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1、第一章 写作对策:1.内容是否紧扣主题,涵盖要点2.作文结构层次是否清晰3.语言表达是否流畅,无重大语病,有无逻辑错误4.是否能恰当的使用过渡性的词语5.作文字数是否达到要求6.卷面是否整洁,书写是否漂亮第二章 高分作文捷径第一节 黄金模板的学习模板作文可分为三个阶段。第一阶段:理解第二阶段:模仿第三阶段:活用二.高分作文秘诀 作文要想拿高分,就必须有“闪光点”,也就是文章最出彩的地方。那么“闪光点”究竟到底包括拿些方面呢?第一,结构 清晰的结构是最大的“闪光点”。第二,词和词组 对于相同的意思,我们掌握的词或词组越多越好,这样可以根据不同的情况灵活使用。比如某人某人持怎么样的观点,不仅可以用

2、thinkthink,还可以用hold,argue,maintain,takehold,argue,maintain,take it for granted it for granted等词表达。论证观点不要只用firstfirst,secondsecond和thirdthird.如果是两点,可以用on the one on the one hand,onhand,on the other handthe other hand或或for one for one thing,forthing,for another another. .如果是三点,可以使用的词非常多,如to begin to b

3、egin with,moreover,whatwith,moreover,whats s the most important the most important或in in the first the first place,inplace,in the second the second place,lastplace,last but but not leastnot least第三,句型 我们应对英语中的句子有正确的认识,避免出现破句、断句、连写句等明显错误;加大并列句和复合句的比例,应为连续使用多个断句的效果非常不好。第四,例子 举例最常见的句型结构是takefor example

4、或lets takeas an example第五,谚语与名言 用谚语时常用的句型是as the famous saying goes第六,修辞 这里所指的仅是一些修辞手法,如比喻、拟人和排比等。第七,插入语 插入语看似用不经意的手段,却能直接显出作者的功底,所以为阅卷老师所青睐。如however,in my mind,有时非限制性定语从句可以作为插入语第八,标点符号 标点符号是帮助文字正确记录语言的一套符号,是书面语言不可缺少的组成部分。三、写作常用关键词文章不只是提供信息、陈述观点,而且还要感染他人,那么如此短的文章中肯定要多处应用极强语气的词,以引起阅卷老师的注意。现举例如下:1.Mos

5、tMost和more than mostmore than most可用在形容词前面加强语气,表示“非常”,比very的语气要强的多2.2.UndoubtedlyUndoubtedly,unquestionablyunquestionably,undeniablyundeniably和和Beyond doubtBeyond doubt,out of questionout of question这一组词和词组语气非常斩钉截铁,非常果断。3.3.To some extendTo some extend、generallygenerally和和on the wholeon the whole这一类

6、调节观点的词使得文章在说理中显得客观、适度,避免过于偏激四、写作常用关键句型好句为你的作文锦上添花1.由while引导的状语从句2.Those who句型3.倒装句4.条件状语从句5.强调句6.反问句7.结果状语从句8.让步状语从句9.notuntil10.包含never的否定句11.平行结构高分作文黄金模版批驳类模版(1.批驳做法) Today more and more peopleToday more and more people.they argue this .they argue this practice has several practice has several adv

7、antages.firstadvantages.first,.second.second,.for example.for example,. .分两点举例说明某些人的做法、想法。 I am afraid I am afraid IcannotIcannot agree with their agree with their opinion.toopinion.to begin begin with,althoughwith,although you may feel you may feel,it it doesndoesnt meant mean.in the second place,.

