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1、Yes, I can. My parents care for me and I like to talk with them.1. Do you get on well with your family ? I always talk to my best friend and ask her for help. 2. Who do you ask for help when you have problems with your family?3aRead the article quickly and answer the questions. He cant get on with h

2、is family. He always feels lonely and nervous.2. How does he feel at home?1. Whats Sad and Thirteens problem?Read the article again and fill in the chart. ProblemsAdviceHis parents fight a lot.Talk about the feelings with his family. Do more jobs around the house. His brother isnt nice to him. Sit d

3、own and communicate with his brother. Read the article again and fill in the blanks.1. Sad and Thirteen has some _. He cant _ his family. His parents _ a lot. Its the only _ they have. When they _, its like a big black cloud _ their home. He doesnt like it. get on withproblemsarguefightcommunication

4、hanging overHis brother always watches TV whatever he wants until midnight. He _ to let him watch his favorite TV show. So He always feels _ and _ at home. refuseslonelynervous2. Robert Hunt thinks Sad and Thirteen should _ these feelings to his family. He should _ to help.offer talk aboutMaybe he c

5、ould _ jobs around the house so that they have more time _. Second, he could sit down and _ his brother. He could _ that he _ him watching TV all the time, however, he should let him watch his _. dont minddo morefor proper communicationcommunicate withexplainfavorite show与某人相处得好和某人争吵对某人很好拒绝去做某事让某人做某

6、事和某人交谈某事主动提出去做某事与某人交流介意(某人)做某事一直get on well with sbargue withbe nice to sbrefuse to do sthlet sb do sthtalk about sth with sboffer to do sthcommunicate withmind (sb) doing sthall the timeDo you agree or disagree with Mr. Hunts advice? Why?1. I agree with his advice. Because more communication can ma

7、ke family members understand each other better and know about the feelings they have. 3b2. I dont agree with his advice. I dont think their parents should fight any more. They should care more about their children and spend more time with them. Which words or phrases in the letters have the same or

8、similar meanings as the following? Write a sentence using each word or phrase. make sth. clear explain Can you explain to me how to do thismath problem? talk _ _ communicateThe two friends hasnt communicated with each other for two years.3cworried _ _ get along with _nervousHe was very nervous durin

9、g his first job interview.get on withLinda cant get on well with her elder sister.not allow _ _The workers refused to work on weekends.refuse一、选词填空。一、选词填空。instead argue nervous proper explain 1. My cousin is _ in front of strangers.2. He could not come up with a _answer.3. The TV shows are boring. W

10、hy not play cards _?4. I dont want to _ with you. Its waste of time. 5. Please _ to her how to use a computer. propernervousargueexplaininstead二、用括号中单词的适当形式填空。二、用括号中单词的适当形式填空。1. All the _ (communicate) with the outside world was broken.2. Jim is a doctor. His _ (old) brother is an engineer. eldercom

11、munication3. After high school Mike got a job instead of _ (go) to university.4. Its very kind of you to offer _ (help) us on the weekend. 5. Firstly we dont have much money, _ (second) we are too busy. goingto helpsecondlyYou look tired. Whats the matter?I studied until midnight last night so I did

12、nt get enough sleep.What should I do?Why dont you forget about it? Although shes wrong, its not big deal.Grammar FocusWhat should he do?He should talk to his friend so that he can say hes sorry.Maybe you could go to his house.I guess I could, but I dont want to surprise him.表达征求意见的用法:表达征求意见的用法:What/

13、How about名词名词/动名词?动名词?Why dont you? 是否定性特殊疑问句。是否定性特殊疑问句。Why not动词原形?动词原形?HOW TO GIVE ADVICEYou could should do.的用法的用法Youd better donot do.Addition1. A: Whats wrong?B: My sister borrows my clothes without asking. What should I do?A: Well, you could tell her that this makes you angry _ shell ask you n

14、ext time.2. A: I dont have any friends at my new school. What should I do?B: _you dont have any now, you will soon make some.4a. Fill in the blanks with although, so that or until.so thatAlthough 3. A: Im worried about my school grades. Whats your advice?B: You shouldnt wait _the last minute to stud

15、y for a test.A: Mike is my best friend, but he always copies my homework. What should I do?B: _ hes your best friend, you should still tell him that copying others homework is wrong.untilAlthough Im very shy. Advice:_ _2. My sister and I fight all the time. Advice:_ _4b. Write one piece of advice fo

