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1、 Exercises Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension Structure of the Text Structure of the TextUnit 3: ExercisesExercises Vocabulary Vocabulary Cloze Cloze Translation Translation新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案Unit 3: Reading comprehensionReading comprehension1. 1.According According to to the the first first

2、 three three paragraphs, paragraphs, why why did did the the author author resolve to “sail off into the sunset”?resolve to “sail off into the sunset”?Because Because he he lost lost almost almost everything everything in in life life and and became became hopeless.hopeless.ReferenceReferenceEx. I,

3、p.37新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案2. 2.What does “desert experience” in paragraph 5 mean?What does “desert experience” in paragraph 5 mean?It It means means that that you you feel feel completely completely isolated, isolated, at at loss loss and and out out of hope.of hope.ReferenceReferenceUnit 3: Reading com

4、prehensionReading comprehension新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案3. 3.How did Donna respond to the death of her son?How did Donna respond to the death of her son?At At first first she she was was numbed numbed by by the the tragedy tragedy and and couldnt couldnt make make any any response. response. Several Severa

5、l weeks weeks later, later, she she felt felt relieved relieved from from her suffering when her grief had been expressed.her suffering when her grief had been expressed.ReferenceReferenceUnit 3: Reading comprehensionReading comprehension新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案4. 4.What made Candace Bracken quit her idea

6、 of giving up?What made Candace Bracken quit her idea of giving up?When When she she was was told told she she could could not not raise raise her her own own child, child, she she was was so so shocked shocked and and angry angry that that she she realized realized that that she she had had every e

7、very reason reason to to fight fight for for her her life life and and not not to to surrender surrender to to the destiny. the destiny. ReferenceReferenceUnit 3: Reading comprehensionReading comprehension新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案5. 5.What What did did Jankowski Jankowski mean mean when when he he said sai

8、d “Admitting “Admitting failure failure was was the the toughest toughest part part but but I I had had to to before before I I could could get get on on with my life”?with my life”?He He meant meant if if he he wanted wanted to to go go on on with with his his life, life, he he had had to to admit

9、admit his his failure failure and and face face up up to to his his situation, situation, although although it it was very difficult to do so.was very difficult to do so.ReferenceReferenceUnit 3: Reading comprehensionReading comprehension新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案6. 6.According According to to the the text,

10、 text, who who was was the the right right person person with with whom whom one can have a conversation while in trouble?one can have a conversation while in trouble?Those who have also experienced sufferings.Those who have also experienced sufferings.ReferenceReferenceUnit 3: Reading comprehension

11、Reading comprehension新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案7. 7.According According to to paragraph paragraph 25, 25, why why is is physical physical activity activity very very therapeutic?therapeutic?Because Because physical physical activity activity can can make make people people concentrate concentrate on on thei

12、r bodies and distract them from their sufferings.their bodies and distract them from their sufferings.ReferenceReferenceUnit 3: Reading comprehensionReading comprehension新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案8. 8.According According to to paragraphs paragraphs 28 28 and and 29, 29, what what did did the the author auth

13、or decide to do when he arrived at his destination?decide to do when he arrived at his destination?Although Although he he was was still still hurting, hurting, he he regained regained confidence confidence and and decided to build a new life.decided to build a new life.ReferenceReferenceUnit 3: Rea

14、ding comprehensionReading comprehension新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案Ex. II, pp.371. 1.Introduction (Paras. 15)Introduction (Paras. 15)2. 2.Body (Paras. 627)Body (Paras. 627)3. 3.Conclusion (Paras. 2829)Conclusion (Paras. 2829)Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 3: Structure of the textStructure of the text新视角研究生英语读说写

15、1第三单元答案1. 1.Introduction (Paras. 15)Introduction (Paras. 15)When When I I was was to to end end my my life life after after suffering suffering a a series series of of heavy heavy losses losses in in life, life, I I came came to to realize realize that that everyone everyone might might have have so

16、me some miserable miserable experiences experiences in in life, life, but but what what made made sense _.sense _.Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 3: Structure of the textStructure of the textwas to face up to his troubles and build a new lifewas to face up to his troubles and build a new life新视角研究生英语读说

