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1、一、体会各类状语从句一、体会各类状语从句nTask1.课前自前自测结果果检查n1.When 2.While 3.After 4.before 5.as 6.Since7. tilluntil 8.until 9. as soon as 10.where11.Wherever12.because 13.Since 14. As 15.if 16.unlessn17.so that 18.sothat 19.suchthat n 20. than 21. asas 22.soas 23.ThoughAlthough状语从句考点复习与写作状语从句考点复习与写作1.1.读懂各类状语从句读懂各类状语从句

2、, ,积累常用的从属连词积累常用的从属连词; ;2.2.学会正确地选用从属连词学会正确地选用从属连词把句子补充完整把句子补充完整; ;3.3.灵活地使用状语从句于写作中灵活地使用状语从句于写作中. .本课复习目标本课复习目标:Task2 朗读句子,体会划线部分各属于哪朗读句子,体会划线部分各属于哪类状语从句,并用了哪些从属连词?类状语从句,并用了哪些从属连词?类型类型题号题号从属连词从属连词时间状语从句地点状语从句原因状语从句条件状语从句目的状语从句结果状语从句比较状语从句让步状语从句熟读深思熟读深思 1 1 . .When I came into the room, I came into

3、the room, he he was watching TV.was watching TV.2. 2. While it was raining, it was raining, they went they went out.out.3.3.After she finished her homework, she finished her homework, she went to the cinema.she went to the cinema.4. She washed her face 4. She washed her face before she she went to b

4、ed.went to bed. 5. He read the newspapers as he went along. 6.6. Since he came to Beijing, he came to Beijing, he he has lived here.has lived here.7. We waited 7. We waited till/until he was back. he was back.8. He didn8. He didnt go to bed t go to bed until he he finished his homework.finished his

5、homework.9. I9. Ill tell her ll tell her as soon as she she comes es back.类型类型题号题号从属连词从属连词时间状语从句时间状语从句1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9when while after before as since tilluntil as soon as10. We want to go where work is hard.11.Wherever we go ,we must learn from others.12.I didn12.I didnt go to school t go to schoo

6、l because I I was ill.was ill.13.13. S Since you need this book,you need this book, you may you may take it.take it.14. 14. A As we are young,we are young, we must enrich we must enrich ourselves with knowledge. ourselves with knowledge. 15.We will go to the zoo 15.We will go to the zoo if it doesni

7、t doesnt t rain tomorrow.rain tomorrow.16.He wont succeed 16.He wont succeed unless he works he works hard.hard.类型类型题号题号从属连词从属连词地点状语从句地点状语从句原因状语从句原因状语从句条件状语从句条件状语从句10,11wherewherever12,13,14becausesinceas15,16if unless17.Tomorrow I shall go to school earlier so that I can clean the classroom by myse

8、lf.18.She was 18.She was so tired tired that she she couldncouldnt finish the task.t finish the task. 19. He is 19. He is such a kind person a kind person that we all like him.we all like him.20. The sun is bigger The sun is bigger than the the earth.earth.21. I study as hard as our monitor does.22.

9、 The Yellow River is not so long as the Changjiang River.23.ThoughAlthough I fall behind others now, I will study hard and catch up with others.目的状语从句目的状语从句结果状语从句结果状语从句比较状语从句比较状语从句让步状语从句让步状语从句1718,1920,21,2223so thatsothatsuchthat than asas(not)soasthoughalthoughTask3 辨析两组从属连词辨析两组从属连词n朗朗读例句(例句(P149例


11、状语从句如此。以致于如此。以致于so thatso/suchthat比较状语从句比较状语从句与。一样与。一样比比asthan让步状语从句让步状语从句虽然虽然though/although因为因为由于由于既然既然原因状语从句原因状语从句becauseassince三、状语从句与高考的语法填空题三、状语从句与高考的语法填空题n齐读歌歌诀:n状状语从句有多种,从句有多种,时间、条件、原因、条件、原因、 让步、步、结果最常用。果最常用。n时间从句常用从句常用 when ,事情之前用,事情之前用before, 事情之后用事情之后用after。n 状状语从句条件表,从句条件表,if 前面来引前面来引导,n

12、because 用来表原因,用来表原因,although用来表用来表让步。步。n结果状果状语也不也不难,请把把 sosuchthat 来分辨,来分辨,so加形容加形容词或副或副词,such加名加名词。n主句通常前面走,从句主句通常前面走,从句紧紧跟在后跟在后,n从句如在主句前,从句之后加逗号。从句如在主句前,从句之后加逗号。走进高考走进高考n1.He spoke so quietly I couldnt hear him.n2.We understand this lesson bestn we receive gifts of love from children.(2010高考高考)n3.