16、r each problem. Then compare your advice with your partners and decide whether the advice is good or bad. You should make more friends and communicate with them often. You could communicate with her when you hold different opinions.3. My sister spends all evening on the phone. Advice:_ _4. My cousin

17、 borrows my things without returning them. Advice:_ _5. My parents wont let me have a pet. Advice:_ _You could advise her to help with housework or go for a walk. You could make him know its wrong to do that. You should promise them that you will never let it affect your study.4c Choose one of the p

18、roblems and ask your classmates for advice. Decide which classmate has the best advice.You left your homework at home.Your best friend is more popular than you. You are afraid of speaking in front of people. Your best friend does not trust you anymore. Your parents always argue. Problems A: My best

19、friend is more popular than me. I want to be like him. What should I do? B: You could try to be friendlier.C: You should just be yourself.A: Im afraid of speaking in front of people. What should I do? B: You should take it easy. Just be confident and calm when in public.1. What should I _ (get) my m

20、om for her birthday ?2. Why dont you _ (get) her a scarf ?3. Why not _ (get) her a scarf ?4. How/What about _ (get) her a scarf ?gettinggetgetget Fill in the blanks.单选单选:l. How about _calendar?A. buyB. to buy C. buying2. I believe that singing English songs help me _my English.A. improveB. improvedC

21、. improving3.The box is_ heavy _I cant carry it.A. too, to B. so, that C. enough, toCAB4. Maybe you should_. A. call in her B. call up her C. call her up5. Brian doesnt like _. A. reading B. read C. readsCAUnit 4Why don t you talk to your parents?Giving advicesIm a little bit shy. Im afraid of speak

22、ing in front of people. What should I do? You should be more confident. You should play sports with your friends after class. I left my homework at home.You should tell it to your teacher. You could call your parents and ask them to bring it to school. Whats wrong with the girl?Shes too stressed out

23、.What should she do? Can you give her some advice?Why not hang out with her friends?She could play sports. She could play computer games. She should listen to music and read some books._ play sports _hang out with friends _talk to parents or other family members _ spend time alone _ play computer ga

24、mes _ read books_ watch movies1a What activities do you like to do to help lower your stress? Order them 1-8 with 1 being the most favorite thing you do to lower stress.1234567Tell your partner about your answers in 1a.I always hang out with my friends to lower stress.I like to listen to music to lo

25、wer stress best. Id like to play sports when Im stressed out. 1b1c. Listen and check ( ) the problems Wei Ming talks about._ My parents give me a lot of pressure about school._ I dont get enough sleep._ I dont have enough free time._ I had a fight with my parents._ I have to compete with my classmat

26、es at school. 1d. Listen again. What advice does Alice give to Wei Ming? Fill in the blanks.1. Although you may be_ with your parents, you should talk to them. Ask them why they give you so much_.2. Life shouldnt just be about _. Free time activities like_ and hanging out with friends are important,

27、 too.3. You shouldnt_ with your classmates to get better grades. You should all be _each other to improve.unhappy pressure gradessportscompletehelping 1e. What is your advice for Wei Ming? Tell your partner and say why.A: I think Wei Ming should . B: Why?A: Because .What is your advice for Wei Ming?

28、 Tell your partner and say why.1eI think Wei Ming should more free to play sports after class.Why?Health is more important than grades. Grades isnt everything after all. 2a. Check ( ) the after-school activities you and your classmates usually do._ do homework_ have after-school lessons_ watch movie

29、s_ use the Internet _ hang out with friends _ play sports or exercise What did you do after school?Do you have stress in your life?How do you relax yourself?2b. Read the article and answer the questions.1. What is the common problem for Chinese and American families ?2. Who gives their opinions abou

30、t the problem?Guessing the MeaningWhen reading something for the first time, do not worry about words you do not know. Use the context to help you guess the meaning.2bSkim the article and answer the questions. 1.What is the common problem for Chinese and American families?Parents give their children

31、 too much stress. 2. Who gives their opinions about the problems?Cathy,Linda, Miller and Dr. Alice Green. These days, Chinese children are sometimes busier on weekends than weekdays because they have to take so many after-school classes. Many of them are learning exam skills so that they can get int

