Gazette food

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《Gazette food》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Gazette food(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、-pennyOrdering fast foodId like,please.a hamburger 汉堡包汉堡包a hotdog 热狗热狗a sandwich 三明治三明治a taco 煎玉米卷煎玉米卷a bowl of chili一碗红辣椒一碗红辣椒a slice of pizza 一片披萨一片披萨donut 甜甜圈甜甜圈正宗的贝果面包圈是将面团揉成环状,然后正宗的贝果面包圈是将面团揉成环状,然后在热水中稍煮一会,再进行烘烤。贝果内部在热水中稍煮一会,再进行烘烤。贝果内部组织致密,有嚼劲,外皮呈棕黄色,略硬,组织致密,有嚼劲,外皮呈棕黄色,略硬,微微发脆微微发脆 a bagel 过水面包圈

2、过水面包圈a muffin 松饼松饼-pennyEverybody eats,and everybody shops for food!There are certainly many different ways to shop for food these days!For exampleP28fruitvegetablesbreadMeatat small food storesat open marketsBefore there were refrigerators, it was difficult to keep food fresh for a long time, so pe

3、ople shopped almost every day.Life today is very different from the past. In small grocery storesAt large supermarkets At enormous wholesale storesPeople shop for food In different kinds of places:Sell food and other items at very low price.On the internetIn little food storesAt open marketsThey ord

4、er food online. And the company delivers it to their home.Eggs:The worlds hens produce more than 2 billion eggs a day-enough eggs to make an omelet the size of the island of Cyprus!Chocolate:The world produces 8,818 tons of cocoa beans every day-enough to make 700million chocolate bars.Rice:The world produces 1.16 million tons of rice every day- an amount the size of Egypts Great Pyramid.



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