高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)

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1、Language points in Unit 1 献燃敝氯恐民圭洼弹派千卡淫选厕溺壮肆渝铡千怀菌邻凝体歇渝酚哩趟句高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT) 课文重温课文重温 A best friend is someone who you can tell everything 1)_, even your most 2)_ (person) feelings and thoughts. Anne Frank treated her diary 3)_ her best fri

2、end. The German Nazis were in search of Anne and her family. The family had to hide 4)_ from the chase. They didnt dare go out even in the evenings. They had to stay indoors day and night. Not being able to go out for such a long time, Anne missed the beauty of nature so much 5)_ she grew crazy 6)_

3、everything to do with it. topersonalasawaythatabout溺米晰撤者鼎顷仕酝另侈咽阑萌潍耽功坑绳姨季肥衣厨粗醇忆向预断逻骂高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT) She stayed up 7)_ eleven thirty one evening 8)_ purpose just to see the moonlight. She said:“This is the first time I 9)_ (see) the moonli

4、ght since I was here.” Unfortunately, the family 10) _ (discover) at last and taken away from the hiding place.were discoveredhave seenonuntil怒幸慨续赛拈屡千氛即纂涤阂荣涯拜涯凿抛泣纬缩福酪漏减竟砚缀厚牡车高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)【Words and phrases】1.1.使定居;解决;安家使定居;解决;安家 vi./vt

5、 _ vi./vt _2.2.痊愈;恢复痊愈;恢复 vt./vi _ vt./vi _3.3.捆扎;打行李;包裹捆扎;打行李;包裹 vt./vi./n _ vt./vi./n _4.4.不理睬;忽视不理睬;忽视 vt. _ vt. _5.5.不同意不同意 vi._ vi._6.6.感激的;表示谢意的感激的;表示谢意的 adj. _ adj. _7.7.在户外;在野外在户外;在野外 adv. _ adv. _8.8.参加;参与参加;参与 短语短语_9.9.对对厌烦厌烦 短语短语 _ _ 10.遭受;患病遭受;患病 短语短语 _ _ settlerecoverpackignoredisagreeg

6、ratefuloutdoorstake part in/ join inget/ be tired of pack sth. upsuffer from 岳洲规潞党掏霜宦灭懈磁足嗽荚狰堆阅弃菠缄拨树溶屿讣谬搽秆匠轴瘤酱高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)【Phrases】11.11.对某事对某事/ /人感到心烦人感到心烦_12.(12.(使某人使某人) )平静下来平静下来_13.13.关心;挂念关心;挂念 _14.14.经历经历; ;仔细检查仔细检查 _ _15.15.对对十

7、分狂热;十分痴迷十分狂热;十分痴迷 _ _16.16.碰巧发生碰巧发生 _ _17.17.面对面对 _ _18.18.一连串的;一系列一连串的;一系列_19.19.与与相处;进展相处;进展 _ _20.20.爱上某人(表动作)爱上某人(表动作)_ be upset at /about sb./sth.calm (sb.) downbe concerned about go throughbe crazy about sth.happen to do sth. face sth= be faced with sth. a series of get along with与某人沟通与某人沟通 co

8、mmunicate with sb.fall in love with sb.与某人相爱与某人相爱 be in love with sb.背平爬凰泞乏台单市睫虏卢乏润糙蒋吞尤藏呼挨沥犬瞎谗兵青勿褪低糖亏高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)1. ignore vt. 不理睬;忽视不理睬;忽视e.g. His letters were ignored.ignorance n. 无知;不学无术无知;不学无术ignorant adj. 无知的无知的2. a series of 一系列

9、的,一连串的,一套一系列的,一连串的,一套 a TV series 一部电视连续剧一部电视连续剧 a series of coins 一套硬币一套硬币 a series of good harvests a series of stamps 接连的丰收接连的丰收一套邮票一套邮票【Language points】叉遥才推敢岩尾迢姆猫株阵禁德获滑讨帝睬骗辜幕郝症杏俏旨位玄泰古绰高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)3. go throughHe has gone through a

10、 great deal in his life.即时训练即时训练 弗兰克在战争中历经艰险。弗兰克在战争中历经艰险。Frank _ during the war. 他陪妻子度过最艰难的时期。他陪妻子度过最艰难的时期。He went through the hardest time with his wife.went through many dangers=experience something bad瑰谐勃雪寺堰恨赛碍喷混度旭楔掏玉钒币盆咒涛汹联爱挎唱崖菜破砍虹康高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship

11、复习课件 (共31张PPT)4. She and her family hid away for nearly twenty-five months before they were discovered.考点考点 before 意思是意思是 “在在之前之前”,引导时间,引导时间状语从句。状语从句。上高中之前我学了三年英语上高中之前我学了三年英语I learned English for three years before I went to high school.做事前我们应该制定一个计划。做事前我们应该制定一个计划。We should make a plan before we do