32、o a good high school and later a good university. Others are practicing sports so that they can compete and win. However, this doesnt only happen in China.careful readingparagraph 11. Why are students busier on weekends?2. Why do they take these classes?The Taylors are a typical American family. Lif

33、e for Cathy Taylors three children is very busy. “On most days after school,” Cathy says, “I take one of my two boys to basketball practice and my daughter to football training. Then I have to take my other son to piano lessons. Maybe I could cut out a few of their activities, but I believe these ac

34、tivities are important for my childrens future. I really want them to be successful.” However,the tired children dont get home until after 7:00 p.m. They have a quick dinner, and then its time for homework. Linda Miller, a mother of three, knows all about such stress. “In some families,competition s

35、tarts very young and continues until the kids get older,” she says. “Mothers send their small kids to all kinds of classes. And they are always comparing them with other children. Its crazy. I dont think thats fair. Why dont they just let their kids be kids? People shouldnt push their kids so hardpa

36、ragraph 3Does LInda agree with other mothers? Doctors say too much pressure is not good for a childs development. Dr. Alice Green says all these activities can cause a lot of stress for children. “Kids should have time to relax and think for themselves, too. Although its normal to want successful ch

37、ildren, its even more important to have happy children.”What is important for children?2c Look at the words in bold in the article.Can you guess their meanings? Try to match them with the meanings below.1. Keeps on happening _2. Physical exercise and practice of skills_3. Worries about things at hom

38、e, school or work_4. Usual or common _continuetrainingstresstypical5. Try to be the best or the first to finish something _6. Getting better or bigger _7. Looking for differences and similarities between things _completedevelopmentcomparing2dRead the article again and answer the questions. 1. Does C

39、athy Taylor think its important for kids to join after-school activities?Yes. She believes these activities are important for her childrens future. 2. Does Linda Miller agree with Cathy? Whats her opinion?No, she doesnt. She thinks its crazy and unfair to send small kids to all kinds of classes. Par

40、ents shouldnt push their kids so hard. 3. Does Dr. Green agree with Cathy or Linda? What does she say? No, she doesnt. She says kids should have time to relax and think for themselves. Although its normal to want successful children, its even more important to have happy children. 1. What do you thi

41、nk of after-school activities?2. What should you do to relax?2e. Discuss the questions with your partner.1.What do you think of after-school activities?In my opinion, if the kid really like the activity such as basketball, he can go to these classes. They may have some fun as well some skills. I don

42、t agree that some parents push the kids to take these activities. Discuss the questions with your partner.2e2. What should you do to relax? There are a lot of ways to relax. Id like to listen to music or play sports to relax. But my friend, Eric would like to sleep a lot and eat some nice food. 3a.

43、A magazine interviewed some parents about after-school classes for children. Read the opinions below and make notes on your own opinions.In my opinion, I agree Why should children take after-school classes?Your opinions1. “ after-school classes can help kids get into a good university.”2. “I want my

44、 child to be a successful person.”3. “Its good for children to start learning from a young age.”Agree:Disagree:Pair work3b. Write a letter to the magazine to express your opinions on after-school classes for children. Use the following expressions to help you.Try to write paragraphsFirst, say if you

45、 agree or disagree. Dear ,I dont really agree with . because .Although some parents are right about .I think children should .Try to write paragraphsThen, explain why.In my opinion, it is important for children/parents to .I believe it is better if children/parents . so that.Perhaps children/parents

46、 should/could If children, they will. Translate(翻译翻译)1.人们不该对自己的孩子逼得太紧。人们不该对自己的孩子逼得太紧。People shouldnt push their kids so hard.2. 你为什么不买一块手表呢?你为什么不买一块手表呢?Why dont you buy a watch?3.不要把父母从你的生活中赶出去。不要把父母从你的生活中赶出去。Dont cut your parents out of your lives.4. 你喜欢和朋友一起闲逛吗?你喜欢和朋友一起闲逛吗?Would you like to hang o

47、ut with friends?. Correct (改错改错)1. People shouldnt push their kids so hardly.(hard)2. Why not talking to your parents?(talk)3. -How about a book? -Sound good.(Sounds)4. How about leave him a note?(leaving) problemsIm very cold.I have too much homework.My clothes are out of style.I have a day-off.suggestionsWhy not buy some new clothes?How about doing it quickly?What about going out to play?Why dont you close the door?. Match



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