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1、 一、七年级英语上册学时特点。一、七年级英语上册学时特点。1.七年级上册七年级上册15个单元个单元2.话题多话题多3.词汇量大词汇量大4.时间紧时间紧(Morning reportMorning report是个不错的方法)是个不错的方法)Morning report(晨间报告晨间报告) 为了提高我们同学的英语口语能力,从为了提高我们同学的英语口语能力,从10月月25日开始英语课进行日开始英语课进行morning report。按学号每次一。按学号每次一位同学做位同学做35分钟的口头报告。分钟的口头报告。具体要求如下:具体要求如下:1.轮到同学提前两天抽取单元话题进行准备,鼓励轮到同学提前两天

2、抽取单元话题进行准备,鼓励小组合作完成报告内容,并提前一天交给英语老师小组合作完成报告内容,并提前一天交给英语老师修改。修改。2.带稿上台,满分带稿上台,满分1.5分;不带稿上台,满分分;不带稿上台,满分3分。分。(分数都计入小组平时分)(分数都计入小组平时分)3.报告内容词数报告内容词数50词左右,做完报告后必须向班级词左右,做完报告后必须向班级同学提出与报告内容有关的同学提出与报告内容有关的3个问题。回答正确者,个问题。回答正确者,所在小组平时分每次可加所在小组平时分每次可加0.5分。分。 1)介绍自己姓名,年龄,家人或朋友。介绍自己姓名,年龄,家人或朋友。2)介绍自己或家人的房间物品颜色

3、和摆设。介绍自己或家人的房间物品颜色和摆设。3)介绍自己或同学的书桌学习用品和颜色。介绍自己或同学的书桌学习用品和颜色。4)谈谈自己、家人或朋友三餐饮食。谈谈自己、家人或朋友三餐饮食。5)谈谈自己或朋友运动物品谈谈自己或朋友运动物品作用:作用:全班学生轮流每堂英语课全班学生轮流每堂英语课3分钟演讲,并提分钟演讲,并提三个问题,这样做的目的是复习巩固已学三个问题,这样做的目的是复习巩固已学的单元话题,提高学生说的能力,训练学的单元话题,提高学生说的能力,训练学生听的能力,而且加强小组合作意识。生听的能力,而且加强小组合作意识。 二、七年级学生写作存在的主要问题及二、七年级学生写作存在的主要问题及

4、解决对策。解决对策。 1.单词拼写易错单词拼写易错2.词性模糊不清词性模糊不清3.句子结构混乱句子结构混乱针对单词易错问题解决对策。针对单词易错问题解决对策。 1.发音拼读法发音拼读法(强调音标教学强调音标教学);2.师生共同整理易错单词;师生共同整理易错单词;3.课堂上抄写单词课堂上抄写单词2-3遍,效果更佳;遍,效果更佳;4.组合使用易混淆的单词;组合使用易混淆的单词;5.每天滚动式默写已学单词每天滚动式默写已学单词10-15个个。七年级上册易错单词:七年级上册易错单词:clock (clok), you, your, meet, meat, first (frist), dictiona

5、ry , watch (wach), spell (spel) , notebook (notbook) , parent (perent/ prent), friend (frend), aunt, video, many (meny), difficult (diffcult), people (peopel), welcome (wellcome), yourself (youself), 月份,月份,fourth, second, thriller (thriler), exciting, favorite (favorit), successful, guitar (guiter),

6、 violin (vilion), hotel (hotle), listen (lisen), tired (tried)七年级下册易错单词:七年级下册易错单词:France, French, Paris, language, restaurant, through, beginning, arrive, giraffe, beautiful, report, reporter, waiter, uniform, magazine, children, weather, height, captain, special, practice, mountain, delicious, walk

7、, take, decide, culture, hallway, buy, by自编绕口令自编绕口令1.My parents are my friends.2.2. You can get your book by yourself.3.3. I talk to Tom that I usually take a walk after work.4.4. I believe you can live better in your future life. 自编短文或缺词填空自编短文或缺词填空 步骤:步骤:1)课代表每天安排已学单词和单词数)课代表每天安排已学单词和单词数2)学生写好中文再默写