8、in the second place,. .Finally,asFinally,as toto, ,. .我的不同观点和第三理由;第一句批驳 From the above analysis,we may arrive at the conclusion that is not wise choice.下结论My view on putting work My view on putting work until the last minuteuntil the last minute1.现在有些人主张将其工作留到最后来做2.我不同意他们的观点,理由是 Today more and more

9、peopleToday more and more people put their work until the last put their work until the last minute.minute.theythey argue this practice has several argue this practice has several advantages advantages . .First,First,thethe impending dealing gives them a last-minute drive impending dealing gives the

10、m a last-minute drive,which can help them finish the jobwhich can help them finish the job quickly.quickly.Second,Second,ifif they have a they have a lot of time to finish the joblot of time to finish the job,they cannot concentrate on they they cannot concentrate on they project quickly because the

11、y are not pressed by meproject quickly because they are not pressed by me . .ForFor exampleexample,some children have some homework for his winter vacationsome children have some homework for his winter vacation,but but they always do it in the last week.they always do it in the last week. I am afra

12、id I cannot agree with their opinion .To begin I am afraid I cannot agree with their opinion .To begin with with ,although you may feelalthough you may feel anxious to finish the work when anxious to finish the work when the deadline is drowning nearthe deadline is drowning near,it does not meanit d

13、oes not mean you can you can finish your job with high qualityfinish your job with high quality。In theIn the second place second place ,a a wise man will not always leave his task until the last wise man will not always leave his task until the last minute . If a person wants to be highly efficientm

14、inute . If a person wants to be highly efficient,he should he should learn to divide his tasks into several small parts learn to divide his tasks into several small parts ,and and set deadlines for each of them. set deadlines for each of them. FinallyFinally,as toas to the children the children fini

15、shing assignments finishing assignments ,I believe that they cannot enjoy I believe that they cannot enjoy themselves with their assignments unfinished.themselves with their assignments unfinished. From the above analysis ,we may arrive at the conclusion that putting work until the last minute is no

16、t a wise choice.批驳类模板 (批驳观点) Recently it seems that Recently it seems that . Many people. Many people,especially the parentsespecially the parents,think it will think it will certainly do good to their children becausecertainly do good to their children because . . Moreover, Moreover, . . 某种做法与支持这种做

17、法的观点。 After careful consideration ,I have to say After careful consideration ,I have to say the above view is more than biased. On the one the above view is more than biased. On the one hand, hand, .on the other hand ,.on the other hand , . . 从两方面进行批驳;第一句批驳。 We can see clearly that althoughWe can se

18、e clearly that althoughmay may bring favorable resultsbring favorable results,there are still a lot there are still a lot to worry about .It seems necessary for young to worry about .It seems necessary for young students to make a careful students to make a careful investgationinvestgation before be

19、fore . . 下结论。My view on teenagers studying abroad1.现在有很多青少年出国留学2.有些人认为这种做法是有益的3.我认为这种做法是不对的 Recently it seems thatRecently it seems that among the students who choose to among the students who choose to study abroad study abroad ,there are more and more teenagers who study in there are more and more

20、 teenagers who study in high school or even elementary schools .high school or even elementary schools .Many people Many people ,especially the parentsespecially the parents,think it will certainly do good to think it will certainly do good to their children becausetheir children because the indepen

21、dent life will make them the independent life will make them learn confidence and learn confidence and perseverance.perseverance.moreovermoreover ,the quality of the quality of overseas education is often higher overseas education is often higher ,thus the child stands a thus the child stands a bett

22、er chance of entering a better university and getting a better chance of entering a better university and getting a better job in the futurebetter job in the future。 After careful consideration After careful consideration ,I have to I have to say the above view is more than biased . On the say the a

23、bove view is more than biased . On the other hand ,other hand , early independent life is not early independent life is not necessarily good necessarily good ,if the child cannot receive if the child cannot receive proper guidance and tender care from both proper guidance and tender care from both t

24、eachers and parents. teachers and parents. On the other hand ,On the other hand , the the educational quality is also a question educational quality is also a question too too many foreign universities aim at earning money many foreign universities aim at earning money . When the children come back

25、. When the children come back , who can who can guarantee that they adapt to the fierce guarantee that they adapt to the fierce competition herecompetition here? We can see clearly that althoughWe can see clearly that although teenagersteenagers studying abroad studying abroad may bring favorable ma

