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1、1unit-3-Why-I-TeachAfterReading_1.1AfterReading_1.11. 行政职务行政职务 9. 9. 创办公司创办公司3. 3. 熬夜熬夜 6. 6. 校历校历10. 10. 期末期末7. 7. 提供机会提供机会an administrative positionan administrative positionset up a companyset up a companystay upstay upthe academic calendarthe academic calendarthe end of a semesterthe end of a se

2、mesteroffer an opportunityoffer an opportunityUseful Expressions 5. 5. 记笔记记笔记take notestake notes8. 8. 吸取教训吸取教训 learn ones lessonslearn ones lessons 4. 4. 被迫做被迫做 feel compelled to dofeel compelled to do 2. 2. 谋生谋生earn ones livingearn ones living unit-3-Why-I-TeachAfterReading_1.2AfterReading_1.218.

3、18. 指点迷津指点迷津17. 17. 激发才智激发才智12. 12. 努力做,努力做, 苦干苦干 13. 13. 寄出,送出寄出,送出 point out a pathwaypoint out a pathwayfan sparksfan sparkslabour atlabour atsend offsend off15. 15. 写书写书 19. 19. 喘息喘息;屏息屏息work on a bookwork on a bookcatch ones breathcatch ones breath16. 16. 凭直觉凭直觉by intuitionby intuition14. 14. 学

4、术刊物学术刊物learned journalslearned journals11. 11. 省去省去leave outleave outunit-3-Why-I-TeachNew New WordsWordsunit-3-Why-I-Teach1.He was puzzled that I did not want what was obviously a “step up” toward what all Americans are taught to want when they grow up: money and power.(P1)所所有有美美国国人人受受的的教教育育是是长长大大成

5、成人人后后应应该该追追求求金金钱钱和和权权力力,而而我我却却偏偏偏偏不不要要明明明明是是朝朝这这个个目目标标“迈迈进进”的工作,他为之大惑不解。的工作,他为之大惑不解。unit-3-Why-I-TeachSinking-stomach:Sinking-stomach:精神沮丧的“Stomach” means “spirit, heart”.A persons stomach sinks when he is upset, disappointed. 6unit-3-Why-I-Teach1. Convince vt.使相信;劝说1) make someone feel certain that

6、 sth. is true 使信服How can I convince you of her honesty?What she said convinced me that I was mistaken.2) persuade sb. to do sth.What convinced you to vote for them?unit-3-Why-I-Teach考点考点1.convince sb. of sth.2.convince sb. that clause3.convince sb. to do sth. 说服4.convinced: a. 坚信的,坚定的 5.convincing:

7、a. victory/win:大比分获胜6.conviction: n. 深信;定罪,判刑(for)7.convincible: a. 可说服的unit-3-Why-I-Teach2. Compel vt./ compelling a.强制的,引人注目的1) to force sb. to do sth. 强迫 (由于环境/情况/外力所迫不得不做某事)We were compelled to acknowledge the force of his argument.2) to make people have a particular feeling/ attitude 激起(比喻用法)He

8、r courage compels universal admiration.His action compelled my attention.unit-3-Why-I-Teach3. reflect:v./ reflection n.(on/ upon反思)1) 反射(光/热/声/影像)White clothes are cooler because they reflect the heat.The moon reflects the suns rays.2) 反映,显示The growing conflict has been reflected in the editorial se

9、ction.3) 仔细考虑He reflected before answering my question.unit-3-Why-I-Teach4. stimulate: v. 刺激,激励;促进,起刺激作用1.Praise always stimulates him to further efforts.2.The exhibition stimulated interest in the artists work.3.Light stimulates plant growth.考点考点stimulate sb. to sth./ to do sth.stimulating: a. 刺激的

10、,鼓舞的,激动人心的unit-3-Why-I-TeachJohn Deway believed that education should be a preparation for life, that a person learns by doing, and that teaching must_ the curiosity and creativity of children. A. seek B. secure C. shape D. stimulate Dunit-3-Why-I-Teach5. renovate: v. 刷新,修复 restore(to)It took them a

11、 large sum of money to renovate the temple.The office building was recently renovated for greater comfort and efficiency.unit-3-Why-I-Teach注注 意意innovate :革新,创新 (+ in /on/upon)1.innovate in services for the disabled2.We should innovate in products.unit-3-Why-I-Teach6. distribute: divide among several