8、,家长或寝室长监)学生写好中文再默写,家长或寝室长监督并签字督并签字3)按座位轮流批改)按座位轮流批改4)英语老师不定时检查(呈现学生默写本)英语老师不定时检查(呈现学生默写本)3个星期或一个月一次进行单词大比拼个星期或一个月一次进行单词大比拼针对词性模糊不清解决对策。针对词性模糊不清解决对策。 1.穿插教授词性:如七年级上穿插教授词性:如七年级上Unit 2 可以可以简单讲解冠词,七年级上简单讲解冠词,七年级上Unit4和七年级和七年级下下Unit4 强调介词等。强调介词等。2.单元结束,词性归类。(扫描学生的作品)单元结束,词性归类。(扫描学生的作品)3.期末复习阶段可分词性检测单词。期末

9、复习阶段可分词性检测单词。针对句子结构混乱解决对策。针对句子结构混乱解决对策。 Examples: I at home. He 7:00 go to school. I every day have TV watch.1.扩展句子并搜集好句;扩展句子并搜集好句;2.翻译句子;翻译句子;3.句子成分简要分析;句子成分简要分析;4.听句子判断对错(教师朗读,学生判断对听句子判断对错(教师朗读,学生判断对错;个别学生朗读,其他学生判断对错)错;个别学生朗读,其他学生判断对错)_went to the beach_went to the beach_playing computer games_pla

10、ying computer games_Unit 5Do you have a soccer ball?soccer ballfootballbasketball ping-pong ballping-pong batvolleyballtennistennis racketbaseballI have a and a.But I dont have a or a.soccer ballfootballbasketball ping-pong ballping-pong batvolleyballtennistennis racketbaseballYes, I do.Do you have

11、a basketball ? No, I dont.soccer ballfootballbasketball ping-pong ballping-pong batvolleyballtennistennis racketbaseballThey have a and a.But they dont have a or a.soccer ballfootballbasketball ping-pong ballping-pong batvolleyballtennistennis racketbaseballYes, they do.Do they have a basketball ? N

12、o, they dont.soccer ballfootballbasketball ping-pong ballping-pong batvolleyballtennistennis racketbaseballHe has a and a.But he doesnt have a or a.Does she have a tennis ?Yes , she does . she She has a tennis.basketballDoes he have a basketball ?Yes , he does .heHe has a basketball .volleyballDoes

13、she have a volleyball ? No , she doesnt .She doesnt have a volleyball.tennis racketDoes he have a tennis racket ? No , he doesnt .He doesnt have a tennis racket.Listen to the conversations and number the pictures 1-4.2a23412b Listen again. Match the people with the balls.324exerciseI. Fill in the bl

14、anks with have ,has ,dont, doesnt1. I_ a book and he _a pen.2. They _a color TV. They_ have a TV.3. She _ a sister. He _ a brother.4.I _ have computer. Tom _ one.5.Does he _ a computer? No, he _.6.-Do you _ a backpack? -Yes, I _.7. -Does she _ a ruler? - Yes, she _.havehashavedonthashasdonthashavedo

15、esnthavedohavedoes1. _have _and _But _ dont have _ or_2. _ has _ and _But _ doesnt have _ or _3. Do _ have_?4. Does _have_?Homework抄写有关球类的单词;抄写有关球类的单词;抄写听力材料两个对话。抄写听力材料两个对话。完成句子扩写。完成句子扩写。How was your weekend? Unit 9Period 2 practiced stayed studied had Please choose(选择选择) one word and create(创创造造) o

16、ne sentence as long as you can. Homework :1.抄写单词抄写单词+听力听力2.作业本作业本(2)第第2部分部分3.为另外三个词写句子,写在为另外三个词写句子,写在课堂练习本上。课堂练习本上。I at home.He like play basketball.I favorite subject is English.Listen and act “ ” or “ ” 听句子判断正误并改错听句子判断正误并改错:1.What time when do you usually get home? ( )2.When your father goes to wo

