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1、我吓了一跳,蝎子是多么丑恶和恐怖的东西,为什么把它放在这样一个美丽的世界里呢?但是我也感到愉快,证实我的猜测没有错:表里边有一个活的生物短 文 改 错之高分秘籍完完型型填填空空 之之高高分分秘秘籍籍我吓了一跳,蝎子是多么丑恶和恐怖的东西,为什么把它放在这样一个美丽的世界里呢?但是我也感到愉快,证实我的猜测没有错:表里边有一个活的生物Complete the following blanks according to the rules of Close Test we have found。1. 完型填空主要是在语篇语境中考察词汇练习,包括词语搭配和语义连贯等能力。2. 完型填空的体裁多以 _

2、 或 _ 为主,偶有议论文或夹叙夹议的文章。3. 近年来高考完型填空短文的篇幅大约都是350词,考点设至 _个空。4. _ 句一般不设空。5. 要求选择填空的词常为实词,如_ 、_、_、_ 等,着重词义辨析能力的考查。6. 偶尔考代词、冠词、介词、连词。说明文说明文记叙文记叙文20首首名词名词动词动词形容词形容词副词副词我吓了一跳,蝎子是多么丑恶和恐怖的东西,为什么把它放在这样一个美丽的世界里呢?但是我也感到愉快,证实我的猜测没有错:表里边有一个活的生物Methods上下文语境上下文语境(context)常识背景常识背景(common sense)习惯搭配习惯搭配(phrases & idio

3、ms)词义辨析词义辨析 (comparison)语法分析语法分析(grammar analysis)逻辑分析逻辑分析 (logical analysis )解题技巧解题技巧我吓了一跳,蝎子是多么丑恶和恐怖的东西,为什么把它放在这样一个美丽的世界里呢?但是我也感到愉快,证实我的猜测没有错:表里边有一个活的生物1.上下文语境法上下文语境法 1.Many Africans are very () and so they cant afford to eat much meat. A healthy B. poor C. rich D .weak 2. Many old people dont hav

4、e good () .They cant watch TV, but they can listen to the music. A. hearing B. health C. eyesight D. time利用上下文语境解题利用上下文语境解题 例例 (08全国全国I)After the birth of my second child, I got a job at a restaurant. Having worked with an experienced 36 for a few days, I was 37 to wait tables on my own. 36. A. mana

5、ger B. assistant C. cook D. waitress 37A. promised B. invited C. allowed D. advised 我吓了一跳,蝎子是多么丑恶和恐怖的东西,为什么把它放在这样一个美丽的世界里呢?但是我也感到愉快,证实我的猜测没有错:表里边有一个活的生物1) In the summer vacation of 1997 , I was fixed with a job . I worked as a(n) ( ) at Mr. Breens fruit shop. A .operator B . assistant C .waiter D. s

6、ecretary2.常识背景法常识背景法 The ring had been damaged in the great ( ) of the fire. A. pile B.heat C. power D.pressure2)我吓了一跳,蝎子是多么丑恶和恐怖的东西,为什么把它放在这样一个美丽的世界里呢?但是我也感到愉快,证实我的猜测没有错:表里边有一个活的生物利用常识背景法解题利用常识背景法解题例 the mother was holding their baby daughter, Ally. The little girl had some food stuck in her throat

7、, and could hardly breathe. Mr. White drove them to 2 . The ambulance was running very fast along the road. 2. A. the best hospital B. the biggest hospital C. the nearest hospital D. the Childrens Hospital我吓了一跳,蝎子是多么丑恶和恐怖的东西,为什么把它放在这样一个美丽的世界里呢?但是我也感到愉快,证实我的猜测没有错:表里边有一个活的生物1)The space is left to let

8、the railexpand(膨胀膨胀) when it gets _. A. wet B. cold C. hot D. dry2) It was an early morning in summer. In the street, sleepily-eyed people were moving quickly, heading towards their _ . A. jobs B. homes C. buses D. offices练习练习cultural background and common sense我吓了一跳,蝎子是多么丑恶和恐怖的东西,为什么把它放在这样一个美丽的世界里呢

9、?但是我也感到愉快,证实我的猜测没有错:表里边有一个活的生物例例1 So I tried hard with my writing and went to college . My first novel _ while I was at college. A. came on B. came in C. came out D. came back例例2 They spend millions of dollars yearly _ newspapers and magazines A. in B. to C. on D. for3.习惯搭配法习惯搭配法我吓了一跳,蝎子是多么丑恶和恐怖的东西,

10、为什么把它放在这样一个美丽的世界里呢?但是我也感到愉快,证实我的猜测没有错:表里边有一个活的生物(10江苏试卷)The chance passed and I didnt (1) it. I take the exam the next day and I won. I didnt (2) to cheat , but I was still cheating anyhow.1. A. take B. have C. lose D. find2. A. remember B. learn C. mean D. pretend利用习惯搭配解题利用习惯搭配解题我吓了一跳,蝎子是多么丑恶和恐怖的东西

