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1、Chapter 6 Air LawChapter 6 Air Law1.The Concept & Development of the Air Law1.The Concept & Development of the Air Law2.Legal Status of Airspace2.Legal Status of Airspace3.Legal Institution Air Navigation3.Legal Institution Air Navigation空中航行的法律制度空中航行的法律制度空中航行的法律制度空中航行的法律制度4.International Air Transp

2、ortation4.International Air Transportation国际航空运输国际航空运输国际航空运输国际航空运输5.Liability 5.Liability 损害赔偿责任损害赔偿责任损害赔偿责任损害赔偿责任6.Legal Protection of the Safety of Aviation6.Legal Protection of the Safety of AviationChapter 6 1.The Concept of the Air Law 1.The Concept of the Air Law & & Legal Legal Status of Airs

3、paceStatus of Airspace 一、一、一、一、The Concept & Development of the Air LawThe Concept & Development of the Air Law Air law is the body of public and private law, both national and international, that regulates aeronautical activities and other uses of airspace. The earliest legislation in air law was a

4、 1784 decree of the Paris police forbidding balloon flights without a special permit. In 1913, in what was probably the earliest such agreement, a bilateral Exchange of Notes was signed between Germany and France to provide for airship services. Chapter 6 1.The Concept of the Air Law 1.The Concept o

5、f the Air Law & & Legal Legal Status of AirspaceStatus of AirspaceIn 1919 a meeting of the victorious nations of World War I resulted in the International Convention for Air Navigation, commonly called the Paris Convention.第一个国际航空公约空中航行管理公约(简称1919年巴黎公约),国际航空委员会【International Commission on Air Naviga

6、tion (ICAN) 】,标志着国际航空法的形成。The convention recognized the sovereignty of each state over its own air space without prejudice to innocent passage by aircraft of another state. It also provided that each aircraft (like each ship) must have a registered nationality. Chapter 6 1.The Concept of the Air Law

7、 1.The Concept of the Air Law & & Legal Legal Status of AirspaceStatus of AirspaceThe Warsaw Convention on International Carriage by Air (1929) determined that the owner or operator of the carrier is liable for any injury, death, or property damage. Chapter 6 1.The Concept of the Air Law 1.The Conce

8、pt of the Air Law & & Legal Legal Status of AirspaceStatus of AirspaceAn international civil aviation conference of 52 nations, not including the USSR, met in Chicago in 1944. Convention On International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention )-International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) 。该公约取代了191

9、9年巴黎航空公约,为战后国际民用航空重建了法律和组织框架,构成了现代国际航空法的基本内容,是现行有关国际民用航空制度的最重要的国际公约。From1994,7 of December :international civil aviation day ,1996年联合国大会正式确认Since 1984, U.S. air laws have been administered by the Federal Aviation Administration , a division of the Department of Transportation . Chapter 6 1.The Conce

10、pt of the Air Law 1.The Concept of the Air Law & & Legal Status Legal Status of Airspaceof Airspace二、二、二、二、Legal status of AirspaceLegal status of AirspaceVarious views have been expressed with regard to Various views have been expressed with regard to the legal status of the airspace:the legal stat

11、us of the airspace: 1) 1) Airspace should be open to all States.Airspace should be open to all States. According to this view, the status of airspace is According to this view, the status of airspace is similar to that of the high seas of which all States similar to that of the high seas of which al

12、l States may make use.may make use. 2)right of innocent passage. 2)right of innocent passage. This view proposes This view proposes that the legal status of airspace should be similar to that the legal status of airspace should be similar to that of territorial sea. i e States may claim that of terr

13、itorial sea. i e States may claim sovereignty over the airspace, but foreign aircraft sovereignty over the airspace, but foreign aircraft shall have the right to fly through the airspace, shall have the right to fly through the airspace, which shall not be which shall not be prprejuejudidicial to th

14、e Peace, good cial to the Peace, good order and security of the State.order and security of the State. the views above are not recognized by the views above are not recognized by international community.international community.Chapter 6 1.The Concept of the Air Law 1.The Concept of the Air Law & & L

15、egal Legal Status of AirspaceStatus of Airspace(一)各国对其领空享有完全的排他的主权(一)各国对其领空享有完全的排他的主权 every state has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above its territory, including its territorial sea. (1)foreign aircraft should not fly over the territory of another State or land thereon withou

