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1、 RevisionRevision Unit 3, Module 4 Unit 3, Module 4 Tomorrows world Tomorrows world2021/3/111DictationDictation2021/3/112词形变化词形变化1. real _ (n.) 2. tired _(n.) 3. happy _ (n.)4. finally _ (n.) 5. fantasy _ (adj.) 6. industry _ (adj.)7. impress _ (n.)8. announcement_ (v.)9. force _ (v.) 10. popular_ (

2、n.)11. center _ (adj.)12. responsibility_ (adj.)13. gentle _(adv.) 14.deliver _(n.)15. employ_ (n.) _ (n.) _(n.) realitytirednesshappinessfinalfantasticindustrialimpressionannounceforcefulpopularitycentralresponsiblegentlydeliveryemployeremployeeemployment2021/3/113virtual reality last but not least

3、science fictionupon doingscore a goal in realityhave/make/leave a .impression onmake ones dream come truesign ones name for sbvoice my opinion at a speed of be trapped in传递传递 成千上万的成千上万的与与相连接相连接1.虚拟现实虚拟现实 2. 最后但同样重要最后但同样重要 3. 科幻小说科幻小说 4.一一.就就. 5. 得一分,进一球得一分,进一球 6. 事实上事实上 7. 给给-留下留下.印象印象 8. 实现实现.梦想梦想

4、9.为为签名签名 10. 发表发表-观点观点 11.以以.的速度的速度 12. 被困在被困在.13pass on 14. thousands of 15. be connected to 你还记得他们吗?你还记得他们吗?2021/3/114发出发出提出提出创办,建立创办,建立 被控告被控告.罪罪 关闭,使停业关闭,使停业在我看来在我看来 发现,偶遇发现,偶遇 以以.为背景为背景 使使能够做某事能够做某事冒险做冒险做以以.而告终而告终成就感成就感 对对.觉得吃惊觉得吃惊/感到神奇感到神奇 扮演扮演.角色角色 增加增加16.give out 17. put forward 18. set up 1

5、9. be accused of 20. close down 21. in my opinion 22. come across 23. be set in 24. enable to do 25. risk doing/take the risk of 26. end in 27. a sense of achievement 28. be amazed by/at 29. play the role of 30. add to2021/3/115 add to : The bad weather added to our difficulties.If the tea is too st

6、rong, add some water (to it).addAdd 4 and 5 together, youll get 9.“We must take actions now.”he added. 增添增添添加添加把把A和和B加起来加起来接着说接着说2021/3/116 add up to: The cost for the holiday added up to 3000 yuan. 总计,合计总计,合计 What you said added up to that you wouldnt give help. 你说的话意思就是你不愿意帮忙。你说的话意思就是你不愿意帮忙。 等于等于/

7、意味着某事物意味着某事物2021/3/117 1) I dont think these facts will _ anything, as we can see. 2) Thousands of new books from abroad have been _the school library. 3) Setting off fireworks can_ the atmosphere of the festival. 4) You must have made a mistake when you _ the bill _, because the bill _ more than 10

8、00 yuan. added toadd up toadd toaddedupadded up to2021/3/118III.运用所学短语翻译下列句子运用所学短语翻译下列句子1.他流利的口语给我们留下了深刻的印象他流利的口语给我们留下了深刻的印象.(be impressed by)We were deeply impressed by his good spoken English. His good spoken English impressed us deeply.His good spoken English left us a deep impression. 2. 轻音乐让这个孩

9、子睡得很香。轻音乐让这个孩子睡得很香。(enable . to do )The light music enabled the baby to sleep soundly.3. 警察指责他开车粗心大意。(警察指责他开车粗心大意。(accuse.of)The police accused him of careless driving.He was accused of careless driving by the police.4. 我在名单上偶然见到了他的名字。(我在名单上偶然见到了他的名字。(come across)I came across his name on the list.I

10、 happened to see his name on the list.2021/3/1195. 他相信他的梦想会成真。(他相信他的梦想会成真。(come true) He believes his dream will come true. He believes he will realize / live his dream. He believes his dream will be realized. 6. 这部小说以十九世纪初期的法国为故事背景。这部小说以十九世纪初期的法国为故事背景。 The novel is set in France in the early ninete

11、enth century.7. 一听到飓风要来的消息,大部分人都离开了这个地区。一听到飓风要来的消息,大部分人都离开了这个地区。 Upon hearing the news that a hurricane was coming, most people left the region.The moment they heard the news that a hurricane was coming, most people left the region.Hardly had they heard the news that a hurricane was coming,most peop

12、le left the region.8. 护士经常要监视病人的情况。护士经常要监视病人的情况。 Nurses constantly need to monitor their patients condition.2021/3/11101.Special gloves are also worn so that people and objects in the film can be touched.老师提高了嗓音以便每个学生都能听清。老师提高了嗓音以便每个学生都能听清。The teacher raised her voice so that everyone could hear her

