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1、Chapter 18文化词与文化含义词文化词与文化含义词1文化词(Cultural Words)n Peter Newmark calls them Empty WordsnThe word (phrase) that carries the meaning of a cultural trait particular to a certain socio-cultural community, that is, whose referent is a unique thing or conception, and therefore that has no corresponding equ

2、ivalent in other communities, when it is used in cross-cultural communication, is called word of cultural uniqueness or cultural word.2Cultural Words 5 Typesn1. Ecologicaln eg. selva, igloo, sirocoo, 三伏, 三九n2. Materialn eg. swallowtail, 马褂, ravioli, 包子, 粽子n3. Socio-culturaln eg. snooker, cricket, te

3、leathon, Lord Chancellor, 大锅饭, 民工, 家庭联产承包责任制 n4. Religiousn eg. cathedral, abbey, 阴阳, 庵,老天 n5. Gesticularn eg. 叩头,作揖,单腿跪拜3文化含义词(Culturally Loaded Word/Phrases)nThe word (phrase) whose referent is not a unique thing or conception in one culture, but does not overlap with that in another culture, and

4、therefore that has no corresponding equivalent in other communities, when it is used in cross-cultural communication, is called culturally loaded word.4Culturally Loaded Words 3 Typesn1. Culturally loaded words (phrases) due to different classification(切分和归类不同)n eg. Family membersn 1) sexn 2) genera

5、tionn 3) degree of lineality (direct or indirect)n eg. Colours n eg. Cooking methods5Culturally Loaded Words 3 Typesn2. Culturally loaded words (phrases) due to different association(联想不同)n eg. Redn eg. Magpien eg. Summern eg. West wind6Culturally Loaded Words 3 Typesn3. Culturally loaded words (phr

6、ases) due to different cultural norms(语用规范不同)n “Cultural meanings are expressed in the cognitive structures as well as norms of behaviour people utilize when using language.” (Kachru Yamuna)n eg. Yes or Non eg. You dont say./ You are not n eg. Now you are talking n eg. Oh, you shouldntt have 7Transl

7、ating Cultural Wordsn1. Full borrowing (全式借用)n eg. garage, reservoir, spaghetti, plazan2. Semi-borrowing(半式借用)n eg. comrade (comarada), cartoon (cartone)n3. Transliteration (音译)n eg. kowtow, feng shui, dim sumn4. Semi-transliteration(半音译)n eg. tea house, tong oil, taoismn5. Loan translation(仿译)n eg.

8、 蜜月,蓝领,超人,lose face, paper tiger8Translating Culturally Loaded Wordsn1. Culturally loaded words (phrases) due to different classification(切分和归类不同)n1) borrowing(借用)n eg. sake, kaoliang, cigarn2) substitution(替代)n eg. temple for 寺,庙,庵,观n3) paraphrasing(释义)n 亲家,妯娌,连襟9Translating Culturally Loaded Words

9、n2. Culturally loaded words (phrases) due to different association(联想不同)n1) loan translation(仿译)n eg. 黑名单,瓶颈,连锁反应n2) substitution(替代)n eg. 蓝眼睛, 红眼病, green-eyedn3) paraphrasing(释义)n eg. 九曲十八弯,走桃花运,tongue-in-cheek10Translating Culturally Loaded Wordsn3. Culturally loaded words (phrases) due to differe

10、nt cultural norms(语用规范不同) substitution(替代) eg. 吃了吗?/上哪儿去? eg. How are you?/ How do you do? eg. 司马昭之心,路人皆知 Si-Ma-Zhaos heart? notorious? as plain as the nose on face? an open secret?11Exercise: Try Translating Themn尊重,干部,态度,国家,意义,关心,情况,宣传,统一,传统n讲,搞,化n个体经济,社会主义精神文明,乱收费,基本实现小康,街道妇女,三高农业12Examples Analy

11、sisn处理国与国关系的时候,我们应该尊重尊重现实。nWhen dealing with inter-state relations, we should face reality.13Examples Analysisn国有企业的主要领导干部领导干部应该坚决抵制和反对腐败。nLeading managerial staff of state-owned enterprises should resolutely resist and oppose corruption.14Examples Analysisn今天,亚洲和欧洲的国家领导人聚集一堂,以平等友好的态度态度,就广泛领域的合作交换意见