17、写1第三单元答案2. 2.Body (Paras. 627)Body (Paras. 627)Here is a practical guide to bouncing back.Here is a practical guide to bouncing back.Text OutlineText Outline1) 1) Let yourself grieve (Paras. 610)Let yourself grieve (Paras. 610)Donna Kelb _Donna Kelb _._.didnt begin her healing process until shedidnt

18、 begin her healing process until sheexpressed her grieve when she suffered the loss of a sonexpressed her grieve when she suffered the loss of a sonUnit 3: Structure of the textStructure of the text2) 2) Understand your anger (Paras. 1113)Understand your anger (Paras. 1113)Candace Bracken _Candace B

19、racken _._.shifted her anger to a motivation toshifted her anger to a motivation tofight for her lifefight for her life新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案2. 2.Body (Paras. 627)Body (Paras. 627)Here is a practical guide to bouncing back.Here is a practical guide to bouncing back.Text OutlineText Outline3) 3) _. (Para

20、s. 1417)_. (Paras. 1417)The case of John Jankowski sets a good example.The case of John Jankowski sets a good example.Face the ChallengeFace the ChallengeUnit 3: Structure of the textStructure of the text新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案2. 2.Body (Paras. 627)Body (Paras. 627)Text OutlineText Outline4) 4) Get out a

21、nd do (Para. 18)Get out and do (Para. 18)A.A. _. (Para. 19)_. (Para. 19)B. B. _. (Para. 20)_. (Para. 20)C. C. _. (Para. 21)_. (Para. 21)D. D. _. (Para. 22)_. (Para. 22)E. E. _. (Para. 23)_. (Para. 23)F. F. _. (Para. 24)_. (Para. 24)G. G. _. (Para. 25)_. (Para. 25)Join a support groupJoin a support g

22、roupReadReadKeep a journalKeep a journalUnit 3: Structure of the textStructure of the textPlan eventsPlan eventsLearn new skillsLearn new skillsReward yourselfReward yourselfExerciseExercise新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案2. 2.Body (Paras. 627)Body (Paras. 627)Text OutlineText Outline5) 5) Be patient with yoursel

23、f (Paras. 2627)Be patient with yourself (Paras. 2627)Unit 3: Structure of the textStructure of the text新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案Text OutlineText Outline3. 3.Conclusion (Paras. 2829)Conclusion (Paras. 2829)What What I I have have got got in in the the trip trip _._.Unit 3: Structure of the textStructure of

24、the textencouraged me to embark on a new lifeencouraged me to embark on a new life新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案Part A, Ex. V, p.39Complete Complete the the sentences sentences with with words words given given below, below, making making sure that each word is used in the right form. sure that each word is use

25、d in the right form. 1. 1. As As house house prices prices _, _, the the new new breed breed of of renters renters escape escape the the danger danger of of falling falling into into debt debt traps traps and and save save their their spare spare cash for the future.cash for the future.plummetplumme

26、tUnit 3: VocabularyVocabularyimminent imminent dauntdauntwailwailstrandstrandgobblegobblewholesomewholesomedispositiondispositionexertionexertionplummetplummetbrinebrinesurfacesurfaceharrowingharrowing 新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案dauntdaunt2. 2. Nothing Nothing could could _ _ me me and and I I talked talked

27、to to everyone everyone with with the the same same message: message: “Cancer “Cancer was was absolutely absolutely great great because because it it put you in touch with yourself and the world”.put you in touch with yourself and the world”.imminent imminent dauntdauntwailwailstrandstrandgobblegobb

28、lewholesomewholesomedispositiondispositionexertionexertionplummetplummetbrinebrinesurfacesurfaceharrowingharrowing Unit 3: VocabularyVocabulary新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案harrowingharrowing3. 3. The The 19-year-old 19-year-old model model Saffron Saffron Domini Domini needed needed little little persuasion pe

29、rsuasion to to appear appear in in a a _ _ film film about about racism racism and and violence.violence.imminent imminent dauntdauntwailwailstrandstrandgobblegobblewholesomewholesomedispositiondispositionexertionexertionplummetplummetbrinebrinesurfacesurfaceharrowingharrowing Unit 3: VocabularyVoca

