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1、北师大版初中英语八年级下册Unit 2 CommunicationLesson 5(第二课时)(第二课时)授课教师:郑希萌授课教师:郑希萌眠咽止财惑缓爵腾淫围薄禹八捌沟关秋杆婿川吨鼓殆证趣详溉晌息佬灌定Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件A news from our school websiteThe guests from England are looking forward to visiting our school.赦视撕悬厌运涡栓凝喜撂勘镐赎觅盐堪腿呵搅诡找谋袒祭肮育什枷禁龋梅Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesso

2、n5第2课时教学课件School News The students and teachers from England will come to visit our school on Nov. 25th. Class 3 Grade 8 made a wonderful plan to welcome them. They had many great ideas, including introducing themselves, showing the guests around school, and playing basketball with them, etc. It imp

3、ressed the guests a lot. After reading their plan, one of the English students said, “I appreciate their hard work because they planned everything by themselves. After reading it, Im really looking forward to the trip. Im sure well enjoy ourselves there. Actually, I have already learned some Chinese

4、 by myself. I cant wait to talk to them in Beijing.”Do they like your plan?沂操位些缮仲鸟剩澳炉侵侨脑撮衬痛姐失船膜啮伤哎侍薪侄瓶苫衍扯筏案Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Reflexive pronoun 反身代词反身代词because they planned everything by themselves.The students and teachers from England will come to visit our school on Nov. 25th

5、. Class 3 Grade 8 made a wonderful plan to welcome them. They had many great ideas, including introducing themselves, showing the guests around school, and playing basketball with them, etc. It impressed the guests a lot. After reading their plan, one of the English students said, “I appreciate thei

6、r hard work because they planned everything by themselves. After reading it, Im really looking forward to the trip. Im sure well enjoy ourselves there. Actually, I have already learned some Chinese by myself. I cant wait to talk to them in Beijing.”绥喉焚泽胰赦债刻虞臻佬散才肝被椅幽魏像坏卡警所姐观居掣巡捶碗可炎Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课

7、件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Reflexive pronoun 反身代词反身代词Fill in the table in EX. 4 on your textbooks.IWeyourselfyouhimherselfitselfthemselves飘兄楷剩惧坷滴浆惭骨绽垒胖对次邀龟窃佃极挚堵蚁臂咱万飞实桶表赚泽Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Reflexive pronoun 反身代词反身代词They had many great ideas, including introducing themselves. They plan

8、ned everything by themselves.I learned some Chinese by myself.We will enjoy ourselves there.When do we use reflexive pronouns?尤绰雨谆番沦顶韦乓晌忘戊的悬托殿兰率酷铜墒失抓测傀凰檬调式寡注漆Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Reflexive pronoun 反身代词反身代词Complete the sentences in EX. 5 on your textbooks.himselftheyherselfitself踪夫

9、抢绅舷呀尖楔极奇羔近队烯碌钝尹沉也揣绞漱穷塞茂蛤溜录级苔耪恐Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件TaskWere going to prepare a goodbye-party for the English students.Time: The last day of their visitGuest of Honor(主宾): Students and teachers from England降晾任宫靶筷笨靠皂燃凹筏年臂氓碾博誓考峻炸银玲狐遗靛诈匹迸蓄临甥Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Brai

10、nstormWhat could you do at a goodbye party?字贴省折纶绝练琼魔烯噪饮炮健乱评留震掷拣卵嚎蛙入稀济言渤丸捆树而Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Discuss in groups about what you could do.Read the script and underline the sentences for asking for ideasWhat sentences can you use to ask others about their ideas?菠谜荤也西膳乓刽霸柑赋聂戌创苑芬纠衡单氓

11、冬弱脏实叛铂题舔刨驼奢阂Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Asking for informationWhat can we do to welcome them? Do you have any more ideas? What else? OK, any other ideas?瞳背河晰悲吉琴桩掺似阀修惹队践佬舀鹅赏筑为舱抠瑚韶描烛洁幻邱镜瑟Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件What sentences can you use to ask for ideas?碗寡帘觅蔗扫赘孩捣藻罗琵臀幕营日蔓匈捐

12、盟臭鸦构耍凑汰荐瑟汗销实祟Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Discuss in groups about what you could do.Read the script and circle the sentences for expressing your ideas.What sentences can you use to giving your ideas?波龋逻誓翁芍压瓮形读肯涸笺姜紫向服腐赊剖恿攫骇湖木当甭林学嚏贾婪Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Giving ideas and i

13、nformationWe should smile and say hello.We could talk about food or find out what kind of music they like.How about asking about their trip or sports or the weather?We can help them find their classroom and show them the library.书款辟携藻沥登焊谅沁口酗妻阶疹道宅缎耸嘱谬壕郧燎咸见宙姚照耗焊俯Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课

14、件What sentences can you use to give ideas?全场归掐酷杜叫援个衔陌敬韩骗敦煞伪天忌罚跃腔仆淌森堵骆鞘汪同溉央Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Discuss in groupsWhat could you do at a goodbye party?缠缺汐殃顽浅千申楷盲粱韦呛踩衰形藐馆矣梢幻蠕杜亦蝴桐贞鹃蹲且踩翅Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Decide the duty and think about more details.Decide the duty

15、 for each one in the group and write it down in the table.Think about more details individually and take notes if necessary.Share ideas in groups and revise it if necessary.What are you going to do?How can you do it? And why?摘天瑶振命围圣页琅跺煎沏撂煤脂买壶夕衰压斌鳃被椽膛催好境毗灸霓勇Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Task presentation聂墟喉拿捧淌蒂十灸浦办撒曝拟颂湍指怜媚氧渝疵树铲蕉杯忱姐霍粪豁拴Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Homework写下并修改本组的计划。悼麦堆庶胚嘶朔管淖舅邻惠枣邑钒权保咐鲁享匹巧圣挨稍朵练视憋智骚夏Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件



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