Variety and Brevity

83、To shorten the sentences by A. using non-finite verb phrases (infinitive,gerund,&participle);B.relative pronouns; C.combining sentencesD.adverbs2024/8/2687Free template from Ways to Shorten SentencesEg. 1.I fertilize the grass every spring. I want to make it greener.2.Tim woke up with a start.He was

84、 troubled by a dream.3.He mixed the chemicals together. He was gentle.4.That spider is a black widow.It is crawling up the lamp behind you.5.I like your Chevrolet.It is a 1956.It is green.It is a two-door.2024/8/2688Free template from Revise the following sentencesWhen they meet after years of separ

85、ation, old friends are often shocked and embarrassed. (loose sentence)Han Solo is one of the heroes of Star Wars. He is a brave but self-centered pilot. (simple sentence)As the lecture is long and important, I hope you will come early. (loose sentence)Threatening to call the police, the plant manage

86、r avoided a major crisis. (complex)Our team lost its last ten games. Nevertheless, we remain confident of our ability to win (compound)It began to shake noticeably as soon as the plane lifted off the subway. (periodic)We should not simply consider the world as the solid globe. We also consider it as

87、 international society of human relationship. (compound)Black-and-white television sets are inexpensive. They are cheap to manufacture. Complex2024/8/2689Free template from Revise the following sentencesBlack-and-white television sets are inexpensive. They are cheap to manufacture. ComplexThe course

88、 was not very difficult but I didnt receive a high grade. (periodic sentence)After the hockey game we went directly home. (complex )The steel mill closed last week. Now twelve hundred people are out of work. (compound)I bought some potatoes in the market this morning (periodic)A burglar stole into t

89、he Davis house last night. The front door was unlocked. (complex)As the lecture is long and important, I hope you will come early. (loose)They developed a jacket. With this jacket people were able to survive in cold weather. (complex)I need a book. The book must be interesting and instructive.(simpl

90、e sentence)2024/8/2690Free template from Correct the errors if necessary If you have to drive on rocks and mud. You need a heavy-duty tire.The man who talked for an hour not realizing everyone was bored.A garish poster attracts the visitors eye on the east wall.I got up late this morning. I was late

91、 for class. I didnt have breakfast.Shocked by the horrible scene, the car escaped desperately.With the newspaper, I was fed up with the flies and killed them.Diana just missed her boyfriend and called him to say hello.Running after the howling dog, he ran away.2024/8/2691Free template from Correct t

92、he errors if necessary To have a chance to interview the Dean, he tried many ways.I have always and will always fight for peace.He will have a chance to go home next weekend. And to meet his new stepmother.Peter has never and cannot be honest with himself.Opening the door ,an amusing scene caught my

93、 eye.A colorful poster attracts the visitors attention on the east wall.Then she went on nervously with her work. Knitting.2024/8/2692Free template from Planning a Paragraph There is no doubt about it: the generation gap is a reality of modern times. In the past an old person could expect to be care

94、d for by his children. It was customary for an old parent to move into the home of one of his married daughters. Here he would be loved and honored until his dying day. Nowadays this is by no means the natural progression of life. Many old people are left alone to fend for themselves, abandoned by t

95、heir children. 2024/8/2693Free template from Topic SentenceTopic sentence: is the sentence that sums up the main points of the paragraph.Tasks:1).to tell what the paragraph is about2).to commit the paragraph to a specific aspect of the topic3).to be a most general &most important statement2024/8/269

96、4Free template from Supporting Sentences 1)to back up & explain the topic sentence (main idea)2)to present facts,figures, thoughts, observations, examples, & personal experiences.2024/8/2695Free template from UnityIdeas & content: all the sentences within the paragraph must be related to the main po

97、int.Cross out any interesting but irrelevant ideas.2024/8/2696Free template from Coherence The smooth moving from one sentence to another; one paragraph to another.Concerned with the form of expression.Ways to achieve coherence: pronouns,repetition of key words, avoiding pronoun shifts, transitional

98、 signals.2024/8/2697Free template from Development by TimeThis first railroads were developed in Europe in the sixteenth century. They looked nothing like those of today. The rails were of wood, and the cars, small wooden carts which hauled coal, were drawn by horses. By the early nineteenth century

99、, railroad technology had advanced considerably. Steam locomotives had been developed, and cast iron was used for tracks. In 1825 a railroad line began carrying passengers as well as freight. That same year Americas first known steam locomotive was run on a circular track at Hoboken, New Jersey. Soo

100、n American locomotives and railroads were multiplying rapidly. Many short rail lines were laid during the 1830s. These short lines were then linked with one another, and by the nearly 1840s networks of rails connected all the eastern cities. 2024/8/2698Free template from Development by Process As th

