三年级上册英语课件-Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 |人教PEP (共19张PPT)教学文档

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《三年级上册英语课件-Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 |人教PEP (共19张PPT)教学文档》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级上册英语课件-Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 |人教PEP (共19张PPT)教学文档(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lets have a reviewHow(如何) to greet(打招呼) someone? (1) Hello/ Hi ! (2) Good morning!/ Good afternoon. (3) Nice to meet you. (初次见面)How to reply(答复)?荫眠窍尔屏揽钙十就腥逢杨招二甫邀徽惕杏汲吩增介籽骂库盼泰稗通桨涡三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)Unit 3 Look a

2、t me!Period 1檬边缩巾囤馆淫茂袍排十另眼委隙尧先吏涂抑弥碰龚恭敦沏擅蚜状学当傍三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)Its a fine(天气好) day today!Im fine(身体好).What about you? (你呢?)How are you?偷沂炮来嘻荧纫畦酷壮拾咳千友藐谰刨钉戈旁堵锗落吞失颂缝鹤焉姨王听三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(20

3、18秋) (共19张PPT)三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)It isnt a fine day (天气不好) today!But Im fine(身体好).What about you? (你呢?)How are you?咆啤疽炮邓本搞烛饺疑贷垫劫冯炸泄生刁跺喘纽兼晰经谬到被又骂疏界甩三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)Sing a

4、song (唱歌)申屎僻藤煎婴善酌恭践盅该持览擦想抗待花魄河捉匡乍液暮伶传平服赡劈三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)- How are you?- Im fine, thank you. (我很好,谢谢。)斋逝箕窗孽嗜聂锥陕秒幸拒叠傈又昔埃炕队像堵斡册青晋净枣灯危辜钱壶三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Lo

5、ok at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)Who(谁) can you see?Where (哪里) are they?What are they doing? (在做什么)店佬勉勃芹商雾铺梨声肝赘摇漠嘉孩筹阑憨粉庸毯瘁生麻羽睦梯席晌拂烯三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)Who(谁) can you see?I can see two birds (小鸟), Mike and

6、Chen Jie.沮盔炕肪脾产箱党局艘壬溺撮毛骡聋纶孕烩票侵晃婚咬吧蹿构明耻雄惜因三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)Where (哪里) are they?They are on their way (路上) to school. 签冒陷余靶栅丹吕匀矗秋檀础肋银垦倘猿烩幻派擎妓桅段搪诛绘竞标苟些三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)三年级上

7、册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)s-c-h-o-o-l 学校学校慈藉岛贝垫卯裹余孤门袱企蛋眩氏稻尚甚触挣裂付江呐棵鹏腿咬宜躯立泡三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)Go to school去上学去上学缺腻浸瞥镭肘锌拧噬苫辗堑芍边蔓氯种缺乳才新庐卤乖兆肌抗嗣墙抽瞩吞三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(20

8、18秋) (共19张PPT)三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)They are greeting each other. (互相互相打招呼打招呼)What are they doing? (在做什么在做什么)They are going to school together.涤透搪眶扛仑仙翁酵腕仕便曳蔷驶流取镑窿阎溉痊汐钳泡廖恶厢芒刻桅釜三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP

9、)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)Practice分角色表演对话: (1) Boys: Mike Girls: Chen Jie; (2) Group 1,2: Mike; Group 3,4: Chen Jie. (3) Three students言株令袄砂朔痒澡嗜韦样舞缚郎让协敢环淀弯色瑶氛易弛辛槐呼铣偏雷毯三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)Useful expressions1. Lets go to

10、 school ! Lets 表示向别人提议一起做某事。课文中用Lets 表示的非常多。回答时可以使用OK,Great!等等。居苯舌瑞衰梨宠禽吗浸扑眩浩蛮观鸡恐奢恼秩作煞弦希洒烧瑰条恕钡羔颧三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)Useful expressions2. How are you? How are you?用于询问别人的近况。用于熟人之间有一别段时间未见面,或是对方身体欠佳,或是较正式地向人打招呼等场合

11、。因此不必每次见面都问此话。每天见面时,只要说Hello!或Hi! 就可以了。土揭殆歹喻白匈烘壬季足羞益昭佩方咀纳泛脏墟丝汰畅图入净除裴逝字刊三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)The Chain Game (连锁问答游戏) Mr. Wang will say “How are you?” to the student(学生) in the first row (第一排).He or she should say

12、:”I m fine, thank you.” Then the student should pass the sentence “How are you?” to the student in the second row(第二排). Just do it one by one(一个接一个). The last one(最后一个) should come to the front(前面) and ask me “How are you?”题付愁屏妮姆蚕斟神畏雌炸靡韵妊顺狙龋则镑坦轰务预网萎旬笨苇椭渊廷三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋)

13、 (共19张PPT)三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT) - How are you? (1) - Im fine, thank you. (2) - Very well, thanks.志艺喻虚茵尿档价闰梧斡镜没宏瓷宗墓嗡桌淀待积砂酚鞋芝姬荷辙糙胜扇三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)Lets play Pair work S1:Hell

14、o! Hello!/ Good morning. S2:How are you? S1: Im fine, thank you./ Very well, thanks.因津埋晒往崎古强冲筑鸣妓翱目灰定襟佃牙阐免寂猛氛叉砒厕挣鹏爷骄殖三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT) Goodbye!舷撩侯苗省年腮钟爹涸椎搬斩根闽缺同取表挤龟害弹毁站捌比冈苗粒日虹三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)三年级上册英语课件Unit3 Look at me!第一课时 人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共19张PPT)



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