12、 v.分发,分配; 散布1.Clothes and blankets have been distributed among the refugees.2.这台新机器播种既快又匀。 The new machine distributes seeds evenly and quickly.3.population distribution4. a wide distributionunit-3-Why-I-Teach1.distribute sth. to sb.2.distribute sth. among3.attribute: vt.(sth to)把归因于;认为属于4.contribut

13、e: vi/vt(to) 捐助,捐献5.contribute to:捐献;对某事起促进作用6.Various factors contributed to his downfall.7.The fall in the number of deaths from heart diseases is generally attributed to improvement in diet.考点考点考点考点: : : :unit-3-Why-I-Teach7.switch:n./v. turn to another track: 转,转向(to)1.He switched the truck from

14、 one line to another.2.switch sth. on/off: 打开/切断(电流)3.switch the radio/light/TV on /offunit-3-Why-I-TeachswitchAtoB转变位置,方向,话题,内容,方法等exchangeAforBexchangeAwithB两事物之间相互交换,用A换BtransformAintoB事物形状,外观,性质的变化changeAintoB强调事物的变化过程unit-3-Why-I-Teach96. 01At first, the speaker was referring to the problem of

15、pollution in the country, but halfway in her speech, she suddenly_ to another subject. A. committed B. switched C. favored D. transmitted B transmittransmittransmittransmit (signal,(signal,(signal,(signal, program/program/program/program/ knowledge,knowledge,knowledge,knowledge,disease,emotion;heat)

16、disease,emotion;heat)disease,emotion;heat)disease,emotion;heat)unit-3-Why-I-Teach8. point: n. use, purpose Ex.p551.I cant see any point in/ of arguing with him.2. a case in e to the point 谈到要点;直截了当地说4.keep to the point扣住主题5.on the point of when 刚要.就 6.to the point of.到了.程度/地步7.at the point of.到了.时候u

17、nit-3-Why-I-Teach99. 06I was_ the point of telephoning him when his letter arrived.A. to B. on c. at D. inEX. VBunit-3-Why-I-Teachunit-3-Why-I-Teach1.In terms of population, Great New York City is the largest _center in the United States.2.The article provides a detailed _ of the root causes of the

18、accident.3.Many young girls like to _ for recording their private thoughts and feelings.4.There are obvious benefits in allowing each student to go at his own _.5.The dredger represents a major _ advance in keeping the river clear. FillineachoftheblanksinthefollowingsentencesFillineachoftheblanksint

19、hefollowingsentenceswithawordorphrasechosenfromthebox.withawordorphrasechosenfromthebox.urbananalysiskeep a diarypacetechnologicalunit-3-Why-I-TeachFillineachoftheblanksinthefollowingsentencesFillineachoftheblanksinthefollowingsentenceswithawordorphrasechosenfromthebox.withawordorphrasechosenfromthe

20、box.6. The tired traveler stopped to _ and make sure of his directions.7. Bob didnt turn up at the party; I had an _ that something must have gone wrong.8. Roger was quite stubborn and it was almost impossible to _ him of his mistakes.9. In history the war between the Union and the eleven Southern s

21、tates is called American _ War.10. The office building _ recently _ for greater comfort and efficiency.catch his breathintuitionconvinceCivilwasrenovatedunit-3-Why-I-Teach1. The secretary kept a detailed record of what the members of the Board of Directors had discussed at the meeting.2. He knew he

22、had said the wrong thing and quickly changed the conversation to a less embarrassing subject. 3. Young children are often much more vigorous than adults. took notesswitchedenergeticReplacetheitalicizedpartsinthefollowingsentenceswithwordsorphraseschosenfromthebox.unit-3-Why-I-Teach4. The visit to th

23、e computer center has aroused the pupils interest in computer science. 5. All research is based on work completed by previous researchers.6. After a careful investigation, the committee decided to restore the old house to good condition. stimulatedbuilds/ is built onrenovateReplacetheitalicizedparts

24、inthefollowingsentenceswithwordsorphraseschosenfromthebox.unit-3-Why-I-Teach7. He has read extensively and won the respect of his colleagues as a man of great knowledge.8. He wanted very much to run for a second term, but owing to poor health he was forced to give up the idea.learned mancompelledRep

