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1、综合英语2Unit 2本单元学习重点previewLesson 8 How do you like living in Beijing?Lesson 9 Im not used to getting up early.Lesson 10 Im so tired!Lesson 11 You must be good at learning languages.Lesson 12 Im going to miss having him around.Lesson 13 Your turnLesson 14 Outlook : Living Abroad 综合英语2Unit 2学习重点:1、动名词(

2、Gerunds)和be used to 的用法;2、so 和 such的用法比较; 3、正确表达喜欢和不喜欢的东西,谈论习惯及抱怨(Talk about likes and dislikes; talk about habits and complain)综合英语综合英语2Unit 22Unit 2 Preview1. native n.本地人,2. get along ,进展, 进步你们的儿子功课很有进步进步。 How are you getting along with your English? My sister and I get along really well. Your so

3、n is getting along well at school.你学英语学得怎样呢?(进展)我和我妹妹相处得很好(与相处)综合英语综合英语2Unit 22Unit 2Preview3. vocabulary 词汇4. limited有限的5. have trouble doing : have a hard time doing做某事有困难,有难度否定:dont have trouble我还是弄不明白这个短语的意思.I still have trouble understanding the meaning of this phrase.综合英语综合英语2Unit 22Unit 2 Pre

4、view如果你们努力学习,要通过期末考试是不困难的. 6. have trouble with +n. 在方面有困难约翰在运用中文方面有困难. 玛丽在数学方面有困难。 You wont have any trouble passing the Final examination if you work hard at it .John is having some trouble with his Chinese.Mary is having some trouble with her maths.综合英语2Unit 2 Lesson 8wWhere was I ?In Tianan Men

5、Square.wHave you been to Beijing?wWhen was that?wCan you name some other places of interest in Beijing?(Great Wall, Summer Palace, Temple of Heaven, Forbidden City Museum, Fragrant Hill)综合英语2Unit 2 Lesson 81. How do you like doing?询问对方是否喜欢某事 你喜不喜欢旅游 2. import进口 - export 出口3. impress给予某人深刻的印象,使某人钦佩起敬

6、 We were most impressed by your efficiency. 你的工作效率很高,我们极为钦佩。 外国游客无一不对该市留下深刻印象。 How do you like travelling?The sights of the city never fail to impress foreign tourists. 综合英语2Unit 2 Lesson 85 such 如此 so 如此He ran so fast that I couldnt catch up with him. She is such a girl that everyone likes her.1)“s

7、o+adj. /adv.(+that)但such+n.(+that)2)such+a/an+adj+n可与so+adj+a/an+n互换使用 He is such a busy man that he cant leave his office. He _ man that he cant leave his office.is so busy a综合英语2Unit 2 Lesson 8It is so interesting a book that all of us like to read it.It is book that all of us like to read it.3)如果

8、名词前有many,much,few,little等形容词修饰,必须用so.John has _ little money that he cant buy the book.6. be (get ) used to 习惯于,适应used to 过去常常such an interestingso综合英语2Unit 2 Lesson 8你习惯于这里的气候吗? 当他在这里读大学的时候他常每周探望他阿姨一次。 7. look forward to doing sth. 期望做某事大卫期待着明年夏天去巴黎. Are you used to the climate here ?He used to vis

9、it his aunt once every week when he was in college here.David is looking forward to visiting Paris next summer.综合英语2Unit 2 Lesson 88. be worth doing 值得一做 我会尝试跟他再谈谈这事。 你认为值得尝试吗? - -9. rather :表示在两者之间进行选择的关系,可以译 为”或是,或者,更愿意”He s not terribly interested in the programme. Hed rather play football outsid

10、e. Ill try to talk to him again about this.Do you think it is worth trying?他对这节目不是很感兴趣,他宁愿出去踢足球.综合英语2Unit 2 Lesson 810. would just as soon do sth 常常表示”不喜欢做前面提到的事情,而更愿意e.g. 我真的不想去那里,我宁愿回酒店. Keys to Exercise21. not really 2. It was difficult for me to understand people. I really dont want to go there,