16、t authorization by special agreement (2)every state has the right to setup Prohibited areas (3)获准飞行的外国航空器必须遵守地面国法律规章,必须接受地面国的检查及其它措施。Chapter 6 1.The Concept of the Air Law 1.The Concept of the Air Law & & Legal Status of AirspaceLegal Status of Airspace(二)领空主权的限制(二)领空主权的限制Restriction of sovereignty

17、over territorial airspace 1. According to Convention On International Civil Aviation :(1) The contracting States undertake (保证), when issuing regulations for their state aircraft, that they will have due regard for the safety of navigation of civil aircraft.(2) non-use of weapons against civil aircr

18、aft in flight 2. According to UNCLOS: (1) right of transit passage; (2) right of archipelago ,:kipelgu sea lanes passage On 1 September 1983, Soviet jets shot down a Korean Airlines airplane which had strayed several hundred miles into sensitive Soviet airspace, causing the deaths of 269 persons. Ch

19、apter 6 3.Legal Institution Air Navigation3.Legal Institution Air Navigation一、一、一、一、Nationality of aircraft An aircraft is a An aircraft is a vehiclevehicle which is able to which is able to flyfly by by being supported by the being supported by the airair. .航空器:航空器:航空器:航空器:是指可以从空气的反作用,但不是从空气对地球表面的反

20、作是指可以从空气的反作用,但不是从空气对地球表面的反作用,而在大气中取得支撑力的任何机器。用,而在大气中取得支撑力的任何机器。heavier-than-airheavier-than-air aircraft : :airplane,helicopter,gliderlighter-than-air aircraft :balloon,airship飞艇not regarded as aircraft : :Air-cushion vehicles 利用空气对地球表面的反作用取得支撑力Rocket, missile不利用空气的反作用取得支撑力state aircraft:used in mil

21、itary, customs and police servicesCivil aircraft(滑翔机)Chapter 6 3.Legal Institution Air Navigation3.Legal Institution Air NavigationChapter 3.Legal Institution Air Navigation3.Legal Institution Air NavigationChapter 6 3.Legal Institution Air Navigation3.Legal Institution Air NavigationAircraft have t

22、he nationality of the State in which they are registered.An aircraft cannot be validly registered in more than one State.中国民用航空法第9条:“民用航空器不得具有双重国籍。未注销外国国籍的民用航空器不得在中华人民共和国申请国籍登记。”中国国籍的民用航空器,持有国务院主管部门颁发的国籍登记证书和适航证书,方可飞行。 Registration may be changed from one State to another.National laws governing reg

23、istration-The registration or transfer of registration of aircraft in any contracting State shall be made in accordance with its law and regulations.Chapter 6 3.Legal Institution Air Navigation3.Legal Institution Air NavigationDisplay of marks-Every aircraft engaged in international air navigation s

24、hall bear its appropriate nationality and registration marks.二、非航班飞行与航班飞行二、非航班飞行与航班飞行二、非航班飞行与航班飞行二、非航班飞行与航班飞行scheduled air servicesscheduled air services and and nonscheduled nonscheduled flightsflights It is important to distinguish between scheduled and non-scheduled international air services, si

25、nce they are governed by different rules.(一)非航班飞行一)非航班飞行- nonscheduled nonscheduled flightsflights 又称不定期飞行,或称不定期的国际航空运输业务。依惯例,不定期航班运输不使用从事定期航班的航空器作业。 Under the Chicago Convention, contracting states agree to permit aircraft registered in the other contracting states and engaged in commercial nonsche

26、duled flights to fly into their territory without prior diplomatic permission and, moreover, to pick up and discharge passengers, cargo, and mail, but in practice this provision has become a dead letter. Chapter 6 3.Legal Institution Air Navigation3.Legal Institution Air Navigation一般地,非航班飞行的航空器,无须批准

27、,即可进入其他一般地,非航班飞行的航空器,无须批准,即可进入其他缔约国领空。一定条件下,须获批准。缔约国领空。一定条件下,须获批准。我国认为,除有相反协议规定,外国从事非航班飞行的航我国认为,除有相反协议规定,外国从事非航班飞行的航空器,进入我国领空,必须事先申请并获批准,方可进行。空器,进入我国领空,必须事先申请并获批准,方可进行。 Chapter 6 3.Legal Institution Air Navigation3.Legal Institution Air Navigation(二)航班飞行(二)航班飞行(二)航班飞行(二)航班飞行-Scheduled air services-S

