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1、学习文档 仅供参考 课 题:Unit 3 Revision 备 课 人:高 丽 年 级:12 级 课时:2 教学目标 知识目标 1.Students are able to review what they learnt in unit 3. 2.Students review the adverbial clauses. 能力目标 1.Students can use the adverbial clauses freely. 2.Students can finish the exercises and know the skills. 情感目标 1.Students can learn

2、to cooperate with others and finish task by themselves or in group. 2.Students can also compete with others and form good learning habits. 教学重、难点 重点 Students can grasp the usage of the words and phrases. 难点 Students can use the adverbial clauses rightly in the exercises. 教法与学法 Task-based teaching, D

3、irect-teaching, Game,Group-studying and self-studying 教具准备 PPT, blackboard,textbook,exercises 教 学 过 程 教 学 内 容 师 生 活 动 .Greeting and recall the general content in unit 2 Warm-up: supermarket and flea market Listening and speaking: How much are they altogether? It s on sale today Reading and writing:

4、Buy nothing day The sale season Language in use: the adverbial clauses .Important words . 慢跑_ 饼干_折扣_改变_ 起初的_ 价格_ 提供_ 大小_ 庆祝_ 鼓励_ 运动_有关环境的_ 影响_ 经济_ 资源_ 组织者_ 塑料的 _ 参与者_ 信用_ Reference:jogging biscuit discount change Original price offer size celebrate encourage movement environmental effect economy res

5、ource organizer plastic participant credit Teacher asks ss to recall. Ss try to recall and answer. Teacher shows the Chinese. Ss try to spell the English words one by one or write dowm on the notebook. 学习文档 仅供参考 .Important phrases 1.大减价_ 2.寻找_ 3.尤其特别_ 4.下降_ 5.一点点_ 6.卖完_ 7.到处看看_8. 查字典_9. 分发_ 0.参加_11.

6、公开_12.切碎_13.开始_ 14.浪费_ 15.抱怨_ 16.处理_ 17.一点也不_ 18.助长经济_ 19.期望_ 20.对有影响_ 21.冒的危险_ 22. 在前面_ 23.至少_ 24.推迟 _ 25.靠自己_ 26.与某人成交_ 27.充满_ 28.也一样_ 29.由制作_ 30.以价格_ Reference:1. on sale 2. look for 3. in particular 4. come down 5. a little bit 6. sell out 7. look around 8. look up 9. hand out 10. take part in 1

7、1. in public 12. cut up 13. kick off 14. waste on 15 plain about 16.deal with 17.not at all 18. help the economy 19. look forward to doing 20. have an effect on 21.run the risk of 22. in front of 23. at least 24. put off 25. by oneself 26. make a deal with 27. be full of 28.as well as 29.be made of

8、30. at the price of .The usage of some important words and phrases. 1. a number of 表示“许多”的意思,后面加可数名词的复数形式。作主语时,谓语动词要用复数。 A number of students in our school the shopping.(like/likes) The number of customers getting more and more.(is/are) 答案 like is 2.encourage v. 鼓励;怂恿 主动语态表达:A encourage B to do sth.

9、 被动语态表达:sb. be encouraged to do sth. sb. be encouraged by sb. to do sth. 翻译The teacher encouraged the students to take part in the activity. Children are always encouraged to do the right things. 译文老师鼓励学生参加活动。 学生们总是被鼓励去做正确的事情。 3.care about 对感兴趣;注意;关心: 补充:由 care 构成的常见短语有: take care of 照顾 care for sb.

10、 看护,照顾某人尤其指老人、病人 care to do sth. 愿意、喜欢、想尤其用于礼貌性的话 Teacher shows the Chinese. Ss try to spell the English words together. Or teacher asks ss to speak one by one or write dowm on the notebook. Teacher explains the key words and ss try to memorize and then make sentences. 学习文档 仅供参考 Exercise :Fill in th

11、e blank(all the sentences are from unit2) Mike plans (去买两瓶牛奶和一包饼干)。 I d like to (到处看看) first. There is (一个大促销) in the supermarket because of the festival. He is a good ( 议价者) .He is always (对与商家讨价还价感兴趣) . So he always got the (物美价廉的商品) at last. She (最终给了我 20%的折扣). (大量的顾客) come to this store because

