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1、 Chapter 2 Development of the English VocabularyContents1.Review of Chapter 12.An Introduction to Chapter 23.The Indo-European Language Family(印欧语系)(印欧语系)4.Three Phases of the Historical Development5.Vocabulary Practice 6.Homework1. Review of Chapter 11.A word is a minimal free form of a language th

2、at has a given sound, meaning and _.2.If we compare vocabulary to a family, words are _.3.If youve mastered 3000 English words, we can see you have _ vocabulary (vocabularies).4.Every word has sound and meaning and the relationship between them is _ and _.5. The last letter of “bomb” is silent, whic

3、h indicates sometimes sound is not consistent with _.6. The huge English vocabulary may fall into _ and _ by use frequency.7. By _, the English words can be grouped into content words and functional words.8. The English vocabulary can be classified into _ and _ by origins.9. _ is the most important

4、of all features of the basic word stock.10. “beautiful” and “walk” belong to _, while “to” and “will” belong to _. (content words or functional words)11. Words taken over from foreign languages are known as borrowed words, _ or _.12. “Bazaar” is borrowed from Persia but has retained its original pro

5、nunciation and spelling. We call it an _.2. An Introduction to Chapter 2(1)Where does English come from?(2)In which way is English related to other languages?(3)Why are Germanic dialects or Teutonic dialects are known as English now?(4)What is the size of the vocabulary of the first settlers?(5)How

6、has English developed into what is now a huge modern vocabulary?3. The Indo-European Language FamilyKey Points:1.1.全世界大约有全世界大约有3000 3000 种语言,分成种语言,分成300300个语系。个语系。2.2.印欧语系是印欧语系是300300个语系中的一个个语系中的一个3.3.印欧语系中的语言的基本词汇和语法相似印欧语系中的语言的基本词汇和语法相似4.4.印欧语系分为印欧语系分为1010语族:东部组语族:东部组4 4个和西部组个和西部组6 6个个5.5.日耳曼语族属于西部

7、组日耳曼语族属于西部组6.6.日耳曼语族日耳曼语族包括:挪威语,冰岛语,丹麦语,瑞典包括:挪威语,冰岛语,丹麦语,瑞典语,德语,荷兰语,佛兰德语和语,德语,荷兰语,佛兰德语和英语英语。7.7.印欧语系中的语言对英语有影响印欧语系中的语言对英语有影响4. Three Phases of the Historical DevelopmentvOld English古英语(450-1150)vMiddle English中古英语(1150-1500)vModern English现在英语(1500-至今)Before Old English(古英语之前)(古英语之前) 土著居民凯尔特人(Celts)

8、 凯尔特语(Celt) 入侵者罗马人 (Romans) 拉丁语(Latin) English is not the native language of the British Isles.Old English(450-1150) 古英语1.罗马军团撤退后,来自北方的皮克特人和苏格兰人又入侵了不列颠群岛。(the Picts and Scots)2.凯尔特人向北海的日耳曼武士(Angles, Saxons, Frisian and Jutes)求助。(appeal tofor assistance)3.最终日耳曼人成了凯尔特人新的统治者。(conquerors)4.统治者的语言被称作 Ang

9、les-Saxons.5.Why is this country called England?为什么这个国家叫做英国? (the land of Angles)1.Characteristics of the Old English: (1) A small monogeneous vocabulary (50000-60000) (2) A few borrowings from Latin and Scandinavian (3) The words full of endingsMiddle English中古英语(1150-1500)1.Norman Conquest (1066)诺

10、曼征服2.The influx(流入) of French words into English did not occur until after 1300.3.A great number of French words poured(涌入) into English.4.Characteristics of the Middle English: (1) A comparatively large vocabulary (2) A tremendous number of words from French and Latin (3) Word endings are leveled.M

11、odern English 现代英语(1500-至今)1.Early Modern English(1500-1700) (1) Renaissance文艺复兴拉丁风格的现代英语The Renaissance was the period in Europe, especially Italy, in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries, when there was a new interest in art, literature, science. (2) The Bourgeois Revolution and the Industrial Revol

12、ution资产阶级革命和工业革命2.Late Modern English(1700 up to the present) (1) Breathtaking advances in science and technology科技的迅猛发展 (2)Borrowings and coinage in all walks of life借词和造词3.Characteristics of the Modern English: (1) A huge and heterogeneous vocabulary (2) Tremendous borrowings (3) Words with lost endingsHomeworkWhat are the basic differences between the vocabularies of the three periods of English development?英语三个发展时期的基本特征是什么?Vocabulary Practice



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