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1、Unit 2 The United Kingdom 英 国. 单词盘点点根据根据词性和性和汉语意思写出意思写出词汇1. _ (vi. ) 组成;在于;一致成;在于;一致2. _ (vt. ) 澄清;澄清;阐明明3. _ (vt. ) 完成;达到;完成;达到;实现4. _ (n. ) 矛盾;冲突矛盾;冲突consistclarifyaccomplishconflict5. _ (prep. ) 加上;和加上;和 (adj. ) 加的;正的;零上的加的;正的;零上的6. _ (vt. ) 折叠;折叠;对折折7. _ (vt. ) 使激使激动; 使胆使胆战心惊心惊8. _ (vi. &vt. )联合

2、;合;团结 _ (adj. )团结的;的;联合合的的 _ (n. )联合;合;联盟;盟;结合;合;协会会9. _ (n. )便利;方便便利;方便 _ (adj. )方便的方便的plusfoldthrilluniteunitedunionconvenienceconvenient10. _ (adj. )粗糙的;粗暴的粗糙的;粗暴的_ (adv. )粗略地;粗粗略地;粗糙地糙地11. _ (vt. )吸引;引起注意吸引;引起注意 _ (n. )吸引;吸引吸引;吸引力力 _ (adj. )有吸引力的有吸引力的12. _ (n. )描写;描述描写;描述 _ (vt. )描述;形容;描述;形容;描描绘

3、13. _ (adj. )配配备好装好装备的;的;带家具的家具的 _ (vt. )装装备;(用家具等用家具等)布置布置(房房间、公寓、公寓);提供;提供roughroughlyattractattractionattractivedescriptiondescribe furnishedfurnish14. _ (n. )可能(性)可能(性) _ (adj. )可能的;合理可能的;合理的的 _ (adj. 反反义词)不可能的不可能的15. _ (vt. )筹筹备;安排;整理;安排;整理 _ (n. )布置;布置;整理整理16. _ (n. )快快乐;高;高兴;喜悦;喜悦 (vt. )使高使高兴

4、;使欣喜;使欣喜 _ (adj. )高高兴的;快的;快乐的的 _ (adj. )令人高令人高兴的的possibilitypossibleimpossiblearrangearrangementdelightdelighteddelightful【品品词自自测】根据所根据所给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空Youll find these meals quick and _ to prepare. We provide these meals for the _ of the customers. (convenient)Nothing is _ ;the poster inspires you

5、to make efforts to achieve your goals. Thats to say,it is _ to realize your dream if you work hard. Of course, there is also _ for you to fail even if you work rather hard. (possible)convenientconvenienceimpossiblepossiblepossibility. 短短语回放回放1. 由由组成成 _2. 把把分成分成 _3. 挣脱脱 (束束缚);脱离;脱离 _4. 为带来荣誉;来荣誉;值得得赞

6、扬;在;在名下名下 _consist ofdivide. . . intobreak away (from)to ones credit5. 省去;省去;遗漏;不考漏;不考虑 _6. 代替代替 _7. (机器机器)损坏;破坏坏;破坏 _8. 为了了纪念念 _9. 展展览 _10. 动身去某地身去某地 _leave outtake the place ofbreak downin memory ofon show/displayleave for. 句式句式扫描描1. Now when people refer to England you _ (发现威威尔尔士被包括在内士被包括在内) as w

7、ell. 2. _ (由于担心由于担心时间不不够), Zhang Pingyu had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in London. 3. It looked splendid _ (刚建成的建成的时候候)! find Wales includedWorried about the time availablewhen first built4. _ (她最感她最感兴趣的趣的) was the longitude line. 5. It seemed strange that the man who had developed co

8、mmunism _(竟然在竟然在伦敦生活敦生活过且在那里去世且在那里去世). What interested her mostshould have lived and died in London【仿句自仿句自测】根据下面句式仿写句子根据下面句式仿写句子find+sb. /sth. +过去分去分词仿写:他醒来后,仿写:他醒来后,发现自己被自己被绑在了在了树上。上。_过去分去分词短短语作原因状作原因状语仿写:陷入深思之中,他几乎撞在前面的小汽仿写:陷入深思之中,他几乎撞在前面的小汽车上。上。_When he woke up, he found himself tied to the tree.

9、 Lost in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.状状语从句的省略从句的省略仿写:明年当仿写:明年当这家博物家博物馆完工的完工的时候,将会向公众开放。候,将会向公众开放。_When completed, the museum will be open to the public next year.核核心心要要点点attract 三年三年2考考arrange 三年三年1考考break down 三年三年2考考1. consist vi. 组成;在于;一致成;在于;一致(1)consist of 由由组成,包括成,包括(无无

10、进行行时态和和 被被动语态) consist of=be made up of=be composed of(2)consistent adj. 协调的,一致的的,一致的be consistent with. . . 和和一致;相符一致;相符The world consists of seven continents and four oceans. 世界是由七大洲和四大洋世界是由七大洲和四大洋组成的。成的。 What you say is not consistent with what you do. 你言行不一。你言行不一。The club consists of more than 2

