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1、宾宾 语语 从从 句句 The Object Clause初三英语专项复习之初三英语专项复习之:宾语从句的概念:宾语从句的概念:宾语部分是一个宾语部分是一个句子句子. .更多资源更多资源 2.他住在哪儿他住在哪儿?Where does he live ?1.他是一个医生他是一个医生.He is a doctor.他说他是一个医生他说他是一个医生.He says _ that he is a doctor.你能告诉我他住在哪儿你能告诉我他住在哪儿?Could you tell me_where he lives ?(宾语从句宾语从句)(宾语从句宾语从句)For example:3.你几岁了你几岁

2、了?How old are you?我想知道你几岁了我想知道你几岁了.I wanted to know_how old you were.4. Jim 会游泳吗会游泳吗? Can Jim swim ?她问她问Jim 是否会游泳是否会游泳.She asked _whetherif Jim could swim.(宾语从句宾语从句)(宾语从句宾语从句)句子结构:句子结构: 1.that主句主句+ +引导词引导词 2.wherewhat- + 从句从句 3.whetherif _ _ _ 主句部分主句部分引导词引导词从句部分从句部分宾语从句的概念:宾语从句的概念:宾语部分是一个句子宾语部分是一个句子

3、.学好宾语从句过好学好宾语从句过好“四关四关” :第一关第一关: :宾语从句宾语从句引导词引导词一一一一、 that 连词连词连词连词 1. 当当宾宾语语从从句句是是陈陈述述句句时时(包包括括肯肯定定句句和和否否定定句句),连连词词由由that引引导导,因因为为that在在从从句句中中不不作作任任何何成成分分,也也没没有有任任何何具具体体意意思思,因此在口语或非正式文体中常省略因此在口语或非正式文体中常省略vHe says that he is a doctor.2. 2. 当当当当宾宾宾宾语语语语从从从从句句句句是是是是特特特特殊殊殊殊疑疑疑疑问问问问句句句句时时时时,由由由由连连连连接接接

4、接代代代代词词词词(what, what, who, who, whom, whom, which, which, whosewhose)或或或或连连连连接接接接副副副副词词词词(when, where, how, whywhen, where, how, why)引导,因为连接代词引导,因为连接代词引导,因为连接代词引导,因为连接代词 或连接副词在从句中担任一定的句子成分,具或连接副词在从句中担任一定的句子成分,具或连接副词在从句中担任一定的句子成分,具或连接副词在从句中担任一定的句子成分,具 有一定的意义,所以不可以省略有一定的意义,所以不可以省略有一定的意义,所以不可以省略有一定的意义,

5、所以不可以省略. .1.Could you tell me where he lives ? 2.I wanted to know how old you were.3.3. 当当宾宾语语从从句句是是一一般般疑疑问问句句时时,由由连连词词whetherwhether或或if if 引引导导, , 翻翻译译成成:“是是否否”,whether与与or not或或or是是固固定定搭搭配配 .1.She asked whether if Jim could swim.2. I want to know whether its good news or not . 一、选用适当的引导词填空一、选用适当的

6、引导词填空 that; which, who, whom, when, where, how, why, whose; whether/if1. Li Ping asked me _ I didnt come to her birthday party yesterday.2.The teacher asked Tom _ he was waiting for.3.Her mother said _ she was 4going to get a horse for her.4. Do you know _ this dictionary is ?whywhomthatwhose5. Can

7、you tell me _ the man in red is ?6.The girl asked _ skirt she should try on in this shop.7. Could you tell me _ I can get to the nearest bus stop, please?8. Do you know _ the best bookshop is?9. I dont know _the meeting will begin.10. I want to know _ we should have a rest.whohowwherewhenwhether if

8、when which第二关第二关: 宾语从句的宾语从句的语序语序宾语从句必须用陈述句语序。即:宾语从句必须用陈述句语序。即:主句部分主句部分+ 引导词引导词+ _+_ +_主语主语谓语谓语1. What are they drawing? Did you know ? Did you know _2. Where did he meet Jim? I want to know I want to know _ 3.Is the cat like a tiger or not ? She asked She asked _or not.从句部分从句部分_what they were drawin

9、g ?where he met Jim.whether the cat was like a tiger其他其他如果当一些固定句式或如果当一些固定句式或who等在从句中做主等在从句中做主语时语时,语序本身就是语序本身就是“主语主语+谓语谓语” ,即即从句从句部分顺序不变部分顺序不变. What is the matter with .? What is wrong with? Which is the way to .? Who is on duty? What is in the box ? 注意事项注意事项eg: I dont know what is in the box.选择填空选择填

10、空( )1.Do you know _ start? A. when we will B. when shall we C. when will we( )2. Nobody is sure _ to visit our school A. how does he come B. where will he come C . when he is coming ( )3. Excuse me. Can you tell me _? A. how does the ship leave B. when the ship leaves C. the ship had left( )4. Dont

11、worry. Ill show you _ A. where is the hospital B. where the hospital is C. the hospital is where ACBB( )5. He didnt tell me _ A how old is his friend B how old his friend was C his friend was how old( )6. He asked _ A what is in the box B what was in the box C what in the box was( )7. Do you know _