13、 clearly. so that结果状语从句结果状语从句目的状语从句目的状语从句这些学生刻苦学习了半年,终于取得了巨大的成就。这些学生刻苦学习了半年,终于取得了巨大的成就。These students worked hard for half a year so that they made great achievements finally.孩子们积极地参加活动,以便能得到老师的表扬。孩子们积极地参加活动,以便能得到老师的表扬。The children took an active part in the activity so that they could be praised by

14、 their teacher.2021/3/11112. It seems to me that it all depends on the viewer who is watching the film. 似乎没有人能使我戒烟。似乎没有人能使我戒烟。It seems that nobody can cure me of smoking.It seems that.There seems to be.It seems as if. 他似乎很快乐。他似乎很快乐。It seems that he is quite happy.天好像要下雨。天好像要下雨。It seems as if it is g

15、oing to rain.看来没必要现在去。看来没必要现在去。There seems to be no need to go now.重点句型重点句型似乎似乎似乎有似乎有似乎仿佛似乎仿佛2021/3/11123.If the PC(no.7) I was using had had a good keyboard, I would not have made so many mistakes.如果我听从了医生的建议,我的病早就好了。如果我听从了医生的建议,我的病早就好了。If I had followed the doctors advice, I would have been all ri

16、ght. 从从 句句 主主 句句与与现现在事在事实实相反相反动词动词的的过过去式(去式(be的的过过去式一般用去式一般用were)would/ should/ could/ might + 动词动词原形原形与与过过去事去事实实相反相反had + 过过去分去分词词 would/ should/ could/ might + have + 过过去分去分词词与将来事与将来事实实相反相反 动词过动词过去式,去式,should + 动词动词原形,原形,were to + 动词动词原形原形would/ should/ could/ might + 动词动词原形原形2021/3/11131. Without

17、 your help, we_ so much. A. won t achieve B. didn t achieve C. dont achieve D. wouldnt have achieved2. I didnt know his telephone number. _ it, I _ then. A.Had I known, would ring him up B.Should I know, would have rung him up C.If I knew; would ring him up D.Had I known; would have rung him up3. If

18、 you had enough money, what _ ? A. will you buy B. would you buy C. would you have bought D. will you have boughtDDB2021/3/1114 科幻小说是科幻小说是以以未来世界未来世界为背景为背景。小说中会。小说中会提提出出许多神奇的想法许多神奇的想法, 增添了增添了它的神秘感。它的神秘感。以至于以至于会很快会很快吸引公众的注意力吸引公众的注意力。 似乎似乎科幻小说对青少年来说特别科幻小说对青少年来说特别受欢迎受欢迎。许。许多同学多同学一一读到科幻小说,就会对它着迷。读到科幻小说,就

19、会对它着迷。如果你如果你还没有看过哈利波特,那就可能是一种遗憾还没有看过哈利波特,那就可能是一种遗憾。这本书给读者这本书给读者留下了深刻的印象留下了深刻的印象。 假如你对科幻小说感兴趣,你也可以发挥你假如你对科幻小说感兴趣,你也可以发挥你的想象力。也许你也会梦想成真。的想象力。也许你也会梦想成真。2021/3/1115科幻小说是科幻小说是以以未来世界为未来世界为背景背景。小说中会。小说中会提出提出许许多神奇的想法多神奇的想法, 增添了增添了它的神秘感。它的神秘感。以至于以至于会很会很快快吸引公众的注意力吸引公众的注意力。 Science fiction is set in the future

20、 world. A lot of fantastic ideas are put forward in the novel, which adds to the sense of mystery, so that it can soon come to public attention. 2021/3/1116似乎似乎科幻小说对青少年来说特别科幻小说对青少年来说特别受欢迎受欢迎。许多。许多同学同学一一读到科幻小说,就会对它着迷。读到科幻小说,就会对它着迷。如果你如果你还没有看过哈利波特,那就可能是一种遗还没有看过哈利波特,那就可能是一种遗憾。憾。这本书给读者这本书给读者留下了深刻的印象留下了深

21、刻的印象。 It seems that science fiction is very popular among teenagers. Upon reading it, many of them will be crazy about it. If you hadnt read Harry Potter, it would had been a pity in your life. The book leaves a deep impresion on the readers.2021/3/1117假如你对科幻小说感兴趣,你也可以发挥你的想假如你对科幻小说感兴趣,你也可以发挥你的想象力。也许你也会象力。也许你也会梦想成真梦想成真。 If you are interested in science fiction, you also can develop your own imagination. Maybe your dream will come true as well.2021/3/1118



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