28、cheduled air services Scheduled services are commercial services open to the public and operating to a published timetable (schedule).国际民用航空组织理事会所下定义:国际民用航空组织理事会所下定义:(1)飞越两个以上国家的领土或领空;飞越两个以上国家的领土或领空;(2)为取酬而运送客、货、邮;为取酬而运送客、货、邮;(3)按班期时间表飞行,每次班期都开放供按班期时间表飞行,每次班期都开放供公众使用,且航班是定期和频繁的,是有规律的系列。公众使用,且航班是定期和频

29、繁的,是有规律的系列。Chicago Convention Article 6:No scheduled international air service may be operated over or into the territory of a contracting State, except with the special permission or other authorization of that State, and in accordance with the terms of such permission or authorization.Chapter 6 3.

30、Legal Institution Air Navigation3.Legal Institution Air Navigation三、外国航空器不得从事的事项和不得飞行的区域三、外国航空器不得从事的事项和不得飞行的区域三、外国航空器不得从事的事项和不得飞行的区域三、外国航空器不得从事的事项和不得飞行的区域(一)(一)Misuse of civil aviation-禁止滥用民用航空禁止滥用民用航空(二)国内载运权(二)国内载运权 air cabotage -air cabotage -Each contracting State shall have the right to refuse

31、permission to the aircraft of other contracting States to take on in its territory passengers, mail and cargo carried for remuneration or hire and destined for another point within its territory. (三)无人驾驶航空器(三)无人驾驶航空器( (Pilotless aircraft)飞行须经特别许飞行须经特别许可可(四)不违背关于飞行禁区(四)不违背关于飞行禁区( (Prohibited areas) 的

32、规定的规定Chapter 6 3.Legal Institution Air Navigation3.Legal Institution Air Navigation四、遵守当地国家的法律、规章和国际空中规则四、遵守当地国家的法律、规章和国际空中规则 (一)Landing at customs airport & accept inspection (二)遵守地面国的空中规章和国际空中规则-the laws and regulations of a contracting State relating to the admission to or departure from its terr

33、itory of aircraft shall be complied with by such aircraft upon entering or departing from or while within the territory of that State.(三)Prevention of spread of disease-Each State agrees to take effective measures to prevent the spread by means of air navigation of cholera, typhus (epidemic), smallp

34、ox, yellow fever, plague, and such other communicable diseases.(四)遵守货物限制-Cargo restrictions: No munitions of war or implements of war may be carried in or above the territory of a State in aircraft engaged in international navigation, except by permission of such State.(五)Documents should be carried

35、 in aircraft(六)服从对无线电设备的管理 Aircraft radio equipment航空器登记证、航空器适航证、机组成员的执照、航行记录簿、航空器无线电台许可证、列有乘客姓名及其登机地与目的地的清单、货物舱单及详细的申报单 第6章 4.International Air Transportation4.International Air Transportation一、一、一、一、management systemmanagement system(一)国际航空运输协会(一)国际航空运输协会International Air Transport Association(IAT

36、A) an international industry trade group of airlines headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, where the International Civil Aviation Organization is also headquartered. IATAs mission is to represent, lead and serve the airline industry. IATA represents some 230 airlines comprising 93% of scheduled

37、 international air traffic.非政府组织,是定期航班航空公司的行业协会组织。职能范围主要是两类:一是航空技术、法律、财务、运输服务、代理人事务等事项,二是航空运价协调(tariff coordination ),发挥多边航空客货运价的制定机制的作用。运价协调活动为任意性的,成员可选择参加。 第6章 4.International Air Transportation4.International Air Transportation(二)二)Bermuda Agreement ModelBermuda Agreement ,reached in 1946 by Amer

38、ican and British negotiators in Bermuda, was the first bilateral Air Transport Agreement regulating civil air transport. It established a precedent for the signing of approximately 3,000 other such agreements between countries. 1.the air transport facilities available to the traveling public should

39、bear a close relationship to the requirements of the public; 2.there shall be a fair and equal opportunity for the carriers of the two nations to operate on any route between their respective territories; 3. in the operation by the air carriers of either government of the trunk services, the interes

40、t of the air carriers of the other government shall be taken into consideration. The Agreement was expanded in 1977. British airlines were allowed new non-stop services and the freedom to combine their US points on each route as they chose. 第6章 4.International Air Transportation4.International Air T