101、e day of the exam approaches, there are several things you can do to make life easier. Firstly, you should make sure that you get regular exercise, that way you wont feel tired at night and you wont stay awake worrying. If you can, find someone else who is doing the exam and can share the revision w

102、ith you. You can organize little tests and quizzes for each other and this can make the process much more fun than working on your own. Just before the exam, it helps to write short notes of the most important study points on pieces of paper and look at them just before you go to bed. On the day of

103、the exam, dont do any studying. Eat a proper breakfast and take some emergency snacks with you, wear comfortable clothes and take your favorite pen and pencil with you. And dont forget your watch.2024/8/2699Free template from When we want to tell people how to do things in correct order1).to make cl

104、ear the right sequence of the things to be done2).state every step in a clear way3). Present tense is used in instructions2024/8/26100Free template from Development by SpaceAs parks go,Terrace Park is large. Most of the flat ground is taken up by three football pitches and two rugby pitches. On one

105、side of the park,however, there is a patch of trees through which a river winds. And attractive path runs beside the river, and there are flowerbeds with interesting shrubs and flowers. On the other side of the park from the river there are more sports facilities: three tennis courts and a bowling l

106、awn. Near these, tucked into a corner, there is a childrens playground with swings, seesaws and model vehicles. One of the pleasant features of the park is the fact that it is entirely surrounded by trees.2024/8/26101Free template from Describe what a place looks like1).decide where we stand2).conce

107、ntrate on the best-know features3).often in the present tense2024/8/26102Free template from Development by ExampleDo you talk to your plants? Do you give them love and attention? According to Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird, authors of a book called The Secret Life of Plants, you should talk to

108、them and give them love. They describe an experiment in which two seeds were planted in different places. While the plants were growing, one plant was given love and positive ideas. The other plant was given only negative ideas. After six months, the loved plant was bigger. Under the earth, it had m

109、ore and longer roots; above the earth, it had a thicker stem and more leaves. So he careful when you are talking in front of your plants. They may be listening to you!2024/8/26103Free template from Development by Comparison and ContrastLife in a big city has become more and more difficult for people

110、 to cope with. In a big city, stress is caused by daily having to contend with crowds of people and restricted space. Travel in rush hour can be a real headache. Pollution of various kinds is the result of industrialization. Cars spew toxic fumes into the atmosphere. Noise bellows out from every sid

111、e. All these factors add to the pressure of daily existence in a big town. In contrast, life in a country village is much more attractive. Here the pace of life is gentle. There is time to reflect on the beauty of the world. In a village, life is closer on nature. The changing seasons can be clearly

112、 observed. There is ample space for everyone, and fresh air to breathe.2024/8/26104Free template from Development by Cause and EffectIn these years, the record companies have been competing to bring out the latest versions of the same pieces, but they didnt bother finding out if music fans wanted th

113、em. Now they realize their mistake, but too late. Nothing illustrates the problems facing the classical music industry better than Beethovens Fifth Symphony. With over 100 different compact disc(CD) recording of the Fifth currently available, this is one example of a popular piece of music which has

114、 been recorded too many times. The CD-buying public, it seems,has lost its taste for new recordings of famous pieces.2024/8/26105Free template from Development by ClassificationDifferent people enjoy doing different things. This is certainly reflected in this beach scene. Some like to sit in the sha

115、de, watching the splashing waves in the blue sea and listening to the rhythmic sounds. They think that is the most enjoyable thing to do on a beach. Others prefer basking in the sun, not content to leave without an impressive suntan. But primarily the beach is for children. They rush around up and d

116、own the sandy beach, in and out of the water. In a quiet corner a few children sit with buckets and spades, building sand-castles. Yet other smaller children step tentatively into the water to try out padding, making sure that Dad is not too far away.2024/8/26106Free template from What should we pay

117、 attention to in planning a paragraph?1).to think of a central idea 2).to think of the details or examples to support the main idea3).to work out an outline to put these details in good order2024/8/26107Free template from How to end a paragraph?1.restating the main idea2.summarizing the main points3

118、.showing a result4.putting the most important point last5.drawing an inference2024/8/26108Free template from Practical Writing1).Notes : a.salutation b.close c.date2024/8/26109Free template from Note of thanksDec. 25,2004Dear Danny, Thank you very much for all the friendship and help you gave me in

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120、occasion,place,time,telephone)Sept.27th,2004Dear Dan, We are having a party at my home to celebrate the coming Mid-Autumn Day on 28th at 7p.m. Would it be possible for you to join us then? We will be very glad if you could be with us. My mobile is 139 (regret).Yours,JimmyR.S.V.P. 2024/8/26112Free te

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123、u. Yours, Wang Mingli 2024/8/26114Free template from Note of ApologiesOct.16th,2005 Dear Li,Im terribly sorry for having spoiled your book owing to my carelessness. Ill try to find a new volume for you as soon as possible . Sorry again!Yours,Wang 2024/8/26115Free template from CompositionReasonApolo

