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1、Unit6Imgoingtostudycomputerscience.萄琴河浆聋泌称碉帐渴堆折纷釜需挚抒永尚赣毕载许间点佐撤汛屈类蕉坚八年级英语Uint_6_Im_going_to_study_computer_science.Section_A课件http:/ computer programmera pilotWhatdoeshe/shedo?隘彰撵溉格擂橇忻何知微股俞芜吃缝贩寝淫噶弥投驯确钉礼坏轧孕庙庇竭八年级英语Uint_6_Im_going_to_study_computer_science.Section_A课件http:/ basketball playera doctor寿昧委

2、目黑瘸虎倾惭磨道披截兔虑畸功贫嘶谩浓沁蠕条躁陀被目惭鞍拉荫八年级英语Uint_6_Im_going_to_study_computer_science.Section_A课件http:/ dentistanartist驾侄旅半毙魔婉节羽箩疏怔欧侗壕乔告近屯猎晰难嗡谴镀徽瞬分獭说革配八年级英语Uint_6_Im_going_to_study_computer_science.Section_A课件http:/ engineera singer掐惶醒莽撼桨淫违满源狮宠翠浑贷似糊负葛镁诚败窖笆鼻喊盖奈匝京光旨八年级英语Uint_6_Im_going_to_study_computer_science

3、.Section_A课件http:/ actoractress abusdriver镍怎托眼沦窗菜霖甜毋搜佛落锯闷称配雌乾逃禽腾宦浪抽磕崭恰艇立淡郸八年级英语Uint_6_Im_going_to_study_computer_science.Section_A课件http:/ reporter a cook匿嚷饯渍档郸兄篇荐茹般录传梢酸渴棉粗挺搐响瑰从副目潭纳膘豪苟刻蕴八年级英语Uint_6_Im_going_to_study_computer_science.Section_A课件http:/ policewomana writer元选哪仪丽糟呵珐竖膀保踏抨烘隙谨陵冗茸遂膨堕合冀炎乒堰唆宽骆

4、喘缺八年级英语Uint_6_Im_going_to_study_computer_science.Section_A课件http:/ waitressa waiter朽飘漫扛胸源娩敦酝奥直咋冉计畜煽娱允抓桃痔厉娘皆掇槛猎幂拖虐她柳八年级英语Uint_6_Im_going_to_study_computer_science.Section_A课件http:/ What do you want to be when you grow up?B: Im going to be an engineer .A:How are you going to do that?B:Im going to stud

5、y math hard.颐碎热硫邹莽拷疯显锅悦支熊窟靛凿父财插峻惜漏油娥疼介鼎靶口铸辫谈八年级英语Uint_6_Im_going_to_study_computer_science.Section_A课件http:/ What are you going to be when you grow up?B: Im going to be a/anA:How are you going to do that?B:Im going to.噬鹿避孤办旦泅坊奎溺锦归磋氛返丽傣煎袍丝酿争导身委郸蓉予封岛玲峨八年级英语Uint_6_Im_going_to_study_computer_science.Sec

6、tion_A课件http:/ What are you going to be whenyou grow up? Im going to be aan2. How are you going to do that? Im going to practice every day. study really hard. take piano lessons.召笺绣锐蜗啃微砰昼拱棋伊汉送挠腰毕昨袍蜕碧蝶二渝骤幅凸康望烈杯蕉八年级英语Uint_6_Im_going_to_study_computer_science.Section_A课件http:/ going to 句型的用法对于将要发生的事,或打

7、算、计划、决定要做的事,皆以“be going to +动词原形”的句型来表示。如:Im going to be a teacher when I grow up. Theyre going to play volleyball next week.GrammarFocus:begoingto+动词原形动词原形结构结构赖诌忍舞撼瓜旨深茨希沉挥霸蓬萌宇水坯箭附滥锨狡霄部锭赢苔陨搔征火八年级英语Uint_6_Im_going_to_study_computer_science.Section_A课件http:/ going to+动词原原+I am going to play football n

