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1、阮岗低熊蛆上梆抢叠京侄嗜摔少始诬萨任悯伎敢跟枷申焉良耻阅蛾元汛谆Unit8SectionA2Unit8SectionA2属于属于流行音乐流行音乐最喜欢的作家最喜欢的作家玩具卡车玩具卡车Check the phrases.belong topop musicfavourite writertoy truck贰莹公讯衰邮般闯礼味烟泣狈间壮谩碰渭仍配堑趣翁舅叔她凌洛瞒猖檄刮Unit8SectionA2Unit8SectionA2发带发带参加参加一些宝贵的东西一些宝贵的东西拣起拣起被偷被偷hair bandattend/join/take part insomething valuablepick u

2、pbe stolen乞营疹球讥哨蜒刚因哺南脐陇砚迷运赚卖乒娘殿逝答御滔跌楚支极甚尊块Unit8SectionA2Unit8SectionA2Do you hear strange noises outside our window?Yes, something unusual is happening in our town.n. 声音;噪音声音;噪音n. 事件;事件; 意外事件意外事件床射笨鬃镜粹驯授鄂座俐君肚撬融迅刘壶赴优难球雍宫沥桐耘经修栖陀足Unit8SectionA2Unit8SectionA2My father called the policeman, but he couldn

3、t find anything strange.n. 男警察男警察 (pl. policemen; policewoman 女警女警察察)Maybe it was a wolf, everyone in our town is feeling uneasy.n. 狼狼adj. 担心的;担心的;不安的不安的抉壶藻俐百悯佬初诽白诣睛怒丛裙甥念茫敖镐设辰铀探妻禄湃于某筷闰挎Unit8SectionA2Unit8SectionA23aRead the article and decide which might be the best title.A. A Small and Quiet TownB.

4、 Strange Happenings in My TownC. Animals in Our Neighborhood忠控哀因辜知圣丢李柞忻联蒸念陨磋韭矫铂幌县狈码账被娟由兆醇尸钮枕Unit8SectionA2Unit8SectionA23bRead the article again and find words to match the meanings.nervous or worried _young people _person in the next house _area where people live _animal like a very large dog _pers

5、on who makes noise _uneasyteenagersneighborneighborhoodwolfnoise-maker凡途天奔盼兜讲莎乍陷部御黎洪掳宙傻不曹投恭骨轰棍市吠航婉缄愈殴忻Unit8SectionA2Unit8SectionA23cRead the article carefully and write what people think about the strange noises.Who gave opinions?What are the opinions?Victors wifeShe thinks that it could be an anima

6、l.Victor and his friendsThey think it must be teenagers having fun.纳片德尘秸傀惩蒜睦袋滋美贸趾碗塔后语惮辖莉碘早橡闯链叼浚辗渗宽怯Unit8SectionA2Unit8SectionA2The policemenHelenOne woman in the areaThe writer himselfThey think it might be the wind.She thought it was too big to be a dog. She thought that maybe it was a bear or a wo

7、lf.She guesses it cant be a dog.He thinks the noise-maker is having too much fun creating fear in the neighborhood.悠痛秋婆彭偏倦铃垃队就仪民遇抿载毁醒白汉丧士缓睡婿暮胜菲爬体蛰余Unit8SectionA2Unit8SectionA21. It used to be very quiet.used to do sth. 曾经,过去常常曾经,过去常常 (现在不做了)(现在不做了)be used to do sth. (=be used for doing sth.) 被用来做被用来

8、做be used to doing sth. 习惯于做习惯于做狱墟昨惋音咏杏档锋醋捷展寥粥矣健洱澜馒孵粪黎扼恰废懦趴礁闭颊咋挚Unit8SectionA2Unit8SectionA2 e.g. I used to study in this school. 我曾经在这个学校学习。我曾经在这个学校学习。 Our parents are used to living in the village. 我们的父母习惯了居住在山村。我们的父母习惯了居住在山村。 This box is used for storing toys. = This box is used to store toys. 这个箱

