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1、Unit 3The Million Pound Bank Note摈讽几医攫绿文郴丈培逮比唤硫埃银锐粉胯销牵惟梨呈寂索旭圣予摹小焕人教book3unit3人教book3unit3自主回顾自主回顾 自主排查区自主排查区考点研析考点研析 讲练互动区讲练互动区话题写作话题写作 综合应用区综合应用区籽阴诽颖韶畅郭霸贰跑靳电府蛙龟蹲颓打映吼醚旱握轩忘须罗驻阔摔凸镇人教book3unit3人教book3unit31_(n.)小说小说(adj.) 新奇的新奇的; ;异常的异常的2_(n.) 奇遇;冒险奇遇;冒险3_(vi.) 漫游;漫步;漂泊漫游;漫步;漂泊4_(vi.) 凝视;盯着看凝视;盯着看5_(n.

2、) 过错;缺点;故障过错;缺点;故障6_(vt.) 发现发现; ;认出认出(n.) 斑斑/ /污污/ /地点地点7_(vt.& vi.) 寻找;探索;寻求寻找;探索;寻求8_(n.)反面反面; ;对立面对立面(adj.) 相反的相反的9_(n.) 数量数量10_(n.)礼貌;举止;方式礼貌;举止;方式11_(vi.&n.) 尖叫声尖叫声; ;喊叫声喊叫声noveladventurewanderstarefaultspotseekcontraryamountmannerscream 基础回顾基础回顾 自主排查区自主排查区单单词词速速记记结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页裂绢询漱外殿术综届雍桌川

3、捆凌牡捶乔戏伏池混查虐拘丹锁窟缨阑狸迢靡人教book3unit3人教book3unit312_(vi.& n.) 鞠躬;弯腰鞠躬;弯腰13_(n.)(戏剧戏剧)一场;现场;场面;景色一场;现场;场面;景色 _ _(n.)风景;景色风景;景色(总称总称)14_(vt.& vi.)许可许可; ;允许允许( (n.)通行证通行证; ;许可证许可证 _ _ (n.) 许可;批准许可;批准15_(vi.& vt.)认为认为; ;说明说明; ;总计有总计有; ; _ _ (n.)说明说明; ;理由理由; ;计算计算; ;账目账目 _ _(n.)会计会计16_(n.) 耐性;忍耐耐性;忍耐 _ _(adj.

4、& n.)有耐心的;病人有耐心的;病人17_(adj.)难以置信的难以置信的 _ _(v.) 相信;信任相信;信任 _ _(n.) 信念;信念;bowscenescenerypermitpermissionaccountaccountantpatiencepatientunbelievablebelievebeliefaccount结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页启汗存旅碳直祭鸥所赏挪姻匿痒凭优家奋元颗强供虽围桶宠骸芭崩团杂信人教book3unit3人教book3unit3语境应用语境应用 用所给词的适当形式填用所给词的适当形式填空空 1I will come after the meet

5、ing if time_,but I should ask for my headmasters _first.(permit)2He is the most _person,but on the other hand,how _it is that he should _in the liar.(believe)3He is a _nurse indeed,but I warn you that youd better not challenge his _.(patient)4It was _of you to injure his pride last night,so you must

6、 offer him an apology for your _(rude)permitspermissionunbelievablebelievablebelievepatiencepatientruderudeness结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页雷谊钓截鸥映珠疙骤放宫淳捻茸尽氓酿双引疹严涪挫拦带廉救都略嚎肩赣人教book3unit3人教book3unit31_ 偶然偶然; ;无意中无意中2_ 盯着看;凝视盯着看;凝视3_ 导致;做出解释导致;做出解释4_ 衣衫褴褛衣衫褴褛5_ 关于;至于关于;至于6_ 抚养;培养;教育;提出抚养;培养;教育;提出7go ahead _ 8on th

7、e contrary _ 9to be honest _ 10take a chance _ 11from the bottom of ones heart _ 12take ones order _by accident/chancestare at account for in rags as for/to bring up 前进;可以;往下说前进;可以;往下说 与此相反;正相反与此相反;正相反 说实话说实话 冒险冒险 从心底从心底 点菜点菜短短语语回回顾顾结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页勿双倡拯崖奇营蜂苛律评拴伺删藤末会购淳二咨件仪柯居怔浑稚敦楞萝悍人教book3unit3人教boo

8、k3unit3语境应用语境应用 选用以上短语填空选用以上短语填空 1You were not boring us._,your wonderful speech interested us a lot.2Children should be taught not to_or laugh at the disabled people.3Tom knocked over the vase _;he didnt do it on purpose.4I got so fed up with waiting for him to do it that I just _and did it myself.

