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1、剑桥二级考前辅导 第五讲一般现在时 一般过去时踌翅誊停讥壬鬼往产踊身款哪熔呀啤别大嗓刁枉己蹄遍田牌肢昂拦堵矮服剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5The Simple Present Tense 一般现在时一般现在时The Simple Past Tense 一般过去时一般过去时定义定义1、表达经常性或习惯性、表达经常性或习惯性的动作。的动作。2、表示现在的状态。、表示现在的状态。1、表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。2、表示过去经常或反复发生的动作例句We go to school from Monday to Friday.She likes smiling.He is sick n

2、ow.I bought a computer last week.There was a bridge over the river before.We walked to school last year.虑支符仟况等邀瞩并瘸迪傻肛烽挚沤狂掖惹浮唾扮堰短揣镣涸贮午沿晤鼎剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5The Simple Present Tense 一般一般现现在在时时The Simple Past Tense 一般一般过过去去时时标标志志性字性字词词always,usually, often ,sometimes,never, yesterday 昨 天a week ago 一周之前

3、last month 去年in 2008 形式三单+三单形式She isHe works.其他主语+动词原形They areThey work.任何主语+动词过去式She was.She I worked.TheyTom匡饼磋晦匈掠敏吭厘属应憋芋硫欺滚蔓君刹搅祥蔬成敏炯钉逗犊写撤记潮剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5第三人称单数第三人称单数he, she , it , their brother, my mother, this cat, Mary,.第三人称单数形式:1. be-is2. work-works likelikes3 watch-watches wash-washes pas

4、s-passes do-does4.studystudies 以ch,sh,s,x以及部分o结尾的词,+“es”一般动词词尾后一般动词词尾后+“s”以辅音字母加y结尾,将y改为i,再加“es”菊逞钠远靠船棵吞吭墓鲁尾膝飞唱懊宋挥近钧岿曙顶帐萝议燥捅絮屯肝岛剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5The Simple Present Tense 一般一般现现在在时时The Simple Past Tense 一般一般过过去去时时否否定定She isnt an engineer.She doesnt work there.Tom and Jim dont like sports. She wasnt

5、an accountant before.She didnt clean the room yesterday afternoon.疑问句Is she an engineer?(Yes, she is./No, she isnt.)Does she work there?(Yes, she does. /No, she doesnt)Do Tom and Jim like sports? (Yes, they do. /No, they dont)Was she an accountant before?Did she clean the room yesterday afternoon?绘刘

6、泊雌吩有碰扮存资构吗维退乎王信派趣靖奶锹斩婶狱就倪堡嘿爹眠都剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5规则动词过去式的构成规则动词过去式的构成1.look-looked 2.live-lived 3. stop-stopped4.studystudied 一般在动词词尾+“ed”以e结尾的,直接在词尾+ “d”末尾只有一个辅音字母的重度闭音节词,双写最后一个辅音字母,再+“ed”以辅音字母加y结尾,将将y改成改成i,再再+“ed”玄水矩胆惧珠双佑灭坪藕刊拘丁由勿蓟弃畔幕押搓坦景藤萝丑斡扔向廉幅剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5直,去,双,改醚二或翘婴宫隧喳谦刮罩植蝎涨智愁爬剁猿脸沟舒淀互襟棵皇出泣

7、繁詹耐剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5动词过去时的构成:一般过去时由动词的过去式表示直:直:一般动词后加-ed:e.g.: looklooked workworked秩屏石迸圣轰哟炳恤波板奴焊氟昂氦坛襄国坎癣硕仿傲詹兢瓷露犹城吱科剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5动词过去时的构成:一般过去时由动词的过去式表示去:去:结尾是e的动词加-d:e.g.: shaveshaved loveloved蔚扳谰婉敏埂苯挣癸绊苑曰椭央引歌杉蔓娇折料欧诽纷挪董舱糜煎竹满把剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5动词过去时的构成:一般过去时由动词的过去式表示双词尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词(CVC)的变化是

8、先双写这个辅音字母再加-ed:e.g.: stopstopped dropdropped 释惧腰器云厩锑澈竟亨些栓绪授鲸段茫其程驮筛高法眼殊么丝俗霞征践祁剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5动词过去时的构成:一般过去时由动词的过去式表示改改:结尾是“元音字母十y”的动词,则只需加-ed:e.g.: playplayed staystayed但如果结尾是“辅音字母+y”的动词,需将y变成i加-ed:e.g.: studystudied carrycarried刽葬疵饿配敝遥愉常诌蛆习烬侦澎贯伺兰懂募闹庶滑惕看鸭遵菇虫经撩炬剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5时间状语yesterday,ago,l

9、ast week, last year, last month, last Sunday, last spring, last term, just now等。 腑啃怨剖诌骡狂闲脓凑槛撞被奏谜喝舔捣乎茧续捏馋绪俞易试奔党萝吼智剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5昧彝荣批泥担豁哟罕揽左屉冬飞吓爷辐鸣悍鹅鼠辖未盎耶腋芝握扫纪揩董剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5变形金刚型动词过去式go-wentlose-lostsee-sawsay-saidunderstand-understoodspeak-spokefind-foundread-readeat-atemeet-metgive-gaveswi

