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1、RevisionThe Relative Clause & The Noun Clausewho, whom, whose, what, how, which, that, if, where, when, why, whether, etc.Connectives used in the Relative ClauseConnectives used in the Noun Clausewho, whom, whose, which, that, where, when, why, etc.who, whom, whose, what, how, which, that, if, where

2、, when, why, whether, etc.who, whom, whose, what, how, which, that, if, where, when, why, whether, etc.Connectives used in the Relative ClauseConnectives used in the Noun Clausewho, whom, whose, which, that, where, when, why, etc.what, how, if, whether, etc.The Relative Clausel lAlec asked the polic

3、eman _ he worked to contact him whenever there was an accident.l lWe brought a road map _ we would have lost our way.with whomwithout whichantecedentpreposition + relative pronounsb.sth.prep. + whomprep. + whichThe Relative Clausel l She still remembers the days _ she spent in the countryside. a. wh

4、ile b. that c. when d. wherel l Do you know the year _ The Declaration of Independence was published? a. when b. which c. that d. what The Relative Clausebain whichthe day the monthon whichin whichl lThe school _ I visited last year was not the The school _ I visited last year was not the one _ I on

5、ce studied.one _ I once studied. a. which; where a. which; whereb. which; whichb. which; which c. where; which c. where; whichd. where; whered. where; wherel lJasmine was holidaying with her family in a Jasmine was holidaying with her family in a wildlife park _ she was bitten on the leg by wildlife

6、 park _ she was bitten on the leg by a lion. a lion. a. at which a. at whichb. whichb. which c. where c. whered. for whichd. for whichThe Relative Clauseaat whichcin whichl lTeachers should create an environment _ Teachers should create an environment _ children are taught how to solve problems of c

7、hildren are taught how to solve problems of learning by themselves.learning by themselves. a. where a. where b. why b. why c. which c. which d. whose d. whosel lGovernment reports, examination compositions, Government reports, examination compositions, legal documents and most business letters are l

8、egal documents and most business letters are the main situations _ formal language is the main situations _ formal language is used.used. a. in that a. in thatb. on whichb. on which c. in which c. in whichd. at whatd. at what The Relative Clauseacin whichwherewhowhomwhosewhichthatwherewhenwhy主主语宾语定定

9、语状状语The Relative Clausel lThe chief foods eaten in any country depend The chief foods eaten in any country depend largely on _ grows best in its climate and largely on _ grows best in its climate and soil.soil. a. what a. what b. which b. which c. why d. where c. why d. wherel l- I drove to - I drov

10、e to ZhuhaiZhuhai for the air show last week. for the air show last week. - Is that _ you had a few days off? - Is that _ you had a few days off? a. why a. whyb. whenb. whenc. whatc. whatd. whered. whereThe Noun Clausea宾语从句宾语从句宾语从句宾语从句a表语从句表语从句表语从句表语从句l lIt is pretty well understood _ controls the I

11、t is pretty well understood _ controls the flow of carbon dioxide in and out the atmosphere flow of carbon dioxide in and out the atmosphere today.today. a. that a. thatb. whenb. whenc. whatc. whatd. howd. howl l_ it will do us good or harm remains to be _ it will do us good or harm remains to be se

12、en.seen. a. Whether a. Whetherb. Whatb. Whatc. Howc. Howd. Thatd. ThatThe Noun Clauseca主语从句主语从句主语从句主语从句主语从句主语从句主语从句主语从句l lThe news _ he told me is really The news _ he told me is really encouraging.encouraging.l lThe news _ our team has won the game is The news _ our team has won the game is really

13、encouraging.really encouraging. a. that a. that b. what b. what c. why c. whyd. whetherd. whetherThe Relative Clause & the Appositive Clauseaa定语从句定语从句定语从句定语从句同位语从句同位语从句同位语从句同位语从句The Noun Clausethatifwhetherwho whom whose主语主语宾语宾语表语表语定语定语状语状语无成分无成分The Noun Clausewhich what when where why how主语主语宾语宾语表语

14、表语定语定语状语状语无成分无成分l lThe problem that the material can be used in our The problem that the material can be used in our factory has not been solved. factory has not been solved. l lWhat fashion differs from country to country may What fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural dif

15、ferences from one aspect.reflect the cultural differences from one aspect.l lThat is the reason which he gave us for carrying That is the reason which he gave us for carrying out the plan. out the plan. l lWe have to consider what to do in situations We have to consider what to do in situations whic

16、h there are many people involved.which there are many people involved. Error - correctionwhetherwhetherThatThatwherewherel l他突然想到可以用另一种方法来做这个试验。他突然想到可以用另一种方法来做这个试验。(way)(way) An idea occurred to him _ An idea occurred to him _ _. _. l l别太靠近那幢房子,它的屋顶正在维修。别太靠近那幢房子,它的屋顶正在维修。(whose)(whose) Dont get too

17、close to the house _ Dont get too close to the house _ _. _. l l爱因斯坦最著名的是我们称之为相对论的理论。爱因斯坦最著名的是我们称之为相对论的理论。(what)(what) Einsteins most famous theory is _ Einsteins most famous theory is _ _. _.Translation that he might do the that he might do the experiment in another way experiment in another way wh

18、ose roof is whose roof is under repairunder repair what we call what we call the Theory of Relativitythe Theory of Relativityl l他没有通过驾驶考试的原因是缺乏实践。他没有通过驾驶考试的原因是缺乏实践。(lack)(lack)l l书店里关于年轻妈妈如何养育幼儿的书很畅销。书店里关于年轻妈妈如何养育幼儿的书很畅销。(sell)(sell)TranslationThe reason why he didnt pass the driving test The reason

19、 why he didnt pass the driving test was that he lacked practice.was that he lacked practice.In the bookstore, the books on how young In the bookstore, the books on how young mothers breed babies sell well.mothers breed babies sell well.HomeworklFinish the exercise paper on the Relative Clause and the Noun Clause.



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