9、5We had a happy weekend in the country._the traffic,we had no difficulty.6The professor thought that the idea the young engineer _was worth considering.On the contrarystare atby accidentwent aheadAs forbrought up结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页烟麓吟权诽芦贬够缀直收形添囱铀帕阀镀植纳镇雾今劳井滩施苹庶盲些锋人教book3unit3人教book3unit31Well,towards

10、nightfall I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind.名师指津:名师指津:found myself carried out为“find宾语宾补”结构。构。例句仿写:例句仿写:当我当我们想穿想穿过树林林时,我,我们发现迷路迷路了。了。When we wanted to go through the forest,we _.found ourselves lost.句句型型必必备备结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页摘喳棚巾弦轨晓雕儡剁土双皿妄颂瑞耍臃质沼恤喇验眠休刹丈渍领罗沉稻人教book3unit3人教book3unit32T

11、he next morning Id just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship.名师指津:名师指津:had just done.when.刚做完做完,这时。例句仿写:例句仿写:我我刚刚写完小写完小说这时停停电了。了。_writing the novel _ the electricity was cut off.I had just finished when结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页云撮傣渣僳振沼轰咖顶焉苑被携旨镣惟顾输砌娃镁铆属喷孩法猛皿皖寸芭人教book3unit3人教book3unit33

12、Indeed,sir,I hope youll come here whenever you like.名师指津:名师指津:wheneverno matter when,在此引,在此引导让步状步状语从句。从句。例句仿写:例句仿写:无无论你何你何时有困有困难,不要犹豫,找我,不要犹豫,找我好了。好了。Dont hesitate to turn to me for help _.whenever you are in trouble结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页吠仇柬侧母急肇熙慎鹊比秽如珠揍旋色担表卿素镍渭碰碉繁惦剧啡冈壹穗人教book3unit3人教book3unit34Well,it i

13、s wellknown that Americans like to eat a lot.名师指津:名师指津:it is wellknown that.众所周知众所周知,在在该句中句中it作形式主作形式主语,后面的,后面的that从句作真正的主从句作真正的主语。例句仿写:例句仿写:众所周知,越来越多的学生众所周知,越来越多的学生对学英学英语感感兴趣了。趣了。_more and more students are interested in learning English.It is well known that 结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页量蓬铃翌紧潘月钥弗僧跑荫闻眼扦移鱼檬武缕茁

14、逊乎杨孽巾捎红锣钵臃辜人教book3unit3人教book3unit3 Sailing home,Henry,1._American businessman,found himself 2._(carry) out to sea by a strong wind.When he was just about to give himself up,he 3._(spot) by a ship and so he landed in London 4._accident.ancarried课课文文语语篇篇was spottedby结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页杯糯姨葡歉懂馅邱泞瘁甩温菱蜘势逆

15、嫡脯聚芝金钙粳膀泊捏翟屈坎伟锰殉人教book3unit3人教book3unit3 Hungry and alone,he walked on the streets of the city when he was 5._(expect)called into a mansion,where two rich brothers,Oliver and Roderick,gave him a letter and told him not to open it until two oclock of the day.Not 6._(know)it was a million pound bank n

16、ote,Henry left the mansion and went into a cheap restaurant to stuff his stomach.Everybody was rude to him because he was in 7._(rag) and looked depressed.Then,to the surprise of everybody,he handed the owner a million pound bank note to pay for the meal.On 8._(see) the note,all the people in the re

17、staurant became polite and tried their 9._(well) to please Henry.Dont you think its 10._most incredible tale in the world?unexpectedlyknowingragsbesttheseeing结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页腿椎客镊宝金崖捉诗疤虞荣址桶翼启埃戍措沦素学哥丹肥门聊缉衅喊屠捕人教book3unit3人教book3unit3一词多义一词多义 写出下列句中写出下列句中bring up的含义的含义Born into a family with three bro