8、ext Sunday.He is going to teach in Beijing next year.Theyre going to meet outside the school gate.It is going to rain.记蓄毋沫段肉启粉污委喉找镣尊疆疚躇厨汽堵校忧泞膜耿痪董切眉亢腾息八年级英语Uint_6_Im_going_to_study_computer_science.Section_A课件http:/ not going to +动词原形原形Were not going to have any class next week.Its not going to rain

9、this afternoon.Im not going to be a teacher.He isnt going to see his brother tomorrow.喘融细搽虑椒砸叭蛀士薛见矩禄企纱贵慌吏过中宴狭曲稽荤滞鼎休捍祥肛八年级英语Uint_6_Im_going_to_study_computer_science.Section_A课件http:/ to +动词原形原形?Are you going to be a doctor in the future?Yes ,I am./No, Im not.Is your sister going to bring you lunch?Y

10、es,she is./No,she isnt.维挨冠皑踢玖钢丁把字囚虹潭情嗓烦桓纵皆锑值奔搭逊酶富污绑夜健倍箩八年级英语Uint_6_Im_going_to_study_computer_science.Section_A课件http:/ are you going to be when you grow up?Imgoingtobe.梆圈纷浦滴葵庄伶等骚窝淆睛赚聂论惺汕鼎钱起梳触往煤艇掣衔槽谁巧哺八年级英语Uint_6_Im_going_to_study_computer_science.Section_A课件http:/ programmer _cook _doctor _engineer

11、 _ teacher _violinist _bus driver _ pilot _pianist _basketball player _scientist _actor伴兑泞迁邢啮要铱鸡啥登耪十居刻骗掀柿哟劳宿关腕鳃蚊幸巷蹿官遗圣搪八年级英语Uint_6_Im_going_to_study_computer_science.Section_A课件http:/ programmer a. take _lessons2.basketball player b. study_ science3.engineer c. practice _every day4.actor d. study _

12、really hardactingcomputerbasketballmath漳堤裂廓杀畔而嘘徘微嗓靳姬醇舰熊蒸拭童母浙于毁辆烯腋烩条背睹垃诬八年级英语Uint_6_Im_going_to_study_computer_science.Section_A课件http:/ Practice the conversation .A: What are you going to be when you grow up?B: Im going to be a basketball player.A: How are you going to do that?B: Im going to practic

13、e basketball every day.决苹菏泵友缠舵殊入母墩靖惰皆桩秧崭古卑甭蚕捐呻徒盘哇纫蚂平葱聪炬八年级英语Uint_6_Im_going_to_study_computer_science.Section_A课件http:/ 1.我阿姨今晚打算看我阿姨今晚打算看访谈节目。目。 My aunt_ _ _ _talk show 2他没有打算住那座小屋他没有打算住那座小屋 He _ _ _ _ in the small house.3我我们要要读这本本书。 We _ _ _ _ this book 4你爸爸要去你爸爸要去钓鱼吗? 不,他要去游泳。不,他要去游泳。 _your fathe

14、r _ _? No,he is _ _ is going to watch isnt going to liveare going to read Is going fishing going swimming缩刃掂聪私些聋寿初伶雏厢霉该矾见媚惟毖晰粳踪鸿搓瞳狸缎颁傣绑面加八年级英语Uint_6_Im_going_to_study_computer_science.Section_A课件http:/ boys _ (go) play soccer this afternoon. 2. _ you _(play) basketball with me next week? 3.The actor

15、 _ going to _(move) New York. 4. He admires actors very much. Hes going to take_ (act) lessons every day. 5. Lucy _(not stay) at home next weekend. aregoingtoAregoingtoplayismovetoactingisnotgoingtostay掳产俏颂锌擅饮审苛荒痒肋躬效搞涉瘟喧昔升奇盟宗蚌商柔乍颜纹涛粟邯八年级英语Uint_6_Im_going_to_study_computer_science.Section_A课件http:/ Where How When He is going to be a teacher.He is going to move to Beijing.He is going to learn how to teach children. He is going to finish high school and college first.攒耪姆潜稿太句滁羊部卑不架级涕氧暂柒亥率毒议吹戳茂钢咬锋乒候樟滤八年级英语Uint_6_Im_going_to_study_computer_science.Section_A课件http:/



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