124、gizeMake-up way2024/8/26116Free template from Composition Flexible time & place ReasonPolite diction2024/8/26117Free template from To Mr. Wang, A merry Christmas and a happy New year! From Xiao Li 2024/8/26118Free template from Many happy returns of the day!Wedding anniversaryBest wishes for a speed

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126、 card, visiting card, calling card, business card) is a common way of social contact in modern life today.2024/8/26121Free template from I. FunctionsII. FormatIII. SamplesIV. Written Assignments2024/8/26122Free template from . FunctionsA. self-introduction;B. showing status;C. social communication;D

127、. advertising.2024/8/26123Free template from . FormatA. Employer / Affiliation;B. Name and title;C. Contact information.2024/8/26124Free template from Samples of Employer & Name, Titlee.g. Inner Mongolia Normal University Chen, Zhongyong , Ph.D President & Professore.g. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Andre

128、w D. Cohen, Ph.D Director, Language Resource Centere.g. ROCK VALLEY COLLEGE Robert A. Reber Assistant Professor of Mathematics2024/8/26125Free template from What kinds of contact information can be found in a name card?mail addressphone numberfax numberE-mail addresswebsite2024/8/26126Free template

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130、rder of Phone NumberCountry Code Area Code Local telephone number e.g. 864714390000 e.g. 1 ( 818 ) 67735322024/8/26129Free template from . Samples Sample 12024/8/26130Free template from Sample 22024/8/26131Free template from Sample 32024/8/26132Free template from IV. Written assignments Please des

131、ign your own personal card in a standard format.2024/8/26133Free template from Memo2024/8/26134Free template from I. DefinitionII. FunctionIII. FormatIV. SamplesV. Written assignment2024/8/26135Free template from . Definition The memo (memorandum) is a most useful genre of writing in a contemporary

132、business. A memo is an official note from one person or office to another within an organization or a group.2024/8/26136Free template from . FunctionA. To confirmB. To consultC. To informD. To explainE. To suggest2024/8/26137Free template from . Format A. memos are generally very direct and concise.

133、 Unlike business letters, they do not have a salutation, complimentary close. Memos may be formal or informal and may be signed or not signed2024/8/26138Free template from B. A memo usually has four parts: To, From, Date and Subject. Each section is followed by a colon. Typically, the topic of the m

134、emo is briefly stated after the subject heading.2024/8/26139Free template from C. Nowadays the form of memos is also adopted as the form of forwarded messages appearing in a website on the internet.2024/8/26140Free template from . Samples Sample ATo: Prof. Edward LeeFrom: John SmithDate: April 2, 20

135、04Subject: Committee Meeting In order to evaluate all the applicants, a meeting of the Admissions Committee for the graduate program in biology is to be held at the deans office on April 6, at 10:00 am. Please prepare for it and be there on time.2024/8/26141Free template from Sample B Date: Mon. Se

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138、n behalf of your class, to write a memo to your English teacher with a gift from your classmates.2024/8/26148Free template from Sample To : Prof. Wang,From : LIN, QingDate : Sept. 10, 2005Subject : Congratulations for Teachers Day Please accept this small gift from our classmates. It is a token of o

139、ur appreciation for your excellent instruction. Happy Teachers Day !2024/8/26149Free template from Precis WritingPrecis: a brief, accurate summaryFeatures:1). In your own words,not a patchwork;2).not a paraphrase;3).the shortest exact and essential gist;4).no comments,opinions, or details;5).1/3 or

140、1/4 of the original.150200. 2024/8/26150Free template from How to Write a Precis1). A thorough understanding2). Take brief notes3). Write the main idea in your own words4).Revise2024/8/26151Free template from Resume Name Zhao XiaojunAddress 358 ZhaoWuDa RoadTelephone 86471-4921360Date of birth Feb.2

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157、eached by telephone at 1234567 every night,and I live in the 25th ZhaoWuDa Road,SaiHan District Enclosed is the copy of receipt.I will appreciate anything you can do on this matter. Sincerely yours, WangLi2024/8/26169Free template from Usage of CommaI need a forum, a place to communicate, to discuss

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160、d. as cool as cucumber, cold as a marble, busy as a bee, firm as a rock, light as a feather, strong as a horse,like a duck to water, like a hen on a hot griddle, like a cat in a holeAs if /as thoughand the fattest woman I have ever seen in my life dozing in a straight-backed chair. It was as if a sa

161、ck of grain was supported by a matchbox. A is to B what C is to D The pen is to a writer what the gun is to a fighter. Marx did for the development of society what Darwin did for the development of the biology.2024/8/26174Free template from Than A fool can no more see his own folly than he can see h