41、ransportation( (三三三三) ) bilateral Air Transport Agreementbilateral Air Transport Agreement(also sometimes called a bilateral Air Service Agreement) is an agreement which two nations sign to allow civil aviation between their territories. 主要内容:主要内容:(1)Specify air-确定航线;确定航线;(2)Exchange the right to op

42、eration交换运营权利;交换运营权利;(3)Designated airline-指定空运企业;指定空运企业;(4)Airline capacity rights -航空运力条款;航空运力条款;(5)Airline pricing rights-航空运价条款;航空运价条款;(6)The administrative provisions行政性条款。行政性条款。涉及辅助权利的海关、税务、商务、技术服务等方面的事项,旨在便利所指定的空运企业经营协议航班。 第6章 4.International Air Transportation4.International Air Transportati

43、on 二、二、operating license-航空运营权航空运营权是指一个国家指定的航空公司,根据本国政府与外国政府签订的航空运输协定,在协议航线上经营航空运输业务,在外国取得的飞越、经停该国或在该国上、下旅客、运送行李、货物和邮件的商业运输权利。航空运营权包括两大类:航空运营权包括两大类:(一)主要权利(一)主要权利(一)主要权利(一)主要权利-hard rights-hard rights1.运营许可或市场准入-market access 1944国际航空运输协定五项自由(1)不降停而飞越其领土的权利;(2)非商业性降停的权利;(3)卸下来自航空器国籍国领土的旅客、行李、货物、邮件的权

44、利;(4)装卸前往航空器国籍国领土的旅客、行李、货物、邮件的权利;(5)装卸前往或来自任何第三国领土的旅客、行李、货物、邮件的权利。主要权利主要权利-hard rights辅助权利辅助权利-soft rights1.fly across its territory without landing;2. to land in its territory for non-traffic purposes; 3. to put down traffic coming from the home State of the carrier;4. to take on, traffic destined

45、for the home State of the carrier;5. to put down and to take on traffic coming from or destined to a third State. (freedoms of the Air): 第6章 4.International Air Transportation4.International Air Transportation2.运力权-capacity rights运力指运输能力,一般指使用某种型号的飞机在一定期限的航班次数。运力权就是航空公司使用大小机型和经营多少班次的权利。3.运价权-pricing

46、 rights 运价权是指航空公司决定运价的权利。 (二)辅助权利(二)辅助权利(二)辅助权利(二)辅助权利-soft rights: -soft rights: doing business doing business rightsrights 建立办事处和雇用外籍职员权,使用当地货币和可兑换外币销售权,使用航站地面服务选择权,兑换外币和结汇权,等等。Chapter 6 Chapter 6 5.Liability 5.Liability of civil airlineof civil airline一、承运人的责任制度一、承运人的责任制度- Liability of Carrier192

47、9 Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air 统一国际航空运输某些规则的公约,简称华沙公约,the first convention relates to the liability of civil airline companies for death or injury suffered by passengers. The Convention was modified by the Hague Amendment of 1955, but as t

48、his proved unacceptable to the United States a subsequent Agreement in Montreal was signed in 1966 raising the limits of liability as regards airlines flying in or to the USA.Chapter 6 Chapter 6 5.Liability 5.Liability of civil airlineof civil airline(一)一)The carrier is liable for :1. damage sustain

49、ed in the event of the death or wounding of a passenger or any other bodily injury suffered by a passenger, if the accident which caused the damage so sustained took place on board the aircraft or in the course of any of the operations of embarking or disembarking.2.damage sustained in the event of

50、the destruction or loss of, or of damage to, any registered luggage or any goods, if the occurrence which caused the damage so sustained took place during the carriage by air. 3. damage occasioned by delay in the carriage by air of passengers, luggage or goods. 承运人在三种情况下应当承担责任:(1)对于旅客死亡、受伤或任何其他人身伤害所

51、遭受的损害,如果造成这种损害的事故是发生在航空器上或在上、下航空器的过程中;(2)对于任何已经登记交运的行李或货物毁灭、遗失或损坏遭受的损害,如果造成这种损害的事故是发生在航空运输期间;(3) 对旅客、行李或货物在航空运输中由于延误所造成的损害。 但承运人的责任是有限制的。Chapter 6 Chapter 6 5.Liability 5.Liability of civil airlineof civil airline(二)(二)the carrier is not liable:1.if he proves that he and his agents have taken all ne

