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1、Shopping Guidance Service 商场英语导购服务 Anita LeeTeaching Objectives:nAfter this lecture, we should be able to:1.work well as a receptionist of the department store.2.grasp vocabularies and useful expressions about shopping guidance.Lead-innThe layout of a department storeFloorCommodities4F3F2F1FGroup Di

2、scussion:nThis is the information desk in CHONGSHANG department store. In this class, you are required to act as receptionists. Lets do some training .Etiquette for receptionistssmile 微笑 训练(1) 你你双双手手按按箭箭头头方方向向做做“拉拉”的的动动作作,一一边边想想象象笑笑的的形形象象,一一边边使嘴笑起来。使嘴笑起来。把手举到脸前把手举到脸前 微笑 训练(2)把把手手指指放放在在嘴嘴角角并并向向脸脸的的上上

3、方方轻轻轻轻上提:上提:一一边边上上提提,一一边边使使嘴充满笑意。嘴充满笑意。standing 正确的站姿是抬头、目视前方、挺胸直正确的站姿是抬头、目视前方、挺胸直腰、肩平、双臂自然下垂、收腹、双腿并腰、肩平、双臂自然下垂、收腹、双腿并拢直立、脚尖分呈拢直立、脚尖分呈V V字型、身体重心放到两字型、身体重心放到两脚中间;也可两脚分开,比肩略窄,将双脚中间;也可两脚分开,比肩略窄,将双手合起,放在腹前手合起,放在腹前( (女员工女员工) )或腹后或腹后 ( (男员男员工工) )Clothing 着装要简单整洁,看起来要有职业化这样会博得顾客更多的信任和尊敬Dos &DontsDonts l. H

4、over around client without speaking to them. 2. Arguing with customers or co-workers. 3. Being too pushy. 4. Eating chewing gums and smoking in the presence of customers. 5. Speaking in aloud and harsh voice.Dos l. Always greet customer with a smile. 2. Be polite, friendly and courteous. 3. Have a p

5、ositive attitude at all times. 4. Listen attentively when others speak. Group discussion“what are the job responsibilities of reception desk?”ncommodity promotion, ndirection guidance, npaging service,n the lost and found service,n making out the invoices, nmembership card management, npacking,nbroa

6、dcasting, ncomplaint handling, npreferential measures, ngift issueOral Practice: Broadcasting serviceOral Practice: Broadcasting serviceTask 1 Situation 1: Group Work: You are required to write broadcast scripts for welcome and farewell in English. Time for preparation: 10 minutes SamplesOral Practi

7、ce:Paging serviceSituation 2:Pair Work: A customer named Shirley told you that she could not find her 6-year-old son. Please help her with your paging system. Information about her son: Daniel, in a blue sportswear and a white sport shoes, About 1.4 meters. Please make up a dialogue with your partne

8、r.Oral Practice:Paging serviceSituation 3:Pair Work: A customer picked up a mobile phone and hand it to you. Please find the loser by broadcasting. Please make up a dialogue with your partner. Time for preparation: 10 minutesSamples:Situation2:nShirley: Excuse me. I seem to have lost my son.nAnnounc

9、er: Take it easy, madam. And speak slowly. May I have your name first?nShirley: Shirley.nAnnouncer: Whats your sons name, please?nShirley: Daniel.nAnnouncer: Can you describe his appearance to me?nShirley: He is in a blue sportswear and a white sportsshoes. About 1.4 meters.nAnnouncer: OK, I see. De

10、ar Daniel, please come to the broadcasting station when youve heard this, your mother is waiting for you. If other tourists see a boy in a blue sportswear and a pair of white sportsshoes, 1.4 meters, please ask him to go to the broadcasting station. Thank you!Samples:Situation 3: Dear customers and

11、colleagues, if you lost a NOKIA mobile phone, please go to the broadcasting station. Thank you !Oral Practice:Other serviceSituation 4: Please give directions to customers according to the layout of the department store above.A: you are a customer looking for the perfume, but you dont know where the

