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1、初中英语初中英语一般疑问句特殊疑问句反意疑问句一般疑问句,即(yes/no)问句的改变:1.把关键词(如:am、is、are、have、has、can、will等)放在句子的开头,句尾改为“?”但要注意一、二人称的转换。2.有实意动词的句子改问句时,在句子开头加“Do、Does”或“Did”,原实意动词用原型。一般疑问句1.She is a pupil. 她 是 学生。Issheapupil?是她学生?2.Icanseeastar.Canyouseeastar?3.Mymotherisateacher.Isyourmotherateacher?4. It will rain this afte

2、rnoon. Willitrainthisafternoon?1.IlikeEnglish.DoyoulikeEnglish?2.Eddieplayedfootball.DidEddieplayfootball?一般疑问句的肯定回答、否定回答。肯定回答:Yes,+关键词。否定回答:No,+关键词+not.1.Issheapupil?2.Canyouseeastar?Yes,sheis.No,sheisnot./No,sheisnt.Yes,Ican.No,Icannot./No,Icant.3.DoyoulikeEnglish.4.DidEddieplayfootball?Yes,Ido.No

3、,Idonot./No,Idont.Yes,hedid.No,hedidnot./No,hedidnt.特殊疑问句特殊疑问句特殊疑问句的形式:疑问代词特殊疑问句的形式:疑问代词/ /副副词词 + + 动词动词 be/be/助动词助动词/ /情态动词情态动词 + + 主语主语 + + 动词。疑问代词动词。疑问代词/ /副词副词包括包括 what, who, which, whom, what, who, which, whom, whose, when, how, why, where whose, when, how, why, where 等。回答时不用等。回答时不用yes yes 或或no

4、,no,而要根而要根据实际情况回答。据实际情况回答。(Specialquestion)Millie: _are we going to Harbin?Mum: On 10th February.Millie: _ is the weather like in Harbin at that time? Mum: Its very cold.Millie: _are we going to stay in Harbin?Mum: In Grandmas big house.Millie: _does Grandma like eating?Mum: She likes biscuits very

5、much.Millie: _do we need that big bag?Mum: Because we need to take lots of things to Harbin. WhenWhatWhereWhatWhyTry to complete the dialogueB Asking wh- questionsWeusewh-questionstoaskforinformationaboutsomeone/something. what-activity or thing I am reading. which-thing or person Id like this red o

6、ne. who-person He is our teacher. whose-possession The bag is mine. when-time My birthday is on 2nd May. where-place My pen is in the pencil case. why-reason I like dancing because it is fun. what-Activityorthing(对行为和事物提问)。e.g.1.“Whatareyoutalkingabout?”“你们在谈什么?”“Wearetalkingaboutourfamily.”“我们在谈论我们


8、“这是谁的书?”“是我弟弟的。”when-Time(对时间提问)e.g“Whenwillyoufinishyourhomework?”“你什么时候能完成作业?”“Tomorrow.”“明天。”where-Place(对地点提问)e.g“Wheredoyoustudy?”“你在哪儿读书?”“InShanghai.”“在上海。”why-reason(对原因提问)e.g“Whyareyoulate?”“你为什么迟到?”“BecauseImissedthebus.”“因为我没赶上公共汽车。”想想还缺了哪个疑问词呢?Lets see the family of “how” 1. I go to scho

9、ol by bus. 2. She is twelve. 3. Jim plays with his dog for about two hours on Sunday. 4. Millie goes to the Reading Club twice a week.Howdoyougotoschool?Howoldisshe?HowlongdoesJimplaywithhisdogonSunday?HowoftendoesMilliegototheReadingClub? 5.There are more than forty students in our class.6.There is

10、 some bread on the plate.7.Mike is 1.35 meters tall.8.Ill bring it here in a minute.Howmanystudentsarethereinyourclass?Howmuchbreadisthereontheplate?HowtallisMike?Howsoonwillyoubringithere?Exercises :针对下列划线部分提问针对下列划线部分提问1.We are going to Hainan Island.2.Chinese New Year this year is in February.3.Ki

11、tty is wearing a special costume.4.I want a skateboard for Christmas. Whereareyougoing?WhenisChineseNewYear?Whoiswearingaspecialcostume?WhatdoyouwantforChristmas? 5.Daniel is in the kitchen.6.We celebrate by giving presents.7.My birthday is on 14th August.8.I am going to buy moon cakes because the M