12、of the sales. Children (正盼望着) be taken to the beach. There is a newly-opened market around our school (它叫) Family Market. We should (注意人们的才能) instead of their looking. All the students (被盼望着通过) the final exam. 答案: 1.to but two bottles of milk and a box of biscuits 2.look around 3.a big sale 4.bargai

13、ner,interested in bargaining with the seller,bargain 5.offered me a discount of 20% at last 6.A number of the customers 7.are expecting to s talents 10.are expected to pass .Revision of grammar(indirect speech) 一、时间状语从句 1.从属连词 when,while 与 as when 从句的动作和主句的动作可以同时发生,也可以先后发生。可以指时间的某个点,也指一段时间。 延续性动词 非延

14、续性 当时候 When they heard the news ,they all jumped with joy. I owed Jack $ 100 when I was in London. as 从句的动作与主句的动作同时发生。可以指时间的某个点,也指一段时间。 延续性动词 非延续性 随着一边;一边 当时候 The students sang as they walked. As he stood up ,he dropped the glass,breaking it into pieces. while 从句的动作与主句的动作同时发生, 强调一段时间。从句中常用过去进行时态或一般过

15、去时态。 延续性动词 当时候 在期间 While I was reading ,he came in. I made some foreign friends while I was in London. 注: 1)when 还可作并列连词, 其意义为 “那时, 这时” , 相当于 and at this/that time。以下句式:sb.was doing sth.when.某人正在干某事就在这时 sb.was about to/ going to do sth.when.某人正打算干某事就在这时 sb.body has just done somesth.when.某人刚干了某事就在这时

16、 2)when 还表示原因“既然” 。如: It was foolish of you to take a taxi when you could easily walk here in five minutes.既然你可以步行五分钟就能到这儿,坐出租车来真是愚蠢。 3)while 作为并列连词,意为“而,却” ,表示比照。 He likes pop music,while I am fond of folk music. Ss recall expression. Ss finish the sentences. And then check the answers. 学习文档 仅供参考 4

17、)如果主句表示的是短暂动作, 而从句用延续性动词的进行时态表示在一段时间内正在进行的动作时,when,while 与 as 可互换使用。如: When/While/As I was walking down the street ,I came across an old friend of mine.我在街道上走的时候,见到了我的一个老朋友。 2.从属连词:as soon as,immediately ,directly,the moment ,the minute,no sooner.than., hardly/scarcely. when. ,once 这些从属连词引导的从句都表示从句的

18、动作一发生,主句的动作随即就发生,意为“一就” 。从句中用一般时态代替将来时态。 如:Once you remember it,youll never forget it. 一旦你记住它,就永远不会忘记。 The moment I heard the voice ,I knew father was coming. 我一听到声音,就知道是父亲来了。 No sooner had we arrived at the station than the train left. 我们一到达车站,车就开了。 注: no sooner.than.; hardly/scarcely.when. 这一结构的时态

19、搭配: no sooner与 hardly/scarcely 引导的主句谓语动词应用过去完成时,而 than 与 when 的从句中谓语应用一般过去时。此外,当把 no sooner 和 hardly/scarcely 提到句首时,应用倒装语序。 我一到家,天就开始下雨了。 I had hardly got home when it began to rain. Hardly had I got home when it began to rain. ,until (not.until/till. 直到才) 连词 用法 动词 意义 例句 till/until 主语和从句都用肯定式 主句的动词为

20、连续性动词 一直到为止 Ill stay here till/until the rain stops. not.till/until 主句用否认形式,从句用肯定形式 主句的动词为非连续性动词 直到才 He didnt go home till/until he finished his homework. 如 Please remember to turn off all the lights before you leave the classroom. 离开教室前,请记得把所有的灯都关上。 二、地点状语从句 1.常用的引导词有 where在地方,wherever无论在什么地方等。指具体地

21、点时,从句可用于主句之前或之后,表示抽象条件时,从句须放在主句之前。如: The university graduates are determined to go wherever they are needed most. 那些大学毕业生们决心去最需要他们的地方。 They are planting trees where there is plenty of water and sunlight. 他们在阳光雨水充分的地方植树。 Where there is a will,there is a way. 有志者事竟成。 三、条件状语从句 1.常用的引导词有 if如果,假设,unless除

