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1、Language pointsUnit 3Unit 31. (L2)On the one hand, some scientists point out that if you clone an embryo, you can produce valuable human tissues such as bone or lung tissue that could be used to save human lives. (P42) 一方面,一些科学家指出如果克隆人类胚一方面,一些科学家指出如果克隆人类胚胎,你就可以制造出宝贵的人体组织胎,你就可以制造出宝贵的人体组织如骨组织或肺组织如骨组织或

2、肺组织他可以用来拯救人他可以用来拯救人类的生命。类的生命。1.(Line 5) On the other hand, many people, including some scientists, disagree and are afraid that, if mankind toys with nature in this way, we may be on our way to producing a real-life Frankensteins monster. 另一方面,包括一些科学家在内的许多人则另一方面,包括一些科学家在内的许多人则持不同意见,他们担心如果人类用这种方持不同意见

3、,他们担心如果人类用这种方式戏弄自然,可能制造一个现实生活中的式戏弄自然,可能制造一个现实生活中的弗兰肯斯坦怪物。弗兰肯斯坦怪物。1) on (the) one hand, on the other hand 一方面一方面,另一方面,另一方面 如:如:On the one hand, rapid development of the economy will improve the living conditions of the people. On the other hand it will speed up environmental destruction. 一方面经济的迅速发展会改

4、善人们的生一方面经济的迅速发展会改善人们的生活状况,另一方面它会加速环境的破坏。活状况,另一方面它会加速环境的破坏。 2) toy with 玩弄,摆弄玩弄,摆弄 如:如: He accused the young man of toying with his daughters feelings. 他指责那个年轻人玩弄他女儿的感情。他指责那个年轻人玩弄他女儿的感情。 She just toyed with her food, as she wasnt really hungry. 她只是把食物摆弄着玩儿,因为她并她只是把食物摆弄着玩儿,因为她并不饿。不饿。3) on the/ ones wa

5、y 在途中;接近;即将发生(后可接在途中;接近;即将发生(后可接to doing)The businessman has suffered many hardships on his way to success.在通往成功的路上,这位企业家经历了许多在通往成功的路上,这位企业家经历了许多苦难。苦难。Nights are cooling off, and autumn is on the way.夜凉了,秋天就要来了夜凉了,秋天就要来了 。He is on the way to becoming a famous singer.他离成为一名著名歌手已经他离成为一名著名歌手已经不远了。不远了。3

6、. (L8)The first mammal to be cloned successfully from an adult cell was Dolly the sheep. the first + n. + to do. 第一个做第一个做.的人的人/ /物物 clone vt./ n.克隆克隆 如:如:The sheep Dolly was cloned from adult cells.4. (L16)Instead, he thinks research efforts should concentrate on creating new tissues and organs that

7、 can be used to cure diseases like cancer. (P42) 相反,他认为克隆研究应该注重创造用相反,他认为克隆研究应该注重创造用于治疗的新组织和器官,这些新组织或于治疗的新组织和器官,这些新组织或器官能被用来治疗像癌症这样的疾病。器官能被用来治疗像癌症这样的疾病。concentrate on集中精力于,全神贯注于集中精力于,全神贯注于I cant concentrate on my studies with all that noise going on.吵闹声吵闹声不绝于耳,我无法集中精力学习。不绝于耳,我无法集中精力学习。Some local gove

8、rnments should concentrate their efforts on improving administration.有些地方政府应该致力于改进管理工作。有些地方政府应该致力于改进管理工作。fix ones mind on/ upon 全神贯注于;全神贯注于;devote.to.(=be devoted to) 献身于献身于.;全身心全身心地投入地投入be absorbed/buried/lost in 专心于专心于5. (L18)However, some people believe that cloning human embryos with the intenti

9、on of destroying them shows no respect for human life. with the intention of 意为意为“为了,以为了,以为目的或意图为目的或意图”。如:如: He has decided to go abroad to study with the intention of improving his English and finding a better job when he returns.have no intention of doing sth 无意做某事无意做某事I have no intention of argui

10、ng with my classmates.我没打算和我的同学吵架。我没打算和我的同学吵架。intend to do 打算做打算做be intended for. 是为是为.设计的设计的This chair is intended for the disabled.4. (L23)I dont want to adopt someone elses childif I had the chance, I would have a cloned baby right now. 我不想领养别人的孩子我不想领养别人的孩子 如果我有这如果我有这 么一个机会,我会立即要一个克隆婴么一个机会,我会立即要一

11、个克隆婴 儿。儿。 adopt “ 收养,领养收养,领养”。 如:如: He adopted the orphan. 他收养了那孤儿。他收养了那孤儿。 此外,此外,adopt还有还有 “采纳,采用采纳,采用”的的意思。意思。如:如: Can a school adopt the policy prohibiting the use of mobile phones on campus? 学校能采纳禁止在学校使用手机的政策吗学校能采纳禁止在学校使用手机的政策吗?adopt a child领养孩子领养孩子采用新技术采用新技术adopt a new technique采纳意见采纳意见adopt an

12、 idea/ opinionThere are many English words _ from foreign countries.adopted6. (L25)While cloning human embryos is not legal in many countries, some scientists are already pushing ahead with research in order to produce a cloned human baby.尽管克隆人类胚胎在很多国家还不合法,尽管克隆人类胚胎在很多国家还不合法,但是一些科学家已经在加紧研究,以制但是一些科学家已

13、经在加紧研究,以制造出克隆的人类婴儿。造出克隆的人类婴儿。(1)while作连词时的意思有:作连词时的意思有: 当当的时候,在的时候,在期间;期间; 与与同时;同时; 而,然而;而,然而; 虽然,尽管。如:虽然,尽管。如: I learnt some French while I was working in France.(1) You can go swimming while Im having lunch. I like singing, while my brother likes dancing. While it was raining hard, he got here on

14、time.1)while 是连词,意为是连词,意为“虽然,尽管虽然,尽管”。如:如:While English can be difficult to learn, it is a very useful tool for communication.2) push ahead with 意为意为“推进,推行推进,推行”。如:如:It is hard to push ahead with such an unpopular policy.7. (L48)On a personal note, cloning would totally transform my life. on a note

15、意为意为“以以语气,以语气,以论调论调”。如:如: He ended his speech to his employees on a humorous note.8. (L30) China has succeeded in producing clones of cows and goats, and continues to research ways in which cloning can benifit mankind.中国已成功克隆出牛和山羊,且将继续研究中国已成功克隆出牛和山羊,且将继续研究克隆能够造福人类的方式。克隆能够造福人类的方式。succeed in doing sth 成功地做某事成功地做某事succeed in sth 在在.方面成功方面成功 I did not succeed in my first monthly examiniation.我第一次月考我第一次月考不成功。不成功。success n. 成功成功 successful adj. 成功的成功的successfully adv. 成功地成功地



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