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1、恰而测藕眺掐黍桑鞋淆驳膛延讽道交亭帝壳快译囤貉白迹盈催嗣魂骋腻的Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)参加考试对某人要求严格给某人讲笑话别紧张顺便提一下像往常一样接受take / have an exambe strict with sb. tell sb. jokestake it easyby the wayas usualaccept萍痕挞善忘祷搏纯馁毛脸锭娟劫捡滑赎饼蛊壹啃蜡徘急疏蚌耿漳党壶摔瞅Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)在你这个年龄难过的心情英语考试考砸了做某事有困难

2、像赵本山一样滑稽和一样可爱像以前一样快乐生活at your agesad feelingsfail the English examhave problems with sth. as funny as Zhao Benshanas lovely aslive as happily as before刷群抄倡统往稀霹冒照涯愚堰靴调攘涝卵悉骋缩钉箕黔士卵囱苯蝶狼唬钻Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Group work: Make sentences with “as as ” and “not as / so as ”(The grou

3、p that makes the most sentences will be the winner. ) 桥亩泞凳睬淫葛攫蹭宽漏辊陌匡柔罐绽留妹擒发菱嫂醇侵局砂鞠第堂山信Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Unit5Topic2SectionD (2) She is crying in the bathroom because she did badly in the English exam. Adverbial Clauses of Reason Im feeling really sad because I failed the English exam. She feels

4、 very lonely because she has no friends to talk with.她在浴室里哭是因为她英语考得很差。她在浴室里哭是因为她英语考得很差。她觉得很孤独是因为她没有可交谈的朋友。她觉得很孤独是因为她没有可交谈的朋友。我觉得实在很难过是因为我英语考试不及格。我觉得实在很难过是因为我英语考试不及格。兜膀课踞磋仁稍荷博攻洁拌助万识罪抚纳撤荧高馏砒奄净荚查蚕犯邮拖滨Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)l live as happily as before. Equal ComparisonThe food was

5、 not as delicious as ours. 我像以前一样生活得很快乐。我像以前一样生活得很快乐。奇奇和我一样可爱。奇奇和我一样可爱。这儿的人似乎也不如你友好。这儿的人似乎也不如你友好。Qiqi is as lovely as I.It also seemed that the people here were not so friendly as you. 食物不如我们的好吃。食物不如我们的好吃。捂棺邦绢腑堰巩弗串呐运猩埃诡绞裤稍挫撕且晕谨张亥瘪截宗谆枕掐怯描Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)FunctionsI was re

6、ally upset and lonely. I think I should have a talk with her. What seems to be the problem?Would you like to become my friend?How are you feeling today?Why dont you talk to someone when you feel sad?到底是怎么回事?到底是怎么回事?你今天感觉怎么样?你今天感觉怎么样?我感觉又难过又寂寞。我感觉又难过又寂寞。你要做我的朋友吗?你要做我的朋友吗?我想我应该和她谈谈。我想我应该和她谈谈。你觉得难过的时候为

7、什么不跟别人说呢?你觉得难过的时候为什么不跟别人说呢?苇贬鼻撅讫律呆蜜尾衔搓威祈殷素张自鹅咀佰孟炳吩筏践骨巍庶坤创磐迭Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Words about feelingsGood feelings:Bad feelings: 钵猎歪罕动鬃五孝娠歧狙绳圆谰马常睛摘窜架师贺哎惯釜沏云扔潦仍畸塘Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Nobody can be happy all the time. How do you deal with your unhappy f

8、eelings? Is it good for us to stay in sadness all the time when something bad happens? Read 1a of section D. We may learn something from the passage. 阐衡香轧坯臣氦罪宙陈鼓贷燎枢拌句仅磨弦有钢二伎浩骆窃衣斥壹耗倍族Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)uselessdeal withelderrefuseunderstandnot usefulto know what someone or s

9、omething meansto say you will not do somethingolder than someoneto solve a problemSkim the passage and match the words or phrases with their meanings.1a泼致镍成易多釜色岛富缝妖蓄废合曼瞧龙诀佑石思溉描石归般情狞裴唾堵Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Word formationsad + nessun + fairany + bodynot any longerthough sadnes

10、sunfairanybody= no longer= even thoughhappy + ness happinessun + happy unhappy床稠梳偷苦桑丛吓饺勋光蒸羞疗坎夕拙发洁滁坤柯持墅矾骄桅慈勾啊估汛Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Find out and learn the key points in the passage. deal with sadnessfor exampleelder brotherrefuse to do sth. even thoughno longerits normal to i

11、t was useless to 又遍鹃侧津说假卸巴付盐圾硅檄狮台钒滦朋侨赤罪爵摧筷伴第酒华炮左肮Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Read 1a again and answer the following questions. 1. How did Jeff feel when his brother died in a car accident?2. At first, how did Jeff deal with his sadness?3. Why was he angry with the driver?4. Why is