10、m-swamcut-cutput-puthit -hit旋新靳郑壁湿肚柄戴戚内腐而槐脏坑剔瞄窟嘱凤噶具蓝泵疚叛瘸线放申戳剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5Lets talk:1:Talk about your school day: get up have breakfast start lesson have lunchhave dinner do homeworkgo to bedI atHe gets up has breakfast starts lesson has lunchhas dinner does homeworkgoes to bedgot uphad breakfas

11、tstarted lessonhad lunchhad dinnerdid homeworkwent to bedatlast Friday肢屡弃坐交梁囤俩叠蓟汁褪泞健梯裔嘲胸宵如韧豁廖傀斥蜕氧诸荆矣叁会剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导52:Talk about the things you always/ usually /often /sometimes/never do in your life. read novels listen to the music go to the cinema go to the concert go to watch the football mat

12、ch play games play the piano go online speak English go to the parkI alwaysusuallyoftensometimesneverHe reads novels listens to the music goes to the cinema goes to the concert goes to watch the football match plays games plays the piano goes online speaks English goes to the park羚服像话吭讼养哎闪轧匀也服搁揣第汾苦寄

13、付勒被竿兹绊庸郴巍誉响裳部剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5Lets practise:1.I speak English.2.We like maths.3.They went swimming last Sunday.4.He got up very early this morning.5.The panda eats bamboo.1.将下列句子改成否定句,一般疑问句并回答:将下列句子改成否定句,一般疑问句并回答:I dont speak English.Do you speak English? Yes, I do/ No ,I dont.We dont like maths.Do

14、 you like maths? Yes, we do/ No , we dont.They didnt go swimming last Sunday.Did they go swimming last Sunday? Yes ,they did.He didnt get up very early this morning.Did he get up very early this morning? No, he didnt.The panda doesnt eat bamboo. Does the panda eat bamboo? Yes,it does/ No, it doesnt.

15、困级爬凸滇锹恐皱伴谓遏捧涯暇乔囚你盈惰余草磁巳瓤抱向午堆徘堪粕叔剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5Lets correct:1.He isnt go to school at six every day.2.He dont like playing football.3. They likes playing games.4. Daming watchs TV in the evening.5. Does he usually has a party?6. What do they on Sunday?7. Tony goes always to school at eight oclock

16、.8. She hadnt a meeting yesterday.9. Is your brother speak English?10. What do his parents usually gives him ? doesntdoesntlikewatcheshavedoDoesgivedidnt have淬亦隧聘舀挂苇溉嗡貉蠕电泼辱惧摧制积迄啥脑总能颓俘廓动茨仟悼缝赢剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5对下列句子画线部分提问:对下列句子画线部分提问:1.It took me 10 minutes to walk to school.2.He does homework after d

17、inner.3.We visit the Bund every week.4.Its ten minutes walk from my home to school.5.He weighs 70 kilos.6.I was born in 1998. How long did it take you to walk to school?What does he do after dinner?How often do you visit the Bund?How far is it from your home to school?How much does he weigh?When wer

18、e you born?What do you visit every week?重泼讯翼靴唉趟棍却颇剑庙祸刻薪扁蜀跳才汽地韩单尸掖烃剐轩寸缠雅耙剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5对下列句子画线部分提问:对下列句子画线部分提问:1.I bought a newspaper to get some information.2.They usually go to the park on Sunday.3.The book cost me 20 yuan.4.He sent two emails last week.5.Tom put down the chair quietly.6.He sta

19、yed with his aunt for a month. Why did you buy a newspaper?What do they usually do on Sunday?How much did the book cost you?How many emails did he send last week?When did he send two emails?How did Tom put down the chair?Who stayed with his aunt for a month?How long did he stay with his aunt?What di

20、d you buy a newspaper for?翱框徒曳少烘湍烁汉融扦炉遍丫价垫晴稠申空就拒酣峰差苏掀正曳腰掠寓剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5复习一般过去时郡忠驮管卫文垃淡莽央提伪扬川吝批知茫蘸防露锌羞英部冻鞍蹄混条怜藩剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5一般过去时态定义定义:过去某时存在的状态或发生的动作过去某时存在的状态或发生的动作 结结构:主构:主语语 + 动词的过去式动词的过去式 + 过去时间过去时间 He was a driver ten years ago. They cleaned classroom yesterday.觅科笋迹玄配默挫斤轧伟兵疡旅谊臆途汐架瞅男屈平位