12、。nToday, leaders of Asian and European countries gather here to exchange views on cooperation in a wide range of areas on an equal footing and in a friendly manner.15Examples Analysisn互相尊重国家国家主权,是开展国际合作的重要前提。nMutual respect for state sovereignty is an important prerequisite for carrying out internat

13、ional cooperation.16Examples Analysisn我们在贵国度过了内容丰富和有意义意义的六天时间。nOur six-day stay in your country has been pleasant, substantial and interesting. 17Examples Analysisn我们希望一切关心关心中东地区稳定的国家多做有利于解决争端的工作。nWe hope that all countries that care about the stability of the Middle East will do more to help resolv

14、e the disputes.18Examples Analysisn最近,在南海问题上出现一些新的情况情况,我想借此机会与您交换意见。nRecently, some new complications have occurred on the South China Sea. I wish to take this opportunity to exchange views with you.19Examples Analysisn在对内努力推进经济社会发展的同时,还应该大力加强对外宣传宣传。nWhile doing a good job in advancing social and ec

15、onomic development, we should also make great efforts to enhance promotion/publicity to the outside world.20Examples Analysisn在这个问题上,我们已经统一统一了思想。nAs for this issue, we have already reached consensus/achieve common understanding.21Examples Analysisn双方应保证两国公民在边境地区的传统传统经济生活正常进行。nThe two sides should en

16、sure their citizens in the border area a normal economic life as they used to lead.22Examples Analysisn一次分配讲讲效益,二次分配讲讲公平。nStress is put on efficiency in the first distribution of income, and on equality in the second distribution of income.n讲讲大话,讲讲空话都不行。nNeither bragging nor empty talk will do.n讲讲信义

17、是我们民族的传统。nActing in good faith is a Chinese tradition.23Examples Analysisn我们说话算数,不搞搞小动作。nWe mean what we say. We do not play pretty tricks/games.n他到北京工作了两个月,搞搞得很好。nHe worked in Beijing for two months and did a good job there.n我们必须一心一意搞搞建设。nWe must concentrate on economic development.n搞搞经济协作区,这个路子是对的

18、。nIt is the right thing to establish economic cooperation between developed and less developed areas. 24Examples Analysisn国民经济市场化化、社会化化程度明显提高。nMarket has noticeably assumed greater importance in our national economy and more and more social services have been made available.n美化化环境nTo beautify the en

19、vironmentn干部队伍的年轻化化、知识化化、专业化化。nTo make our rank of leaders younger, better educated and more competent professionally. 25Examples Analysisn个体经济 self-employment, family businessn社会主义精神文明 socialist civilization with high cultural level and moral standardsn乱收费 arbitrary chargesn基本实现小康 build a moderatel

20、y well-off societyn街道妇女 housewives working in the neighbourhoodn三高农业 high-yield, cost-effective and high-tech agriculture26Examples Analysisn南北朝南北朝的祖冲之计算出圆周率圆周率为3.1415926。nIn the Northern and Southern Dynasties in the 4th century AD, Chinas mathematician Zu Chongzhi calculated (the ratio of the circ

21、umference of a circle to its diameter) to be 3.1415926. 27Examples Analysisn玄奘玄奘万里取经,带回南亚国家的古老文化。郑郑和和“七下西洋七下西洋”,把中华文化传向远方的国度。nEminent Monk Xuan Zang of the Tang Dynasty (618 907) brought back ancient culture after braving long journeys to South Asian countries. In the Ming Dynasty (1368 1644), Chine

22、se navigator Cheng Ho led a fleet to what the people called the West Sea seven times in the 15th century, spreading the Chinese culture to distant land.28Examples Analysisn张骞出使西域,开拓举世闻名的“丝绸之路”。nImperial envoy Zhang Qians trip to the West in the Han Dynasty (206 BC 220 AD) over 2,000 years ago opened up the world-famous Silk Road.29Examples Analysisn早在公元前二千五百年,中国人就开始了仰观天文仰观天文、俯察地理俯察地理的活动,逐渐形成了“天人合一天人合一”的宇宙观。nAs early as 2,500 BC, Chinese began astronomical observation and geographical survey, and gradually formed a world outlook of an integration of the universe and humanity.30



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