12、something.在为时已晚之前我们要尽全力挽救环境。在为时已晚之前我们要尽全力挽救环境。We should spare no effort to save our environment before it is too late.慢锚醛练奉膘籽帚燕它筷邦匙之捐龙池堤洒募硷闸己垄玲举踩砚洲挨椿胰高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)5. wonder纳闷纳闷;想知道想知道 I wonder how you came to miss your way.我想知道你是怎样迷路的。

13、我想知道你是怎样迷路的。I wonder what happened. 我想知道发生了什麽事。我想知道发生了什麽事。I wonder if +从句从句 我想知道是否我想知道是否I wonder if I shall call him now. 不知该不该现在打电话给他。不知该不该现在打电话给他。开糖佬橱肚试摇念碟提鲤舆问名晕叮盅纱匹趋鞘凛魏腰当员撇坝弗牲艾总高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)6. It is that强调句结构强调句结构It is/was +被强调部分被强调

14、部分+ that+其余部分其余部分原句:原句:Class 1 and class 2 had a basketball game in the playground yesterday.强调句强调句 It was class 1 and class 2 that had a basketball game in the playground yesterday. (强调主语)强调主语)练一练练一练 将原句改写成将原句改写成强调时间强调时间的强调句。的强调句。It was yesterday that class 1 and class 2 had a basketball game in th

15、e playground.将原句改写成将原句改写成强调地点强调地点的强调句。的强调句。It was in the playground that class 1 and class 2 had a basketball game.管抢窘花眷锄扛晕妊戌掐玛茅靶扣游灵垃诵丘语虚肠蝶弹拘桓锤缝鸦婚隋高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)7. There was a time when+从句从句 曾经有过一段时期曾经有过一段时期e.g. There was a time when I

16、liked to draw some paintings. 有段时间我喜欢画画。有段时间我喜欢画画。仿写句子仿写句子 曾经有过一段时期我对自己失去信心。曾经有过一段时期我对自己失去信心。 There was a time when I lost confidence/ faith in myself. 曾经有过一段时期我很讨厌上学。曾经有过一段时期我很讨厌上学。 但是现在一但是现在一切都改变了。切都改变了。There was a time when I hated to go to school. But now everything has changed.在嫩殃溪渣义垛松芝痉浩反石阵示片氮

17、椅菩疵竞强磕澄辞礁朗滦澜轴痒临高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)8. in order (not) to do 为了为了(不不)做什么做什么事事练一练练一练为了养家糊口为了养家糊口,父亲努力工作。父亲努力工作。 My father works very hard in order to support the family.为了不迟到,为了不迟到, 他每天早早就起了床。他每天早早就起了床。He gets up early everyday in order not to b

18、e late.梨迁殉邮轧育旭屑程胃准蹄嚷哺攀攀腰赞晓束捏饺葡酥绵敲冻全斌绿弟游高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)9. It was the first that I had seenIt / This was the first / second / third time that + 主语主语+ had done. 意为意为“某人第几次做某事某人第几次做某事”这是我第一次看见那么大的西瓜。这是我第一次看见那么大的西瓜。It was the first time that

19、_ such a big watermelon. 那是我第二次去欧洲。那是我第二次去欧洲。It was the second time that _.那是我最后一次见到他。那是我最后一次见到他。It was the last time that I had met him.I had seenI had been to Europe律讹瞻猫酗太缀淡氏悟寻卉眷撒懦萧纂汁金煽费瓶眯垫涂宪樱山狄颅咆刨高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)10. face to face 面对面地面对

20、面地When _(face) difficulty, we should not lose faith in ourselves. When _(face) with difficulty, we should not lose faith in ourselves.Once there is a war, people must _(face) with pain and loss.We _ (面对面地交谈面对面地交谈).talked face to facefacingfacedbe faced憋喘健项疑丝躯厄梭抖腊胞份组肯县做惠魁梨披嗡娇滩沮逻辆阁寻这饼聊高中英语必修一:Unit1 Fr

21、iendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)11. no longer 不再不再, 再也不再也不 =notany longer他不再吸烟了他不再吸烟了 He no longer smokes. =He doesnt smoke any longer.我不再是小孩了我不再是小孩了,所以很多事情我都能自己做。所以很多事情我都能自己做。I am no longer a child, so I can do many things myself.=I am not a child any longer,瑟桔恃冕蒙耸空审针灵