25、lacetheitalicizedpartsinthefollowingsentenceswithwordsorphraseschosenfromthebox.unit-3-Why-I-Teach9. As soon as the class began ,the teacher gave out the test papers.10. You have taken such good care of our children during our absence that we feel we shall never be able to return your kindness. dist

26、ributedrepayReplacetheitalicizedpartsinthefollowingsentenceswithwordsorphraseschosenfromthebox.unit-3-Why-I-Teach1.The firm has decided to _ another line of products, as these are not selling well. (switch)2.The local government _ a number of colleges and technical schools to meet the needs of the r

27、apidly expanding economy in the region. (set)3.Despite the scorching heat, the farmers _ working until all the crops were got in. (keep)4.Because of the limitation of space, I had to _ a lot of excellent material, which I intended to include in another book. (leave)switch tohas set upkept onleave ou

28、tUsetheverbinbracketstoformanappropriatephrasalverbandcompletethesentencewithit.unit-3-Why-I-Teach5. The environmental organizations have _ the government to take measures to protect the endangered species of fish. (call)6. Please _ these parcels by air at once. (send)7. On most of the nights, Jane

29、_ reading classical literature. (stay)8. After patient observation, we _ why the bridge was sinking. (find)called onsend offstayed upfound outUsetheverbinbracketstoformanappropriatephrasalverbandcompletethesentencewithit.unit-3-Why-I-Teachdictatorsportsmanmartyrleaderpartnerboreprofessorscholarreade

30、rofficialhardworkmanshipshipshipshipshipshipshipshipshipdomdomdomEnrichingyourwordpowerEnrichingyourwordpowerunit-3-Why-I-TeachUsageUsage1.As1.AsI Iwaswasinina ahurry,hurry,I Iaskedaskedhimhimtotocomecometoto_atatonce.once.2.Thereareseveral_Iwishtotalktoyouabout.2.Thereareseveral_Iwishtotalktoyouabo

31、ut.3._waiting.Thetrainisobviouslygone.3._waiting.Thetrainisobviouslygone.4.4. _ complaining?complaining? TheyThey nevernever taketake anyanynotice.notice.5._is,doyoureallyknowwhatyouredoing?5._is,doyoureallyknowwhatyouredoing?6.6. ThereThere isis _in_in ProfessorProfessor GreensGreens lecturelecture

32、 thatthat wewedisagreewith.disagreewith.the pointthe pointpointspointsThere is no point inThere is no point inWhat is the point ofWhat is the point ofThe pointThe pointa pointa pointunit-3-Why-I-Teach1. 许多美国大学生许多美国大学生申请申请政府贷款政府贷款交付交付学费。学费。2. 除阅读材料外,使用电影和多媒体除阅读材料外,使用电影和多媒体会激发会激发学生学习学生学习的兴趣。的兴趣。Many A

33、merican students apply for government loans to pay for their education / tuition.Besides reading materials, the use of films and multimedia can stimulate students interest in a subject. TranslationTranslationunit-3-Why-I-Teach3. 这位律师这位律师试图说服试图说服陪审团他的当事人是无辜的。陪审团他的当事人是无辜的。4. 提问常常会引发创造的火花。提问常常会引发创造的火花。

34、The lawyer tried to convince the jury of his clients innocence. Asking questions often generates the spark of creativity. TranslationTranslationunit-3-Why-I-Teach5. 我我已经已经把我的简历把我的简历寄往寄往几家公司,几家公司,但但尚未收到尚未收到回复。回复。6. 她的结论她的结论是建立在是建立在对当前国际情况进行了认真的分对当前国际情况进行了认真的分析的析的基础上的基础上的。I have sent off my rsum to se

35、veral corporations, but havent yet received a reply. Her conclusion is built on a careful analysis of current international affairs. TranslationTranslationunit-3-Why-I-Teach7. 我们满怀期望地我们满怀期望地来参加来参加会议,会议,离开离开时却大失所望。时却大失所望。8. 暂时他暂时他只得接受了只得接受了一份给一家化妆品公司发促销传一份给一家化妆品公司发促销传单的活儿。单的活儿。We came to the meeting full of expectations, yet we left very disappointed. At the moment he has to take the job of distributing leaflets to promote products for a cosmetic company. TranslationTranslationunit-3-Why-I-Teachunit-3-Why-I-Teach



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