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1、英汉思维方式与语言逻辑的比较一具象思维与抽象思维Wisdom prepares for the worst; but folly leaves the worst for the day it comes. 聪明人防患于未然,愚蠢者临渴掘井. In line with latest trends in fashion, a few dress designers have been sacrificing elegance to audacity. 有些时装设计师为了赶时髦,舍弃了优雅别致的式样,而一味追求袒胸露体的奇装异服.二综合型思维与分析型思维这对英汉语的结构形态产生了不同的影响三本体型

2、思维与客体型思维汉语习惯用表示人或生物的词做主语英语习惯用非生物名词做主语The thick carpet killed the sound of my footsteps. 我走在厚厚的地毯上,一点脚步声也没有. Notes were prepared in advance of meetings on matters to be discussed. 在举行会议之前,我已经就所要讨论的问题预先作好了笔记. 四顺向思维与逆向思维中: 您先请英: After you!中:东西南北(转战南北;南征北战)英: Clear divisions of the earths surface are us

3、ually called North, South, East or West. ( fight north and south) 东北 northeast 东南 southeast 西北 northwest 西南 southwest中: 九五折英: a five percent discount中: 自学英: self-taught中: 寒衣英: warm clothes中: 太平门英: emergency exit中: 油漆未干英: wet paint中: 乘客止步英: crew only 中:座钟英: standing clock人名文化与翻译一英汉人名的文化心态比较1 “重姓轻名”与”

4、重名轻姓”的民族心理2 “男女各性”与”妇随夫姓”的尊卑观念3 男刚女柔的性别意识英文名 中译名 名字含义Alexander 亚历山大 人类的慰籍Andrew 安得鲁 刚强Anthony 安东尼 无比可贵Charles 查尔斯 大丈夫Edward 爱德华 财富守护神Frank 弗兰克 自由Frederick 弗雷德里克 爱和平的统治者George 乔治 耕作者Henry 亨利 统治者Harold 哈罗德 武士Jack 杰克 刚强John 约翰 神的恩典Mark 马克 战神之子Michael 迈克尔 神之宠Richard 理查德 刚正Robert 罗伯特 明亮的火焰Walter 沃尔特 强有力的

5、统治者William 威廉 意志英文名 中译名 名字含义Allen 埃伦 阳光Alice 爱丽斯 美丽Anne 安妮 高雅Catherine 凯瑟琳 纯洁Emily 埃米莉 勤劳Elizabeth 伊丽莎白 神的誓言Helen 海伦 光明的使者Jane 简 神之爱Jenny 詹妮 文静Joan 琼 温柔Margaret 玛格丽特 珍珠Nancy 南希 高雅Susan 苏珊 百合花Zulia 朱丽亚 秀颜英汉人名姓氏的来源与命名习俗姓氏来源一 以古地名为姓 London Lancaster Boston Snowdon Everest Thames Hudson二 以居住地名为姓 Field(田

6、野) Hill(小山) Brook(小河) Lane(小巷) Shore(河岸)三 以职业名称为姓 Baker(面包师) Barber(理发师) Carpenter(木匠) Fisher(渔民) Hunter(猎人) Butcher(屠夫) Merchant(商人) Sailor(海员) Tailor(裁缝) Smith四 以颜色名称取姓 Blue Brown Red Green Orange Black Scarlet White五 以家族姓氏为姓 Johnson Wilson Thomson Macarthur Fitzgeral六 以动植物名称取姓 Lamb(羔羊) Fox(狐狸) Wo

7、od(树木) Flower(花卉)七 以自然现象取姓 Snow Frost Cloud Rain八 以体形诨名为姓 Bigge(大个子) Bunch(驼背) Fatt(胖子) Small(身材瘦小) Short(身量矮小) Long/ Longfellow(个子高大)中国人姓名的英译Wang ChangchengChangcheng Wang Wang Chang-ChengChang-Cheng Wang Wang Chang Cheng Chang Cheng Wang 原则一 先姓后名的原则二 按汉语拼音方案拼写译注姓名 Sun Yat Sen Soong Ching Ling Tan