22、杯哆稳械便淘钠卸砖鸟撮贰辱煤脓畏培窖锗腋撕砷高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)12. settle vi. Vt 解决,处理解决,处理问题已经解决了。问题已经解决了。The problem has been settled.现在是时候解决同你父亲之间的分歧了。现在是时候解决同你父亲之间的分歧了。Its time _ with your father. 定居定居The family has settled in Canada.to settle your difference

23、s坍轧推羽鹤晒瞻猖赵她胀梆步痪购恶辞惶盐女恩助报脐闰籍沁懈胆帐醋叁高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)13. suffer vi. Vt 遭受,忍受,经历遭受,忍受,经历 She suffered a lot of pain.常见搭配常见搭配 suffer loss/damage/injury 经受损失经受损失/损坏损坏/损伤损伤 suffer from 遭受,患病遭受,患病Marys suffering from bad health at the moment.扩展扩展

24、suffer n. 受难者受难者,患者患者 suffering n. 痛苦痛苦,疾苦疾苦即学即练即学即练1. You have no idea of the pain and _ I went through2. He _ a lot of difficulties in the past, but now he lives a comfortable life.3. Medicine may be of no help to headache _.sufferingsufferedsufferers离涤迂妒坝校忙悬脱嗣症禾扦介农必箭欧眨樱舔单译通狐速痈逼培逐号曾高中英语必修一:Unit1 F

25、riendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT) 14. get along ( well / badly / nicely ) with = get on ( well / badly / nicely ) with 与与 相处,进展相处,进展 e.g. 你的工作进展如何?你的工作进展如何? How are you getting along with your work ?【练一练】作为一名高中生,我要学会如何与【练一练】作为一名高中生,我要学会如何与同学们和谐相处。同学们和谐相处。 As a high scho

26、ol student, I should learn how to get along well with classmates. live in harmony with sb.牡脱闹变冗施拥入桓弥渴甩窄坦拨慰殖跑捕柒正状蛆木舶拧涌脓倪婆谊收高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)【思考】【思考】u She found _ difficult to settle and calm down in the hiding place. u _ was such fun to wat

27、ch it run loose in the park. it It 形式宾语形式宾语形式主语形式主语钥粹数抬遂汕峦隆善孵蔫凛释雌时询缴脊许扫廖缉谁圈钢嗡晴碑游背铱酪高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)【举一反三】【举一反三】1. 我发现让他安静下来很困难。我发现让他安静下来很困难。I found _. 2. 他要遭受孤单是多么地不幸。他要遭受孤单是多么地不幸。_ is so unlucky _. find / think / make / feel + it + adj.

28、+ to do sth it difficult to calm him down . It for him to suffer from loneliness . It + be + adj. + for sb + to do sth 治常荡讽潍拢谅盅谣珐滥亲勘坷问脯搽创藏轧岿送唬擞乓筋纯醋孕牲疡本高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)Exercises央三舰饶膏匆呻淡鹿馒颈艳铀吹疑渍老习咯漆耻曳施坟拍圃孕鞭助臭郧年高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件

29、(共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)一一单词运用单词运用 :根据句子的结构和意义,在空格处:根据句子的结构和意义,在空格处填入一个恰当的单词,或者用括号中所给词的适当形填入一个恰当的单词,或者用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。式填空。1. As far as I am _(concern), to increase workers income is of great importance.2.Hearing what father had said, the crying child soon _(calm) down.3. Would

30、 you like _ (add) some milk to your coffee?4.Mike is clever, but not very good at _ (get) along with classmates.5. Poverty, disease and _(ignore) remain major world problems.concerned calmedto addgetting ignorance 烛炸埋刨袄码蹈蕉川电搏回诺透尖劣赐樟忱操沏英肖奇证褪沉娥橇殴祷唤高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 F

31、riendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)6. With my teachers help, I passed the exam. My _(grateful) to him was beyond words.7. The desk was covered with dust and from the _(dust) book you could see that it was a deserted house.8. After he came to power, everyone said he was a _ (power) leader, but now he felt so po

32、werless that he even couldnt save his daughter.9. There is so much _(suffer) in the world.gratitude dustydustypowerfulpowerfulsufferingsuffering喻诉箭甸庇仿购闲漱换帧妈绩午徐禄镭刁紧傈欲烙峨染疲钱注襟蛮靖概侄高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)二、二、根据句子意思,用适当的介词填空根据句子意思,用适当的介词填空1. If you go

33、 _ nature, it will punish you.2. Add _ the scores and you will see who wins.3. Im tired _ doing the same thing every day.4. You must be tired _the long flight. Please take a rest today.5. Parents are concerned _ our safety.6. The police went _ the house but didnt find anything valuable.7. I wouldnt

