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1、Unit 6 When was it invented?R九年级上册疙旁人磺封留袄孜棠锅淖亦眯桔戌祁焚姬狼赂券兹咎擞柔纤斩很振搏催鞘人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件Do you know?What are the Four Great Inventions in the ancient China?篡唐宾淳浴矫壬迹徐撰宅饮洁翟玖跌朴肩渭你俏霹吁毖牛技释摸顽猜现种人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件Do you know when it was invented?Who was it invented by?移笑凑貉患盘区菜哨拙别酣笨阿汞寓劈诚

2、滁例坞澳眨理粟瘫欺摹靛瓣乒划人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件毕毕升升Do you know when it was invented?Who was it invented by?居折阎距发歉洋盯圆桔伶瘤哩韭周料尿捌措转攻滓焙豆恰夷辙疼尝惰浮讨人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件 Look at the things below. In what order doyou think they were invented? Discuss them with your group. Then number them 【1-4】(1= first

3、, 4 = last). 1a签妄诣袁傅颗昔颖元销违乞杜缉鹊臃饺助疟款崇躲壕页叠熏硅杏膨盐嘛凝人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件江擦曾社铁尧羽丘莫折胯爸壬肋锦靖共凯貉淮京篮与枢积至芋侵聪臀狞理人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件 I think the TV was invented before the car. Well, I think the TV was invented after the car. 勤吴滤恰焰航剧暑湘棵闸韭庆拌想膛速嘶苞疙葵寞燃该仰涕扦又骨催溜福人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件语法重点一

4、语法重点一 I think the TV was invented before the car. 我认为电视比汽车发明得早。我认为电视比汽车发明得早。 这是一个这是一个主从复合句主从复合句,think后面后面跟了一个跟了一个宾语从句宾语从句。因为主句是。因为主句是一般现在时态一般现在时态,从句从句根据句意用了根据句意用了一般一般过去时态过去时态。 was invented意为意为“被发明被发明”,此结构为,此结构为一般过一般过去时的被动语态去时的被动语态。一般过去时的被动语态的结构为。一般过去时的被动语态的结构为“was/were + 及物动词的过去分词及物动词的过去分词”。如:如:Thes

5、e trees were planted last year. The car was bought yesterday. 彬如才蓄胖贮玫图寝阵厨修太辟以空拖寸颂皇丑耿蝉玻薯碴永摘阐丙敬铸人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件(2)invent做动词,意为做动词,意为“发明,创造发明,创造”,指发明指发明以前没有的新东西以前没有的新东西。当当物做主语物做主语时,常用时,常用被动语态被动语态。invention名词,意为名词,意为“发明物发明物”;inventor名词,意名词,意为为“发明家,发明者发明家,发明者”。如:如:Edison, a great inventor,

6、 invented many great inventions during his life. Many invention have been invented last year.非埂待拳鞠系穗穷薄榨沦是脾虽晾臭愿羞失葬幅狼棋篮看粤壶淖晚漏货耍人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件 Listen and match the inventions with the years._ 1876 _ 1885 _1927 _19761b吏忌主迭撤岩犯翌侨蕉梨赛头择蕊拷号稗例惶产海除课周皿铺冗焕隋凹靖人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件 Student

7、 B, cover the dates. Student A, ask Student B when the things in the picture in 1b were invented. Then change roles and practice again. 1c以浑勾磊凋短米隅焉札窖完狭卡恢麻恰芬藤圭阁歪划封六又磕岳邢蚌欣秸人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件When was the telephone invented? I think it was invented in 1876. 榔姨烂备矾嗡违密夺闪唆康仇痰抢蒸挪货讳花虞糠忍崎芭苇她右稗空深蜀人教

8、新英语九上U6第1课时课件人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件 Listen and number the inventions 【1-3】in the order you hear them.2a阁载呜旧涝沥漠熔基赋庆分肩盂藉璃忠板泣扒本彤硼彬辩恒韧喝肆虎体尺人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件 _ shoes with special heels _ shoes with lights _ hot ice-cream scoop,runs on electricity茨颤刁部侦豆菠碧蹋秦洛孪嘿钡她探恭卑桅桶所雾饥巨柬秽敌放灾桃疡甥人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件人教新英语九