26、y bring favorable resultsresults,there are still a lot to worry about there are still a lot to worry about .It seems necessary for young students to make .It seems necessary for young students to make a careful a careful investgationinvestgation before before going abroad . going abroad .批驳类模板(混合类:观

27、点批驳+办法) Nawdays there is a commonly held belief that .actually,it is not the real case . 第一句提出观点;第二句立即批驳。 On the one hand , .on the other hand , . Most important of all , . 从三方面来说明。 We need to carry out several measures to promote .First , we should . Second ,we should . 提出两个方面的办法。Blood donationBloo

28、d donation1.有人认为献血有害健康有人认为献血有害健康2.实际情况并非如此实际情况并非如此3.应采取措施促进献血应采取措施促进献血 NawdaysNawdays there is a commonly held belief that there is a commonly held belief that donating blood will do harm to a persondonating blood will do harm to a persons health s health . . Actually,itActually,it is not the real c

29、ase is not the real case . . On the one hand ,On the one hand , the small amount of blood the small amount of blood donated in a short time. on the other hand , with donated in a short time. on the other hand , with the development of medical science the development of medical science ,it is much it

30、 is much safer and more convenient now for people to donate safer and more convenient now for people to donate blood . blood . Most important of allMost important of all ,donating blood can ,donating blood can help save the lives of dying patients help save the lives of dying patients , which is whi

31、ch is significant to the hole society.significant to the hole society. 熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟! We need to carry out several We need to carry out several measures to promotemeasures to promote blood donation blood donation . .First , we shouldFirst , we should impart medical impart medical knowledge to comm

32、on citizens knowledge to common citizens ,convincing them that blood donation convincing them that blood donation is not dangerous at all . is not dangerous at all . Second Second ,we shouldwe should help people realize that help people realize that helping others is equal to helping helping others

33、is equal to helping ourselves ourselves ,not only because it is a not only because it is a virtue to be ready to help others virtue to be ready to help others ,but also because one day we will be ,but also because one day we will be those in need of help .those in need of help .批驳类模板(复合批驳)It become

34、a common tendency these days for people to many people are opposed to this practice because they think . They also argue that . 第一句说明某些人的做法;第二句写有些人的反对;第三句补充说明。In my mind , however , I cannot agree with these people on this occasion , . At the same time , . In addition , . 第一句说我不同意这些人的看法;分三点说明。In con

35、clusion , . 下结论。My view on bank loanMy view on bank loan 1.现在许多人向银行贷款2.有些人反对这种做法3.我不同意这些人的反对意见 It becomes a common It becomes a common tendency these days for people tendency these days for people toto ask for bank loans to buy a ask for bank loans to buy a house or a private car. house or a private

36、 car. Many Many people are opposed to this people are opposed to this practisepractise because they think because they think bank loan is equal to debt bank loan is equal to debt ,and they will always feel ,and they will always feel burden on their back in the burden on their back in the coming year

37、s . coming years . They also argue They also argue thatthat they will not buy they will not buy anything before they are anything before they are capable of paying it in casecapable of paying it in case. In my mind , however, I cannot agree with these people on this occasion .It takes many years for

38、 common citizens to earn enough money to buy a house or a car, and asking for a bank loan certaintly shortens the distance between dream and reality . At the same time ,it is not too difficult for people to pay back the money if they have normal jobs . In addition , applying for bank loans can often

39、 be a form of investment , which makes it possible for people to earn more money . In conclusion ,obtaining a bank loan will certainly do us good so long as we make it reasonable . 高分闪光词黯然低分词忧虑的不安的 anxious,uneasy,troubled, concerned,restlessworried有机会stand a chance of ,have an opportunityHave a chance to有偏见的,偏心的 biased,prejudice,partial,discriminativeunfair为了for the sake of ,in order to ,so as to,on the purpose of for ,to 低等的,次要的junior,minor,insignificant,lesserlower提高improve,increase,raisegrow使信服convince,persuade,assure,confirmMakebelieve显示point to,indicate,demonstrateshow



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