18、thers,David was brought up to value the sense of sharing._He brought up a practical plan in the meeting,which brought down the cost of production. _He was drunk and brought up what he had eaten at midnight. _Her parents died when she was a baby and she was brought up by her aunt. _教育教育提出提出呕吐呕吐养育养育 考

19、点研析考点研析讲练互动区讲练互动区 词词汇汇细细解解结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页盟鸯衰敷扇渭显看炽秩急凛套靛慕颐炮畦岳蒋观停龋还唉玻据钥安倡酝搅人教book3unit3人教book3unit3写出下面写出下面bring短语的意义短语的意义(1)bring in _(2)bring sth back _(3)bring out _(4)bring down _ 引引 入入带回某物;使想起带回某物;使想起引起;产生;导致;带来引起;产生;导致;带来让让降下来;使倒下降下来;使倒下巧学巧练巧学巧练用bring短语填空The professor thought that the idea th

20、e young engineer _was worth considering.The government has taken measures to _the high prices of daily goods to keep the market stable.The photographs _ many pleasant memories.brought upbring down brought back结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页牌尾周昏绢封辽贬惑烫桂尊谈五狗归浩玫韩荒渭试麓又肚绚汪斥框娩抑努人教book3unit3人教book3unit3(2014课标卷课标卷写作写作)T

21、ime permitting,I expect to have more spare time to spend with my friends so that we can have a better relationship.permit sb.to do sth.允许某人允许某人(做做)某事某事permit doing sth. 允许做某事允许做某事 permit v.许可许可/允许允许/准许准许permission UU允许允许/许可许可with/without ones permission 得到允许得到允许/未经允许未经允许ask for permission 请求允许请求允许 p

22、ermit n.通行证通行证;许可证许可证a drivers/driving permit 驾驶执照驾驶执照结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页乔沥朱辣橇所匪列静骑来芭缄哑芍牟卧枝橡嚷综缕矾涅咙踞扳棠郡桶祝泞人教book3unit3人教book3unit3to takeparkingto carry Time permitting/If time permits巧学巧练巧学巧练(单句语法填空单句语法填空)You simply ask how to apply for a library card,which will permit you _(take) books out regularly

23、.Passengers are permitted _(carry) only one piece of hand luggage onto the plane.The rules of the school do not permit_(park) near the school gate.With your_(permit),I will carry out the project as soon as possible.(高考小作文高考小作文)(2015广东高考写作广东高考写作)时间允许的话,我希望有更多的业余时间与朋时间允许的话,我希望有更多的业余时间与朋友在一起以至于我们有更好的关系

24、。友在一起以至于我们有更好的关系。_,I expect to have more spare time to spend with my friends so that we can _.permission have a better relationship结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页研奋媚萄拼谚污樊呼洲疙阀沿舒此窥词凄最璃猴奠样辱沿萤搀希姜硝她阔人教book3unit3人教book3unit3(1)(1)(2)(2)(3)(3)(4)(4) allow doing sth./sb.to do sth. forbid doing sth./sb.to do sth.advise d

25、oing sth./sb.to do sth. 允允许(某人某人)做某事做某事禁止禁止(某人某人)做某事做某事建议建议(某人某人)做某事做某事 encourage doing sth./sb.to do sth幸运的是幸运的是 联想发散联想发散动词动词permit的常见用法为:的常见用法为:permit doing sth./sb.to do sth.用法类似的动词:用法类似的动词:结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页阳示惭镀留琅嗣滚嘱友苹佣梢津吃竞愧做痪炭佬刹们禁郁贞臭朴叭室督减人教book3unit3人教book3unit3spotThe bus overturned,leaving se

26、ven dead on the spot and 29 others injured.公共汽车翻车了,致使公共汽车翻车了,致使7人人当场当场死亡,另有死亡,另有29人受伤。人受伤。on the spot 当场;在现场当场;在现场 spot vt.发现,认出;点缀;发现,认出;点缀;n.斑点;污点;地点斑点;污点;地点spot sb.doing sth.发现某人做某事发现某人做某事be spotted with 散布;点缀散布;点缀结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页沫诌亢绒钢触赦畏放撞茸酚率镇时东风柿拎瀑夯茄闲越嗜疥极基丈根肩挨人教book3unit3人教book3unit3risingwhe

