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1、Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?Writing Practice武安市第二中学武安市第二中学 孔明霞孔明霞2011人教人教课标课标版版八年级下册八年级下册Lets enjoy some pictures.Do you know where it is?词语积累词语积累1. 一个度假的好的地方一个度假的好的地方_2. 名胜古迹名胜古迹_3. 例如,比如例如,比如_4. 天涯海角天涯海角_5. 万泉河万泉河_6. 去年冬天去年冬天 _a good place to take a holidayplaces of interest such as Tian

2、ya HaijiaoWanquan Riverlast winter 7. 潜水潜水_8. 吃海鲜吃海鲜_9. 玩的高兴玩的高兴_10. 再去那儿再去那儿_11. 在海滩在海滩_go divingeat seafoodhave a good timego there againon the beach词语积累词语积累功能句积累功能句积累1. 你曾经去过你曾经去过/听说过听说过.?2. 我曾经去过很多名胜古迹我曾经去过很多名胜古迹Have you ever been to_?Have you heard of _?I have been to many places of interest.3.

3、海南是一个度假的好地方海南是一个度假的好地方4. Hainan is famous for its _(美丽的海滩)(美丽的海滩).Hainan is a beautiful place.Hainan is a good place to take a holiday.beautiful beaches功能句积累功能句积累5.我们躺在沙滩上放松我们躺在沙滩上放松We lay on the beach to relax.We relaxed on the beach.功能句积累功能句积累 写作指导写作指导人称:人称:第一人称第一人称- I we时态时态:一般现在时、现在完一般现在时、现在完成时、

4、一般过去时成时、一般过去时结构结构(1) 文章开头文章开头(2)正文正文(3)文章结尾文章结尾(一一)文章开头:介绍海南的相关情况文章开头:介绍海南的相关情况 (一般现在时)(一般现在时) Have you ever been to Hainan? It is a wonderful place to take a holiday. It is in the south of China. The weather there is very warm. There are lots of beautiful beaches and places of interest in Hainan, s

5、uch as Tianya Haijiao and Wanquan River. (二)(二)正文:重点介绍第二次海南正文:重点介绍第二次海南之行之行(现在完成时和一般过去时)(现在完成时和一般过去时) I have been to Hainan twice. The second time is in last winter. I went there with my parents. We went swimming, fishing and diving. We relaxed on the beach and ate much seafood. (三)(三)结尾:表达感受结尾:表达感受

6、 - 一般过去时,一般现在时一般过去时,一般现在时 We had a great/good time there. We all felt happy/ We were all glad and want to go there again this year.例文欣赏例文欣赏 Have you ever been to Hainan? It is a wonderful place to take a holiday. It is in the south of China. The weather there is very warm. There are lots of beautifu

7、l beaches and interesting places in Hainan, such as Tianya Haijiao and Wanquan River. I have been to Hainan twice. The second time is in last winter. I went there with my parents. We went swimming, fishing and diving. We relaxed on the beach and ate much seafood. We had a great time there. We all felt happy and want to go there again this year.HomeworkHomework A: Fishing writing the article . B: Read it and recite it.Thank you! Thank you!



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