高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit1 Great Scientists课件 新人教版必修5

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《高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit1 Great Scientists课件 新人教版必修5》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit1 Great Scientists课件 新人教版必修5(66页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、话题:科普知:科普知识与与现代技代技术(Popular science and modern technology)【词汇积累】累】1.analyze (v.)分析分析2measure (v.) 测量量3observe (v.) 观测, 观察察4explore (v.) 探索探索5simplify (v.) 简化化6equip (v.) 装装备; 配配备7conclude (v.) 总结8create (v.) 创造造第一部分必修第一部分必修5Unit 19inspire (v.) 鼓舞;鼓舞; 启示启示10research (n.) 研究研究11accurate (adj.) 精确的精确的1

2、2apply to 适用于;适用于; 运用运用13meet ones needs 满足某人的需求足某人的需求14make a great breakthrough in 在在有重大突破有重大突破15owe sth. to sb. 把某事把某事归功于某人功于某人16get a better understanding of 对有有较好的理解好的理解第一部分必修第一部分必修5Unit 1【试题展示】展示】(2016沈沈阳阳铁路路实验中中学学月月考考)请根根据据下下列列提提示示, 用用英英语为某某品牌的一款智能手机写一篇促品牌的一款智能手机写一篇促销说明。明。必要性:手机是人必要性:手机是人们的通的

3、通讯工具之一工具之一颜色:各种色:各种颜色可供色可供选择功能:收功能:收发短信、照相、上网、下短信、照相、上网、下载音音乐、浏览网网页其他:具有其他:具有MP4和游和游戏机功能机功能第一部分必修第一部分必修5Unit 1【佳句背【佳句背诵】1.This kind of machine is programmed and controlled by a computer. Once you press the button, it will start washing dishes for you.这这种机器是由种机器是由电脑编电脑编程和控制的,程和控制的, 只要你按下按只要你按下按钮钮, 它就

4、可以帮你清洗碗碟了。它就可以帮你清洗碗碟了。2.When a new product comes into being, it must be tested out before it is put into use.当有新当有新产产品品问问世世时时, 在在投入使用之前一定要投入使用之前一定要进进行行彻彻底底检验检验。第一部分必修第一部分必修5Unit 1【佳作欣【佳作欣赏】Thanks for choosing our smart phones. It is known that mobile phones have become the most important means of co

5、mmunication and if we get one, we can get in touch with each other wherever and whenever we are.This product for us has many different functions to meet different needs such as sending or receiving short messages. Besides, you wont take pains to carry your camera any more,第一部分必修第一部分必修5Unit 1for the

6、mobile phone itself has one. Whats more, with the function of surfing the Internet, it allows you to browse web pages and download what you want. It can even bring you a flood of music and movies. Most importantly, we can use it as an MP4 as well as a console.As for colors, we offer you a variety of

7、 colors to choose from.第一部分必修第一部分必修5Unit 11_(vt.)打打败; 战胜; 使受挫使受挫(n.) 失失败2_(vt.) 照照顾; 护理;理; 出席;出席; 参加参加3_(vt.) 暴露;暴露; 揭露;揭露; 使曝光使曝光4_(n.) 治愈;治愈; 痊愈痊愈(vt.) 治愈;治愈; 治治疗5_(n.) 柄;柄; 把手把手(vt.) 处理;理; 操操纵6_(vt.) 认为, 怀疑疑(n.) 被被怀疑者;疑者; 嫌疑犯嫌疑犯defeatattendexposecurehandlesuspect7_(vt.) 吸收;吸收; 吸引;吸引; 使使专心心8_(n.)挑

8、挑战(vt.)向向挑挑战_(adj.)挑挑战性的性的9_(adj.)小心的;小心的; 谨慎的慎的_(n.)小心;小心; 警告警告10_(vt.)污染;染; 弄弄脏_(n.)污染染11_(vt.)命令;命令; 指示;指示; 教教导_(n.)说明;明; 传授授_(pl.)用法用法说明;明; 指示;指示; 命令命令12_(vt.)&(vi.)结束;束; 推断出推断出_(n.)结论; 结束束absorbchallengechallengingcautiouscautionpollutepollutioninstructinstructioninstructionsconcludeconclusion1

9、3_(vt.)&(vi.)捐献;捐献; 贡献;献; 捐助;捐助; 投稿投稿_(n.)贡献献14_(vt.)拒拒绝; 不接受;不接受; 抛弃抛弃_(n.)拒拒绝; 抛弃抛弃15_(adj.)科学的科学的_(n.)科学科学_(n.)科学家科学家16_(vt.)宣布;宣布; 通告通告_(n.)通通知;知; 宣告宣告_(n.)播音播音员contributecontributionrejectrejectionscientificsciencescientistannounceannouncementannouncer17_(n.)确信;确信; 确确实_(adj.)确确实的;的; 肯定的肯定的_(adv

10、.)确定;确定; 肯定肯定18_(vt.)建建设; 修建修建_(n.)建建设; 建筑物建筑物19_(adj.)热情的;情的; 热心的心的_(n.)热情;情; 热心心20_(adj.)有有责任的;任的; 负责的的_(n.)责任;任; 负责certaintycertaincertainlyconstructconstructionenthusiasticenthusiasmresponsibleresponsibilitycautiouscaution2The doctor _the patient to take medicine by the _.(instruct)3The headmast

11、er _to a newspaper to praise the ladys generous _to the school.(contribute)4The workers are _ the bridge damaged by the flood, and the bridge under _connects the road with the town.(construct)5It was _that he didnt tell us the truth.I came to the _that he was lying.(conclude)instructedinstructionsco

12、ntributedcontributionsconstructingconstructionconcludedconclusion1_提出提出2 _ 得出得出结论3 _ 使使显露;暴露露;暴露4 _ 将将和和联系或系或连接起来接起来5 _ 除除之外;此外之外;此外6 _ 讲得通;有意得通;有意义put forward draw a conclusionexpose.to link.to.apart frommake sense7 _ 调查;研究;研究8 _ 导致致9 _ 有有时10 _对严格的格的11 _ 上大学上大学12_ 全神全神贯注于注于13_ 对做出做出贡献献look intolead

13、 toat times (be) strict with. attend collegebe absorbed inmake contributions toattend collegewere absorbed inled toput forwardmade great contributions tomade no senseNeither the teacher nor his studentsEvery time I was in troublehave his work finished on timeTo get an educationcan we go out for a pi

14、cnicinspiredwere exposeddeadlybecausetheexplainingabsorbedwhenWithto blameconducted2The Tower Bridge, _(construct) in the 1890s, still plays an important role in London traffic.3Generally speaking, prices of daily goods _(buy) through the Internet are lower than store prices.4On hearing the good new

15、s everyone was very _(excite)5He looked _(worry) after reading the letter.constructedboughtexcitedworriedconclusionfromto conclude that it is reasonableon/upon/totoare exposed toexposed to专心于心于并入;并入; 吞并吞并吸收吸收理解理解was so absorbed in his workSo absorbed was Tom in his workAbsorbed in his workBlamedto blameonbe to blame fortake the blame for/ be responsible forcause, lead to, result in, bring about等。等。make a contribution/contributions提出提出推荐推荐拨快快提前提前put up withput asideput forwardIn no sense should you lose heartNeithernorThe first timeThe moment



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