27、reholding巧学巧练巧学巧练景点景点结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页例音鼻涎信绽班晰泡付衙些洛愧论谎河畴盛焊阮嘱氟展斯泪砰甫疯谰瓣渤人教book3unit3人教book3unit3 (2015福建卷福建卷)It is said that body language accounts for 55 per cent of a first impression while what you say just 7 per cent.account for解释;说明;占解释;说明;占(比例比例)据说身体语言占第一印象的据说身体语言占第一印象的55%,而你说的话只占,而你说的话只占7%。 on

28、 account of _on no account _give a full account of _take.into account/consideration _ 扩展延伸由于;因为由于;因为 决不决不 对对做详细的描述做详细的描述 考虑考虑account vi.& vt.认为认为;说明说明;总计有总计有n.说明说明;计算计算;账目账目;报道报道结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页辞蔡曲灰菌取旷匝袭酱纲淄剑若躯桂伍需油输煮钾冻驶阴尿琉中林嫡狡掌人教book3unit3人教book3unit3take my suggestions into accounttake account of

29、my suggestion我真心地希望你仔我真心地希望你仔细考考虑我的建我的建议。I sincerely hope that you will _.(account)I sincerely hope that you will_.(account)I sincerely hope that you will _.(consideration)I sincerely hope that you will _.(consider)(一句多译)take my suggestions into considerationconsider my suggestions carefully结束放映结束放映

30、返回导航页返回导航页惕观钞煽论沽慌疆玖贬僚励薪娇将恐睁忧郑枫撼宽溶弗哈服靖志窘央芯桌人教book3unit3人教book3unit3sceneon the scene在在现场;当当场behind the scenes 在幕后在幕后;暗中暗中appear on the scene 出场出场;登场登场the scene of the accident/crime事故事故/犯罪的犯罪的现场结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页灌滥螟读独栏字急郴沉漳羔肿鞭钙欲袱气革凭叙眩雁借综桃杠硫落厉友佃人教book3unit3人教book3unit3The happy scene ofdied on the sce

31、ne巧学巧练巧学巧练(完成句子完成句子)_(高高兴的的场面面)children playing in the garden disappeared,and it was quiet again.Nine people _(当当场死亡死亡) and one more person died in hospital in the car crash.(句式升级句式升级)On receiving the call,the police rushed to the scene,and there a traffic accident happened.On receiving the call,the

32、 police rushed to the scene,_.(定语从句定语从句)where/in which a traffic accident happenedscene有有“场景景;场面面;地点地点”的含的含义,后接定后接定语从句从句时,若关系若关系词在定在定语从句中作状从句中作状语,一般用一般用where或或in which来引导。来引导。结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页了柄迸指完农疟曳辜嗽嗣妥茹滦儡两台悄四拓烫惺戳冀也首沿钵淌娇账雪人教book3unit3人教book3unit3偶然,碰巧偶然,碰巧 有可能有可能可能可能 You should never take a chanc

33、e when driving a car.take a chance 冒冒险;试图做某事;碰运气做某事;碰运气 扩展延伸(1)by chanceby accident_(2)(The) chances arethat. _(3)There is a chance that. _take a chance 结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页蕉刻峭乞譬叶萍煤刊啥逐芦耙史鼻矢摄丑烛团身辩惋娜支贞匈迪魏隶锌携人教book3unit3人教book3unit3aby巧学巧练巧学巧练(单句语法填空单句语法填空)Lets take_chance.There may still be some tickets

34、 left.I met one of my old friends _chance in the street yesterday.The player is under good treatment and _(chance) are that he will recover from his injury in time for the next game.(高考小作文高考小作文)(2013山东高考写作山东高考写作)另外,我认为这是一个绝好的另外,我认为这是一个绝好的机会,可以在中国游玩,到处欣赏美景,品尝美食。机会,可以在中国游玩,到处欣赏美景,品尝美食。Moreover,I consi

35、der it _and taste the inviting food here and there. a golden chance to tour around China to enjoy the wonderful scenerychances结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页临瑞焚佳凉券秀勘案糊麦粒琴瘁类墙最籍惯该腿皆坐师雍闭诧苏蹲贺能磋人教book3unit3人教book3unit3Indeed,sir,I hope youll come here whenever you like.whenever意为意为“在任何时候,无论何时在任何时候,无论何时”。真的,先生,真的,先生,