12、id-autumn Festival is coming.WhereisDaniel?Howdowecelebrate?Whenisyourbirthday?Whyareyougoingtobuymooncakes?CUsingsome/anyWeusesomeoranytotalkabouttheamountofsomething.QuestionQuestion Positive sentencePositive sentenceNegative sentenceNegative sentenceDoeshegiveyou_cakes?Hegivesme_cakes.Hedoesntgiv

13、eme_cakes.Wouldyoulike_cakes?RequestRequest offerofferCanIhave_cakes?anyanysomesomeanyanysomesomesomesome用 some 或 any 填空:Sandy:Itstimefordinner,Iamsohungrynow.Lucy:Ivegot_pies.wouldyoulike_pies?Sandy:Yes,please.Lucy:Hereyouare.Sandy:Oh,thatsverykindofyou!Doyouhave_milk?Lucy:Imsorry.Idonthave_milk.Sa

14、ndy:Thatsallright.somesomeanyanyTomTom: Tomorrow is Teachers Day. Did you buy _ flowers for your teachers?SusanSusan: No, I didnt buy _ flowers, but I bought _ cards. Look!TomTom: Wow, how beautiful they are. Where did you buy them?SusanSusan: _ of them are from Lianhua Supermarket and _ from Xixi s

15、hop.TomTom: Could you buy _ for me? I also need _ but I am very busy today.SusanSusan: Ok, I will go there this afternoon because I also need _ more.someanysomeSomesomesomesomesome又叫附加疑问句,是在一个陈述句后加上一个简短的疑问句,表示对陈述句所叙述的事实提出疑问、情况或看法,问对方同不同意Itlookslikerain,doesntit?Hedoesntneedtoworksolate,doeshe?陈述句简短的



18、gotoschool,_?willthey?3.Bookswillonlybeoncomputers,_?wontthey4.Hedliketogotothemovieswithme,_?wouldnthe5.Heshouldntcopyothershomework,_?shouldhe?7.Hehasbeenskatingfor4hours,_? hasnthe8.Theyhaventbeentotheamusementpark,_?havethey9.Youhaveseenthefilmmanytimes,_?haventyou10.Wehavetogetthereat8:00tomorr






24、enttheyD.aretheyishecantsheCShedidntgotoschool,didshe?她没去上学,是吧?不!她去了Yes,shedid.是的!她没去No,shedidntHeisateacher,isnthe?他是个老师,不是吗?Yes,heis.No,heisnt反意疑问句的回答:事实上是肯定的就用Yes,事实上是否定的,就用No,不能出现前面用yes后用not或前面用No后面用肯定的现象。1.Dontdothatagain,willyou?_,Iwillneverdoit.A.Sorry, I do B. No, I do C. Yes, I wont D. sorr

25、y, I wont2.Sheisgoingtoplaybasketball,isntshe?_,Shewilltakelessons.A.Yes, she isnt B. No, she isC. Yes, she is D. No, she isnt3.Webelieveshecandoitbetter,cantshe?_,sheisdoingherbesttoimproveherself.A.Yes, we do B. Yes , she canC. Yes, we dont D. Yes, she doesnt DDBExercise:1.The train is always crow

26、ded, _?2.You love violin music, _?3.It looks like rain, _?4. Nice day, _?5. You are new here, _?6. The No. 15 bus stops here, _?7. The line is moving slowly, _?8. These shirts are really expensive, _?9. It always rains on the weekend, _?10. It was really exciting, _?isntitdontyoudoesntitarentyouisnt

27、itdoesntitisntitarenttheydoesntitwasntit全真中考题全真中考题1.You never go to the movie,_? A.dont you B. do you C.wont you D.cant you2.They have never been to New York,_? A.have they B.havent they C.dont they D.do they3.Few people knew how to use the Internet in the past,_? A.did they B. didnt they C.did he D

28、.didnt he4.-Can you speak English?-yes,but only _. A.few B.a few C.little D.a little 5.Let us stop and have a rest,_? A.will you B.wont you C.shall we D.should we6.Your father has been to Guangzhou twice,_? A.has he B. hasnt he C. doesnt he D.isnt he BAADAB7.Shallweleavenow?-Donthurry.Westillhave_ti




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