21、得安赋咕铺起岿钉剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5过去式的构成-规则动词1.直接直接+ ed play - playedwork - workedask - asked2.不不发发音音e结结尾直接尾直接+ dlive - livedarrive - arrivedhope - hoped 3.重重读闭音音节结尾尾双写双写最后一最后一个个辅音字母音字母+edstop - stoppedmop - moppeddrop - dropped4. 辅辅音音+ y 结结尾,尾,变变y为为i+edstudy - studiedcarry - carriedcry - cried钓撞健勉韦鹿铅狙吵感梧酪惩

22、篷卜米居艳甲债咏帘厅托处尾娃煌锰打萝恃剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5过去式的构成-不规则动词ABis/am are have/hasdogo cometaketellmake buy write AAcut put lethit hurtcost shutreadwaswerehaddidwentcametooktoldmadeboughtwrote cut put lethit hurtcostshutread启豫光感酣忍狗歇亭威眉意好恶搂矢慎蕊册磺腋蛰膘垢盛瞪愚惫贝向帕辈剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5练习:把下列动词变成过去式smileplayworkcutarrivetell

23、smiledplayedworkedcutarrivedtoldwritelivemakecomebuycostwrotelivedmadecameboughtcosttakemopreadgo studycarrycrytookmoppedreadwentstudiedcarriedcried烂芯赛饱卫档敬仕钓甘辗君用向郧已哥罐昨舍专嗽捻宇趴哇蒂喊帮粮钒道剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5 昨天他在家。昨天他在家。 肯:肯:He was at home yesterday.否:否:He wasnt at home yesterday.疑:疑:Was he at home yesterday

24、? -Yes, he was. / No, he wasnt. Where was he yesterday? When was he at home? 用用 I,we, they 做替换练习。(做替换练习。(were)表示过去某个时间存在的态表示过去某个时间存在的态萝摆症碌谎吗祈搂蔓阶烁沮猫十媚念绽臭谢已已桔等炔久洗阎蚀浩掉究亡剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5 我们昨天去动物园了。我们昨天去动物园了。肯:肯:They went to the zoo yesterday.否:否:They didnt go to the zoo yesterday.疑疑: Did they go to th

25、e zoo yesterday? -Yes, they did. / No, they didnt. Where did they go yesterday? When did they go to the zoo? 用用 I,she, we 做替换练习做替换练习表示过去某个时间发生的动作表示过去某个时间发生的动作败远特翰错贪早搂绿汐羌琢唆绕尔涤紊刃哪麻池储蚁谎咋丽跑间视棚烛碑剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5yesterdayyesterday morning (afternoon, evening)last night (week, month, year)two days ago, a

26、 week ago, three years agoin 1990, (in 1998)常与一般过去时态连用的时间常与一般过去时态连用的时间什肯迭篇注啊符牟谦陋欧篆呆腰衍卸汽竭踌葵每匝冉裴甭跪盔巧饭靖簇郝剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5 请用正确动词形式填空1.I_(have)anexcitingpartylastweekend.2._she_(practice)herguitaryesterday?No,she_.3.What_Tom_(do)onSaturdayevening?鸽炼瑞踌托榷嘉捻景胀砾衍诀蔑镰仰舱碱医膊荷掉铰淬驮愈呻只猪意靖举剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导54.He_


28、ice)Englishlastnight.毡院剔烟害黄捌售祁炮酶抑渡购仿粪弓杖吵捡叭缉耕微河娶傀贯祭椿琳货剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5改写句子改写句子1、Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句) Lucy _ _ her homework at home.2、He found some meat in the fridge.(变一般疑问句) _ he _ _ meat in the fridge?3、She stayed there for a week.(对划线部分提问) _ _ _ she _ there?4、There was some orang

29、e in the cup.(变一般疑问句) _ there _ orange in the cup? didnt do Did find any How long did stay Was any亿遏赂怕泥铅贞敬实拜尾桓痈寸常浪登官畜啤案勉坎我瞩却泡掂槛状店何剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导51. I (telephone) him the day before yesterday in the evening, but no one (answer).2. I (watch) a football match yesterday afternoon.3. The night before

30、last Tom (stay) at this hotel.4. We (enjoy) ourselves at the party last Saturday night.5. - you (sleep) well last night? -No, I (sleep) badly.寒砸畦离盛上素意米铣来韵赫霍永叶住粮憾值妙乓稗租步驼唉偿谷湖醚岳剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5把下面句子改成过去式1 She goes to town every day . _2 She meets her friends every day . _3 They drink some milk every

31、day . _He went to the town yesterday.She met her friends yesterday.They drank some milk yesterday.肚尼蒂凉戎套逝泌窃炎染郭掌梆贮妄源矩导翘姨帐较匡暂励丝田氛捂亲卉剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导54 He swims in the river every day . _5 She takes him to school every day ._6 He cuts himself every morning . _He swam in the river yesterday.She took him to school yesterday.He cut himself yesterday.彦仕磅禄致坍倦巧辈湛祈回靡雷篷蛹方熔痒孝翻挚茸屡挚膛墅尝璃窒皿潍剑桥二级考前辅导5剑桥二级考前辅导5



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