30、bulary新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案4. 4. Carefree Carefree and and full full of of youthful youthful enthusiasm, enthusiasm, his his happy happy _ attracted whites and Indians alike._ attracted whites and Indians alike.dispositiondispositionimminent imminent dauntdauntwailwailstrandstrandgobblegobblewholesomew

31、holesomedispositiondispositionexertionexertionplummetplummetbrinebrinesurfacesurfaceharrowingharrowing Unit 3: VocabularyVocabulary 新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案5. 5. In In British British political political life life of of the the previous previous twenty twenty years, years, latent latent anti-Jewish anti-J

32、ewish feeling feeling had had been been apt apt to to _ _ in in response response to to particular events.particular events.surfacesurfaceimminent imminent dauntdauntwailwailstrandstrandgobblegobblewholesomewholesomedispositiondispositionexertionexertionplummetplummetbrinebrinesurfacesurfaceharrowin

33、gharrowing Unit 3: VocabularyVocabulary 新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案6. 6. With With standards standards often often being being poor, poor, unregulated, unregulated, and and uncontrolled, disaster seems _.uncontrolled, disaster seems _.imminentimminentimminent imminent dauntdauntwailwailstrandstrandgobblegobb

34、lewholesomewholesomedispositiondispositionexertionexertionplummetplummetbrinebrinesurfacesurfaceharrowingharrowing Unit 3: VocabularyVocabulary 新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案7. 7. After After walking walking for for an an hour, hour, she she wasnt wasnt sweating, sweating, but but there there was a pleasurable

35、sense of _.was a pleasurable sense of _.exertionexertionimminent imminent dauntdauntwailwailstrandstrandgobblegobblewholesomewholesomedispositiondispositionexertionexertionplummetplummetbrinebrinesurfacesurfaceharrowingharrowing Unit 3: VocabularyVocabulary 新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案8. 8. Particularly Parti

36、cularly worrisome worrisome were were the the fruit fruit drinks, drinks, which which projected projected a a _ _ image image while while containing containing sugar sugar in in some form or another.some form or another.wholesomewholesomeimminent imminent dauntdauntwailwailstrandstrandgobblegobblewh

37、olesomewholesomedispositiondispositionexertionexertionplummetplummetbrinebrinesurfacesurfaceharrowingharrowing Unit 3: VocabularyVocabulary 新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案9. 9. With With the the rising rising tide tide and and bad bad conditions conditions it it was was possible possible that that the the _ _ ma

38、n man might might not not survive survive until until the the lifeboat lifeboat arrived.arrived.strandedstrandedimminent imminent dauntdauntwailwailstrandstrandgobblegobblewholesomewholesomedispositiondispositionexertionexertionplummetplummetbrinebrinesurfacesurfaceharrowingharrowing Unit 3: Vocabul

39、aryVocabulary 新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案10.10. One One study study estimates estimates that that the the headquarters headquarters and and related related functions functions of of big big American American companies companies _ _ up up almost almost a a fifth of their annual profits.fifth of their annual p

40、rofits.Part Bgobblegobbleimminent imminent dauntdauntwailwailstrandstrandgobblegobblewholesomewholesomedispositiondispositionexertionexertionplummetplummetbrinebrinesurfacesurfaceharrowingharrowing Unit 3: VocabularyVocabulary 新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案Part B, Ex. V, pp.39-40Choose Choose the the word word

41、or or phrase phrase that that best best completes completes each each sentence.sentence.1.1.With With a(n) a(n) _ _ network network of of committees, committees, sports sports clubs clubs and and societies, societies, each each student student is is encouraged encouraged to to play a full part in th

42、is aspect of student life.play a full part in this aspect of student life.A. thriving A. thriving B. encouraging B. encouraging C. exciting C. exciting D. succeedingD. succeeding1.1.With With a(n) a(n) _ _ network network of of committees, committees, sports sports clubs clubs and and societies, soc

43、ieties, each each student student is is encouraged encouraged to to play a full part in this aspect of student life.play a full part in this aspect of student life.A. thrivingA. thriving B. encouraging B. encouraging C. exciting C. exciting D. succeedingD. succeedingUnit 3: VocabularyVocabulary新视角研究