11、 Id just as soon go back to the hotel.not quiteI had a hard time understanding people.综合英语2Unit 2 Lesson 83. Ive grown accustomed to it. 4. Most people get used to it. 5. Id prefer to sleep. (Im getting used to it.) Im pretty used to it.Everyone does (get used to it)Id just as soon get some sleep.Id

12、 rather get some sleep.综合英语2Unit 2 Lesson 9Part1 Likes:Dislikes:1. She enjoys exploring new places .There so many different kinds of restaurants, shops, neighbourdhoods.2. The streets and subways are very clean.1. She miss the Brazilian food.2. She still has some trouble with her English.综合英语2Unit 2

13、 Lesson 9Part51. spa n.矿泉, 温泉区, 游乐胜地, 矿泉疗养地health spa 健身疗养地2. check in 登记入住,检票上车(船、飞机等) check out 登记退房,检票下车(船.飞机等)我们应该在一小时后登记入住。 3. booklet 小册子, 小本的书或小册子4. work up an appetite 激发起食欲We are supposed to check in in one hour.综合英语2Unit 2 Lesson 95. wholesome:good for ones health and well-being 完整的,健全的每天早

14、上慢跑是有益健康的爱好。 6. walk (my dog)散步,溜(小宠物)每天饭后,我带我的小猫去散步20分钟。 Jogging every morning is a wholesome hobby.Every day after dinner, Ill walk our little cat for about twenty minutes.综合英语综合英语2Unit 22Unit 2 Lesson 10 Part 2spicy adj.加香料的,出产香料的,辛辣的,有风味的 Part 3 so versus such Part 5 Complain and explain the rea

15、sons.e.g. Last night, I had such a headache because its so noisy in my neighbour. I was not used to the noise.综合英语综合英语综合英语综合英语2Unit 22Unit 2 Lesson 111anticipation 期待2strong strength长处,优点3weak weakness弱点e.x. ill ( ), happy( ),careless ( )illnesshappinesscarelessness综合英语综合英语综合英语综合英语2Unit 22Unit 2 Les

16、son 11Part21. small talk: light conversation that people make at social occasions about unimportant things 闲聊 e.g.我们站在那里闲聊。 2. in tune: at the correct musical level ( when singing)合调,成曲调We stood around making small talk.综合英语综合英语综合英语综合英语2Unit 22Unit 2 Lesson 11Part31. 只能跟动名词的动词: enjoy, miss, mind, ke

17、ep, cant help, cant stand, suggest, be worth ,spend, avoid, be busy ,have trouble, have a hard time .2. 一些感官动词后常接动名词:see, hear, feel等3. 一些词常接动名词:like, dislike, hate, love等综合英语综合英语2Unit 22Unit 2 Lesson 121. So, you lost your assistant 这里的So 起承上启下的作用,表示对话已经在进行中2. assistant助手;助理n.special assistant 特别助理

18、technical assistant 技术助理辅助的, 副的adj.assistant engineer 助理工程师assistant manager 副经理综合英语综合英语2Unit 22Unit 2 Lesson 123. take ones place: replace him or her 代替,取代我们的英语老师病了,校长正设法找别人代他。 4. This town must be full of cabinetmakers:There must be a lot of cabinetmakers available in this town. 这城里肯定有很多细木工人。5. ca

19、binetmaker 细木工人Our English teacher is ill , and the headmaster is trying to find another to take his place.综合英语综合英语2Unit 22Unit 2 Lesson 126. full of: filled with 充满7. cabinetwork 细木活8. happen to know 碰巧知道 (know by chance)9. out of work : unemployed无工作,失业10. I wish I did. ( but I didnt ) 我希望我知道。wish

20、后用一般过去时表示与现在的事情正相反。 e.g.我希望我真的通过了那考试。 11take it easy v.从容, 不紧张, 松懈, 轻松I wish I passed that exam. (but I didnt )综合英语综合英语2Unit 22Unit 2 Lesson 1212keep ones eyes/ears open :留心看/听,注意13I couldnt help overhearing your conversation. = Kate accidentally overheard ( what had been said). Kate无意听到他们所说的14. ove

