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1、Unit Nine Lesson 18生词和短语复习。Unit Nine Lesson 18语音学习。/s/ sorry nonsense Lucy its hats house shirts socks/z/ please pyjamas noise shes cars theres dogs bags读以下句子练习发音。1. Sorry, I cant hear you. Please say one more time. 2. Hes talking nonsense, dont listen to him.3. Put the shirts and socks in the washi

2、ng machine. 4. The car gives a big noise. 5. Put the white pyjamas in the grey bag.6. Theres a dog near the house./s/ 清辅音,不震动声带的辅助音节。类似于汉字“斯”的音。/z/ 浊辅音,震动声带的辅助音节。类似于汉字“日”的音 。Unit Nine Lesson 18生词和短语学习。数字学习。dog /dg/ n. 狗 sock /sk/ n. 短袜cat /kt/ n. 猫. 1. 书写20,30,40,50。2. 书写11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19。U

3、nit Nine Lesson 18句型学习。1. A: Are my dogs brown? B: No, they arent. A: Are they black? B: Yes, they are. 2. A: Are your dogs brown? B: No, my dogs arent brown. Theyre black.3. A: What colour are your dogs? B: Theyre black. 4. A: My dogs are black. What colour are your cats? B: My cats are brown. Unit

4、 Nine Lesson 18句型学习。1. A: Are your cats black? B: No, they arent. A: Are they brown? B: Yes, they are. 2. A: Are my cats black? B: No, your cats arent black. Theyre brown.3. A: What colour are my cats? B: Theyre brown. 4. A: Your cats are brown. What colour are my dogs? B: Your dogs are black. Unit

5、Nine Lesson 18句型学习。1. A: Are his socks yellow? B: No, they arent. A: Are they green? B: Yes, they are. 2. A: Are his socks yellow? B: No, his socks arent yellow. Theyre green.3. A: What colour are his socks? B: Theyre green. 4. A: His socks are green. What colour are her socks? B: Her socks are yell

6、ow. Unit Nine Lesson 18句型学习。1. A: Are her socks green? B: No, they arent. A: Are they yellow? B: Yes, they are. 2. A: Are her socks green? B: No, her socks arent green. Theyre yellow.3. A: What colour are her socks? B: Theyre yellow. 4. A: Her socks are yellow. What colour are his socks? B: His sock

7、s are green.Unit Nine Lesson 18句型学习。1. A: Are your shirts blue? B: No, they arent. A: Are they white? B: Yes, they are. 2. A: Are my shirts blue? B: No, your shirts arent blue. Theyre white.3. A: What colour are my shirts? B: Theyre white. 4. A: My shirts are white. What colour are his shirts? B: Hi

8、s shirts are blue. Unit Nine Lesson 18句型学习。1. A: Are his shirts white? B: No, they arent. A: Are they blue? B: Yes, they are. 2. A: Are his shirts white? B: No, his shirts arent white. Theyre blue.3. A: What colour are his shirts? B: Theyre blue. 4. A: His shirts are blue. What colour are your shirt

9、s? B: My shirts are white. Unit Nine Lesson 18句型学习。1. A: Are your bags red ? B: No, they arent. A: Are they grey? B: Yes, they are. 2. A: Are my bags red? B: No, your bags arent red. Theyre grey.3. A: What colour are my bags? B: Theyre grey. 4. A: My bags are grey. What colour are your bags? B: My c

10、ats are red. Unit Nine Lesson 18句型学习。1. A: Are my bags grey? B: No, they arent. A: Are they red? B: Yes, they are. 2. A: Are your bags grey? B: No, my bags arent grey. Theyre red.3. A: What colour are your bags? B: Theyre red. 4. A: My bags are red. What colour are your bags? B: My bags are grey. Un

11、it Nine Lesson 18仿照例子做练习。Part a 1. What colour / his socks? / green2. What colour / my bags? / red3. What colour / her socks? / yellow4. What colour / your cats? / brown 5. What colour / your dogs? / grey1. What colour are his socks? His socks are green.2. What colour are my bags? Your bags are red.

12、3. What colour are her socks? Her socks are yellow. 4. What colour are your cats? My cats are brown. 5. What colour are your dogs? My dogs are grey.6. What colour / his shirts? / blue6. What colour are his shirts? His shirts are blue.Unit Nine Lesson 18书面练习。仿照例子做练习。Part b 1. My pens / blue. / your p

13、ens? / red2. My socks / green. / your socks? / grey1. My pens are blue. What colour are your pens? My pens are red. 2. My socks are green. What colour are your socks? My socks are grey.3. My keys / silver. / your keys? / black4. My shirts / blue. / your shirts? / white3. My keys are silver. What col

14、our are your keys? My keys are black. 4. My shirts are blue. What colour are your shirts? My shirts are white. Unit Nine Lesson 18书面练习。仿照例子做练习。Part c 1. her socks / yellow? / green2. his keys / brown? / silver3. your shirts / bright red? / pure white4. Your pencils / black? / blue5. her cats / brown

15、? / black and white1. Are her socks yellow?No, her socks arent yellow. Theyre green.2. Are his keys brown?No, his keys arent brown. Theyre silver.3. Are your shirts bright red?No, my shirts arent bright red. Theyre pure white. 4. Are your pencils black?No, my pencils arent black. Theyre blue. 5. Are

16、 her cats brown?No, her cats arent brown. Theyre black and white.6. his socks / clean? / dirty6. Are his socks clean?No, his socks arent clean. Theyre dirty.Unit Nine Lesson 18听力。看图片,听故事并回答下面的问题,故事中有3个人物。1. What are the names of the people downstairs?2. Which rooms are they in?3. Who is the person u

17、pstairs?1. They are Dora and James.2. Dora is in the kitchen and James is in the living room.3. We are not sure who is the person upstairs. Maybe he is a burglar.Unit Nine Lesson 18听力。看图片,听故事并回答下面的问题,故事中有3个人物。 This old house is near the river. Look at it. Its quite a big house, and its old. There ar

18、e twelve rooms in this house, but we can see four rooms. Look at the four rooms. The bathroom is empty, but the other three rooms are not. There are three people in the house. There are two people downstairs and there is someone upstairs, too. Who are these people? Look at the kitchen, the kitchen i

19、s downstairs. There is a cup of coffee on the table in the kitchen, and there is a woman in the kitchen, too. Who is it? Ah, yes, its Dora. Dora is a housewife and a teacher. Now look at the living room. There is someone in the living room. Who is it? Ah, yes, thats James, hes Doras husband. Hes at

20、his desk. Hes a writer, and hes busy. But listen (a noise “bang”), there is a noise upstairs. Whats that noise? Ah, someone upstairs. There is someone in Doras and James bedroom. Who is it? Dora and James are here. Their son William is at the school. Their daughter Ann is at college. The children ar

21、e not in the house. So what is that noise? What is that noise in the bedroom? Im not sure, are you sure? Who is upstairs? You decide. Unit Nine Lesson 18写问题。仿照例句,根据回答写出合适的问题,使用方框中的疑问词。1. Karen is Williams wife.2. Thats a grey bird.3. Im fine, thank you.4. Im a student. What about you?5. The blue pen

22、 is my favourite one. 6. Your new book? Its on Pauls desk.7. Your shirts are in the washing machine. 8. Roberts new socks are green. Who is Williams wife?What is that?How are you?What do you do?Which pen is your favourite one?Where is my new book?Where are my shirts?What colour are Roberts new socks?



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