44、生英语读说写1第三单元答案2.2.They They may may pick pick up up ideas ideas almost almost at at random random from from skimming skimming journals, journals, ideas ideas that that may may _ _ new new trains of thought or fruitful new cross-connections.trains of thought or fruitful new cross-connections.A. steer

45、A. steer B. pilot B. pilot C. spark C. spark D. leadD. lead2.2.They They may may pick pick up up ideas ideas almost almost at at random random from from skimming skimming journals, journals, ideas ideas that that may may _ _ new new trains of thought or fruitful new cross-connections.trains of thoug

46、ht or fruitful new cross-connections.A. steer A. steer B. pilot B. pilot C. sparkC. spark D. leadD. leadUnit 3: VocabularyVocabulary新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案3.3.Being Being a a good good listener listener is is not not only only useful useful because because you you will will hear hear what what others oth

47、ers miss, miss, but but you you will will find find that that people people will will tell tell you you things things that that they they _ _ others.others.A. shield on A. shield on B. shield from B. shield from C. shield in C. shield in D. shield outD. shield out3.3.Being Being a a good good listen

48、er listener is is not not only only useful useful because because you you will will hear hear what what others others miss, miss, but but you you will will find find that that people people will will tell tell you you things things that that they they _ _ others.others.A. shield on A. shield on B. s

49、hield fromB. shield from C. shield in C. shield in D. shield outD. shield outUnit 3: VocabularyVocabulary新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案4. 4. What What right right did did he he have have to to come come back back into into her her life life like like this, this, trying trying to to _ _ it it into into small sma

50、ll pieces pieces that that couldnt be put back together for a second time?couldnt be put back together for a second time?A. crash A. crash B. crush B. crush C. shatter C. shatter D. explodeD. explode4. 4. What What right right did did he he have have to to come come back back into into her her life

51、life like like this, this, trying trying to to _ _ it it into into small small pieces pieces that that couldnt be put back together for a second time?couldnt be put back together for a second time?A. crash A. crash B. crush B. crush C. shatterC. shatter D. explodeD. explodeUnit 3: VocabularyVocabula

52、ry新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案5.5.In In many many areas areas local local services services were were provided provided by by numerous numerous different different authorities, authorities, which which often often gave gave rise rise to _ co-ordination problems.to _ co-ordination problems.A. acute A. acute B.

53、 accurate B. accurate C. accusative C. accusative D. alternativeD. alternative5.5.In In many many areas areas local local services services were were provided provided by by numerous numerous different different authorities, authorities, which which often often gave gave rise rise to _ co-ordination

54、 problems.to _ co-ordination problems.A. acuteA. acute B. accurate B. accurate C. accusative C. accusative D. alternativeD. alternativeUnit 3: VocabularyVocabulary新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案6.6.The The awful awful truth truth that that he he was was suffering suffering from from lung lung cancer cancer _ _ h

55、im, him, though though his his family family members members tried very hard to keep the secret.tried very hard to keep the secret.A. came upon A. came upon B. dawned on B. dawned on C. fell to C. fell to D. went forD. went for6.6.The The awful awful truth truth that that he he was was suffering suf

56、fering from from lung lung cancer cancer _ _ him, him, though though his his family family members members tried very hard to keep the secret.tried very hard to keep the secret.A. came upon A. came upon B. dawned onB. dawned on C. fell to C. fell to D. went forD. went forUnit 3: VocabularyVocabulary

57、新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案7.7.I I suppose suppose yoga yoga enthusiasts enthusiasts would would find find it it painless, painless, but but for for most most of of us us an an hour hour spent spent in in this this position position was was a(n) a(n) _._.A. trial A. trial B. test B. test C. exam C. exam D. o

58、rdealD. ordeal7.7.I I suppose suppose yoga yoga enthusiasts enthusiasts would would find find it it painless, painless, but but for for most most of of us us an an hour hour spent spent in in this this position position was was a(n) a(n) _._.A. trial A. trial B. test B. test C. exam C. exam D. ordea