21、rhear: 偷听,无意听到15. on and off 断断续续,时断时续在过去十年中,他断断续续教了六年书。 Within the last ten years, hes been teaching on and off for about six years.综合英语综合英语2Unit 22Unit 2 Lesson 12l lPart 3Q: 1. What has Kate been doing since she was in high school? 2. What is she going to do tomorrow?She has been doing cabinetwor

22、k on and off.She is going to come to Lous to talk about the job.综合英语综合英语2Unit 22Unit 2 Lesson 131. run: to control, manage or direct控制,管理,指导e.g. Jim runs a factory by himself .run for mayor.竞选市长他跑过马路.2. the Pacific Ocean : 太平洋3. apply for申请,请求4. position n. 位置, 职位, 立场, 形势, 阵地5. describe描述,描写 V descr

23、iption n.6. candidate n.候选人, 投考者He ran across the road.综合英语综合英语2Unit 22Unit 2 Lesson 137. follow ones customs 遵循某人的习俗8. although尽管 though9. male男性 female女性10. have great respect for sb. 对某人十分尊重11. divorce 使离婚, 与.脱离v. n.12. dependent n. 受赡养者; adj依赖的;依靠的她花的钱完全靠从她女儿那里得到。independent 独立自主的 adj.She is com

24、pletely dependent on her daughter for money.综合英语综合英语2Unit 22Unit 2 Lesson 1313. personality品质, 个性, 人格,14. enthusiastic 热情的 enthusiasm热情 15. flexible adj.柔韧性, 易曲的, 灵活的, 柔软的, 能变形的, 可通融的16. confident adj.自信的, 确信的17. easygoing 容易相处的,随和的18. competent能干的,胜任的Q: Who do you think Mr. Zolis finally employs? S

25、tate your reasons.综合英语综合英语2Unit 22Unit 2 Lesson 141.How long did Jane live in Japan?2.Why did she go to Japan?3.What does Jane think of Japanese food?4.What advice did Jane give to someone going to live overseas for the first time?综合英语综合英语2Unit 22Unit 2Lesson 141. quotation n.引用语2. in the first plac

26、e: firstly 起初,开始的时候-Why was he so angry in the first place?-I dont know .He was like that when I came into the house.为什么开始的时候他那么生气?我不知道.当我进屋的时候他已是那样了.3. encourage鼓励, 怂恿综合英语综合英语2Unit 22Unit 2Lesson 144. somehow: in some way: by some means 以某种形式,通过某种途径.We must stop him from seeing her somehow.我们得想个办法不

27、能让他再见她.5. gesture手势6. mime做手势,哑剧7. aspect n.样子, 外表, 面貌, (问题等的)方面8. grocery n.食品杂货店, 食品, 杂货9. get / be rid of 免除;摆脱你们一定要克服粗枝大叶.综合英语综合英语2Unit 22Unit 2Lesson 14You are supposed to get rid of carelessness.Im really glad to be rid of my car .我真高兴卖掉卖掉了自己的汽车.ex. 他们卖掉旧公寓,买了一所新房子. 10. crime rate 犯罪率11. adjus

28、t 调整,调节,使适合12. survival n.生存, 幸存, 残存, 幸存者, 残存物13. survival language: 最基本的勉强应付的语言They have got rid of the old flat, and bought a new house.14. get by v.通过, 混过,凑合着过,凑合着用e.g. I could get by in everyday situations.日常情景我还可勉强应付.他靠微薄的收入凑合着生活.15. I wish I had taken more risks.我希望自己能够再勇敢一些就好了.take a risk冒险ru

29、n a risk 冒一次险e.g. 这险你是得冒的. 你又得有失败的准备.综合英语综合英语2Unit 22Unit 2Lesson 14He gets by on a small income. 综合英语综合英语2Unit 22Unit 2Lesson 14This is a risk you have to take. Youve got to be prepared for failure.16. majority 大多数,过半数,超过全部的一半的数17. outsider n.无取胜希望者,外来者,外人18. overall: on the whole; generally 总的说来,大体19. diet 日常的饮食20. specialty专业,特点,特性,特产21. tradition 传统22. eventually: at last, finally 最后,最终综合英语综合英语2 The End of Unit 2制作:阳爱华Email: Mobile phone: 13076766608



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