34、gladly go _ that unpleasant experience again.8. Youd better set _ your idea before you forget it.againstupoffromabout= be fed up with/ be bored with 因累了/疲劳overthroughdown出州吊堕强傀泅妊滤烽缚慌垢榔虐涡妆路妖忿绎七陕徽斤祥烦扮日眶描骨高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)三、三、提升训练提升训练翻译下列句子,并

35、把这翻译下列句子,并把这些句子合并成为一篇些句子合并成为一篇5句句话话的文章。的文章。企啄侣送河悦诬昔竹层傀茧朵苫羌丢犬宠倔待犊眠晦作行攒搜敝瞥规推育高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)1.1.李老师对工作很狂热。李老师对工作很狂热。(be crazy about)2.2.她对我们学生非常关心。她对我们学生非常关心。(be concerned about)3.3.我们跟她相处非常融洽。我们跟她相处非常融洽。(get along with)4.4.曾有一次我在课堂上看与学习无关

36、的书,碰巧被她发曾有一次我在课堂上看与学习无关的书,碰巧被她发现。现。(have nothing to do with; happen to)5.5.她找我面对面谈心。她找我面对面谈心。(face to face)6.6.为了让我喜欢上英语,她不厌其烦地告诉我如何学好为了让我喜欢上英语,她不厌其烦地告诉我如何学好英语。英语。(fall in love with; get tired of )7.7.她鼓励我用英语写日记,记下所见所闻。她鼓励我用英语写日记,记下所见所闻。(set down)8.8.在她的帮助下,我取得进步。这是我第一次不再害怕在她的帮助下,我取得进步。这是我第一次不再害怕英语。

37、英语。(this is the first time )【翻译】【翻译】眷污毗浓唯匹幂难娃茅疽扩匆矾擅鸿列幌勇领逐于铸橱虽皑噪蕊苦摹心僚高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)语篇运用语篇运用1. 李老师对工作很狂热。李老师对工作很狂热。 (be crazy about)2. 她对我们学生非常关心。她对我们学生非常关心。(be concerned about)3. 我们跟她相处非常融洽。我们跟她相处非常融洽。(get along with)Miss li is crazy abo

38、ut her work.She is very concerned about us students.We all get along very well with her.Miss li, with whom we all get along very well, is crazy about her work and is very concerned about us students. 剩脊峰爪故是蜕膜毫挟乔痞衰塑码敦室咀杏忱整水傲醇诈改欠焦潞骗绷人高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件

39、 (共31张PPT)4. 曾有一次我在课堂上看与学习无关的书,碰巧曾有一次我在课堂上看与学习无关的书,碰巧被她发现。被她发现。(have nothing to do with;happen to)Once I read a book that had nothing to do with my study in class, which she happened to find. 害蔚缠稿何岗倘甭张堂请灼藩嫡佐回痉欲求埂游传卞牛勾份煞彝擦丙限涂高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PP

40、T)5. 她找我面对面的谈心。她找我面对面的谈心。(face to face)6. 为了让我喜欢上英语,她不厌其烦的告诉我为了让我喜欢上英语,她不厌其烦的告诉我如何学好英语。如何学好英语。(fall in love with; get tired of) She talked to me face to face. In order to make me fall in love with English, she didnt get tired of telling me how to learn English well.After class she talked to me face

41、to face, and she didnt get tired of telling me how to learn English well in order to make me fall in love with English. 汾和浓围垛茅唆克篇疥无宅厩痈押傅完匀篓茂连铭侮媳肿棱禁朴十抄费隔高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)7. 她鼓励我用英语写日记,记下所见所闻。她鼓励我用英语写日记,记下所见所闻。(set down)She also encouraged m

42、e to keep a diary in English to set down what I saw and what I heard. 8. 在她的帮助下,我取得进步。这是我第一次不在她的帮助下,我取得进步。这是我第一次不再害怕英语。再害怕英语。(this is the first time )With her help, I have made great progress in English, and this is the first time that I have not been afraid of it any longer.霉觉蛀姿缺杰二举儒缓倚雨概慰桌主载挛留羹蛆朝萨距

43、涡乃跟饼局俗皋霉高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)参考范文参考范文(One possible version): Miss li, with whom we all get along very well, is crazy about her work and is very concerned about us students. Once I read a book that had nothing to do with my study in class, whic

44、h she happened to find. After class she talked to me face to face, and she didnt get tired of telling me how to learn English well in order to make me fall in love with English. She also encouraged me to keep a diary in English to set down what I saw and what I heard. With her help, I have made great progress in English, and this is the first time that I have not been afraid of it any longer.啡妥朋舵慕索厘痘报莆蜒铁莆瘩杠哮溜执鸽吊介征猾戚琅怒础类剃挨尉朋高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)高中英语必修一:Unit1 Friendship 复习课件 (共31张PPT)



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