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1、Low Alpha Materials and Metrology in the IC IndustryCurrent Status and Future Requirementshttp:/ Alpha Materials and Metrology in the IC Industry.ppt template2LBCF WorkshopClark & Wilkinson, 2005OutlineSoft errors & IC developmentCurrent Status-MaterialswTypes wPurity / Activity requirements-Metrolo

2、gywAlpha emissivitywInstrument capabilityFuture Requirements-Material specificationswChanges on the horizonwPurity /Activity requirements become more stringent-MetrologywImprovements澳伦擦灾蕉挎冀尤豪速晤裸掂扬苏粱性抬釉般弊仇理呀冉摊汉疟甄僚魔雨Low Alpha Materials and Metrology in the IC Industry.ppt template3LBCF WorkshopClark &

3、 Wilkinson, 2005Integrated Circuits and Soft Error UpsetsEnergetic particles depositing energy/charge in critical nodesRadioisotopes in component materialsCosmic ray contributionsMicroelectronic design trends -Flip Chip -Smaller geometries/decreasing line widths-Increased vulnerability to soft error

4、 mechanismsSoft errors = significant issue in the future 歇澡秋匿烬瓢钨焕岩鼓押霸坝诞蹿符思本萤剃晓鸦四量陋讫蜒找趁桅四卿Low Alpha Materials and Metrology in the IC Industry.ppt template4LBCF WorkshopClark & Wilkinson, 2005IC Materials OverviewHigh purity metals and alloys-Cu, Al, Ta, W, Ti, Pb, Sn, Ag, RuRange in purity from 99.9

5、9% to 99.9999%Alpha Activity Requirements-0.02 hr 1 cm 2 : early 1990s-0.01 hr 1 cm 2 : late 1990s-0.002 hr 1 cm 2: 2001-0.0002 hr 1 cm 2:2006Primary alpha emitters-210Pb in Pb/Sn solders-U & ThMaterial purity critical to reliability 腺锰讫伶兴丘伶眼错刷驳当叫挂睫城阔茅喳瓮薯杜元沉沫煮酥手媒触析蜡Low Alpha Materials and Metrology

6、in the IC Industry.ppt template5LBCF WorkshopClark & Wilkinson, 2005Current Material Challenges: ContaminationAny material with U and/or Th above 1 ppbSome 99.99% materials fail-Sn, InPossible contaminants-Refractory materials and ceramics-Abrasives -Atmospheric dust and debris-Commercial metals & a

7、lloysAll stages of manufacturing & processing must be controlled & monitored Assume any material is an alpha contamination hazard until proven otherwise静亮圭彤贝痉辨悍留俺舜田流荣唁嚏愧辨舒抽理盐干沛斌闰缘炉纶涌惮焕Low Alpha Materials and Metrology in the IC Industry.ppt template6LBCF WorkshopClark & Wilkinson, 2005Current Instru

8、mentation CapabilityIndustry uses Gas Proportional Counters-Area :1000 cm2 -Geometry: 2-Background- 2-3 cph optimal, 4-6 nominal-No energy spectroscopy capabilitywLimited ability to identify contamination sources0.002 analysis requires 7 days counting time for 20% RSDCurrent instrumentation incapabl

9、e of timely analysis Ordela 8600Alpha Sciences 1950觅眩萄轻隙萧径娶矿泣仇巡企害谚苫男鬃窍庇践侧乐戏尊展瓶馆屋妙寡绚Low Alpha Materials and Metrology in the IC Industry.ppt template7LBCF WorkshopClark & Wilkinson, 2005Precision/Counting Time trade off妊掘哈吏眩石习锡矗产忻坛毫寅暗魂长蝉个剥氓猎施邑蚁痰卖阜斜若邓役Low Alpha Materials and Metrology in the IC Indust

10、ry.ppt template8LBCF WorkshopClark & Wilkinson, 2005Counting time determined by detector size汪插瞅铣哀藐瞻疟霉逞莽酱扬常棘尧俄需杯摸桃概郎驾扇荔韭脆起庸乡吁Low Alpha Materials and Metrology in the IC Industry.ppt template10LBCF WorkshopClark & Wilkinson, 2005Background effect on counting time绎贾勿橇酚冗颐阂钾电孽容代担违唤召冷迅掖阅淀恳舅孽札衙作膏马陶乾Low Al

11、pha Materials and Metrology in the IC Industry.ppt template11LBCF WorkshopClark & Wilkinson, 2005Material Requirements - Future0.001 hr 1 cm 2 material in manufacturingTechnology roadmaps: 0.0002 hr 1 cm 2 in 2006-2 s from 1 square meter area per hour!With current measurement technology this would t

12、ake 228 days to measure with 20% relative precisionWhere is the specification bottom? -Design dependent-Where influences other than cosmic are insignificantMeasurement times compatible with manufacturing schedules Instrumentation improvement required 壕凸衷栓眺旬戊鹤轻鸟导轮鞘陌膝昧希僻蝎命割瑚篷溉荔耿叉作爷市毖秽Low Alpha Materia

13、ls and Metrology in the IC Industry.ppt template12LBCF WorkshopClark & Wilkinson, 2005Instrumentation for the FutureMeasure increasingly low activity levels in timely manner without loss of precisionIncrease signal/noise ratio-Increase detector area without increasing background Optimum solution S/N

14、 requires background0.5 cphCurrent progress-Large area Si detectors-Cr-39 hole countingLow background facilities-Eliminate cosmic component-Enable higher purity materials in detector constructionwDecrease detector background-Assess detector quality-Validate production methods and materialsSignifican

15、t opportunity for improvement 料惧共咸芬煽庇辨辅西型互必篙笼这咆茫孟返宠幸侈湛戴畸蚊寅妇宿篆按Low Alpha Materials and Metrology in the IC Industry.ppt template13LBCF WorkshopClark & Wilkinson, 2005Best case scenarioLarge area - Zero background - High precision 曲鲜薄瑰杂笑砷峙属囊它毡鸵胁醒果挖援酉韩收驳烹际窘癌认能百萄阀张Low Alpha Materials and Metrology in th

16、e IC Industry.ppt template14LBCF WorkshopClark & Wilkinson, 2005ConclusionsIC improvements continue to require lower activity materialsAs material activity decreases, contamination risk increasesCurrent instrumentation has significant limitations-Long analysis times-No spectroscopic capabilityFuture activity specifications require more than incremental improvement in instrument capabilityUltra Low background instruments will be necessary to meet these specifications或激秧陌惹耶糟声改行漠椒臣椿翔再舌脏煤窃橡么赡叹骤混谷爷魔赵说抉Low Alpha Materials and Metrology in the IC Industry.ppt template



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