12、 counter is. So you ask the receptionist for help. B: you are the receptionist. Please help the customer by giving direction.Linking-upBuild-up more skills您好!欢迎光临!有什么我可以帮忙的吗?您好!欢迎光临!有什么我可以帮忙的吗?Welcome to our department store! What can I do for you?有什么可以帮您的?有什么可以帮您的?May I help you?帮您开票。帮您开票。Ill make

13、an order for you。请您带着小票前往收银台交费,我带您去。请您带着小票前往收银台交费,我带您去。Please go to the cashier with the order,Ill show you the way. 营:您先稍等一下,我帮您开票。营:您先稍等一下,我帮您开票。 Please wait for a moment,Ill make an order fou you.顾:好的。顾:好的。 OK.营:这是您的会员卡,请您带着会员卡前往收银台交费,我营:这是您的会员卡,请您带着会员卡前往收银台交费,我带您去。带您去。 Please go to the cashier w

14、ith the membership card. ,Ill show you the way.顾:谢谢。顾:谢谢。 Thanks如果您买的商品有任何质量问题,请携带鉴定报告和发票到店如果您买的商品有任何质量问题,请携带鉴定报告和发票到店里来,里来,7天内包退,天内包退,15天内包换,一年内免费保修。天内包换,一年内免费保修。 If the goods you bought has any quality problem,please bring your invoice and inspection reports to the shop, return/exchange/repair ser

15、vices will be offered within seven days, exchange or maintenance service will be offered within fifteen days; repair service will be free of charge within one year. 营:随时为您服务!营:随时为您服务! Any time!营:请至总台处包装。欢迎您下次光临。营:请至总台处包装。欢迎您下次光临。 Please go to the Reception to have your goods packed. Welcome to Sunin

16、g again! Its over there.(在那边在那边)This way please!(请这边走请这边走)Follow me,please! (请跟我来请跟我来)Go ahead,please!(一直往前走一直往前走)Go ahead and then turn rightleft.(前走右(前走右左拐)左拐)On the secondthirdfourthfifth floor.(在二(在二三三四四五楼)五楼)Please use the escalator to the fourth floor.(请请乘电梯至四楼乘电梯至四楼) GROUP WORKSituation 1: me

17、mbership card dealing Task 1: Making out the application form for membership Task 2: carrying out the preferential measures for membership Task 3: making up a dialogue. One is the receptionist, one is the applicant for membership card. Act outSituation 2: complaint handlingTask 1: You: a customer.Yo

18、ur partner: sales assistant Suppose you bought a skirt which had a hole, but you didnt notice it just then. You are going to the department store now and see how to solve this problem.GROUP WORKLinking-upnComplaining about goods or services:nId like to make a complaint, please.nI dont like to compla

19、in, but Ive had a lot of trouble withnIm sorry. Im not at all satisfied with yournI have a compliant regarding yournI want to complain about the quality ofnThis kind of service just isnt good enough.nCan I have my money back on?nDealing with the complaintnWhats the matter, please?nWhich type of prod

20、uct did you buy?nPlease show me your shopping voucher.nWhats the date did you buy?nHow did you use it?nI will report it to my manager immediately.nWe wont repair it until you are pleased.nPlease dont worry more.nReturn servicenAfter-sale servicenSorry, thats our mistakes.nThanks for your valuable su

21、ggestions.PRACTICE nTake turns to practice the conversation about shopping guidance. Suggested situation:nComplainingnPerson searchingnLost and foundnCard managementnShopping guidancenGive directionsAssignment:nYou need to hand in the following things:n1. membership application form.n2. broadcasting scripts about introduction to the department store.n3. situational dialogues. SUMMARY nBy the end of this part, you are required to 1.get some knowledge and useful expressions about shopping guidance.2.know how to work as a receptionist in a department store.



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