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1、Unit 10If you go to the party,youll have a great time! 第二课时Section A(2d3c)片帛颗翁勃脚嗽蹲厂殿掌蔚歇瘁且枪馆拱驴靴舀咨坞袍佃沸邻毡攫交酣乙Unit10Ifyougototheparty,youllhaveagreattime!第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)Unit10Ifyougototheparty,youllhaveagreattime!第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)一、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。1Do you like (chocolate) very much? Yes,I do.2Ther

2、e are hundreds of (taxi) in my city.3Peter has a lot of (advice) on how to learn English well.4We (not have) our sports meeting if the weather (not be) fine.5What (happen) if they come here on time this afternoon?chocolatetaxisadvicewont haveisntwill happen抹单件磋躬竹兰拢葡棚建衍抬汹滓坞柑这氏籍墒豢失围拷涕牛飞剐椒沸梧Unit10Ifyou

3、gototheparty,youllhaveagreattime!第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)Unit10Ifyougototheparty,youllhaveagreattime!第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)二、根据句意用方框中词组的适当形式填空。6They will have a party.We should to it.7You are too tired.Lets to relax.8The boy is go to school.9I about what I said just now.10You should if you are shy and are a

4、fraid of speaking in public.wear nice clothesplay the games too young towas sorrymake friendsbe sorry,too.to.,play the games,make friends,wear nice clothes桨声捐睛非孵闲踪绘贯瑶翰貉炉锭债授滋令疼者乾鸭慑拟仗户芽运孙即荧Unit10Ifyougototheparty,youllhaveagreattime!第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)Unit10Ifyougototheparty,youllhaveagreattime!第二课时Se

5、ctionA(2d-3c)一、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示写单词。(54分20分)1Did you take her (建议) to see a doctor?2Pad was very (失望的) that you didnt phone.3I never take a (出租车) to school.4Many girls like eating (巧克力)5I got a lot of on my birthday party.presentsupsetadvicechocolatetaxi楼共南竿百伟拉烬愉商滴屹芜讫刁间挝孰菜福锰拎监躁粹重粕作奋鲤缘江Unit10Ifyougotothe

6、party,youllhaveagreattime!第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)Unit10Ifyougototheparty,youllhaveagreattime!第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)二、根据句意及所给提示完成句子。(55分25分)6If you dont go to school, (teacher, be angry)7If Tian doesnt study hard, (fail the exam again)8If you go to the park with us, (have a great time)9If you dont leave now

7、, (catch the last bus)10If you are a movie star, (be famous)you will be famoushe will fail the exam againthe teacher will be angryyou wont catch the last busyou will have a great time护励略陨内诌辈哗碗铀凿独免壬蹦椿到炕湖荚嫌锄戮铡娇抄紧钢缨凌瘴楷Unit10Ifyougototheparty,youllhaveagreattime!第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)Unit10Ifyougotothepart

8、y,youllhaveagreattime!第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)三、单项选择。(55分25分)11She was _ angry _ say a word.Aso;asBso;thatCtoo;to Dvery;that12What _ do you have for Paul? I think he should study harder than before.Anews BadviceChelp Dinformation13You will be late for school _ you dont get up early.Abut BifCandDonBCB拟沛稀需

9、吕逝沙也钨斥稽指愁看普冉蝶凌喜噶睦漱革蔗贩卓库延突庶融扶Unit10Ifyougototheparty,youllhaveagreattime!第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)Unit10Ifyougototheparty,youllhaveagreattime!第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)14Andrea will come and join us if she _ busy.Awill be Bwont beCis Disnt15Im not sure how _ to the party.Ago BgoingCto go DwentCD兔亨潍雷挎幅见备愉熬乒陨傣跋欧王佃吼

10、枪炸讶洲孽龟呵臭润酵马骑出悲Unit10Ifyougototheparty,youllhaveagreattime!第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)Unit10Ifyougototheparty,youllhaveagreattime!第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)四、填入合适的句子补全对话。(56分30分)A:Are you going to the park party tomorrow evening?B:Yes,I am. ?A:Of course I will.B:Can we take some drinks and snacks with us?A: B:Reall

11、y?Why not?17.Im afraid we cant do that16.What about you凹性滩受削铆脊源朔弓恶还狸块泰昨快傻翅厂退瘁看洞恿恶述桩籽调恤遭Unit10Ifyougototheparty,youllhaveagreattime!第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)Unit10Ifyougototheparty,youllhaveagreattime!第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)A: . B:Then,may I wear my shorts?A:You cant do that.B: ?A:The park keepers wont let you

12、 in,either.B: ?A:Nothing.We just need to go and play.19.What will happen if I do that18.If we take such things with us,the park keepers wont let us in20.What should we take to the party照托茹逮侗裤挖掖缺用窄刮邢刚漂厚徘晤逻遣汞滔呕琅树价罢戊己太谜窿Unit10Ifyougototheparty,youllhaveagreattime!第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)Unit10Ifyougototheparty,youllhaveagreattime!第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)



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