52、cessary measures to avoid the damage or that it was impossible for him or them to take such measures.2.In the carriage of goods and luggage if he proves that the damage was occasioned by negligent pilotage pailtid,领航 or negligence in the handling of the aircraft or in navigation and that, in all oth

53、er respects, he and his agents have taken all necessary measures to avoid the damage. 公约规定在两种情况下,承运人可以免除责任:(1)承运人如果证明他和他的代理人为避免损失的发生,已采取了一切必要的措施或者他和他的代理人不可能采取这种措施时,不负责任;(2) 在运输货物和行李时,如果承运人证明损失的发生是由于驾驶上、航空器的操作上或领航上的过失,而在其他一切方面承运人和他的代理人已经采取一切必要的措施以避免损失时。Chapter 6 Chapter 6 5.Liability5.Liability of ci

54、vil airlineof civil airline(三)(三) the carrier can be exonerate wholly or partly from his liabilityIf the carrier proves that the damage was caused by or contributed to by the negligence of the injured person the Court may, in accordance with the provisions of its own law, exonerate the carrier wholl

55、y or partly from his liability. 如果承运人证明损失的发生是由于受害人的过失所引起或助成,法院可以按照它的法律规定,免除或减轻承运人的责任。 (四)四)established upper limits for liability -the liability of the carrier is 1.for each passenger, limited to the sum of 125,000 francs. 2.registered luggage and goods, limited to a sum of 250 francs per kilogram,

56、unless the consignor has made, at the time when the package was handed over to the carrier, a special declaration of the value at delivery and has paid a supplementary sum. 3.objects of which the passenger takes charge himself, limited to 5,000 francs per passenger. Chapter 6 Chapter 6 5.Liability5.

57、Liability of civil airlineof civil airline(五)The carrier shall not be entitled to avail himself of the provisions of this Convention which exclude or limit his liability, 1.if the damage is caused by his willful misconduct or by such default on his part 2. if the damage is caused as aforesaid f:sed,

58、上述的 by any agent of the carrier acting within the scope of his employment. ()如果损失的发生是由于承运人的有意的不良行为,或由于承运人的过失,而根据受理法院的法律,这种过失被认为等于有意的不良行为,承运人就无权引用本公约关于免除或限制承运人责任的规定。 ()同样,如果上述情况造成的损失是承运人的代理人之一在执行他的职务范围内所造成的,承运人也无权引用这种规定。1971年危地马拉议定书和1975年蒙特利尔第4号议定书分别把客运和货运损害赔偿的责任制度由“主观责任制”改变成“客观责任制”或“有限客观责任制”,较大幅度地提高

59、了旅客及其行李运输的责任限额。Chapter 6 Chapter 6 5.Liability5.Liability of civil airlineof civil airline二、二、Damage to third partiesConvention on Damage Caused by Foreign Aircraft to Third Parties on the Surface,简称,简称罗马公约罗马公约目的是力争在最大可能范围内,将世界各国适用于外国航空器对地(水)面第三者造成损害的责任规则统一起来,一方面确保受害人获得适当的赔偿,同时合理地限制因此种损害而引起的责任范围。 参加

60、国家不多,目的未能实现。焦点在于对责任限额水平存在严重分歧,发达国家认为责任限额过低,有的认为应取消责任限额。为了实现罗马公约的目的,在国际民用航空组织的主持下,1978年在蒙特利尔召开航空法会议,修订罗马公约,制定了1978蒙特利尔议定书(2002年7月25日生效),主要是提高了责任限额。 Chapter 6 6.Legal Protection of the Safety of Aviation6.Legal Protection of the Safety of Aviation一、有关制止危害国际民航安全的非法行为的公约一、有关制止危害国际民航安全的非法行为的公约一、有关制止危害国际民

61、航安全的非法行为的公约一、有关制止危害国际民航安全的非法行为的公约1. Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft东京公约东京公约: 1963年关于在航空器内犯罪和某些其它行为的公约(1969年生效),是力图全面解决发生在航空器上的各种非法行为的管辖问题的公约。2. Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft 海牙公约海牙公约: 1970年关于制止非法劫持航空器的公约(1971年生效),是专门针对非法劫持航空器