11、00 members. (句型句型转换)=The club _ _ _ _ more than 200 members. =More than 200 members _ _ the club. is made up ofmake up 2. convenience n 便利便利; 方便;便利的人(事物)方便;便利的人(事物)(1)for the convenience of. . . 为了了方便方便for (the sake of) convenience 为了方便起了方便起见at ones convenience 在方便在方便时;在适宜的地点;在适宜的地点(2)be convenient

12、for sb. /sth. 对于某人于某人/物是方便的物是方便的it is convenient for sb. to do sth. 某人方便做某事某人方便做某事I keep my reference books near my desk for convenience. 我把参考我把参考书放在放在书桌旁以取用方便。桌旁以取用方便。 Come to my office at your convenience. 你方便你方便时来我来我办公室一趟。公室一趟。 It was a great convenience to have the doctor living near us. 有医生住在我有

13、医生住在我们附近真是太方便了。附近真是太方便了。 When would it _ _ _ you to start work? 你什么你什么时候方便开始工作呢?候方便开始工作呢?be convenient for【点津点津】(1)convenience 意意为“方方便便;便便利利”时,为不不可可数数名名词;作作“便便利利的事物;便利的事物;便利设施施”讲时为可数名可数名词。(2) convenient用用作作表表语时,主主语不不能能是是人人,常常用用于于 It is convenient for sb. to do sth. 这一句型。一句型。 3. attract vt. 吸引;引起注意吸引

14、;引起注意(1) attract sb. to. . . 把某人吸引到把某人吸引到attract ones attention 吸引某人的注意力吸引某人的注意力(2) attraction n. 吸引(力);具有吸引力的人吸引(力);具有吸引力的人 (或事物)(或事物)attractive adj. 有吸引力的,引人注意的有吸引力的,引人注意的The accident has _ _ _ . 这起事故引起了人起事故引起了人们的关注。的关注。Many tourists are attracted to this beautiful place every year. 每年都会有很多的游客被吸引到

15、每年都会有很多的游客被吸引到这个美个美丽的地方来。的地方来。He opened his eyes enjoying the attractive scenery. 他他睁开双眼享受开双眼享受这迷人的景色。迷人的景色。There are a lot of attractions in Beijing. 北京有很多名北京有很多名胜。attracted peoples attention【真真题链接接】2010江江苏,24Thousands of foreigners were _ to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened. A. attended B

16、. attainedC. attracted D. attached 【解解析析】选选C。句句意意:上上海海世世博博会会开开放放的的当当日日吸吸引引了了成成千千上上万万名名外外国国人人来来参参观观。attend参参加加;attain获获得得;attract吸吸引引;attach附属于。附属于。4. arrange v筹筹备;安排;整理;布置;排列;安排;整理;布置;排列(1)arrange sth. for sb. 为某人安排某事某人安排某事arrange for. . . to do sth. 安排安排做某事做某事arrange (with sb. ) to do sth. (与某人与某人)

17、约定干某事定干某事arrange that. . . 商定商定;安排;安排(2)arrangement n. 安排,筹安排,筹备make arrangements for. . . 安排安排Ill arrange for a car to pick you up. 我将安排我将安排车去接你。去接你。He arranged that the meeting (should) be put off for a week. 他安排把会他安排把会议延后一星期召开。延后一星期召开。Its not necessary for parents to _ everything _ their children

18、. 父母没有必要父母没有必要为孩子安排好一切。孩子安排好一切。arrangefor The local newspaper _ _ _ an interview with Professor Stein. 当地当地报纸安排安排对斯坦教授斯坦教授进行行专访。We have arranged them to prepare for the celebration. (改改错)答案:答案:arranged后加后加for。made arrangements for 5. delight n. 快快乐;高;高兴;喜悦;喜悦 vt. 使高使高兴;使欣喜;使欣喜(1) delight sb. with st

19、h. 用某物取悦某人用某物取悦某人delight in (doing) sth. 喜喜欢(做做)某事某事(2) take/have delight in sth. 乐于某事物于某事物to ones delight=to the delight of sb. 让某人高某人高兴的是的是(3)delighted adj. 高高兴的,快的,快乐的的be delighted to do sth. 高高兴地做某事地做某事 be delighted at/with/by sth. 对某事物感到某事物感到满意意be delighted that. . . 高高兴于于President Obama surpri

20、sed and delighted many people by making fun of himself. 奥巴奥巴马调侃自己,侃自己,这令令许多人感到意外,同多人感到意外,同时捧腹大笑。捧腹大笑。He delights in finding fault with others. 他喜他喜欢挑剔挑剔别人的毛病。人的毛病。What a great delight to have a picnic here! 在在这里野餐是一件多么令人高里野餐是一件多么令人高兴的事啊!的事啊!_ _ _ _ , there was a performance at the party. 使孩子使孩子们大大为高

21、高兴的是,宴会上有表演。的是,宴会上有表演。We _ _ _ _ receive your letter. 我我们都很高都很高兴收到你的来信。收到你的来信。To the childrens delightwere all delighted to6. divide. . . into 把把分成分成divide. . . between/among/with. . . 在在之之间分配分配/和和分担分担/分配分配/分享分享divide. . . by. . . 用用除以除以divide. . . in half (two)/into halves 把把分成两部分分成两部分 The prize mo