17、rk?( )3. When does your father go to work?4.3.My mother usually us make breakfast. ( )5.My mother usually makes breakfast for us.4. I usually do homework about 8:00 in the evening.( )5. When do Rick usually get up?( )6. School starts at nine oclock.( )7. Do you want know about my morning?( )8. Peopl

18、e usually watch TV in evening.( )doestotheat1.每单元每单元Section A 后可安排对话或小作文,后可安排对话或小作文,课内或课外完成;课内或课外完成;2.注重单元注重单元3a文章结构的分析;文章结构的分析;3.在限定时间内当堂完成单元作文,及时批在限定时间内当堂完成单元作文,及时批改,并反馈。改,并反馈。 三、写作时间安排三、写作时间安排How was your weekend? Unit 9Section AP 54 - 55上周六下午发生了一起抢劫案上周六下午发生了一起抢劫案,警察正在警察正在询问调查询问调查Jim一家所做的事情一家所做的事

19、情. (用用Grammar Focus 的句型的句型)Pair workExcuse me ,Jim .What did you do last Saturday? What did your sister do ? What did your brother do ? What did your parents do ?33213a Complete the conversations. Write 1-3 in the blanks. 1.cleaned my room and studied for the math test.2.did my homework and watched

20、TV 3.went to the beachA: How was Sarahs weekend?B: It wasnt very good. She cleaned her room and studied for the math test.3b Practice in pairs.学学校小校小校小校小记记者站要者站要者站要者站要搞搞一一一一个个活活活活动调查动调查同同同同学们学们周末活周末活周末活周末活动动情情情情况况,假,假,假,假设你设你是其中一名小是其中一名小是其中一名小是其中一名小记记者,者,者,者,请请采采采采访访本本本本班同班同班同班同学学(至少(至少(至少(至少4 4位),有

21、位),有位),有位),有关关于他于他于他于他们们的周末活的周末活的周末活的周末活动动,填填入表格入表格入表格入表格并并把把把把对话写对话写在在在在课课堂堂堂堂练习练习本上。本上。本上。本上。 NameHow was your weekend?What did you do?How was your weekend? Unit 9Section BP 57常用时间常用时间yesterdayyesterday morning (afternoon, evening)last night (week, month, year)ago : two days ago, a week ago, three

22、 years agoin 1990, (in 1998) / on / at一般过去时一般过去时:表示过去发生的动作或存表示过去发生的动作或存 在的状态在的状态,通常与过去的时间状语连用通常与过去的时间状语连用tell study eat swimhave practice go see do visit clean talklisten sitget writewatch take meet sing told ate had went didcleanedlistened gotwatchedstudiedswam practicedsawtalked satwrotetookvisite

23、dmetsangI had a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, I cleaned my room. In the afternoon, I _. It was a little difficult. On Saturday night, I _ . My aunt cooked dinner for me. On Sunday morning, I _. I read a book about history. Then in the afternoon, I _ with my friends. On Sunday night, I _ . I saw

24、 an interesting talk show. did my homeworkvisited my auntwent to the libraryplayed soccerwatched TV3bWrite about what you did last weekendaccording to the Chinese.周六上午周六上午:做作业,有点难:做作业,有点难周六下午周六下午:打扫房间,疲惫的,但快乐的:打扫房间,疲惫的,但快乐的周六晚上周六晚上:做阅读,之后听音乐,放松的:做阅读,之后听音乐,放松的周日上午周日上午:做运动,很开心:做运动,很开心周日下午周日下午:去图书馆看了一本