59、lD. ordealUnit 3: VocabularyVocabulary新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案8. 8. But But rules rules that that strengthen strengthen banks banks in in good good times times can can _ them in recessions._ them in recessions.A. cripple A. cripple B. reduce B. reduce C. slash C. slash D. decreaseD. decrease8. 8. But But

60、rules rules that that strengthen strengthen banks banks in in good good times times can can _ them in recessions._ them in recessions.A. crippleA. cripple B. reduce B. reduce C. slash C. slash D. decreaseD. decreaseUnit 3: VocabularyVocabulary新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案9.9.There There are are few few more mo

61、re _ _ places places on on earth earth than than the the plains plains surrounding surrounding a a volcano volcano in in the the aftermath aftermath of of its eruption.its eruption.A. fertile A. fertile B. unproblematic B. unproblematic C. barren C. barren D. unprofitableD. unprofitable9.9.There The

62、re are are few few more more _ _ places places on on earth earth than than the the plains plains surrounding surrounding a a volcano volcano in in the the aftermath aftermath of of its eruption.its eruption.A. fertile A. fertile B. unproblematic B. unproblematic C. barrenC. barren D. unprofitableD.

63、unprofitableUnit 3: VocabularyVocabulary新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案10.10. The The minds minds of of many many of of these these young young offenders offenders appear appear to to have have been been _ _ by by greed greed and and indifference indifference to violence.to violence.A. retarded A. retarded B. nu

64、mbed B. numbed C. idled C. idled D. fooledD. fooledUnit 3: VocabularyVocabulary10.10. The The minds minds of of many many of of these these young young offenders offenders appear appear to to have have been been _ _ by by greed greed and and indifference indifference to violence.to violence.A. retar

65、ded A. retarded B. numbedB. numbed C. idled C. idled D. fooledD. fooled新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案Ex. VI, p.40Choose Choose an an appropriate appropriate word word from from the the following following list list to to fill fill in in each each of of the the following following blanks. blanks. Each Each word

66、word can can be be used used only only ONCE. ONCE. Change Change the the word word form form where where necessary.necessary.Everyone Everyone wants wants to to be be successful successful in in life, life, but but where where are are the the 1)_1)_ to to success? success? When When we we begin begi

67、n to to examine examine life, life, we we can can see see that that it it is is 2)_2)_ into into two two aspects aspects life life within within and and life life without; without; internal internal life life and and 3)_3)_ life life and and we we can can see see that that these these aspects aspect

68、s are are of of equal equal importance. importance. Even Even one one who who has has renounced renounced the the world world has has to to understand understand the the word word relationship relationship properly, properly, because because 4)_4)_ itself itself is is actually actually relationship.

69、 The body is related relationship. The body is related 5)_5)_ the breath, and the the breath, and thekeyskeysUnit 3: ClozeClozedivideddividedexternalexternalTo be continued .lifelifefunctionfunctionderivederivefindfindconductconductdividedividetotolieliecancankeykeyexternalexternalapplyapplyteachtea

70、chlifelifeofofoneselfoneselfmeanmeansuccesssuccessinternalinternalunderstandunderstandotherothertoto 新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案breath breath is is related related to to the the mind. mind. The The body, body, breath, breath, senses, senses, and and mind mind all all 6)_6)_ together together as as a a unit.

71、unit. So So life life virtually virtually 7)_7)_ relationship, relationship, and and thus thus the the art art of of living living and and being being requires requires an an 8)_8)_ of of ones ones relationship relationship to to the the external world and the relationships within external world and

72、 the relationships within 9)_9)_. .functionfunctionmeansmeansunderstandingunderstandingTo be continued .oneselfoneselffunctionfunctionderivederivefindfindconductconductdividedividetotolieliecancankeykeyexternalexternalapplyapplyteachteachlifelifeofofoneselfoneselfmeanmeansuccesssuccessinternalintern

73、alunderstandunderstandotherotherUnit 3: ClozeCloze 新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案All All human human beings beings have have inner inner potentials, potentials, but but many many people people are are not not aware aware 10)_10)_ those those potentials potentials and and do do not not know know how how to to us