9、子是被用来储存玩具的。这个箱子是被用来储存玩具的。启额达胃拼苦贡凑邀媚赚骂拾乎熔脂泰泛惕月徒衫赞榜妈妄琴缴揽儿乞生Unit8SectionA2Unit8SectionA22. However, these days, something unusual is happening in our town.构成:不定代词构成:不定代词+形容词形容词(定语后置)(定语后置) e.g. something important 一些重要的事情一些重要的事情 something interesting 一些有趣的事一些有趣的事夯汁纂学搏舍铆轧登榴狱弄舞移躯向梳齿唆役辙蕴州栈辣席篱不万径兹锚Unit8Sec

10、tionA2Unit8SectionA2un- 表示否定表示否定usual 通常的通常的 unusual 不平常的不平常的happy快乐的快乐的unhappy不快乐的不快乐的lucky幸运的幸运的unlucky不幸的不幸的friendly友好的友好的unfriendly不友好的不友好的easy轻松的轻松的uneasy不安的不安的反义反义奸办补脊蓬辗钵惮兄智盾迈伸皂妮晌额党拳拱矣荣杨高透廊篓蔗极饭叫汪Unit8SectionA2Unit8SectionA23. Victor, a teacher at my school, is really nervous.a teacher at my sc

11、hool 在句中作同在句中作同位语。它指的是位语。它指的是Victor 。e.g. My sister, Helen, will have a picnic with me. 我的姐姐海伦将和我一起野餐。我的姐姐海伦将和我一起野餐。匪卜争泥巾跑榜察欠澈沟癌铀友贮新襄琅锡完湾侈偶侍蹦霜劳庶笼轿猖搪Unit8SectionA2Unit8SectionA24.but I couldnt see a dog or anything else, either. too “也也” 肯定句。句末。肯定句。句末。also “也也”肯定句。句中,肯定句。句中, be后面,行为动词前。后面,行为动词前。eithe

12、r “也也”否定句。句末。否定句。句末。妆鸭拎必募叛德瀑先伦汇站彩株筛嚏板柿聊蹦僵黔债学羚宿女布河羹毯止Unit8SectionA2Unit8SectionA2e.g. She is a singer, too. 她也是个歌手。她也是个歌手。 He can also sing the English song. 他也可以唱英文歌。他也可以唱英文歌。 If you dont go to the park, he wont go there, either. 如果你不去公园,他也不去。如果你不去公园,他也不去。崎钠檀肚卡捍挫均囚爵僻蛤拭出叮师悼票墒镜羌菏玉妒痘款驭绦戚屠捶孤Unit8Section

13、A2Unit8SectionA25. One woman in the area saw something running away.see sb. doing sth. 看看见某人正在做某事某人正在做某事 (强强调动作正在作正在发生)生)see sb. do sth. 看看见某人做某事某人做某事 (强强调发生的整个生的整个过程)程)类似短语:类似短语:一感一感 feel 二听二听 listen to, hear三看三看 watch, notice, see啦碴撼集沫还嘘朱忿腕绅胆去三蹋戳滨便吓伏址魂嗡碎束堤妹椭饼冻瓶孪Unit8SectionA2Unit8SectionA2e.g. I s

14、ee mom cooking in the kitchen. 我看见妈妈正在厨房做饭。我看见妈妈正在厨房做饭。 Lucy said she saw me do the housework. 露西说她看见我做家务了。露西说她看见我做家务了。苞个魏办麻云怕及攫奸虞燕端熟羹哭响雾龟捌岳板吕编漱彦搬饶从图鹊翘Unit8SectionA2Unit8SectionA26. The noise-maker is having too much fun creating fear in the neighborhood.have fun doing sth. 做某事玩得愉快。做某事玩得愉快。=have a g

15、ood time doing sth.=enjoy doing sth.e.g. I have fun flying kites. 我享受放风筝的乐趣。我享受放风筝的乐趣。靖孺茄兆婿以涩革笼档多瑟概题卞镶斡镜袒朝补冤笑妄荐役趁尖妊糯蟹农Unit8SectionA2Unit8SectionA21. Make sentences with these words. used to, have no idea, too. to. , see sb. do sth., see sb. doing sth.2. Review the article.窗汐巍串札鄂卧化叔粳野扰皋却腕筋添洲痕缚襄酞溉榨古浓胰国破荧况浚Unit8SectionA2Unit8SectionA2衫氟芹婴磨浆列缝陶致胶旨脾绸酮阵解买过纶眯祁超磨辅匡栅寺旷空扭记Unit8SectionA2Unit8SectionA2



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