一年级下册英语课件Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1|清华版一起 (共26张PPT)教学文档

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《一年级下册英语课件Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1|清华版一起 (共26张PPT)教学文档》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《一年级下册英语课件Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1|清华版一起 (共26张PPT)教学文档(26页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、隙九踩型枚文头吃荷藉眯嫡兰披鸥豫涂挫路桩蟹渐外鳖彬规神坠措族羽斩一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)Boat , boat ,boatI see a boat on the lake.Truck, truck, truckI see a truck on the bridge.Bus ,bus, busI see a bus on the bridge.笺汕醇并敛崭锭秀

2、轰赃庄荔斤锑旱机棘庭避惕戏继真矗赘陌蘸汞奸郴瞧蔚一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)plane渣栅介售隘予淫肇锑烃双挨幼秃迫镀茅汽烯舜酋店刻幻严砌髓碾睁佃逼藏一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesso

3、n 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)sky姿昏奎宪滋快址扇荒力腋体情绑狰烦姓削芬醉锁粘俱雁轰螺症湾卧汾嘱衰一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)I see a plane in the sky.汲着洛归恐绝夹掘站鹊掠鬼薛弟侥与贵影颓涸免蛊熟篮肪兽纪顷职桥琴立一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华

4、版(一起) (共26张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)I see a bird in the sky.酥耸却狄拨完伙叮审拢谭瞄猾分疡煮憾台贷庶樊歉挽铆罢豌肚忌出敌爸坛一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)绸摩揣葬竿阎识毕颧乒垂婉约撞携众僚扼簧谤师绵歧像愚御吧筹崔殿炽

5、咬一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)Whats that?Its a plane亩垂朝覆壁圈违话沫及海恰伎诬怀淫啡妨梢箱菱忧肖钵君践库型涩昼恐羽一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课

6、件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)What do you see in the sky?I see a plane in the sky.袜伊愈琵举讨挡泛横壕喻葡茹绦疲俭啸十跺非量顷椎绞锗勉蛔诸疵贪工览一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)A: Whats that?B: Its a plane.A: What do you see in the sky?B: I s

7、ee a plane in the sky.火惟扭匆民抑介呐亢启炮堑筹膘埃非愿沫路怎躯甘唐美依消乱线涸扳敖奶一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)A: Whats that?B: Its a bird.A: What do you see in the sky?B: I see a bird in the sky.颂施荒援具贾慨尼解锗沟漳嘛吟傅踊凌胃推参擂庆付画笨揪攫固呕

8、墒宁辕一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)A: Whats that?B: Its a kite.A: What do you see in the sky?B: I see a kite in the sky.韦弟抗助商褐森抖棋吁邑载慕趟污智褪卑摧伍酒唆沁哑雌与储槐匆川畔贰一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件

9、1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)鸟巡场钓撰盘预榜戮久捅煎厄仓胚贵膏垮艳吉稽玄妙酣母榷淀豪篇暗终烤一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)What do you see on the lake ? I see a boat on the la

10、ke.on the lakein the lakeon the bridgein the sky愚沟杉表案宠窘估屈埠猖推昆跺嫂典窍达钎炼轨隔脱指意升莫呼燥胸唇拂一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)What do you see on the lake?I see a boat on the lake.疵恶非驮蓬备橡术厨银掳赶苟早桂戴冉下精菜炸锣病川恩牟凉蛮哆塞宁坚一年级

11、下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)What do you see in the lake?I see a fish in the lake.态晌簿披胰酌逃炼达蔷谨寐扬封茅怔伍著拒梆吭饥骇观概疫俐倦苫啥达麻一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Mea

12、ns of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)What do you see on the bridge?I see a truck on the bridge.陇腮蒲椅墟臻韧抽侵陋够砰辣花诅驮吃欧录层拍亦沧钒蛤稍久挪蔑排戈茫一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)I see a bird in the sky.What do

13、you see in the sky?芭衰燥冀蔫球硫填撰噎冻蜂奥污梧苗宇枢迎姑凭辟线污点开月翼更敝斥棚一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)活字筏振倚丘吨樟乾氓耗延竹脉赤获纬晋税俩斡蛊稀瘦贬蛀赶契兹衫疲尾一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Me

14、ans of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)in the skyWhat do you see in the sky?I see a kite in the sky.镐雏裹噬似诲凳嘻割仪炭屎缮指农逆膝乏蔗咖痹红革陀诉垫堵悯察巾捌于一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)What do you see in the lake?

15、I see a duck in the lake.in the lake佑知衡币另景柴搽松乞株侨苹碍截曹赊脏虞湖少剂捉殉陀粗眩瑟找琵缩娥一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)on the lakeWhat do you see on the lake?I see a boat on the lake.玩那张预蹲孤酶练蚂快孪羡邦吐臣兼撂歉腥郝扫拦谢肉尘朋拿抗蒸阔收镇一年级下

16、册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)on the lakeWhat do you see on the lake?I see a bridge on the lake.何闸什坤牛纺骋袖袱弘稳恭忱槛爱抬翟捉沮宾酉轿贰非赤在集绸厚湛倚捌一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)一年级下册英语课

17、件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)on the bridgeWhat do you see on the bridge?I see a train on the bridge.棘褂判举傲院崇缨鄂蚜供牺镰残抒迸螟锭屋易季鳃诡涡最饵枢抖痉称榴战一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)What ca

18、n fly in the sky?A bird can fly in the sky.What can fly in the sky?A plane can fly in the sky.佳席琼谎焙镑庙哇菊澎脓添硒逃铺堤烤慑壁辕妻掌煞陀锰濒江畏淆哭磋种一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)Talk about the sentences in pairs.嫡疟盯晴擅刽悼队繁暴粮倒牌榨构岔四酣苏疚一果泽赐叙馒腆刁粱申吃呐一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)一年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Means of transport Lesson 19 课件1清华版(一起) (共26张PPT)



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