22、非,要不就不,as long as只要,so long as只要,provided (that 只要 ,suppose/supposing假设 ,on condition (that 如果等。如: I may not come to see you recently unless I can complete the project ahead of time.除非我能提前完成那个项目,否则我最近不会来看你了。 Ss answer the questions and techer corrects them at the same time. 学习文档 仅供参考 We can surely a

23、ttain our goal as long as we are united as one. 只要我们团结一致,我们肯定能实现我们的目标。 What shall we do if we can not get the necessary data ? 如果我们弄不到必要的数据,我们怎么办? They promised to let us have a meeting in their office on condition(that we could keep it clean. 如果我们能保持清洁,他们答应让我们在他们的办公室里开会。 四、原因状语从句 1.常用的引导词有 because

24、因为,as 由于,since 既然,由于,now that 既然,由于,not that.but that 不是因为而是因为, seeing that, considering that等。如: He cant deliver his lectures today because he has got a bad cold. 他今天不能去讲课了,因为他患了重感冒。 I may not be able to attend your wedding party not because Im not willing to but because Ive been caught by somethin

25、g recently. 我或许无法参加你的婚礼了,不是我不想去而是近来有些事情缠着我无法脱身。 五、让步状语从句 引导让步状语从句的从属连词有 though虽然,although虽然 ,even if即使 ,even though 即使 ,as(尽管), while(虽然),whether.or.( 无论还是),no matter+ 疑问词无论 。 或 although 引导让状语从句。 although 与 though 两者意思相同,一般可互换,都可以与 yet,still 或nevertheless 连用,但不能和 but 连用。如: He is unhappy though/altho

26、ugh he has a lot of money. 虽然他有许多钱,但他并不幸福。 Although/Though it was raining hard ,yet they went on playing football. 尽管雨下的很大,但他们仍在继续踢足球。 注:though 还可用作副词,意为“可是,然而” ,置于句末。如: He said he would come ;he didnt though.他说他会来,可是他没有来。 2.当 as 作“尽管,虽然”的意思讲引导让步状语从句时,从句往往放在主句的前面,而且用作让步的部分表语、状语或动词原形总是提前到句首。假设表语是名词,前

27、置时要省略冠词。如: Child as he is,he knows a lot. 尽管他是孩子,他却懂得很多。 Old as he is,he is still energetic. 尽管他老了,却依然精力充分。 表语作为让步的内容,因此提前了。 Try as he might,he couldn t solve the problem. 尽管他很努力了,但还是无法解决这个问题。(谓语提前了 Much as you suspected him,you couldn t provide powerful evidence. 虽然你非常疑心他, 但是你却无法提供有力的证据。状语作为让步的内容,因

28、此提前了。 3.whether.or 不管 疑问词+ ever 与 no matter+疑问词不管,无论 。however 不管学习文档 仅供参考 怎 样 ,whatever 无 论 什 么 ,whoever 无 论 谁 。 no matter when(how,what,who,where,which无论何时怎样,什么,谁,何地,哪个等。如: Air exists everywhere although we can t see it. 尽管我们看不见空气,但它却无处不存在。 No matter where you go on the earth,you will feel the grav

29、ity. 无论你走到地球的什么地方,你都会感觉到地引力。 Well start our meeting on time whether he comes or not. 无论他来不来,我们将准时开会。 Even if we are approaching the end of the experiment,we still have no time to lose. 即使我们即将完成试验,我们依然要分秒必争。 注:whoever ,whatever,whomever ,whichever 还可以引导名词性从句。如: You can take whatever you like. 你可以拿任何你

30、所喜欢的东西。 六、方式状语从句 常用的引导词有 as如同,按照,as if似乎,仿佛,as though似乎,仿佛等。如: He speaks English almost as a native speaker does. 他的英文几乎说得如讲英语母语的人一样。 He speaks English as if he were a native speaker. 他讲英文的样子似乎像说英语母语的人。 She looked unwell as though she got a bad cold.她看上去身体不适好似患有重感冒。 In this readingroom you can read

31、anything as everyone does here. 在这间阅览室里,你可以像这儿的每个人一样想看什么就看什么。 七、目的状语从句 常用的引导词有 so that以便,为了,in order that为了,lest以免,以防,in case以免,以防,for fear以免,以防等。如: We should do our utmost in order that we may be able to over fulfill the task. 为了超额完成任务,我们应该全力以赴。 Youd better leave your phone number,so that I can cal