162、is ears.A word and a stone let go cannot be recalled.Kings and bears often worry their keepers.I compare his genius to a lightening flash.He treats his daughter as the apple in the eye.2024/8/26175Free template from Metaphor Police work on inner city streets is a domestic VietnamI fall upon the thor

163、ns of life! I bleed!Her hostility melted.He has a fertile imagination.他是现代哲学之父。 我们大多数人动不动就对别人刮起批评的寒风,不知为什么却不愿意把表扬的温暖阳光给予我们的同伴。2024/8/26176Free template from Personification The long flames sang their drumming chorus in voices of the heaviest bass. (物体,无形的自然现象)Edelweiss, edelweiss,every morning you g

164、reet me.It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions in favor of vegetarianism while the wolf remains of a different opinion. (动物,植物)2024/8/26177Free template from 抽象的概念抽象的概念Time is like a fashionable host, that slightly shakes his passing guest by the hand; and with his arms stretched, as he wou

165、ld fly, grasps in the corner. The welcomes ever smile, and farewell goes out sighing. -William Shakespeare2024/8/26178Free template from Metonymy The kettle is boiling.Give me our bread.“你还记得李槐光吗?她原来同情过你,帮助过咱们,现在为了成为女诗人,她却成天读起莎士比亚了。”2024/8/26179Free template from Synecdoche (提喻)提喻)No eye saw him,but

166、 a second later every ear heard a gunshot.(部分整体)England won the football game.(全体-部分)The smiling season has come.(一类-一种)Oh, the spring should vanish with the rose!Have you any coppers?(原材料制品)Yet there were some stout hearts who attempted resistance.(个体一类)2024/8/26180Free template from Euphemism (tra

167、ditional, and stylistic)Traditional1.death:go to the other world, pass away, be no more, breathe ones last,come to an end, join the majority, go to ones rest, sleep the final sleep, be gathered to ones father, join ones ancestor, be asleep in the Arms of God, return to dust, run ones race, be no lon

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169、go to bed with, sleep around; in a family way, in an interesting condition, join the club, in a delicate conditionExcretion: pass water, go to stool, see the stars, get some fresh air, see ones aunt, wash ones hands2024/8/26182Free template from Stylistic Profession: gardenerlandscape-architect, dus

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172、kes us feel real good.2. It saves a lot of trouble if, instead of having to earn money and save it, you can just go and borrow it.2024/8/26185Free template from ContextFor instance, the nuns who never take a bath without wearing a bathrobe all the time, when asked why, since no man can see them, the

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175、) Polly, I love you. You are the whole world to me, and the moon and the stars and the constellation of out space. ( climax)In the dock, she found scores of arrows piercing her chest.He run down the avenue, making a noise like ten horse at a gallop.Stand still in Shanghai for two minutes and ten mil

176、lion people will rush at you like pins at magnet.2024/8/26188Free template from Understatement According to the newspaper, the driver, who was returning from a wedding, seemed puzzled. “I only had two bottles of beer and a cocktail.”If Saddam Hussein goes out of power, no tear is to be shed.During l

177、ast years Central Park Bicycle Race, five of the racers were attacked and had their bikes stolen while the race was in progress. This is something of a handicap in a bicycle race.Could be better.2024/8/26189Free template from Transferred EpithetThe Grape of Wrath - John SteinbeckThey prolonged the c

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179、s a form of lying in order to tell the truth.In fact it appears that teachers of English teach English so poorly largely because they teach Grammar so well.2024/8/26192Free template from Alliteration 1. Deep in debt2. Now or never3. Physical pain4. Wind of the western sea5. Money makes the mare go.6

180、. The world believes in the wonder worker, not in the words of wisdom.7. Sea, sun, sand, seclusionand Spain.8. Pride and Prejudice.2024/8/26193Free template from Allusion I have nourished a viper in my bosom!You want your pound of flesh, dont you?I never believe until then that any meal could defeat

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183、A friend in need is a friend to be avoided.Judge(in dentist chair): Do you swear that you will pull the tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth?Twinkle,twinkle, little bat! How I wonder what youre at! Up above the world you fly! Like a tea tray in the sky!2024/8/26197Free template from Pal

184、indrome Poor Dan is in a droop.Step on no pets.Shall we all die? We shall die all; All die shall we Die all we shall.2024/8/26198Free template from Climax But in a larger sense we cannot dedicatewe cannot consecratewe cannot hallow this ground.贼来如梳,兵来如蓖,官来如剃。2024/8/26199Free template from Others (re

185、petition, parallelism)When Della had finished crying, she went to the window and looked out sadly at a gray cat waling along a gray fence in a gray back-yard. - O. Henry : The Gift of MagiFarewell to the mountains high covered with snow! Farewell to the straths and green valleys below! Farewell to the forest and wild-hanging woods! Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods! -Robert Burns: My Hearts in the Highlands 2024/8/26200Free template from



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