8、Kak Kee三 双姓双名之间不留空格,也不用英语连字符-,姓和名的第一个字母大写,其余字母一律小写.Wang Changcheng文学作品中人物名的文化内涵1.Hamlet(哈姆雷特) - 优柔寡断,犹豫不决的人或行为I am no Hamlet. Hamletlike2. Shylock(夏洛克)- 敲诈勒索的放债者,冷酷无情的人His income comes from illegal activities such as gambling and shylocking.3. Fagin(费根)- 教唆犯,小偷头子He is a kindly fagin who has a nest o

9、f thieves.4.Micawber(米考伯)- 不筹划未来,老是幻想的乐天派 Micawberism Micawberish Micawberishly I am afraid that our Micawberism will leave us wide open to a series of defeats. 5. Jekyll and Hyde(杰克尔与海德)- 具有两种不同面目的人,具有或善或恶双重性格的人He is a real Jekyll and Hyde: at home he is kind and loving, but in business he is compl

10、etely without principles.6.Yahoo(雅虎) - 人面兽心的人,野蛮的人,乡下佬,粗汉Yahooism7. Rip Vin Winkle(里普.万.温克尔)-落后于时代的人,思想或见闻等方面落后的人 He is a person of some Rip Vin Winkle. 8. Cinderella(灰姑娘)- 美丽的贫苦姑娘,无名美女,价值被埋没的人,一举成名的人 9.Don Juan(唐.璜)- 寻花问柳风流放荡的人 Don Juanesque Don Juanism英汉称谓语的比较 一 自称语 中: 鄙下,敝人,拙. 英: I, we, one, your

11、s truly, number one 二 对称,他称 中: 老先生,世翁,恩师, 令嫒, 令郎, 千金, 世兄, 贤弟, 贤妹 英: you, he/she/they Your/His/Her Hightness Your/His/Her Honor Your/His/Her Lordship Your/His/Her Ladyship My Lord 或在称谓前加形容词(honourable/respected/worthy)1. .求太老爷做主,拘拿凶犯. Your Honour2. .老世翁何必如此.今日世兄一去,两三年就可显身成名. Your Lordship your worthy

12、 son3.这就是尊夫人了?. your worthy wife4.大人,我是很愿意工作的 your Worship5.不要去,殿下. my Lord社交语境中称谓语的语用功能一 表达称谓者的情感 1 Liz Elizabeth Elizabeth Anne Elizabeth Anne Warner! 亲昵 不高兴 恼火 发火 2 Look at what my daughter did! Look at what your daughter did!二 传达称谓者的语气1 - “ Whats your name, boy?” The policeman asked - “ Dr. Pous

13、saint. I am a physician.” - “ Whats your first name, boy?.” - “ Alvin.”2 “ Hold on, Arthur, my boy” he said, attempting to make his anxiety with facetious utterance. (“等一等, 啊瑟老弟, “ 他说, 想用开玩笑的 口气来掩饰自己的不安.)3 “ Now, look there, old woman,” higginbotham bullied, “for the thousandthTime Ive told you to k

14、eep your nose out of the business, I wont tell you again.” 4. “All good attend you, dear old woman,” he said, embracing Peggotty, “ and you too, Masr Davy!” shaking hands with me.三 体现交际者的身份 1 “ You neednt look for it,” said Della. “It is sold. I tell you - sold and gone, too. Its Christmas Eve, boy”

15、 2 Third Serving-man: We cannot be here and there too,- cheerly, boys; be brisk awhile, and the longer lives take all. 3 “ Aye, aye, sir, I know you worship loves no holiday speeches.” 四 反映交际场合的特点 1 “ I will, so help me!” Danny cried with abrupt conviction. “ I will beat you to death in the ring, my boy - you monkeyin with me this way.” 2 “ Yes, sir.” said the sergent.



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