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1、Unit 1 A Trip to the Silk Road 复习目标概览复习目标概览. 词汇词汇拓展拓展1. exciting (adj. )_ (adj. )令人令人兴奋兴奋的的2. dish(n. ) _ (pl. )3. ring(v. ) (过过去式去式) _ (过过去分去分词词) _答案:答案:1. excited 2. dishes 3. rang; rung4. lead(v. ) (过过去式去式) _ (过过去分去分词词) _5. send(v. ) (过过去式去式) _ (过过去分去分词词) _6. hit(v. ) (过过去式去式) _ (过过去分去分词词) _答案:答案

2、:4. led; led 5. sent; sent 6. hit; hit. 短短语语互互译译1. 猜猜看猜猜看guess _2. 学学习习;了解;了解learn _3. 爬上;攀登爬上;攀登climb _4. 禁止拍照!禁止拍照! _ photos! 5. 散步散步 _ _ a walk答案:答案:1. what 2. about 3. up 4. No 5. go for 6. 参参观观;旅游;旅游 _ _ tour7. be famous as _8. on ones way to _9. fall off _10. thousands of _答案:答案:6. take a 7. 作

3、为作为而出名而出名 8. 某人在去某人在去的路上的路上9. 跌落;下降跌落;下降 10. 数以千计的;许多的数以千计的;许多的 知识点梳理知识点梳理1、may的用法2、给某人寄送某物(两个句型)3、exciting 与excited interested&interesting bored & boring4、arrive in 与 arrive at 5、leave 与 leave for 6、 welcome to +地点 知识点梳理知识点梳理7、enjoy 的用法8、enough的用法9、another 与the other10、thousand 的用法11、提问距离12、be famo

4、us forbe famous for 与be famous as be famous as . 句型攻关句型攻关1. 从你家到西安有多从你家到西安有多远远?大大约约有有10千米。千米。 _ _ is it from your house to Xian? _ _ 10 kilometres. 2. 墙墙大大约约有有1千米千米长长,10多年之久。多年之久。The wall is about 1 kilometre _ and _ 10 _ _ . 答案:答案:1. How far; Its about 2. long; over; years old 3. 敦煌以沙城而敦煌以沙城而闻闻名。名。

5、Dunhuang _ _ _ the City of Sands. 4. 上周日我朋友上周日我朋友给给我我发发了一封了一封电电子子邮邮件。件。My friend _ _ an E-mail last Sunday. 5. 昨夜一些苹果从昨夜一些苹果从树树上落下来了。上落下来了。_ _ apples _ _ the trees last night. 答案:答案:3. is famous as 4. sent me 5. A few; fell off语法大拼盘1、数词、数词(1)表示几十几时表示几十几时, 非整数的十位数与个位数中间非整数的十位数与个位数中间要加连字符。要加连字符。(2)表示表

6、示“几百、几千几百、几千”时时, 由由19的基数词形式的基数词形式加上加上hundred 或或thousand 构成构成, 在英语中在英语中, 要用要用_连接百位或千位与最后两位数连接百位或千位与最后两位数(十位和个位十位和个位)。(3)在表示确切的数字时在表示确切的数字时, hundred和和thousand不不能使用复数形式能使用复数形式; 但当表示不确切数字但当表示不确切数字, 如如“成百成百上千、成千上万上千、成千上万”等概念时等概念时, 要在其后加要在其后加_,后,后接介词接介词_。完成句子完成句子1. 李李伟伟在七年在七年级级十二班。十二班。Li Wei is in Class _

7、, Grade _. 2. 几点了?几点了?12:48。What time is it? Its _ _ . 答案:答案:1. Twelve; Seven 2. twelve forty-eight3. 那所学校有那所学校有209名老名老师师和和2,567个学生。个学生。There are _ _ _ _ teachers and _ _ _ _ _ _ students in that school. 答答案案:two hundred and nine; two thousand five hundred and sixty-seven4. 那个老人那个老人103岁岁了。今天是他了。今天是他

8、103周周岁岁的生日。的生日。The old man is _ _ _ _ years old. It is his _ _ _ _ birthday today. 5. 昨天数千名学生看了那昨天数千名学生看了那场场比比赛赛。_ _ students watched the match yesterday. 答案:答案:4. one hundred and three; one hundred and third5. Thousands of语法大拼盘2、will的用法的用法一一般般将将来来时时表表示示将将来来某某一一时时刻刻的的动动作作或或状状态态, 常常和和表表示示将将来来的的时时间间状状

9、语语连连用用。例例如如: tomorrow(明明天天), next week(下下周周), in the future(将来将来)等。等。由由“助动词助动词will+动词原形动词原形”构成。它的否定形式是在构成。它的否定形式是在_后加后加not, will not 缩写为缩写为_。它的疑问形式。它的疑问形式是把是把_提到主语前。提到主语前。句型句型转换转换1. Tony often plays badminton on Sundays. (用用this Sunday改改写写句子句子)Tony _ _ badminton this Sunday. 2. Well go skating this