11、,为什么把它放在这样一个美丽的世界里呢?但是我也感到愉快,证实我的猜测没有错:表里边有一个活的生物 According to Paco,these differences between men and women can 1 back to the “hunter-gathered” period of human history. Men were hunters.They focused on stalking animals and then killing them . Women gathered wild vegetables and fruits . They needed t

12、o be patient,to talk to each other and to cover as much ground as possible. 1A .date B. come C. get D. fight 练习练习 idioms and set phrases.我吓了一跳,蝎子是多么丑恶和恐怖的东西,为什么把它放在这样一个美丽的世界里呢?但是我也感到愉快,证实我的猜测没有错:表里边有一个活的生物1) Soon I heard a 41 like that of a door burst in, and then footsteps.41. A. sound B. cry C.voi

13、ce D. shout2) When the papers were _ , she discovered that twelve boys had made exactly the same mistakes throughout the test. A. examined B. completed C. marked D. answered4.词义辨析法词义辨析法我吓了一跳,蝎子是多么丑恶和恐怖的东西,为什么把它放在这样一个美丽的世界里呢?但是我也感到愉快,证实我的猜测没有错:表里边有一个活的生物 (NMET 2007) It was the night before the compos

14、ition was duedue. As I looked at the list of topics (题目) , “The Art of Eating Spaghetti (意大利面条) ” caught my eye. The word “spaghetti” brought back the _36 of an evening at Uncle Alien s in Belleville 37 all of us were seated around the table and Aunt Pat 38 spaghetti for supper. 36. A.memory B. thou

15、ght C. knowledge D. experience37. A. when B. where C. since D. after38. A. cooked B. served C. got D. made 利用词义辨析法解题利用词义辨析法解题我吓了一跳,蝎子是多么丑恶和恐怖的东西,为什么把它放在这样一个美丽的世界里呢?但是我也感到愉快,证实我的猜测没有错:表里边有一个活的生物例例1(07辽宁)辽宁) 42 is known to us all, there is not 43 (enough) water in all places for everyone to use as muc

16、h as he likes. 42. A. That B. It C. What D. As 例例2(09重庆)重庆)Everyone was 48 afraid to go in because the fire was out of control, so I went in . 48. A. so B. much C. quite D. too5.语法分析法语法分析法我吓了一跳,蝎子是多么丑恶和恐怖的东西,为什么把它放在这样一个美丽的世界里呢?但是我也感到愉快,证实我的猜测没有错:表里边有一个活的生物6.6.逻辑分析法逻辑分析法1) It was taking up a great de

17、al of my time, and the headmaster of my school gave me a choice ; stay in school 47 leave to work on my magazine.47. A. besides B. but C. and D. or2) and the officers then began to eat their meal , saying that the mushrooms had a very strange 38 quite pleasant taste.38. A. besides B. but C. and D. o

18、r我吓了一跳,蝎子是多么丑恶和恐怖的东西,为什么把它放在这样一个美丽的世界里呢?但是我也感到愉快,证实我的猜测没有错:表里边有一个活的生物 练习练习:logical relation1)They are some of the poorest people in a poverty stricken country. _ now they have an extra source of income (收入收入).A. But B. And C. However D. Therefore2) A transistor radio is sometimes very small. It is v

19、ery easy to carry _11_, radio broadcasts are better for blind people.A. Besides B. However C. Yet D.Sometimes我吓了一跳,蝎子是多么丑恶和恐怖的东西,为什么把它放在这样一个美丽的世界里呢?但是我也感到愉快,证实我的猜测没有错:表里边有一个活的生物四四 完形填空的解题思路完形填空的解题思路总则:总则:在把握整体的基础上对在把握整体的基础上对 句子内部的情况进行分析句子内部的情况进行分析跳过跳过空格,空格,通读通读全文,全文, 把握把握大意大意再读再读全文,反复全文,反复检查检查结合选项,综

20、合考虑,结合选项,综合考虑,初定初定答案答案瞻瞻前前顾顾后后,先,先易易后后难难, 各个各个击破击破我吓了一跳,蝎子是多么丑恶和恐怖的东西,为什么把它放在这样一个美丽的世界里呢?但是我也感到愉快,证实我的猜测没有错:表里边有一个活的生物Summary: the skills of doing a Cloze Test1.clue words and sentences2.logical relation3. idioms and set phrases.4. cultural background and common sense我吓了一跳,蝎子是多么丑恶和恐怖的东西,为什么把它放在这样一个美丽的世界里呢?但是我也感到愉快,证实我的猜测没有错:表里边有一个活的生物Do an exercise, and try to analyse it.我吓了一跳,蝎子是多么丑恶和恐怖的东西,为什么把它放在这样一个美丽的世界里呢?但是我也感到愉快,证实我的猜测没有错:表里边有一个活的生物Practice makes perfect.



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