32、l you before I come next time. 你最好将 号码留给我,以便我下次来之前可以先给你打个 。 Batteries must be kept in dry places for fear that electricity leaks away. 电池应该放在干燥的地方,以免漏电。 八、结果状语从句 1.常用的引导词有 that结果,以至 ,so that结果,以至 ,so.that如此以至,such.that如此以至等。如: The temperature is increased so that the volume of gas becomes greater. 温

33、度升高了气体的体积就增大了。 The mountain is so high that she can t climb it up to the top. 那座山太高了,她无法登上山顶。 It is such a lovely day that everybody feels happy and gay. 天气这么好,人人都感到高兴、快乐。 学习文档 仅供参考 九、比较状语从句 常用的引导词有 than 比 ,as.as 如一样 , “the +比较级.,the+比较级.” 越越等。如: He is taller than his brother.他比他弟弟个高一些。 The more the

34、y discover about the brain,the more questions they cant answer in that area.他们越多地发现有关人脑的情况,他们就有越多的问题无法答复。 Exercises: 1. there is a will ,there is a way .A . When B. Where C. Before D. If 2. I will not go to the party she goes there too. A. when B. where C. before D. Unless 3. she is young ,she knows

35、 quite a lot. A. When B. Because C.Although D. Unless 4.I would appreciate it you would like to cancel the appointment. 5.The teacher made excellent speech that every student admired her. A.so an B.such an C.so a D.such a 6.Tom did his work carefully he might not make any mistakes. 7.The students we

36、re interested in the lesson they didn t notice it was dark. A.so.that B.such.that C.in order .that D.so as . To 8.The shoes in the other shop will be , but not . A.cheaper,as better B.more cheap ,as better C.cheaper,as good D.more cheap ,as good 答案 BDCCCBAC .Exercises 1. the customers in this superm

37、arket is about 200 and one of fifth of them are old people. A. The number of B. A number of C.A large number of D. A great deal 2.- What the number of the students in your class? - About 46. A number of them from Suzhou City. A.are,is B.are,are C.is,are D.is,is 3.It s a pity that all those old trees

38、 are going to be . A.cut off B.cut down C.cut out D.cut up 4.She has little education she is unable to get a job. A.so,and B.such,and C.such,that D.so,that 5 . had the bell rung the audience took their seats. A. No sooner,then B. Hardly ,when C. No sooner,when D. Hardly,than 6.She is in the school.

39、A. Interesting,interesting B.interested,interested C.interested,interesting D.interesting,interested 7.A wise consumer won t spend a lot of money shopping even if there is a big sale. 学习文档 仅供参考 8.We held the sports meeting the rain. A.despite B.in spite C.although D.because of 9.He doesn t the money

40、 at all. A.care about B.care of C.care to D.take care to 10.Either you or Mike to attend the meeting. 11.They can reach Shanghai on time the car doesn t break down. A.while B.so that C.even if D.as long as 12.Students should to take part in the activities in school. A.be encouraged B.encourage C.enc

41、ouraged D.be encouraging 13.It was her father came in to prepare her lessons. A.not until,did the girl begin B.until,did the girl begin C.not until,that the girl began D.until,that the girl began 14.You d better do you are required. A.as B.like C.which 15.These kites can fly than the old ones. A.thr

42、ee times as fast B.three times faster C.three times fast D.as fast three times 16. before you cross the road.Safety is first. A. Look at B.Look up C. Look around D. Look after 17.- What are you doing? -I m my mobile phone. Can you it? A.looking after,look at B.looking for,find out C.looking for,find

43、 D.looking around,look after 18.The weather usually has much people s mood. A.affect on B.effect on C.influence in D.effect in 19.Thank you for your kind of help. A.provide B.offer C.supply 20.She managed to her children with food and clothing. A.provide 答案 ACBDD CBAAB DACAB CCBBA . Make a conclusion .Homework 1. Teacher makes a general revision about the lesson. 2. Students follow teachers and recite. 1. Finish the left exercises. 2. Review the lesson. 3. Preview the next lesson. 板书设计: 教学后记:



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