10、afternoon. (改改为为否定句否定句)We _ _ skating this afternoon. 答案:答案:1. will play 2. wont go 3. My mother will make some cookies for me. (改改为为一般疑一般疑问问句句)_ your mother make _ cookies for you? 4. The boy will go shopping this morning. (对对画画线线部分提部分提问问)_ _ the boy _ this morning? 答案:答案:3. Will; any 4. What will;

11、 doQuiz( )1. We know that she enjoys _books.A. read B. reads C. to read D . reading( )2. Tony wants me _ to the zoo with him.A. go B. goes C. to go D. going( )3. That tree is about _,can you climb up to the top of it?A. twenty metre tallB. twenty metres tall C. twenty tall metre D. twenty tall metre

12、s ( )4. Danny _the bike,but he doesnt hurt himself.A. gets down B. climbs up C. falls off D. comes on( )5. This book has _pages. A. four hundredB. four hundreds C. four hundred ofD. four hundreds of1、D 2、C 3、B 4、C 5、A( )6. I want to invite Li Hua _ to my party.A. come B. to come C. comes D. coming(

13、)7. We dont have enough money _the car.A.buy B. to buy C.buy D. buying( )8. They will arrive _ Beijing _ the morning of October 8th.A. at; in B. in; in C. to; in D. in; on( )9. I need _ some flowers for my English teacher. A. to blowing B. to buy C. buying D. blowing( )10. _ run _ jump. Please sit d

14、own, Jim.A. Not; and B. Not; or C. Dont; or D. Dont; and6、B 7、B 8、D 9、B 10、C( )11. Ill go to the bookstore_some books. Can you go with me?A. buys B. buying C. to buy D. buy( )12. Danny, please dont jump on the train._.A. Yes, I do B. Sorry, I wont C. Thats all right D. I like jumping( )13. _is it fr

15、om Shanghai to Beijing?A. How old B. How much C. How long D. How far( )14. I dont like the colour of this sweater.Would you show me_one? A. another B. other C. else D. the other( )15. Have a nice trip to Beijing!_.A . I like doing that B. Ill go there, tooC. Its far from here D. Thank you very much1

16、1、C 12、B 13、D 14、A 15、D 本本单单元元以以“去去丝丝绸绸之之路路旅旅行行”为为话话题题,围围绕绕这这一一话话题题谈谈论论请请求求许许可可、旅旅行行计计划划、旅旅行行见见闻闻,介介绍绍中中国国名名胜胜和和文文化化,学学习习相相关关语语言言。让让学学生生明明确确与与生生活活密密切切相相关关的的话话题题如如何何用用英英语语进进行行表表达达。而而最最能能体体现现本本单单元元话话题题和和语语言言运运用用能能力力的的话话题题作作文文就就是是“一次一次的旅行的旅行”。【习习作作练习练习】 暑暑假假要要来来了了,如如果果你你是是石石家家庄庄一一家家旅旅行行社社的的导导游游,请请根根据据下

17、面的宣下面的宣传页传页写一篇西安三日游的介写一篇西安三日游的介绍绍材料。材料。西安三日游西安三日游行程安排:行程安排:星期一:晚上六点出星期一:晚上六点出发发星期二:上午八点到达参星期二:上午八点到达参观观古城、兵古城、兵马马俑俑星期三:参星期三:参观钟观钟楼、鼓楼下午返程回家楼、鼓楼下午返程回家交通方式:火交通方式:火车车费费用:用:500元每人元每人 要求要求: 1. 词词数数: 80个个左左右右(短短文文的的开开头头和和结结尾尾已已经经给给出出, 不不计计入入总总词词数数); 2. 根据所根据所给给信息可适当增加信息可适当增加细节细节, 以使行文以使行文连贯连贯。 Summer holi

18、day is coming. _If you want to go, please call 1745647890. 【思路点思路点拨拨】 (1)此此篇篇作作文文以以西西安安之之行行为为主主线线,以以谈谈论论交交通通和和即即将将游游览览的的情情况况为为主主要要内内容容。由由此此决决定定在在写写作作过过程程中中要要运运用用的的主主要要时时态态为为一般一般现现在在时时和一般将来和一般将来时时。 (2)单单元元实实用短用短语语、句型、句型储备储备 I will. . . Its. . . kilometres from. . . to. . . places of interest take pic

19、tures be famous as. . . 【佳作佳作鉴赏鉴赏】 Summer holiday is coming. Do you want to take a tour to Xian? We have a three-day trip to Xian. Its about 900 kilometres from Shijiazhuang to Xian. We will go there by train. We plan to leave Shijiazhuang at 6: 00 in the evening on Monday and arrive there at 8: 00

20、in the morning on Tuesday. Then we will visit some places of interest there. Xian is famous as a Walled City, so we will walk along the wall first. Inthe afternoon we will visit the Terra Cotta Warriors. We can take some pictures with them. On Wednesday we will visit the Drum Tower and the Bell Tower. We will come back in the afternoon. It is a very good trip, and everyone only costs 500 yuan. If you want to go, please call 1745647890.



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