12、A who is on duty today B who on duty is today C who on duty today is ( )8.I dont know _ A. what is the matter with him B. what the matter is with him C. what the matter with him is BBAA宾语从句的宾语从句的时态一般是根据时态一般是根据主句主句确定的确定的1.当当主句是主句是现在时现在时-从句的时态可根据句意的需要用从句的时态可根据句意的需要用任意一种时态。任意一种时态。2.主句是主句是过去时过去时 -从句:一般从

13、句:一般过去过去时时 过去过去进行时进行时 过去过去完成时完成时 过去过去将来时将来时3.当宾语从句叙述的是客观事实、真理、自然现象、名言当宾语从句叙述的是客观事实、真理、自然现象、名言警句、谚语等,警句、谚语等,不管主句是什么时态,从句一律用一般不管主句是什么时态,从句一律用一般现在时。现在时。e.g. He said that the earth goes around the sun. 第三关第三关: : 宾语从句的宾语从句的时态时态注意事项注意事项 could / would是是委委婉婉语语气气,而而不不是是过过去去式式,因因此此宾宾语语从从句句的的时时态态根根据据实实际际情况用不同时

14、态。情况用不同时态。vCould you tell me where he lives ? 选择填空选择填空( )1 Can you tell me why _ yesterday? A. you didnt come B. you dont come C. didnt you come ( )2 I want to know whether _ tonight A. theres football game B. there will be a football game C. there will have a football game ( )3 Why not answer me? D

15、id you hear _? A. what I say B. what I said C. what do I day( )4 We didnt know if he _ part in the sports meeting next week A. will take B. is gong to take C. would takeABBC( )5.She asked me if I _ the book before A. have read B. would read C. had read ( )6 The teacher told his students that light _

16、 faster than sound A. was traveling B. traveled C. travel D. travels( )7 Could you tell me if he _ to Beijing. A. has gone B. had gone C . went D. goCDA(一一) 问题当主句的谓语动词是问题当主句的谓语动词是“think, believe, guess” ,主语是第一人称,主语是第一人称(即:即:I、 we )时,从句是时,从句是否定概念时否定概念时,必须把否定前移必须把否定前移.e.g:我认为他不会来了:我认为他不会来了I _第四关:几个不可忽

17、视的问题第四关:几个不可忽视的问题dont think that he will come2.我们相信这鸭子不会走路我们相信这鸭子不会走路.We didnt _ the duck_could walk.believe that (二二) 由疑问词由疑问词“when, who, what, how 等引导的宾语从句与简单句等引导的宾语从句与简单句 “疑问词疑问词+不定式不定式”的的互相转换互相转换.1. I dont know what I should do next I dont know _ _ _ next2.We didnt know whether we could go or no

18、t. We didnt know _ _ _ or not.3. Lucy hasnt decided which cup to choose Lucy hasnt decided_ _ _ _ choose. what to do which cup she willwhether to go(没有没有if to的用法的用法)should(三三) 如如果果从从句句中中含含有有or或或or not时时,只只能能 用用whether而不用而不用 if;( (四四) ) 宾语从句的标点符号得看主句宾语从句的标点符号得看主句.即主句是疑问句则用即主句是疑问句则用“?”, 主句是陈述句主句是陈述句则用

19、则用“.” 连接中考连接中考-历届中考试题历届中考试题1. Can you tell me _ ten years age? A . where did you live B. where you live C. where you lived (2001佛山中考试题佛山中考试题)2. Does your brother know _? (2005佛山中考试题佛山中考试题) A. where will the team play B. where will the team leave C. who will be our team leader 3. There are so many ki

20、nds of MP4 players in the shop. I cant decide _. (2006佛山中考试题佛山中考试题) A. what to buy B. which to buy C. when to buy4. Ladies doesnt like others to ask them _. A. how old are they B. what are their ages (2004佛山中考试题佛山中考试题) C. how old they are CCBC5.你猜我买那手机用了多少钱你猜我买那手机用了多少钱? (2005佛山中考试题佛山中考试题) Can you gu

21、ess how much _ the cell phone6.我认为他不会迟到我认为他不会迟到. (2003广东中考试题广东中考试题) I _ he _ 7.你能告诉我如何去中山公园你能告诉我如何去中山公园? (2004广东中考试题广东中考试题) Could you tell me _ to Zhong Shang Park?8. 她问我是否到过巴黎她问我是否到过巴黎. (2002佛山科研测试题佛山科研测试题) She asks me _Paris or not.I spend on paid fordont thinkwhich is the waywhether I have been to how to get how I can get will be late 1、变宾语从句的四个要素:引导词、语、变宾语从句的四个要素:引导词、语序、时态和标点符号。序、时态和标点符号。2、牢记宾语从句中的陈述句语序。、牢记宾语从句中的陈述句语序。3、注意主句与从句时态的一致性、注意主句与从句时态的一致性(即:当主句是过去式时,从句要用过去即:当主句是过去式时,从句要用过去范畴的某种时态,客观真理或自然现象除范畴的某种时态,客观真理或自然现象除外外)。 SummySummy: : 本节课内容小本节课内容小结结: : Thank you更多资源更多资源



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