13、My friends walked me to the bus stop and waited with me the bus arrived. (2011高考)高考)thatwhentill/until主句主句+从属连词从属连词+状语从句状语从句从属连词从属连词+状语从句状语从句,+主句主句n4.they tried nhard,they couldnt make her nchange her mind.Although/Though四、聚焦五大状语从句和高考写作四、聚焦五大状语从句和高考写作n时间状语从句时间状语从句 when/before/aftern条件状语从句条件状语从句 if/u

14、nlessn原因状语从句原因状语从句 becausen让步状语从句让步状语从句 though/althoughn结果状语从句结果状语从句 sothat基础写作:基础写作: 假设你是李华,用五个句子讲述一次你在公假设你是李华,用五个句子讲述一次你在公共汽车上遇到的违反公共秩序行为的经历,内容共汽车上遇到的违反公共秩序行为的经历,内容如下:如下: 你正在搭公共汽车。坐在你旁边的一位年轻你正在搭公共汽车。坐在你旁边的一位年轻人点燃了一支香烟。你觉得不舒服。你叫他停止人点燃了一支香烟。你觉得不舒服。你叫他停止抽烟。但是他不接受你的建议。一位老妇女严肃抽烟。但是他不接受你的建议。一位老妇女严肃地谴责了他

15、。他不情愿地熄灭了香烟。你想对于地谴责了他。他不情愿地熄灭了香烟。你想对于一个人来说要阻止那些违反公共秩序的人很难。一个人来说要阻止那些违反公共秩序的人很难。我们携手同他们作斗争。我们肯定能建立一个更我们携手同他们作斗争。我们肯定能建立一个更好的环境。好的环境。中心时态中心时态&人称人称Task1 翻译助写词汇翻译助写词汇n1.搭公共汽搭公共汽车n2.点燃了一支香烟点燃了一支香烟n3. 接受某人的建接受某人的建议 n4. 同某人作斗争同某人作斗争n5.违反公共秩序反公共秩序n6. those rule-breakersn7. put out the cigarette unwillinglyn

16、8. condemn sb. seriously n9. join hands together 10.be sure to do sth,不情愿地熄灭了香烟不情愿地熄灭了香烟严肃地谴责了某人严肃地谴责了某人那些违反公共秩序的人那些违反公共秩序的人携手携手肯定能肯定能.take a buslight(lit) a cigaretteaccept ones suggestionstruggle/fight against sb.break rulesTask2 单句翻译单句翻译四、聚焦五大状语从句和高考写作四、聚焦五大状语从句和高考写作n时间状语从句时间状语从句 when/before/afte

17、rn条件状语从句条件状语从句 if/unlessn原因状语从句原因状语从句 becausen让步状语从句让步状语从句 though/althoughn结果状语从句结果状语从句 sothat1. I was taking a bus.2.A young man beside me lit a cigarette.When I was taking a bus, a young man beside me lit a cigarette.Task3 连句成篇连句成篇3.I felt uncomfortable.4. I asked him to stop smoking .I felt so un

18、comfortable that I asked him to stop smoking.6.An old lady condemned him seriously7.He put out the cigarette unwillingly.After an old lady condemned him seriously, he put out the cigarette unwillingly.9. We join hands together to fight against them .10. We are sure to build a better environment.If w

19、e join hands together to fight against them , we are sure to build a better environment.8.It is hard for one person to stop those rule- breakers.If we join hands together to fight against them , we are sure to build a better environment.Although/Though it is hard for one person to stop those rule- b

20、reakers,if we join hands together to fight against them , we are sure to build a better environment. When I was taking a bus, a young man beside me lit a cigarette. I felt so uncomfortable that I asked him to stop smoking .But he couldnt accept my suggestion. After an old lady condemned him seriously, he put out the cigarette unwillingly. Although it is hard for one person to stop those rule- breakers, if we join hands together to fight against them , we are sure to build a better environment.Homeworkn1.把作文整理后工整地抄写到作文本。n2.完成名师指津P150n第一题、单句填空n第二题、语法填空



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