62、的犯罪的公约。3. Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Civil Aviation 蒙特利尔公约蒙特利尔公约: 1971年制止危害民用航空安全的非法行为的公约,(1973年生效),是力图惩治各种危害国际民用航空安全的非法行为的公约。Chapter 6 6.Legal Protection of the Safety of Aviation6.Legal Protection of the Safety of Aviation4. Protocol for the Suppression o

63、f Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation, Supplementary to the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Civil Aviation, Done at Montreal on 23 September 1971 蒙特利尔议定书蒙特利尔议定书: 1988年制止在用于国际民用航空的机场发生的非法暴力行为以补充1971年9月23日订于蒙特利尔的制止危害民用航空安全的非法

64、行为的公约的议定书(1989年生效),是专门针对发生在机场的暴力行为的公约。5. Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection 1991年年蒙特利尔公约蒙特利尔公约:注标塑性炸药以便探测的公约(简称,1998年生效),要求各国制造塑性炸药加添“可探测物质”,使之成为“注标塑性炸药”,目的是有效制止软叶状或富于弹性的塑性炸药对航空器的危害。 Chapter 6 6.Legal Protection of the Safety of Aviation6.Legal Protection of

65、 the Safety of Aviation二、危害国际民用航空安全的非法行为二、危害国际民用航空安全的非法行为二、危害国际民用航空安全的非法行为二、危害国际民用航空安全的非法行为背景数字:背景数字:第一起空中劫持案:1932,秘鲁,几名失败的“革命者”劫机逃走;第一起空中劫持案:事隔15年,1947,保加利亚,一人叛逃西欧;1950s,劫机事件零零星星,断断续续,发生在东西欧之间,多属叛逃;1960s,层出不穷,此起彼伏:1968年30起,1969年91起,平均4天一起,且得逞率高达82.5;从1969年到1977年,20年间,全球550多起。 Chapter 6 6.Legal Prot

66、ection of the Safety of Aviation6.Legal Protection of the Safety of Aviation(一)(一)东京公约东京公约规定的非法行为规定的非法行为适用于“飞行中”的航空器上发生的两类非法行为:1.违反航空器登记国刑法的犯罪行为;违反航空器登记国刑法的犯罪行为;offences against penal law; 2.“不论是否犯罪,可能或确已危害航空器及其所载人员或财产不论是否犯罪,可能或确已危害航空器及其所载人员或财产的安全,或者危害航空器内的正常秩序和纪律的行为的安全,或者危害航空器内的正常秩序和纪律的行为”。acts whi

67、ch, whether or not they are offences, may or do jeopardize the safety of the aircraft or of persons or property therein or which jeopardize good order and discipline on board. 此处的“飞行中”指航空器为起飞而发动时到降落后滑跑完毕时。an aircraft is considered to be in flight from the moment when power is applied for the purpose

68、 of take- off until the moment when the landing run ends. Tokyo Convention 1963Chapter 6 6.Legal Protection of the Safety of Aviation6.Legal Protection of the Safety of Aviation(二)(二)1970年年海牙公约海牙公约规定的犯罪行为规定的犯罪行为海牙公约第1条规定了“空中劫持” 罪行:“凡在飞行中的航空凡在飞行中的航空器内的任何人,用暴力或用暴力威胁,或用任何其它恐吓方式,非法器内的任何人,用暴力或用暴力威胁,或用任何其

69、它恐吓方式,非法劫持或控制该航空器,或企图从事任何这种行为,或是从事或企图从劫持或控制该航空器,或企图从事任何这种行为,或是从事或企图从事这种行为的人的同犯,即是犯有罪行。事这种行为的人的同犯,即是犯有罪行。”Article 1:Any person who on board an aircraft in flight, unlawfully, by force or threat thereof, or by any other form of intimidation, seizes, or exercises control of, that aircraft, or attempts

70、to perform any such act, commits an offence. an accomplice of a person此处的“飞行中”指航空器从装载完毕、机舱外部各门均已关闭时起,直到打开任一机舱门以便卸载时为止;航空器被迫降落时,在主管当局接管对该航空器及其所载人员和财产的责任前。an aircraft is considered to be in flight at any time from the moment when all its external doors are closed following embarkation until the moment

71、 when any such door is opened for disembarkation. In the case of a forced landing, the flight shall be deemed to continue until the competent authorities take over the responsibility for the aircraft and for persons and property on board. Chapter 6 6.Legal Protection of the Safety of Aviation6.Legal

