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1、Read the following passage and fill in blanks using terms from Task 1.X X x x|x|xtechnologypatientsin the next decades.Experts have forecast the most influential technological applicationstreatment, making medicine according toman-made muscle and tissues,amemory-enhancing drugs, chips inserted into

2、the brain, medical robots,etc. Those technologies are all concerned with biotechnology.Your answer Correct answer啦啦啦 GM cropsstem cell7)z)z)z1234/(zz(x(/lgenetic mapcloning1-5BCDAC1.is the passage mainly about?(A)Risks involved in stem cell research.(B)XXXBenefits from stem cell research.(0Advantage

3、s of genetic engineering.(D)The debate of the two parties on stem cellresearch.6stem cell research?(A)(B)(C)TheTheTheTheRepublican Party.Democratic Party.male speaker.female speaker.3.special about a stem(A)(B)(C)cell?It can become another type of cell.It can be obtained from another type ofcell.It

4、can turn a brain cell into a kidneycell.It can turn a kidney cell into a braincell.can a stem cell become another celltype?XXX(A)When it divides.(B)When it combines with another stem cell.(C)When one takes a certain drug.(D)XWhen one is in good health.oppose stem(A)(B)(C)Your answerCorrect answercel

5、lresearch?They worry about legal problems.They worry about social problems.They want to reduce medical risks.They don,t want to interfere with nature.!/17717)z)z17712345678z(z(/l/lz(z(xz(xz(ResearchgenesjournalwarnproductivitygrowsurvivalPlantbreedershave alreadyused(10)preliminaryinformationfrom th

6、erice genometo createexperimentalstrains ofrice thatbetterresist coldand pestsThe new mapcould betterexplain morethan justrice. Riceshares acommonancestorwith othercereal cropsWhilesignificantprogress hasbeen made inthe analysisof the ricegenome, themapping ofthe humangenes isalso makingheadwayCBDAD

7、Your answer Correct answerkitchensopposedlabeledcompletelylawno wayGM7)z)/7)/771234567z(z(z(z(x/kz(Your answer(8 )(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)Correct answer(1)(2)(3)(4)(6)(7)(8 )(9)(10)ingredientschoiceTougherany contentthe publicfearsafernaturallycheapdecidebiotechnologyrejectedspeciallabels73 p

8、ercent to27 percent /73% to 27%a new type oftomatoagainstsave livesimprove thehumanconditionmedicinesconventionalfoodsAABBA DBACCYour answerCorrect answer(1)(2)/)/)/17x)z7)/7/)/J/11ozoo34567891111z(z(z(xz(z(z(z(z(z(z(z(treesnativegenesblackoniontastepoisonoustestedtoxicfishpopularbiggerfoodnormally(

9、14)(15)(16)(17)(18 )(19)(20)(21)1-5ACDBA ACDCB CDCABYour answer Correct answerlargerthreefoldgenesoriginallydifferentriskslaboratoryenvironment77)zJZJZJ/)z712345678z(z(z(z(z(z(z(xz(10)downtownloansecurityagreedagainstundergroundsettleThat willbe $5, 000inprincipal,and $20. 30in interestWere veryhapp

10、y tohave hadyourbusiness,and thistransactionhas workedout verynicely, butwe are alittlepuzzledWhere elseinManhattancan I parkmy car fortwo weeksfor only$20. 30 andYour answerCorrect answerexpect itto be therewhen Ireturntroublesalessavebackedsalaryprivatemedical100, 000poundsanothermoneyhiredebtface

11、 thefactssecuringdifficultcontactsschoolboyexcuse.)/)/)/)/)/)/7X)/J/)/777)z)z711oo4-nD1234567891111111z(z(/(z(z(xz(/lxz/kz(z/(z(z(z(z(z(z(Your answerCorrect answer(1)7)zX)/)/)z)z234567z(z(/(z(/l/(8 )environmenteconomyminusenterprise,sbenefitsdemandsbalanced,sustainablegenerationsCDDAB BABAAYour answ

12、erCorrect answer(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)marketingcampaignhugechallengemarketfootballeight new(6)teamstimeconsumingthemarketingand theorganisationAAADCABCYour answerC orrect answer)/|7!/77)z17l71/rv1234567891z(/(z(/l/(/(Xz(z(/(Xfuture needssharesriskbanks30a halfratecapital lossinterchangeablysavingsDBCCA ABB

13、AAYour 八Correct answersanswers1) 1) they must sort out theircash flow problem by sellinga part of the business toinvestors.2) 2) its a realistic amountto take this manufacturingbusiness forward.3) 3) they must update theirinitial business plan4) 4) its time to put on thesuit and try to sell part ofC

14、yclepods to an investor.5) 5) so r 11 have to. . maybeget the heavies in orsomething.6) 6) The most important thingJames needs to do over thenext two months is to raisecash7) 7) Cyclepods can,t doanything without an updatedbusiness plan.8) 8) its back to basics for afun evening of numbercrunching an

15、d spread sheets,9) 9) its time for aprofessional and consideredrehearsal to get his salespitch just right.10) 10) Presentation skills aregoing to be crucialABDBC CBDACHe has been following the roller coaster ride of his stock portfolio and its driving himmad.Stocks are pretty hard to predict. So she

16、 has put her money into hedge funds.A hedge is a way of reducing risk. A hedge fund is a company that creates a stockportfolio that tries to balance the market activity.Analysts examine stocks to assess which ones are likely to go up, andwhich will likely go down.He says that if he leaves his money

17、with a fund manager, perhapsthe manager can trade his stocks in a more profitable way.Your answerCorrect answer(1)cash1717XJZ7!7!7234567z(z(/lz(z(z(8)9)4)x7756)/77811IXeasyresultspaybillshead26 percent/ 26%close thedealfiguresideaplanfinebusinessguidevotingrightssay,strongpointinvestment150, 000 /15000026 percent/ 26%



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