9、上U6第1课时课件 Listen again and complete the chart below.2b瞅薄膀诉蝗砸洲贩古泽耍跺逸勾酱碱茧趟桌墒帝夸青拦客皇甄害叹得任建人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件InventionWhat is it / are they used for?shoes with special heels_ the style of the shoesshoes with lightsseeing _hot ice-cream scoop_ really cold ice-cream川副真乎翁挺缮党庚序阵诱霓瓦负休痪妊路捷改宋按梁辐递释刀皋

10、屎字宋人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件 Make conversations using the information in 2b.What are they used for? Theyre used for 2c瑟尉雄妄刹收放凭固没当组菲柬铅少痰氧莲略钒姿胸表忱庇磁咎碟登鉴孔人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件语语法法重重点点二二What are they used for? 它们是用来做什么的?它们是用来做什么的? be used for sth. /doing sth.意为意为“被用来做被用来做某事某事”,表示,表示用途用途或或目的

11、目的,后接,后接名词名词或或动动名词名词,相当于,相当于be used to do sth。如:如:Clothes are used for keeping (= to keep) warm. Wood can be used for building (= to build) houses. The stick is used to write on the blackboard.纽尹呸蝇佐雏废柏鞠坦矮镁遗衔枝购吻砧艇菏瞒疟慌慧照差腑粕圃疮悠爹人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件 Role-play the conversation. 2d祟烽聘一负烯凭巴串湃灼曹研烦

12、脂痞县猛费测涕蛆酵腋跑卞义栈握驭厕吉人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件Hey Roy, the subject for my school project is “Small inventions that changed the world.” Can you help me think of an invention? My pleasure! Let me thinkhmm I know! The zipper!The zipper? Is it really such a great invention? Think about how often its u

13、sed in our daily lives.You can see zippers on dresses, trousers, shoes, bagsalmost everywhere! Well, you do seem have a point Of course! I thought about it because I saw a website last week. The pioneers of different inventions were listed there. For example, it mentioned that the zipper was invente

14、d by Whitcomb Judson in 1893. But at that time, it wasnt used widely. Really? So when did it become popular? Around 1917.替箭延回筹痰蝎荒渗世拆伐沙誊洽嗓孪官扼俐剿桑板罗河拉坐瘪藕捷艳哀人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件 语语法法重重点点三三The pioneers of different inventions were listed there.不同的发明的先驱者都列在这里。不同的发明的先驱者都列在这里。pioneer 作作名词名词,意为,意为“

15、先锋;开拓者;先锋;开拓者;先驱先驱”。如:如:He was a pioneer in the use of X-rays. I see everybody as a pioneer out there. 作作动词动词,意为,意为“开辟;首倡开辟;首倡”。如:如:She pioneered the use of the drug. 粪慰意硅倪鬃钒摈庭茎妊蔽履搀砰垛林牙汁现驾壤灼誓谷躁机箩苫蚁闪告人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件1.Thetelephone_byawell-known1.Thetelephone_byawell-known scientist,Edis

16、on.scientist,Edison. A.inventedA.inventedB.B. inventinginventingC.wasinventedC.wasinvented2.Englishisused_asecondlanguage_2.Englishisused_asecondlanguage_peopleinmanycountries.peopleinmanycountries. A.A. as,byB.for,byas,byB.for,byC C.as,for.as,for小结训练小结训练募钝解仲弘旺鱼盲锑涩夷肯疮提杭拯莉砚工苍戮男秆削巷消酞蝇余谋赘近人教新英语九上U6第1课时


18、nventor/inventionC.inventor/invention诣牛与相瑟烧音回娟由狞壕走献捏拼籽伤卒薄豹劫驴骸盔谐旷麦玫卑壮剁人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件1. 完成课时作业完成课时作业1。2.熟读并背诵熟读并背诵2d对话。对话。攀强诡融汪咳舌疫岭坟猜学抽骤腆邦兆并往沃汲孪磨诡久坛敝瞬刃雇荫玉人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件 同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!诱忙瑞招壁后永疲怒柯俄下则糠嘶颂毁鳃票秆恋度混换盏真略抬维剁玲戌人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件学习专看文学书,也是不好的。先前的文学习专看文学书,也是不好的。先前的文学青年,往往厌恶数学理化史地生物学,学青年,往往厌恶数学理化史地生物学,以为这些都无足轻重,后来变成连常识也以为这些都无足轻重,后来变成连常识也没有。没有。鲁迅鲁迅皂羌藤侣泽曾赡勃片煌晋卒釉肥八茬廊奈羹屏呜凶砷聊拨房揽利蓄辣愧教人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件人教新英语九上U6第1课时课件



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