22、ney will be divided among the winners. 奖金将由金将由优胜者者们均分。均分。 30 divided by 6 is 5. 30除以除以6等于等于5。 A year _ _ _ four seasons. 一年分一年分为四个季四个季节。is divided into【辨析辨析】理解下列区理解下列区别并并选词填空填空 divideseparatedivide侧重于把一个整体分成若干部分,其后重于把一个整体分成若干部分,其后常接介常接介词into, among, between等。等。separate指把原来指把原来连在一起或靠近的在一起或靠近的“分隔分隔”开来

23、,常与介开来,常与介词from搭配构成搭配构成separate. . . from. . . ,意,意为“把把和和分开分开(隔隔)”;另外另外还有有“离离别,分手,分手”之意。之意。 England is _ from France by the English Channel. The students in the class were _ into four groups before they started the game. separateddivided7. leave out 省去;省去;遗漏;不考漏;不考虑Youve left out the most important

24、word in this sentence. 这句句话你漏掉了最重要的你漏掉了最重要的单词。No one speaks to him;he is always _ _. 没人跟他没人跟他讲话,他,他总是被人冷落。是被人冷落。left out【拓展拓展】补全下列全下列“leave”短短语leave _ 搁置置leave _ 别管;管;别惹;不打惹;不打扰leave _ 忘忘带,留下,留下leave _ 动身到身到 (某某处)asidealonebehindfor8. break down (机机器器)出出故故障障;破破坏坏; (谈判判、希希望望、计划划等等)失失败,破裂;,破裂;(化学化学)分解

25、;分解;(身体身体)垮掉掉写出下列句中黑体写出下列句中黑体词的含的含义The car broke down on the way to the airport. (抛(抛锚)The peace talks broke down with no agreement reached. (失失败)Your health will break down if you work too hard. (身身体体垮掉)掉)Plastic bags are difficult to break down. (分解)(分解)【助助记】【真真题链接接】2009四川,四川,8 How about your jour

26、ney to Mount Emei? Everything was wonderful except that our car _ twice on the way. A. slowed down B. broke downC. got down D. put down 【解解析析】选选B。考考查查动动词词词词组组。句句意意:你你的的峨峨眉眉山山之之行行怎怎么么样样?除除了了路路上上车车出出了了两两次次故故障障外外,一一切切都都很很好好。break down(机器机器)出故障,(谈判)破裂,出故障,(谈判)破裂,(身体身体)垮掉。故答案选垮掉。故答案选B。9. It seemed strang

27、e that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London. 这似似乎乎很很奇奇怪怪:这位位发展展了了共共产主主义的的人人竟竟然然在在伦敦敦生生活活过,并且在并且在伦敦去世。敦去世。在在 “It seems/seemed/is/was necessary/important/strange/ incredible”及及“It is a pity/a shame/no wonder”之之后后由由 that引引导的的从从句句中中用用“should+动词原原形形”的的形形式式,should可可省省略略

28、。此此处“should have done”结构构用用来来表表示示“竟竟然然已已经; 居居然然已已经”,表表示示说话人人对已已经出出现的的事事感感到到“惊惊奇奇、惊惊喜喜、怀疑疑”等。等。 It is necessary that he (should) be sent there at once. 有必要有必要马上派他到那里去。上派他到那里去。 It is strange that the wheel ( should) turn so slowly. 真奇怪,真奇怪,这个个轮子竟然子竟然转动得如此慢。得如此慢。 It is a great pity/shame that he _ so c

29、onceited. 真真遗憾,他竟会憾,他竟会这样自高自大。自高自大。(should) be(1) what引引导的名的名词性从句性从句(2)thrill/thrilling/thrilled在具体在具体语境中的境中的应用用(3)take the place of及与其相近短及与其相近短语的用法的用法1. 2012青青岛模模拟As is recorded in history, silkworms (蚕蚕) were first raised by a woman in _ is today Hebei Province. A. where B. the place C. which D. w

30、hat【解解析析】选选D。句句意意:据据历历史史记记载载,蚕蚕最最初初是是由由一一位位在在今今天天称称之之为为河河北北省省的的一一位位妇妇女女所所养养的的。what在在这这里里引引导导了了一一个个宾宾语语从从句,相当于句,相当于the place that/which。答案为。答案为D。2. People often use plastics to _ wood or metal. Ain place of Btake their place Ctake the place of Dtake place【解解析析】选选C。考考查查短短语语辨辨析析。句句意意:人人们们经经常常使使用用塑塑料料来来

31、代代替替木木头头或或者者金金属属。take the place of代代替替;符符合合语语境境。take ones place就就座座;take place发发生生,进进行行;in place of代代替替,为为介介词词短短语,用在此处结构不合理。语,用在此处结构不合理。3. 选词填空填空 (thrill/thrilling/thrilled)The _ children received their presents. What a _ game! And we are _ at the result of the finals. Winning the first place must have been quite a _ . thrilledthrillingthrilledthrill



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