72、 Protection of the Safety of Aviation(三)(三)1971年年蒙特利尔公约蒙特利尔公约规定的非法行为规定的非法行为公约规定了5种危害国际民用航空安全的非法行为:1.对对飞行中飞行中的航空器内的人实施暴力行为,如该行为足以危及该航空器的的航空器内的人实施暴力行为,如该行为足以危及该航空器的安全;安全;2. 破坏破坏使用中使用中的航空器,或者对该航空器造成损坏使其不能飞行或足以的航空器,或者对该航空器造成损坏使其不能飞行或足以危及其飞行安全;危及其飞行安全;3. 不论采用何种方法,在不论采用何种方法,在使用中使用中的航空器内放置或使他人放置一种装置的航空器内放置

73、或使他人放置一种装置或物质,该装置或物质具有破坏该航空器,或者对其造成损坏使其不能飞或物质,该装置或物质具有破坏该航空器,或者对其造成损坏使其不能飞行或足以危及飞行安全的特性;行或足以危及飞行安全的特性;4. 破坏或损坏破坏或损坏航行设施航行设施或扰乱其工作,足以危及飞行中的航空器的安全;或扰乱其工作,足以危及飞行中的航空器的安全;5.传送明知是虚假的情报,由此危及飞行中的航空器的安全。传送明知是虚假的情报,由此危及飞行中的航空器的安全。an aircraft is considered to be in service from the beginning of the preflight

74、preparation of the aircraft by ground personnel or by the crew for a specific flight until twenty-four hours after any landing.Any person commits an offence if he unlawfully and intentionally: (a) performs an act of violence against a person on board an aircraft in flight if that act is likely to en

75、danger the safety of that aircraft; or (b) destroys an aircraft in service or causes damage to such an aircraft which renders it incapable of flight or which is likely to endanger its safety in flight; or (c) places or causes to be placed on an aircraft in service, by any means whatsoever, a device

76、or substance which is likely to destroy that aircraft, or to cause damage to it which renders it incapable of flight, or to cause damage to it which is likely to endanger its safety in flight; or (d) destroys or damages air navigation facilities or interferes with their operation, if any such act is

77、 likely to endanger the safety of aircraft in flight; or (e) communicates information which he knows to be false, thereby endangering the safety of an aircraft in flight. Chapter 6 6.Legal Protection of the Safety of Aviation6.Legal Protection of the Safety of Aviation(四)(四)1988年年蒙特利尔议定书蒙特利尔议定书规定的非法

78、行为规定的非法行为1. 使用一种装置、物质或武器,在用于使用一种装置、物质或武器,在用于国际民用航空的机场内国际民用航空的机场内对人实施暴对人实施暴力行为,造成或足以造成重伤或死亡的;力行为,造成或足以造成重伤或死亡的;2. 使用一种装置、物质或武器,使用一种装置、物质或武器,破坏或严重破坏用于破坏或严重破坏用于国际民用航空的机场国际民用航空的机场的设备或停在机场上未在使用中的的设备或停在机场上未在使用中的航空器,或者中断机场服务以致危及或足以危及该机场的安全。航空器,或者中断机场服务以致危及或足以危及该机场的安全。“Any person commits an offence if he un

79、lawfully and intentionally, using any device, substance or weapon:(a) performs an act of violence against a person at an airport serving international civil aviation which causes or is likely to cause serious injury or death; or(b) destroys or seriously damages the facilities of an airport serving i

80、nternational civil aviation or aircraft not in service located thereon or disrupts the services of the airport,if such an act endangers or is likely to endanger safety at that airport.“公约背景:80年代破坏机场安全的事件增多,东京、罗马、法兰克福Chapter 6 6.Legal Protection of the Safety of Aviation6.Legal Protection of the Safe

81、ty of Aviation三、对危害国际民航安全的非法行为的管辖权三、对危害国际民航安全的非法行为的管辖权美国诉科多瓦案:公海上空飞行的航空器英王诉马丁案:本国领土外飞行的航空器(一)(一)Tokyo Convention 1963 规定了并行的管辖权:1.航空器登记国有管辖权航空器登记国有管辖权-The State of registration of the aircraft 2.依照本国法律行使的任何刑事管辖权依照本国法律行使的任何刑事管辖权-Each Contracting State shall take such measures as may be necessary to e