36、我希望您想来的时候,您就来。我希望您想来的时候,您就来。(1)whenever,wherever,however引导让步状语从句,引导让步状语从句,相当于相当于no matter when/where/how。(2)whatever,whoever,whichever,whomever既可引导既可引导名词性从句,也可引导让步状语从句,在引导让步状语从名词性从句,也可引导让步状语从句,在引导让步状语从句时相当于句时相当于no matter what/who/which/whom。 句句型型突突破破结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页私耳糠章宾攻聂辟栅袭桑函疯综扣椰钾意袖诉结漠溶焙胚侍漾崔薄污夯智

37、人教book3unit3人教book3unit3HoweverWherever巧学巧练巧学巧练(单句语法填空单句语法填空)_great the difficulties are,we must complete the task in time._you choose to settle down,you should attempt to fit in with the local people.(2015湖北高考完成句子湖北高考完成句子)_she says will not make any difference to our arrangements.You seem to have a

38、 readymade answer_I ask you a question.(高考小作文高考小作文)(四川高考书面表达四川高考书面表达)小时候,我总是希望自己快快长大,这样小时候,我总是希望自己快快长大,这样我就可以拥有想要的任何东西,做喜欢做的任何事情。我就可以拥有想要的任何东西,做喜欢做的任何事情。As a child,I always hoped that I could grow up as soon as possible so that I could have _and _. whatever I wanteddo whatever I likedWhateverwheneve

39、r结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页鲍网傲洗粳喧墨圃啼翠制好碌深芝坤瞳诚元撼铀充当而链杂斗凛崖码他咕人教book3unit3人教book3unit3Well,towards nightfall I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind. find后后接接复复合合宾宾语语,carried out为为过过去去分分词词短短语语,在句中作宾语补足语,表被动。在句中作宾语补足语,表被动。嗯,傍晚时分我嗯,傍晚时分我发现自己被发现自己被一阵大风一阵大风刮到海上刮到海上去了。去了。find宾语宾语现在分词现在分词(表示主动、进行表示主动、进行)过

40、去分词过去分词(表示被动、完成表示被动、完成)形容词形容词介词短语介词短语 结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页剃概唉邵瞒研荚辜蹭剧凋椅仕稍伤镊戈奥骤耘苹掣励郊窗妄窍娥枣讨扩住人教book3unit3人教book3unit3lyingsurrounded巧学巧练巧学巧练(单句语法填空单句语法填空)When he came to himself,he found himself _(lie) in hospital.When I came to myself,I found myself_(surround) by a lot of strangers.He hurried to the sto

41、re,only to find the door _(close)(句式升级句式升级)He found that his son was surrounded by letters and papers and he was looking very worried.He found his son _by letters and papers and _. surrounded looking very worriedclosed结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页厉家鹏浇淆否羡冲绰镣脱姐券恋甭治姬盐身头焉焚季不绳娄市货琴耘连菏人教book3unit3人教book3unit3The next

42、 morning Id just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship.had just done.when.是是一一固固定定句句式式,意意为为“刚做完某事,这时刚做完某事,这时”第二天早上,我第二天早上,我正感到绝望的时候正感到绝望的时候,一艘船发现了我。,一艘船发现了我。eg:他他刚上床睡上床睡觉,这时电话响了。响了。_He had just gone to bed when the telephone rang.结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页搬其腺醇炔杉藉考嘲匹喻鸯哮婴勇香舵擒卫氓颖镣引岂杠换诺譬溢则

43、抬抗人教book3unit3人教book3unit3 be doing.when.正在做正在做这时这时/突然突然 be about to do.when.正要做正要做这时这时when作连词作连词 be on the point of doing.when.正要做正要做这时这时 扩展延伸结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页盔蒂电盆艘朵寐枕兢泄惭儿废微磊筋喜厨邀烫从洽诧刃蝎倪弓夫尾儡孜涧人教book3unit3人教book3unit3whenwhen巧学巧练巧学巧练(单句语法填空单句语法填空)The pupils were playing games in the classroom_a gunm

44、an entered and began shooting wildly at them.He had just finished his homework _his mother asked him to play the piano.(高考小作文高考小作文)(2014福建高考书面表达福建高考书面表达)我正要放弃的时候,父亲过我正要放弃的时候,父亲过来鼓励我继续前行。来鼓励我继续前行。_my father came and encouraged me to keep going.I was about to give up when结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页防占虎制悸兑辕恿庸附脆戚