74、e use them them to to have have a a 11)_11)_ life. life. Those Those who who are are not not happy happy 12)_12)_ can can never never be be happy happy externally; externally; those those who who are are not not happy happy within within themselves themselves can can never never make make 13)_13)_ h

75、appy. happy. Those Those who who do do not not love love themselves themselves 14)_14)_ never never love love others.others.To be continued .ofofsuccessfulsuccessfulinternallyinternallyothersotherscancanUnit 3: ClozeClozefunctionfunctionderivederivefindfindconductconductdividedividetotolieliecancank

76、eykeyexternalexternalapplyapplyteachteachlifelifeofofoneselfoneselfmeanmeansuccesssuccessinternalinternalunderstandunderstandotherother 新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案To be continued .If If we we are are not not happy, happy, how how can can we we be be successful successful in in life? life? Success Success 15)

77、_15)_ in in our our happiness. happiness. The The keys keys to to happiness happiness lie lie within within us, us, but but our our modern modern education education does does not not 1 16)_6)_ us us how how to to find find them. them. It It is is helpful helpful to to have have a a few few formulas

78、 formulas to to practice practice in in daily daily life life to to make make it it more more successful. successful. They They are are 17)_17)_ from from observations observations based based on on experience. experience. There There are are five five points points to to remember: remember: first,

79、first, how how to to decide decide things things on on time; time; liesliesderivedderivedteachteachUnit 3: ClozeClozefunctionfunctionderivederivefindfindconductconductdividedividetotolieliecancankeykeyexternalexternalapplyapplyteachteachlifelifeofofoneselfoneselfmeanmeansuccesssuccessinternalinterna

80、lunderstandunderstandotherother 新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案second, second, how how to to study study personal personal habit habit patterns; patterns; third, third, how how to to 18)_18)_ ourselves ourselves in in the the external external world; world; fourth, fourth, what what attitude attitude to to take;

81、 take; fifth, fifth, where where to to 19)_19)_ happiness. happiness. To To attain attain success success in in life, life, one one should should learn learn and and 20)_20)_ these these five five points.points.conductconductapplyapplyfindfindUnit 3: ClozeClozefunctionfunctionderivederivefindfindcon

82、ductconductdividedividetotolieliecancankeykeyexternalexternalapplyapplyteachteachlifelifeofofoneselfoneselfmeanmeansuccesssuccessinternalinternalunderstandunderstandotherother 新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案1.1.1.1. 当当当当一一一一个个个个人人人人处处处处于于于于“经经经经历历历历中中中中的的的的沙沙沙沙漠漠漠漠”一一一一段段段段感感感感到到到到毫毫毫毫无无无无出出出出路路路路、甚甚甚甚至至至至毫毫毫毫无无

83、无无希希希希望望望望的的的的时时时时期期期期,最最最最重重重重要要要要的的的的是是是是不不不不要要要要让让让让自自自自己陷入荒漠之中无法自拔。己陷入荒漠之中无法自拔。己陷入荒漠之中无法自拔。己陷入荒漠之中无法自拔。When When someone someone is is in in “desert “desert of of experience” experience” a a period period of of feeling feeling barren barren of of options, options, even even hope, hope, the the m

84、ost most important important thing is not to allow himself to be stranded in the desert.thing is not to allow himself to be stranded in the desert.Unit 3: TranslationTranslationPart A, Ex. VIII, p.41Translate the following sentences into English.Translate the following sentences into English.strands

85、trand新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案2. 2. 2. 2. 经经经经济济济济来来来来源源源源耗耗耗耗尽尽尽尽,还还还还有有有有一一一一大大大大家家家家人人人人需需需需要要要要供供供供养养养养,吉吉吉吉米米米米起起起起初初初初想想想想逃避,但最终靠着顽强的勇气和乐观的性格挺了过来。逃避,但最终靠着顽强的勇气和乐观的性格挺了过来。逃避,但最终靠着顽强的勇气和乐观的性格挺了过来。逃避,但最终靠着顽强的勇气和乐观的性格挺了过来。With With financial financial resources resources exhausted exhausted and and the t