82、stablish its jurisdiction This Convention does not exclude any criminal jurisdiction exercised in accordance with national law. Chapter 6 6.Legal Protection of the Safety of Aviation6.Legal Protection of the Safety of Aviation(二)(二)海牙公约海牙公约的规定的规定 Hijacking Convention航空器登记国;降落地国;承租人主要营业地或永久居所地国;罪犯所在地

83、国:嫌犯在缔约国领土内而未将其引渡给上述三类国家;各国可根据本国法律行使任何刑事管辖权。1.aircraft registered in that State;2.the aircraft on board which the offence is committed lands in its territory ;3. an aircraft leased without crew to a lessee who has his principal place of business or, if the lessee has no such place of business, his p

84、ermanent residence, in that State;4. the alleged offender is present in its territory and it does not extradite him;5.This Convention does not exclude any criminal jurisdiction exercised in accordance with national law. Chapter 6 6.Legal Protection of the Safety of Aviation6.Legal Protection of the

85、Safety of Aviation(三)(三)19711971年年蒙特利尔公约蒙特利尔公约及补充议定书的规定及补充议定书的规定蒙特利尔公约与海牙公约的规定基本相同,但增加了“罪行发生地国”的管辖权,这是因为罪行越来越多地发生在地面。蒙特利尔公约补充议定书规定发现罪犯的国家若不将此人引渡给罪行发生地国,则应对罪行实施管辖权,从而使罪行发生地国有要求引渡罪犯的优先权。 Chapter 6 6.Legal Protection of the Safety of Aviation6.Legal Protection of the Safety of Aviation四、或引渡或起诉(四、或引渡或起诉

86、(aut dedere aut punier)原则)原则 either punish or let others punish /either extradite or punish 海牙公约和蒙特利尔公约均有规定;应按照本国法律以普通罪行(非政治罪)案件的同样方式作出决定。The Contracting State in the territory of which the alleged offender is found shall, if it does not extradite him, be obliged, without exception whatsoever and wh

87、ether or not the offence was committed in its territory, to submit the case to its competent authorities for the purpose of prosecution. Those authorities shall take their decision in the same manner as in the case of any ordinary offence of a serious nature under the law of that State.但公约没有设置强制的引渡义

88、务。 公约的缺陷美国诉科多瓦案 1948年8月2日,美国一家航空公司的飞机从波多黎各的胡安飞往纽约。当飞机飞行于公海上空时,旅客科多瓦与桑塔诺两个人发生争吵。乘务员进行劝解,两人非但不听劝阻,反而大打出手。其他旅客也纷纷拥向后机舱围观。由于重心忽然后移,使飞机陡然失去平衡,机长紧急采取措施,才使飞机得到控制。机长把操纵飞机的权利交给另一名驾驶员,走进客舱来制止这起事件。桑塔诺听从机长劝阻罢手不打了,而科多瓦却反过来欧打机长和乘务员,并把女乘务员打成重伤。众旅客上前将其制服。飞机降落后,向纽约南区法院提起诉讼。纽约南区法院虽然完全相信科多瓦犯有暴力行为的证据,应当裁定他有罪,但却做不出定罪的判决

89、。因为该犯罪是发生在公海上空,美国法律缺乏惩治该犯罪的管辖权。根据罪刑法定原则,只好把在押的科多瓦释放了。 转回英王诉马丁案1955年,在英国登记英国登记的一架民航飞机在从波斯湾的巴林巴林飞往新加坡新加坡的途中,发现机组人员马丁马丁携带贩运鸦片。当该飞机返回英国本土后,检察官将马丁逮捕并起诉,其罪名是贩运鸦片违犯了英国英国危险毒品条例危险毒品条例所规定的贩运毒品罪贩运毒品罪,并根据1949年英国民用航空法第六十二条第一款规定:“在英国飞机上发生的任何犯罪,为赋予管辖权的目的,均应视为发生的犯罪人当时所在地的犯罪”。于是,将其提交英国法院。被告律师抗辩称,马丁没有在英国犯罪,应该由其在飞行中被发现贩运鸦片的当地法院来判断贩运鸦片是否构成犯罪。英国公诉人依据的英国危害毒品条例只能对英国本土有效,没有域外效力。经过反复辩论,法院不得不驳回起诉,因为英国法中的成文法规定的犯罪,不适用于在英国境外的在英国登记的飞机上。而1949年的英国民用航空法第六十二条,并没有规定犯罪,仅对普通法或成文法规所定犯罪申明英国的管辖权。转回



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