45、壮掇譬觅芬绣钥戈但锦纵遮姬武护忠位绩医讯人教book3unit3人教book3unit3 话题写作话题写作 综合应用区综合应用区单单句句语语法法填填空空1This morning I _(walk) on the street when I saw that two travelers were reading a map,looking puzzled.2I found Jane _(seat) at the desk,doing her homework carefully.3Mark Twain,a wellknown _ (novel),was born in Florida and

46、brought up in Hannibal.4It is very important to teach their children how to deal with otherskindness and_(rude)5Please arrange an interview with the manager tomorrow,or _it is convenient to him.was walking seatednovelist rudenesswhenever结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页艺狡蒋琳鄙二监示涸疚介集平舟爱责含鄙皆划刹黍育珐叁芯致萤喊绚讽鹏人教book3unit3人

47、教book3unit36No one who has not received education and training in safety shall be _ (permission) to work in a coal mine.7With no hope for cure and no way to reduce her pain and suffering from the terrible disease,the patient_(seek) her doctors help to end her life.8The police spotted a thief _(steal

48、) things in a mall at this time yesterday.9Sorry,Im so late,but you cannot imagine _great trouble I took to find your house.10I wonder why he has been acting so strange these days.Recent pressure at work may account_his behaviour.permittedsoughtstealing forwhat结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页木檀煞帚捍爷词恢大埃节喻根凡烁猪申街湖聊矮

49、辨苗组雍站醒砌领邹碴埃人教book3unit3人教book3unit31When the man was trying to break into the bank,he was caught by the police on spot._2We havent settled the question that it is necessary for him to study abroad. _3Wasnt it until Michael ran into me when he recognized I was once his partner? _4When we wanted to go

50、 through the forest,we found ourselves losing. _5I had just finished writing the novel then the electricity was cut off. _6He is such a man who is always finding the fault with other people. _spot前加前加thethatwhetherwhenthat losinglostthenwhen单单句句语语法法改改错错去掉去掉the结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页亥木炽极鳞暗漂劳置蝗驾赚甘堤扮挤尝盟惯滩诸映

51、牧胶啃外秘腾迸摧起脆人教book3unit3人教book3unit3话话题题写写作作根据提示,完成下面的小作文并背诵成文。根据提示,完成下面的小作文并背诵成文。1不可否认不同的人对金钱有不同的看不可否认不同的人对金钱有不同的看法。法。(There is no denying that)2如果我有机会获得百万美元,我首先如果我有机会获得百万美元,我首先会留出一些钱上大学,然后捐赠大量的钱会留出一些钱上大学,然后捐赠大量的钱到抚养我长大的希望工程。到抚养我长大的希望工程。(have the chance,set aside,a large amount of,donate ,bring up)3毫

52、无疑问良好的教育对一个人而言很毫无疑问良好的教育对一个人而言很重要。重要。(a good education)4然而我喜欢冒险,在街上闲逛。然而我喜欢冒险,在街上闲逛。(take a chance,wander in the street)5现在,我已下定决心,努力学习,坚现在,我已下定决心,努力学习,坚信被明牌大学录取。信被明牌大学录取。(hold the firm belief)结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页昏丛庶够瑟孪戊闰打承佰托俭狂屁全檀隅闺惹核才档迅畏陪钨枢摆龟颇陶人教book3unit3人教book3unit3温馨提示温馨提示: : 请点击相关栏目。请点击相关栏目。学学 预习

53、新知自解预习新知自解讲讲 探究课堂互动探究课堂互动记记 冷点自主拾遗冷点自主拾遗练练 备考课时训练备考课时训练 There is no denying that different people have different opinions on money.If I had the chance to get 1000,000 dollars,I would first set aside some money for my college education.Then I would donate a large amount of money to the Hope Project w

54、here I was brought up.There is no doubt that a good education is of great importance to a person.However,I was fond of taking a chance and wandering in the street.Now I have made up my mind to study hard.I hold the firm belief that I will be admitted to a famous university.结束放映结束放映返回导航页返回导航页昧握择删灌拐坡咯悲晨碰浆诺哇棚阳拖与录仅榷陋精崔汞稳寂弊宗搬怠吻人教book3unit3人教book3unit3



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