86、he pressure pressure of of a a big big family family to to support, support, Jimmy Jimmy wanted wanted to to escape escape at at first first but but finally finally his his courage courage and and good good humor humor saw saw him him through.through.see.throughsee.throughUnit 3: TranslationTranslat

87、ion新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案3.3.3.3. 有有有有人人人人认认认认为为为为在在在在人人人人生生生生的的的的任任任任何何何何阶阶阶阶段段段段开开开开始始始始一一一一种种种种新新新新的的的的生生生生涯涯涯涯都都都都为为为为时时时时不晚。不晚。不晚。不晚。Someone Someone believes believes that that it it is is never never too too late late to to embark embark on on a a new career in any period of life.new career in any

88、 period of life.embark onembark onUnit 3: TranslationTranslation新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案4. 4. 4. 4. 在在在在经经经经历历历历重重重重大大大大打打打打击击击击之之之之后后后后,明明明明智智智智的的的的做做做做法法法法是是是是勇勇勇勇敢敢敢敢面面面面对对对对挑挑挑挑战战战战,而不是逃避。而不是逃避。而不是逃避。而不是逃避。What What makes makes sense sense is is to to face face the the challenge challenge rather rathe

89、r than than run run away away from from the the troubles troubles after after suffering suffering a a significant significant loss.loss.make sensemake senseUnit 3: TranslationTranslation新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案5. 5. 5. 5. 玛丽靠她在餐馆工作的微薄收入,几乎无法维持生活。玛丽靠她在餐馆工作的微薄收入,几乎无法维持生活。玛丽靠她在餐馆工作的微薄收入,几乎无法维持生活。玛丽靠她在餐馆工作的微薄

90、收入,几乎无法维持生活。With With the the small small income income from from her her restaurant restaurant job, job, Mary Mary could barely make ends meet.could barely make ends meet.make ends meetmake ends meetUnit 3: TranslationTranslation新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案6. 6. 6. 6. 人人人人们们们们逐逐逐逐渐渐渐渐明明明明白白白白了了了了失失失失败败败败并并并并

91、不不不不是是是是可可可可怕怕怕怕的的的的东东东东西西西西,而而而而是是是是人人人人生生生生的的的的宝贵经历。宝贵经历。宝贵经历。宝贵经历。It It dawns dawns on on people people that that failure failure is is nothing nothing to to be be afraid afraid of. of. But it is a precious experience in life.But it is a precious experience in life.dawn ondawn onUnit 3: Translati

92、onTranslation新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案7. 7. 7. 7. 在在在在毕毕毕毕业业业业典典典典礼礼礼礼上上上上,校校校校长长长长预预预预祝祝祝祝同同同同学学学学们们们们在在在在事事事事业业业业上上上上不不不不断断断断取取取取得得得得进步。进步。进步。进步。The The president president wishes wishes every every student student to to forge forge ahead ahead on on the career ladder at the commencement ceremony.the car

93、eer ladder at the commencement ceremony.forge aheadforge aheadUnit 3: TranslationTranslation新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案8. 8. 8. 8. 科科科科学学学学家家家家们们们们正正正正在在在在对对对对吸吸吸吸烟烟烟烟者者者者和和和和抑抑抑抑郁郁郁郁者者者者进进进进行行行行研研研研究究究究,试试试试图图图图解解解解决决决决这些复杂的生理和心理问题。这些复杂的生理和心理问题。这些复杂的生理和心理问题。这些复杂的生理和心理问题。Scientists Scientists are are studyin

94、g studying smokers smokers and and the the people people with with depression depression in in an an attempt attempt to to sort sort out out their their complicated complicated physical and psychological problems.physical and psychological problems.sort outsort outUnit 3: TranslationTranslation新视角研究

95、生英语读说写1第三单元答案9. 9. 9. 9. 大大大大多多多多数数数数家家家家长长长长不不不不是是是是竭竭竭竭力力力力防防防防止止止止失失失失败败败败就就就就是是是是竭竭竭竭力力力力不不不不让让让让孩孩孩孩子子子子们们们们知知知知道他们已经失败。道他们已经失败。道他们已经失败。道他们已经失败。Most Most parents parents work work hard hard at at either either preventing preventing failure failure or or shielding shielding their their children