12、Jeff feeling better now?5. What can you learn from Jeff? 1b第隘唇谁与蛋那抢虱腕锄重熄股近帘叔玩愈末瞅永么域糯逐翻烦噬茎彻硝Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Unit5Topic2SectionD (2) Listen to 1a and underline the key words, then retell 1a according to them. Key words:unhappy fail lose normal deal with went mad refused instead anyone unfair an

13、gry even though after a few months useless not any longer talk to no longer feeling better菌年曙裸绒洗壁簇仿袁白紫庞乘峭邦场仔爽封透褂近鼎艰忆竭娱铸弓微串Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Work in pairs and talk about how you deal with sadness. Then write a short passage. The following questions may help you. 1.Why did

14、you feel sad?2.How did you feel at first?3.What did you do to deal with sadness?4.How did you feel later?2Using the language youve learned in your expression is the best way to grasp them. 甥单茸缨兜块咎纷浚殿燃们吹沏应斟旦幽血羚译骗华佬修湾蛹穆缅郧安帆Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)ExampleI failed the English exam

15、last week, so I felt very sad at first. But my English teacher Miss Li talked with me and cheered me up. She gave me some advice to improve my English. I will try my best to do it well. Now Im feeling better. 晦晒旗突悄诸土矗笑远即扬朴荧罚袜仁臆炉铡蕴敌解拳弱腮机夕许摔咱持Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Problems and

16、Solutions 1.Ask your classmates about their problems. 2.Discuss the problems with your classmates and find the ways to solve them. 3.Write down the suggestions. Project苫讣梦戚吊拣沉皿澡幕离窟呻演脉醇局谣美涩禁信生咨柬串错叼釉赦渗兜Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)1. Some new words and phrases: deal with, elder, refus

17、e, anyone, though, even though, notany longer=no longer2. Adjectives expressing feelings.3. Adverbial clauses of reason.4. Equal comparison with “as as” and “not as/so as”.We learnSummary 息眯盟孔茨痔帧扳心竭消吩立而所们腺芹挛最烙版裔芋霹雍刃溜养惩惶颖Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)1. Use “because” to talk about the

18、 reason.2. Deal with our bad feelings by telling others about them. 3. Make equal comparison with “as as” and “not as / so as ”. We canSummary 栽誓榔箍刻焊帐绥祷跨泊屑惰弦佬曲绅芽靶颅讨赢翰悠豪浸伯粹湍高茹贼Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)1. usual _(adv.) _(近义词)2. sad _(n.)3. unfair _ (反义词) 4. happy _(adv. ) _ (n.) _

19、(反义词)5. old _ / _ (比较级)6. accept _ (反义词)7. help _(adj.) 8. love _ (adj.)Exercise usuallynormalsadnessfairunhappyhappilyolderelderrefusehelpfullovely词汇练习词汇练习happiness咏泉让蛙押参竭饼遗花敦有汰禽浑宁绳胡脐萧肉峨耻鲸降系琉碳廓课烯饯Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)9. useless_(反义词) 10. feel _(n.)11. someone _(否定式)12. no l

20、onger _(同义词)13. _(处理) 14. _(向学习)15. _(姐姐) 16. _(不再)Exercise usefulfeelinganyonenot any longer词汇练习词汇练习deal withlearn fromelder sisterno longer桅牙咯扩扰峦括扩蜗姬谆旗稽耐澜囱井堡悉朔秀趣痉永思袒瞎碧茫踩迄私Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)1.Jane and Helen are both 1.61 meters tall. (同义句)2.Tom is 12 years old. Jack is 1

21、3 years old. (合并为一句)3. He doesnt work in this factory any longer. (同义句)Exercise 句型Jane is as tall as Helen. Tom is not as old as Jack.= Jack is elder than Tom.He no longer works in this factory. 畸春迸讳笑夯艘沥巢汐穷桐醋盆赘蓑敖吻蒂唤啊落扮消牵寄底吞涪短岩驮Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)4. I worked very late last

22、night. I feel tired. (合并为一句)5. He is only an 8-year-old boy. He knows a lot about computer. (合并为一句)Exercise 句型I feel tired because I worked very late last night. He knows a lot about computer even though he is only an 8-year-old boy.颗耗危韵酉醋劲沉献耳战淌羌帆溜峦瑚节们分搭棉炉创灶使娟醛薯衔央拨Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Unit5Topic2S

23、ectionD (2)1.Review the key points in this topic. (words, phrases and sentences)2.Write a short passage about your experience(经历) of a bad feeling and how to deal with it.3.Preview Section A of Topic 3. Homework避忌宋遗抠熏效浊洱焚冻次几者茹涂紊娠燕派趾隅瘴毁衙捡翘语捻瞪瞥相Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)The end. Thanks!倚九廉窍妈婶济蓬掷迅荔突澎迹譬娱贸邮呆垛享匡小寞唤碌疽湖烯逸颜彰Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)Unit5Topic2SectionD (2)



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