25、关于历史的书:去图书馆看了一本关于历史的书,之后和朋友一起打网球之后和朋友一起打网球周日晚上周日晚上:在阿姨家吃晚饭,食物很好吃:在阿姨家吃晚饭,食物很好吃,之后学习,为数学考试做准备之后学习,为数学考试做准备 确实享受了周末的乐趣确实享受了周末的乐趣 在英语写作批改的建议在英语写作批改的建议 摈除找错误、划错误的批改方式,改为波浪摈除找错误、划错误的批改方式,改为波浪线标注好词好句的批改方式。线标注好词好句的批改方式。1.A级作文:内容完整,表达流畅,层次结构级作文:内容完整,表达流畅,层次结构清晰,语言基本无错误。清晰,语言基本无错误。(例子)例子) 批改:波浪划线优美句子或好词,并打分。

26、批改:波浪划线优美句子或好词,并打分。2.B级作文:内容完整,表达充分,层次结构级作文:内容完整,表达充分,层次结构清晰,语言有少量错误。清晰,语言有少量错误。批改:波浪划线好句或好词,并打分。批改:波浪划线好句或好词,并打分。(例子例子) 在英语写作批改的建议在英语写作批改的建议 3.C级作文:内容完整,但表达不充分,层次级作文:内容完整,但表达不充分,层次结构不合理,结构不合理, 语言不够流畅,错误较多,词语言不够流畅,错误较多,词数不够。数不够。批改:波浪下划完整句子或词组。批改:波浪下划完整句子或词组。4.D级作文:内容不完整,语言表达错误很多,级作文:内容不完整,语言表达错误很多,不

27、能完整地表达思想。不能完整地表达思想。批改:波浪下划完整句子或拼写正确的词。批改:波浪下划完整句子或拼写正确的词。 在英语写作批改的建议在英语写作批改的建议 5.用特殊符号标注主要语法错误,如进行时用特殊符号标注主要语法错误,如进行时“PPT( the Present Progressive Tense)”, 过去时过去时“SPT( the Simple Past Tense)”, 一般现在一般现在时时 “PST( the Present Simple Tense)”,将来将来时时“FT( the Future Tense)”6.摘抄典型错误句子在黑板上,全班一起纠正;摘抄典型错误句子在黑板上

28、,全班一起纠正;7.C级和级和D级同学,尽量给予更多鼓励和帮助;级同学,尽量给予更多鼓励和帮助;8.作文本发下后,小组或大组摘抄优美句子。作文本发下后,小组或大组摘抄优美句子。(教室电脑有教室电脑有word存档学生优美句子)存档学生优美句子)My weekend I had an interesting weekend. On Saturday morning, I did my homework, but it was really difficult. In that afternoon, I cleaned the room. After that, I felt tired, but

29、happy. Because my house was clean and beautiful. I did some reading and listening to music at night. It made me relaxed. On Sunday morning, I was very happy to do some sports. Reading is my favorite, so I went to the library on Sunday afternoon. There I read a book about history. Then I went to play

30、 tennis with my friends. We had a great time. In that evening, I visited my aunt. She cooked delicious food for me. And after dinner, I studied for the math test. So you see, I had a busy but happy weekend. by Lin Mengyi15A 级作文级作文 My weekend by Zhang Axuan I had a funny weekend. On Saturday morning,

31、 I did my homework, but it was very difficult. On Saturday afternoon, I cleaned my house. I was tired, but I was happy. In the evening, I did some reading and listen to music at night. I was relaxing. On Sunday morning, I played sports. I was happy too. In that afternoon, I went to the library and r

32、ead book about history. Then I went to play tennis with my friends. In that evening, I visited my aunt. She cook food for me. And at night, I studyed for the math test. SPTSPTSPTB 级作文级作文10 My weekend by Zhao Chenguang I had a funny weekend. On Saturday morning, I did homework. saturday afternoon, I

33、clean my room. I tired, but I am happy. In the evening, I read a book and listen to music at night. Sunday morning, I played sports. I am very happy. that afternoon, I went to library ,read book of history. And I went play tennis with my friends. In the evening, I visited my aunt. She for me cook food. And Sunday night, I studyed for the math test. SPT C 级作文级作文 Come on! D 级作文级作文 (到一位同学作文本上抄)(到一位同学作文本上抄)N0Pains,nogains!Shao Aifang



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