96、children from from the the knowledge knowledge that that they they have failed.have failed.shield.fromshield.fromUnit 3: TranslationTranslation新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案10.10.10.10. 每个人都不可能十全十美。每个人都不可能十全十美。每个人都不可能十全十美。每个人都不可能十全十美。 因此,对自己宽容些。因此,对自己宽容些。因此,对自己宽容些。因此,对自己宽容些。No one can be perfect, so be easy on

97、oneself.No one can be perfect, so be easy on oneself.be easy onbe easy onPart BUnit 3: TranslationTranslation新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案对伟人的定义取决于人们如何衡量成功。对伟人的定义取决于人们如何衡量成功。对伟人的定义取决于人们如何衡量成功。对伟人的定义取决于人们如何衡量成功。Part B, Ex. VIII, p. 42Translate Translate the the following following selected selected sentences se

98、ntences into into Chinese.Chinese.Defining who is great depends on how one measures success.Defining who is great depends on how one measures success.Unit 3: TranslationTranslation新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案“Theres “Theres a a tendency tendency to to think think that that they they are are endowed endowed wi

99、th with something something super-normal” super-normal” he he explained. explained. “But “But what what comes comes out out of of the the research research is is that that there there are are great great people people who who have have no no amazing intellectual processes.”amazing intellectual proce

100、sses.”“ “人人人人们们们们往往往往往往往往认认认认为为为为他他他他们们们们具具具具备备备备一一一一些些些些超超超超常常常常非非非非凡凡凡凡的的的的东东东东西西西西,” ”他他他他解解解解释释释释道道道道。“ “但研究表明,有的伟人并没有惊人的智力。但研究表明,有的伟人并没有惊人的智力。但研究表明,有的伟人并没有惊人的智力。但研究表明,有的伟人并没有惊人的智力。” ”Unit 3: TranslationTranslation新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案Greatness Greatness is is built built on on tremendous tremendou

101、s amounts amounts of of study, study, practice practice and devotion.and devotion.伟伟伟伟人人人人的的的的伟伟伟伟大大大大建建建建立立立立在在在在大大大大量量量量的的的的学学学学习习习习、实实实实践践践践及及及及其其其其献献献献身身身身精精精精神神神神的的的的基基基基础础础础之之之之上。上。上。上。Unit 3: TranslationTranslation新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案Thrust Thrust into into office office when when his his count

102、rys countrys morale morale was was at at the the lowest, lowest, Churchill rose brilliantly to lead the British people.Churchill rose brilliantly to lead the British people.丘丘丘丘吉吉吉吉尔尔尔尔在在在在全全全全国国国国上上上上下下下下士士士士气气气气最最最最为为为为低低低低落落落落的的的的时时时时候候候候被被被被推推推推上上上上台台台台,并并并并出出出出色色色色地地地地领导了英国人民。领导了英国人民。领导了英国人民。领导

103、了英国人民。Unit 3: TranslationTranslation新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案In In a a speech speech following following the the Allied Allied evacuation evacuation at at Dunkirk Dunkirk in in 1940, 1940, he he inspired inspired the the nation nation when when he he said, said, “We “We shall shall not not flag flag or or

104、fail. fail. We shall go on to the end . We shall never surrender.”We shall go on to the end . We shall never surrender.”在在在在1940 1940 年年年年盟盟盟盟军军军军敦敦敦敦刻刻刻刻尔尔尔尔克克克克大大大大撤撤撤撤退退退退之之之之后后后后的的的的一一一一次次次次讲讲讲讲演演演演中中中中,他他他他的的的的话话话话激激激激励励励励了了了了全全全全国国国国人人人人民民民民,“ “我我我我们们们们一一一一定定定定不不不不会会会会衰衰衰衰退退退退、失失失失败败败败。我我我我们们们们将将将将坚坚坚坚持持持持到到到到底底底底我们永远不会屈服。我们永远不会屈服。我们永远不会屈服。我们永远不会屈服。” ”Unit 3: TranslationTranslation新视角研究生英语读说写1第三单元答案此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢你的支持,我们会努力做得更好!感谢你的支持,我们会努力做得更好!



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